*OFFICIAL* July 2010 Thread! It’s Hot. It’s Crowded. AND WE LOVE IT!

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I know what you mean, I swear I spend a ridiculous amount just to get ready to go on vacation! Congratulations on the news from school! What are you going to teach?

i'm going for History, secondary education. i like little kids most of the time, but not enough haha! It's what I originally went to school for, but due to some hard times I had to stop going and now I'm finally ready to go back. I'm a dog trainer and really I teach people more than dogs haha! It's a huge life decision for me and I'm very nervous but I have to have confidence!

And yes I spent faaar too much money, so much that i couldn't close my suitcase!! But I think everything is all packed now just doing some last minute stuff and cleaning, and trying to muster up the motivation to clean those darn fish tanks
Wow, where are the crowds? At Universal? Hunkering down because of the rain? I really hope that holds for the rest of the week and into next week as well!

I got my Frogg Toggs chilly pad today - pretty cool. It's 98 degrees right now and I have the thing wrapped around my neck and shoulders (it's pretty big) while watching the World Cup. It's working quite well in the heat, so it's a keeper! The only bad thing is that it doesn't have a very nice smell - hopefully that goes away over time!

DD and I are all packed - DH is not...what a surprise. ;) I really need him to do this so I can gauge how much extra room we'll have for souvies!!!! Jolie goes to "dog camp" tomorrow - wish me luck, I HATE taking her - it's way too sad. :(

Netta - your t-shirts are adorable!!!

The kids and I are also packed but DH isn't! :lmao::lmao: What a shocker!! :rotfl:

DH did pack the large diaper bag though and managed to get 95 Pull-Ups into it! With all the stops and the drive down, our vacation is 18 nights altogether so we packed plenty of Pull-Ups for our little one! The only things I really have to pack are a few pairs of shoes, and the new pair of purple shorts that are in the dryer (they're new and I didn't want the color to bleed onto the other clothes when I do laundry at BWV). I have most toiletries packed except for what we need tomorrow and Thursday morning before we leave. I packed laundry soap and the Shout sheets that prevent colors from running...kind of like a dye magnet and we love them, they really work!

Tomorrow morning I will be going to Weight Watchers for my July weigh-in (Lifetime Member and I always go at least once a month to weigh in). Then I will be going to Duane Reade (it's a local chain, like a CVS...not sure if they are outside of NY though)...I have to get some more Children's Claritin for the boys and a new eyeliner for myself.

Tomorrow I will get a manicure and pedicure and my eyebrows waxed in the afternoon...the nail salon is down the block from my house which I love for the convenience but they are also really good in there! I'm going to call for the pizza at 4:30 so it arrives at 5:00 and we can have a nice early dinner. We are also only using paper plates, and plastic forks and spoons tomorrow so I don't have to do dishes or run the dishwasher after tonight. Tomorrow we will bring the kids upstairs at 6:30 for bath time and then off to bed!

DH and I are going to attempt going to bed early tomorrow...I have a feeling he will sleep like a log but I will be up for a while and not be able to sleep from all the excitement! We're waking up at 4:00am on Thursday to get things going. Getting to the bagel store at 5:30 when they open, then hitting the road!!! :banana:
Just had to do one more change :-) We canceled Crystal Palace dinner @ 7:30 PM on 7/23 and made a 5:35 PM reservation at Kona instead. Yummmmm!
Just had to do one more change :-) We canceled Crystal Palace dinner @ 7:30 PM on 7/23 and made a 5:35 PM reservation at Kona instead. Yummmmm!

That's funny...we were originally going to go to dinner at Crystal Palace on one of our MK days too...then we decided to go to CP for breakfast instead and Kona for dinner!! I keep hearing wonderful things about Kona and I think the only problem I may have is figuring out what to order because so many things look so good on their menu!
So, possible bad news about crowds...the lines app reported some crazy wait times this evening. 100 min for many rides. Hopefully, it is JUly 4th folks there for an extended weekend (or the people chased out of the parks by the rain.) I hope Nikki isn't flooded by people now instead of water! :lmao:
So, possible bad news about crowds...the lines app reported some crazy wait times this evening. 100 min for many rides. Hopefully, it is JUly 4th folks there for an extended weekend (or the people chased out of the parks by the rain.) I hope Nikki isn't flooded by people now instead of water! :lmao:

Probably a combination of residuals from July 4th crowds plus people making up for lost time from the rain like you said.

I hope the crowds are manageable when we go...we go early morning for rope drop every time, so it should be okay.
Mommy can we come to Disney too?? We'll be good we promise!

Oh, that's just too adorable!!!

Let's hope the crowds are due to the rain and holiday - cross your fingers everyone!

Remember, everyone who asks you... "July is way too hot in WDW - don't go - it's a waste of money - you'll get heat exhaustion by 10 am..." You get the idea... ;)
Trinaweena, the dog pic is too cute! :rotfl2:

Tonight I managed to print all my papers for Disney. ADRs, reservations, schedule. I have 3 days to wait until I can do my online check-in!!! I called my mom tonight (she's going with us) and I told her I was packing the kid's suitcases tonight and she said I was crazy!!! I feel that way sometimes. I scheduled massages today for WL. I am so excited to be able to relax. With two LO I don't get to do it very often. Tonight for instance, my husband plays softball. It is my alone night to put the kids to bed. Usually, not an issue. Tonight....felt more like WW3,4 and 5! Actually my son went to bed fine, just a little later because I was dealing with my DD "Miss Prissy Pants" as we call her these days. She is 19 months and WOW! Can see be a little spitfire? I have no idea where the attitude comes from. My husband is fairly calm and although I am a big planner and very type A (aren't all teachers??? ;) ) I do not get sassy with people. I am quite the peacemaker so why she has to scream at the top of her lungs and yell, "NO MOMMY! NO BED! NO BED" lately and say NO to just about everything in general is beyond me! If you see a sassy, screaming, 19 month old, cute little girl in Disney, just might be her! We will be the frustrated family pushing her in her royal carriage, I mean stroller! :rotfl2:
In 11 days I will be at the same resort. Hopefully we decide to upgrade our tickets for one extra day so that we can go to MK for EMH on the 18th.

Me too!!! Well, we're the following week, but I really want to add an extra night just so we can have one more day of MK PM EMH. Oh, and ......WHAT UP PITTSBURGH! :goodvibes

Mommy can we come to Disney too?? We'll be good we promise!


Oh my gosh, how stinking cute!!!!!!!!!! :love:
YIKES I am sorry to hear that. I hope it STOPS soon. Here is some pixie dust. pixiedust: Our friends arrive on Tuesday afternoon..... I am hoping they don't have a rainy trip either.

When we left, it said supposed to get back to normal...figures...the day we left! Your friends should be ok it sounded like!
Nikki - we had crowds most days even with the rain. July4th at HS was packed..Fantasmic at 9 was standing room only...but maybe it usually is LOL! Fireworks there were awesome though!!!! That was the one day I was praying for no rain that night so I could see Fantasmic and it only sprinkled!:)
Mommy can we come to Disney too?? We'll be good we promise!


OMG, this is just way too adorable!!!!

Trinaweena, the dog pic is too cute! :rotfl2:

Tonight I managed to print all my papers for Disney. ADRs, reservations, schedule. I have 3 days to wait until I can do my online check-in!!! I called my mom tonight (she's going with us) and I told her I was packing the kid's suitcases tonight and she said I was crazy!!! I feel that way sometimes. I scheduled massages today for WL. I am so excited to be able to relax. With two LO I don't get to do it very often. Tonight for instance, my husband plays softball. It is my alone night to put the kids to bed. Usually, not an issue. Tonight....felt more like WW3,4 and 5! Actually my son went to bed fine, just a little later because I was dealing with my DD "Miss Prissy Pants" as we call her these days. She is 19 months and WOW! Can see be a little spitfire? I have no idea where the attitude comes from. My husband is fairly calm and although I am a big planner and very type A (aren't all teachers??? ;) ) I do not get sassy with people. I am quite the peacemaker so why she has to scream at the top of her lungs and yell, "NO MOMMY! NO BED! NO BED" lately and say NO to just about everything in general is beyond me! If you see a sassy, screaming, 19 month old, cute little girl in Disney, just might be her! We will be the frustrated family pushing her in her royal carriage, I mean stroller! :rotfl2:

I completely understand what you are saying...19 months old is a very difficult age to deal with. I think the toughest age (when they're little that is...no experience yet with teens) is between 18 months and 2 and a half years. It's when they're at that point that they want to be independent, but they don't quite listen to you yet, like when they want to run into the street. I was always nervous about this with both my kids. Then as they approach age 3, it gets a little easier to sit down and talk to them and explain how some things are dangerous. My little one could have an attitude also though. He turned 3 this past May. He's at that stage where he will repeat everything I say at times and it drives me nuts. My older one (Philip...he's 5 and a half) used to do that too but it didn't start until age 4 and I was able to explain to him that it wasn't nice. When I try to do that with Jonathan (my little one), he just repeats THAT and tells me, "no, YOU'RE not being nice!" It gets frustrating but all in all, he is getting better. It's amazing though how siblings have 2 completely different personalities in so many ways, despite all the similarities we see in them!
I think the toughest age is between ___ and ______ years. It's when they're at that point that they want to be independent, but they don't quite listen to you yet, like when __________.

My experience has been that you could fill in the blanks with ages 14 and 16 and for the "like when" blank you could write in anything. :lmao:

No, really, toddlers are hard. And they are still so stinking cute!!!
Our roof was hail damaged this spring, well this morning at 7:00 a.m., the hammering started. They are putting on the new roof.
I am packing for tomorrow! I can't wait to show the grandkids (9, 8, 7, and 5) the world! My DH and I usually visit by ourselves (we live pretty close to the world). Hoping DS, DDL, and grandkids flight is easy. All but DS will be flying for the first time.
8 days to go:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:
You all seem all together. Me well...I need to house clean, make a reservation for next Weds night in Greensboro. I haven't printed anything or done online check in.
Guess my to do list is getting longer...oh don't forgegt the packing and the chart audits that have to be done by Weds for the meeting before I leave.

Anyone else starting to feel paniced beside me and the corn is coming in full swing so in the middle of it all I am freezing. Who has time to work full time??:dance3::dance3:
Trinaweena - your dogs are adorable!!!! I have to take Jolie today to "dog camp" which is going to kill me! :( I used to train horses and teach equitation before becoming a French/Theatre H.S. teacher. I totally understand about training owners rather than their animals! That's great that you're going to do History - that would have been my second choice because I LOVE it!!!

Bonnie - you have a lovely long vacation ahead of you, you're going to be so relaxed by the time you get to Disney!!! Look up in the sky around 8:00 a.m. and we should be flying above you! :lmao:

Scary about the crowds, hopefully they'll thin out by the end of the week!
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