OFFICIAL Avengers: Endgame Discussion Thread (will contain spoilers once the movie is out)

I finally able to read the posts on this thread! I took the afternoon off from work to see the film. A Monday afternoon and the theater was 25% full. Wow! what a trip! I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere on this thread but I was puzzled about the different people who held the infinity stones. I thought only the Enternals, like Thanos, could actually touch the stones.
I finally able to read the posts on this thread! I took the afternoon off from work to see the film. A Monday afternoon and the theater was 25% full. Wow! what a trip! I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere on this thread but I was puzzled about the different people who held the infinity stones. I thought only the Enternals, like Thanos, could actually touch the stones.
That’s true and was in the film as you saw Tony used a robotic system to place the stones in the gauntlet. When they went to get the stones the stones were in sort of a protected device such as a scepter.
I saw it Saturday in "4-D" and loved it!!

DH and DS thought the shield should have gone to Buckey, but I think the writers had their reasons, and I'm fine seeing where they take the story.

They also didn't like the "Professor Hulk" character, but the idea is growing on me.

DH was very disappointed that we waited all that time for only a sound!

Bucky isn't completely trustworthy. Even though he's become the White Wolf and Shuri worked her magic, there's still some winter soldier left and Falcon is pure. It also follows the comics.

Professor Hulk character is also from the comics.

They definitely released non-spoiler-spoilers ahead of the movie stating there was no post-credit scene.
They definitely released non-spoiler-spoilers ahead of the movie stating there was no post-credit scene.
Yeah, the 11 yo is who told us that there was only a sound at the end. To stay only if you wanted but it wasn't missing anything to leave. I thought they did a pretty good job to spread that word, which I don't consider a spoiler either.
Hawkeye 100% just holds the Soul Stone like it is no big deal.

I posted this somwhere, but my theory is that it depends on the stone. Like the Power Stone exudes this raw physical energy that will harm your body, but the Soul Stone is more of an ethereal power, and you would need a strong soul to hold it. I think Clint qualifies there. The other stones vary a bit I would think.
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That explanation works for me on the Soul the way anyone think it is absurd that for the longest time they were marketing it as don't spoil the endgame and literally Sunday morning drop a 15 second TV spot that shows Professor Hulk, Molijner back, Pepper as Rescue, and relatable size weird they did not at least wait a week before dropping that TV spot.
It been a couple days and my head is still reeling. I may have to see it again in the theaters.:-)
One thing that baffles me is during the funeral scene for Tony we get a shot of everyone from each movie. There is a kid I don't recognize. He is the young man right before Maria and Fury. It's not Peter he was with his aunt. I recognize everyone else.
At the end of the movie, Captain America returns all of the Infinity Stones to their rightful time and place....including the Soul Stone.

Would you have loved to have seen the encounter when Captain America meets the Red Skull once again?

Captain America "Return of the Stones".
That explanation works for me on the Soul the way anyone think it is absurd that for the longest time they were marketing it as don't spoil the endgame and literally Sunday morning drop a 15 second TV spot that shows Professor Hulk, Molijner back, Pepper as Rescue, and relatable size weird they did not at least wait a week before dropping that TV spot.
That doesn't spoil anything, other than maybe Molijner. None of those characters where dusted
At the end of the movie, Captain America returns all of the Infinity Stones to their rightful time and place....including the Soul Stone.

Would you have loved to have seen the encounter when Captain America meets the Red Skull once again?

Yea this was being discussed on reddit and the running joke is Red Skull would say "Capt Steve Rogers, son of.....a [insert word Thor called Surtur in Ragnarok] , you're still alive?!?!"
One thing that baffles me is during the funeral scene for Tony we get a shot of everyone from each movie. There is a kid I don't recognize. He is the young man right before Maria and Fury. It's not Peter he was with his aunt. I recognize everyone else.

It is Harley, the kid from Iron Man 3.
It is Harley, the kid from Iron Man 3.
Doesn't everyone think he's back for SOME reason?
I mean, no one would have questioned it at all had he NOT been there.
But having him there? Seems like there would have to be a reason
That doesn't spoil anything, other than maybe Molijner. None of those characters where dusted

There is a reason that none of that stuff was not shown in ANY trailer/TV spot beforehand. They even went the extra step to edit fat thor out of shots in the trailer. All those things were kept a secret. Everyone knew dusted characters would be back on the flip side.
There is a reason that none of that stuff was not shown in ANY trailer/TV spot beforehand. They even went the extra step to edit fat thor out of shots in the trailer. All those things were kept a secret. Everyone knew dusted characters would be back on the flip side.
I didn't. I never assume anything
It's still not a spoiler in any real stretch.
The post by the stupid football player (from the Bills I think) yes. But not that trailer.


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