"Official" Information About August Pin Event

Cheshire Figment

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Jan 12, 2001
This morning JudySue and I spoke with one of the people in Disney Special Events. We wanted to get clarification about rumors.

When the information is sent to those registered for the breakfast, there will be a form for the Thursday lottery only. The forms will list the limited edition items for sale and you have to indicate how many of each (1 or 2) are wanted and also they MUST BE LISTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE.

The people registered for the breakfast will have admission (and paddles) for the Sunday auction included in the registration price.

Each day each person who wants any of the limited edition pins MUST fill in a lottery form. Each person MUST turn in their own lottery form. They will start accepting the forms at 9:00 and anyone who is in line to turn in a form at 1:00 will be able to turn in forms. Positive (PHOTO) Identification will be required both when the forms are turned in and when the purchases are made. Each person will be allowed only one form per day. The computer program will catch duplicates. Make sure you have a Driver's License or some other form of identification (which has your picture on it) with you!!!! At 4:00 people will be able to pick up the lists of what they are eligible to buy. Purchases can be made until 9:00 (Park Closing). Any pins which are not sold that day will be listed on the next day's lottery form for a "second chance" drawing. We were not able to find out (no decision has been made yet) about what will happen to Sunday pins which are not picked up.

This information is accurate as of this morning. It is not "official" information as we do not have it in writing, but the source was one of the people at the Special Events Registration Office (who has been there for several years) and is probably accurate. Also, they have the envelopes all ready to mail and are just waiting for some of the inserts to come from the printers.
Thanks for unofficially confirming some of the rumors MT.
Don't forget to bring your five year old's driver's license...

Maybe they accept birth certificates.
Good point. If this is really how it happens (we all know that the lottery - although that's not what it's really called, some sort of FL Lottery copyright infringement - is going to happen) - will that keep someone from bringing their one month old to buy pins? Hmmm...

Dar :bounce:
It's easy to get photo ID cards for anyone, even kids. They are made for free at hospitals, I think (not 100% sure), and I know the DMV makes them here as well. I'm in favor of the whole ID thing, as I've heard of some pretty bad tactics used by adults involving children, all to get pins. That has to be stopped.
I don't have a baby, my baby is almost 18. but he has has an ID card since he was 8. I got it at the Motor Vehicle. It looks just like a drivers license but it says on the top Identification card. It costs $10 at the motor vehicle.
I have seen many little babies having their photo taken for an ID, the parents need it for state welfare or city welfare, not sure which, I never ask more than WHY.
But I wonder what Disney can really do to stop these children if they do have a photo ID from "buying" pins.
At what age do they decide that a child is buying for him or herself and not for the parents or e-bay?
And my "baby" would never wait in line for me to get extra pins. He thinks I am crazy with these pins and said he would never feed my addiction. Peggie
It's not about why they are buying the pins - it's about making sure that no one gets more then they are allowed to buy. Disney can't storp the sharks, but they can make their lives more difficult. I'm sure that some of the pins will be up for auction befor the event starts.
First of all, thanks so much for sharing the info. Now I'm starting to get really excited!!!!

I do have some questions though. Do you fill out the lottery forms, and pick up the lists at the new Pin Event Central... where the old Millennium Village was? And also, is everyone who fills out a form eligible to buy something? Even if it's only one or two pins? Thanks!:D
I don't think that everyone who fills out a form is necessarily going to get to buy a pin. They can't promise that, what if more people fill out an entry than there are pins?

But the pins will be more spread out so that the most people will be able to buy at least one, since the pins will go first to the people who have that particular pin listed as their highest priority.
The forms will be turned in, and the sales made, at the new convention area in Epcot, which is the old Millennium Village.

This is set up as a computer controlled lottery. There is no guarantee that you will be "eligible to buy" any of the LE pins, or you might be eligible to buy all for a particular day. However, it will give you a better chance and you don't have to be out in the Parking Lot by 10:00 the night before (or even 6:00 in the morning) to be sure of gettiing any.
Sounds ok to me - while I may not get too many pins at least I'l get some sleep.

I think it will also promote what we all came to do



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