Official marathon pictures


Dec 9, 2004
You can find the full marathon pictures on the website "asiorders". Goto Disney World marathon event and enter either the participant's bib number or last name.
Anyone want to share their bib number so we can check out your photos? I hardly know anyone's last name.

When the half photos are up, my bib number is 24514. :flower:
I was 9584 for the marathon and 29024 for the 1/2.

I was 7464 for the full. Krista was 26550 for the half.
Krista and I will probably get a chance to post more once we get home. We're still at the BWV until tomorrow. Lucky us, huh? :)

monte said:
Do we have to pay $20. just to view them?
I didn't have to-- it just took me to a page, where you can type in bib numbers, and then it showed you the pictures associated with them. I think you only pay if you choose to order the pictures.
mne was 25079...............i recall last year being emailed that pics were available.

renee :flower3:
The half marathon pictures are posted.
ERin - 28509
Kathy - 27121
5K photos are also up. DD13's bib number is 1773
I found one of me in the 1/2 lost and found that is staying lost!!!!! No wonder no one would talk to me during the 1/2. Sure glad i ran into bree and christa at the end. they weren't too embarrased. (of course, by then, i had ditched the horrible hat!)


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