Official thread for the 2010 Princess 1/2 Marathon & 5k- REGSITRATION IS OPEN!

We had at least 4 of our 9 that walked most if not all and all but one finished under 3:30. No-one was swept.

I would spending the next year working on your walking pace and distance, and not worrying about running at all.
Joan thank you so much for finding my time. My bib is 8841 and I was in a wish shirt. I just tried again and I still couldn't get my time and I have all my info are good :worship: Thanks so so much.

I had some problems with blisters and had to get taped up by the medic and it took 10minutes plus two bathroom stops I would have actuall made my 16 min mile....I was close.

I met a couple ladies on the bus that got swept at mile 8. The talk on the course was that last year no one got swept and Disney doesn't sweep yata yata yata....glad I didn't listen and pushed till the end because I guess they did sweep.

Congratulations to everyone!!!!!!!!! I met a couple of you but I wish I could have goneto the year :) My dh won't go back in march again so if I go I will be travelling solo...I still think its worth it.
We had at least 4 of our 9 that walked most if not all and all but one finished under 3:30. No-one was swept.

I would spending the next year working on your walking pace and distance, and not worrying about running at all.

Thanx Kat... after a month of not being able to train due to going through physical therapy i can finally get back to power walking the first week of April. :banana:
Another question do you have to finish the half marathon in a specific time frame? If we have to this way I can concentrate on that time frame... I do know I have to be at a 16 min/mile pace.
I have a question for all you ladies who just ran... did you see anyone walk the whole half marathon? I want to do the half marathon next year but I just don't think I can be under a certain time frame... I think I might be able to do the half in like 4 hours but i really don't know because I am not in the best of shape or health. I have a bad knee and I have asthma also... my main concern is that I don't want to be sweeped at all...

Another question do you have to finish the half marathon in a specific time frame? If we have to this way I can concentrate on that time frame... I do know I have to be at a 16 min/mile pace.

I walked the entire time and finished in 3:36. My final average pace was something like 16:38. Don't forget, the sweepers don't start counting until the very last person in the very last corral crosses the start line, so you really have a little cushion there.
My Second Princess Half (and my second half)
Two goals: 1) Photo with Royal Minnie and Mickey 2) 2:10:00

My DD and I flew down on Friday, took the ME to All Star Movie (won't stay there again as I hate the bus system, but I do like the hotel), then off to the Expo. We picked up our packets, DD did the 5K and me the half. We ordered shirts according to directions, "they run small". Our shirts are both too big for us, but we will try to get some wear out of them. We didn't really look around too much. I did buy the "I Did It" shirt with the half route on the back. Love that shirt.

We went to Down Town Disney and had dinner at Earl's-very good, a bit chilly as the sun went down. Back to room to get ready for the 5k. We got up at 5:30 and out the door at 5:50..oh my gosh, it was cold and I'm glad I could stand with my DD at the start so I could keep her "throw away clothes" for the next day-now I'd have double "throw aways" for my half. At 7am DD is on her way (she was almost at the start line) with a goal of lots of lots of pictures as her 30 minute goal becomes less important. The next time I see her is crossing the finish at 29:29. Wow, did she get photos? YES! She stopped 11 times and got photos with 19 different characters. She loved it, got her "medal" and then had her photo taken with Princess Tiana and that gang. She said her hands were very cold at first-actually stiff, but she warmed up by the first mile.

We retuned to hotel, got cleaned up, and then to HS. We fast pasted Toy Story Mania, then looked at Walt's history area. DD loves the history part of Disney and studying the films. We know we have to be at animation studio for photo with UP characters before they arrive (I think 10:30). Score! We are second in line and have a great interaction and photo session. Next, DD wants to eat a Pizza Plant..not open yet so we watch Muppets 3D, then lunch and back to use our fast pass to Toy Story.

Next we take the boat to Epcot. Something we haven't done before. We strolled the countries and picked up our Kimmulator (I spelled that wrong) in Italy. We played with that phone thing where you look for stuff. It was quite interesting with some funny surprises, but we only did two countries and then turned it in. We tried to do Soarin', but no fast passes and DD won't wait more the 30 min. in a line. We did the Disney Visa photo meet then had an early dinner at that Seasons place near Soarin'. The line is still too long for Soarin' so we go to Space Ship Earth and ride and pretty much sleep on that ride. We picked our free 5X7 then back to hotel.

DD fell asleep by 7pm and I was asleep before 8pm. She said she later woke and watched TV for a while. I woke up at 3:25 (no alarm-now I know it will be a good day). I unplugged the phone so it won't wake DD. I dress, gather my things, oh I have a text message from DS sent at 10:45 the night before, "I love you and miss you". I have to put that out of my mind and focus. I'm ready to go by 3:45, so I reprogram the phone for 4:30 so DD can get up for last bus to Epcot so that she can watch me.

Finally the Race Report:
The line for the bus is long, but I'm not worried as Disney said they would get me there and I knew they would bring the needed buses to get us there. The bus is warm and I'm thinking once I get off I could just hang out in a port-a-potty to stay warm, but I do have my mittens, two towels, a poncho, and my long sleeve shirt on. Now I wish I had let others on the bus before me and hung out at the hotel lobby a bit longer, but no looking back now...I sit near the area where we start our march to the starting gates, knowing there will be potties there. The march begins..I don't know how those girls with shorts and sleeveless shirts can stand it outside in the cold like that. I get to the beginning of Corral B and sit-most are standing, but I'm curled in a ball trying to stay warm. I get a text message, great I won't be able to read it as I don't have my glasses on, so I ask some one for help. It's a message from DD "I love you, do well". Don't I have wonderful children. At 5:50 I HAVE to go to the problem, I see there are no lines and the girl next to me offers to keep my poncho and towels until I return. I let her keep one of my towels when I return, she is greatful. I'm not having my usual thoughts of why did I sign up to do this. Corral A is on their way and we move up-what are the chances of being next to a male Snow White, just like last year. I keep my long sleeve shirt and mittens on to start.

And we're off, dang the first mile goes fast-too fast appox. 8:30-I have to slow down. I have to discard the mittens to take a picture of the ship and guys. The first 5K clicks away easily 28:28. I know I have the castle to look forward to. I hear my name called on Main Street, it's DD, time to stop for a photo. Next bathroom stop just past Buzz. Good to go. YES!!!!! There is Royal M & M, I'll have to wait for 4 or 5 people to take photo, but it is so worth it. Next, out the castle, another wait to take photo, but it must be done. I hear my name again, it's DD, she has moved toward the castle for one last word of encouragement, they she will meet me at the finish. Next split, 10K 1:01:13. I open my jelly beans and snack on them one at a time until mile 11. Funny thing, I can't seem to subtract 7 min. to figure out my time, so I don't know how I'm doing and just forget about the time for now. I took my photo with the group of "heros" along the long stretch. Hit the 15k with a split of 1:31:12. I feel good then at mile 10 my IT Band has sudden pain. I think oh no, I have worked so hard for 9 months (PT and had to stop running for almost 3 months) and haven't had any pain as I was building my miles in February and the dreaded banked on-ramp is up ahead. I keep going and hope it will stop, but no, I try the inside curve, then the outside curve and finally end up walking the last 1/4 of the ramp. I try running again, still pain, but I move on, then the sharp turn and up the final ramp. I do better on flat and decide to pick it up a little as I near Epcot. If the pain doesn't get any worse I can make it. I hit the 13 mile timer and suddenly my mind was working and I was able to see I could make my time, but I would have to keep up my pace. Finished 2:09:20.

I see DD, she checks her phone for update for my time, YEA! I did. (All the times above were taken from email updates I had sent home so I could see how I did) DD says " I was watching people finish and I can do it." She did do it last year and said she would never do it again, so next year it looks like we are back on for the mother/daughter event.

We relaxed at the pool while I iced my knee all afternoon. For dinner we took a bus to HS and WALKED to Beaches and Cream. Is that a mile or so? DD said it was one of her favorite meals of our vacation. Monday was MK, Tuesday we went AK and HS and Wednesday we had breakfast at Chef Mickey's, then DDD and home.

Except for the cold mornings, the weather was very nice.
This album is of our whole can click on a picture to make it bigger.
Overall I had a great time at the race. My mom flew down and helped out with my kids and I think I have talked her into doing the race with me next year. We stayed at the Poly so my mom and kids were able to easily get around to see me in a few different spots.

I somehow hurt my knee going on that first banked turn. I don't know what happened - I don't remember twisting it or anything but one second I was fine and the next second I was in terrible pain. A super nice lady (Claudia from NJ if you are reading this - THANK YOU) stopped and made me keep running with her. I was in so much pain but talking to her made it ok. I stopped at the bathrooms between GF & the Poly and after that my knee totally locked up and I just couldn't get going again and ended up walking .

When I got in site of Epcot, someone passed me in a WISH shirt and I started hobbling/running again to try and catch up to say hi. She was wearing a hat, minnie ears, WISH shirt, capris, minnie skirt & maybe a white sweatshirt around the waist. If that was you, I tried so hard to catch up with you. When I realized I couldn't, I kept on reading the back of your shirt over and over until the finish line. That shirt helped me run across the finish line.

After that some lady from Disney marketing stopped me and asked to take my picture so that took a while and I was in too much pain to stand in line for the regular pictures. We went to MK afterward, I couldn't bend my knee at all but it was my mom's first time at Disney in 5 years so I didn't complain. I didn't even cry until the bird pooped all over my head in MK. :lmao:

Anyway, this was my first half and I've only been running 6 months so I can't be too upset with my time considering I was in pain and had to walk (2:39). And now I know the things I will do differently next year. :)
I have a question for all you ladies who just ran... did you see anyone walk the whole half marathon? I want to do the half marathon next year but I just don't think I can be under a certain time frame... I think I might be able to do the half in like 4 hours but i really don't know because I am not in the best of shape or health. I have a bad knee and I have asthma also... my main concern is that I don't want to be sweeped at all...

They gave people a lot longer time than 16 minutes per mile. So, they didn't sweep anyone that I know of. I know of some that ended up having medical issues, but they were generous. They must stick to the 16 minute rule for some races, but it didn't appear to be the case during the Princess. So, yes, it is possible to walk it - just train for it and up your pace. Hal Higdon (you can search online) has a training program just for walkers who want to complete a half marathon. I would definitely get the okay from your doctor - you may find that your Asthma improves as your training progresses. I know that they were mentioning that they were allowing 4 hours and 30 minutes to finish the race. At least the announcers were at the finish line with their commentary. I thought that they were only going to allow 3 1/2 hours to finish the race - at least that is what they told us with the chat and the response I got when I e-mailed. Maybe they felt sorry because it was so cold? :confused3
The longest finish time I saw on the official results was 4:03, and it appears that people on here saw people swept?

Does anyone know the official count of how many started the race?
DD and I will be racing next year for our third year. I will beat that 3:30 time! I thought that I could do it this year, since I was putting a lot more runs into my walking. But, apparently, it's not a good thing to take your blood pressure medicine the day of a big race. I completed the race in 3:32, a personal best by a minute. But, I started not feeling well for the last 5 miles or so. We were at the medical tent and I couldn't stand. They took me into the tent and my blood pressure went down to 70/40!! No wonder I had a hard time doing those last few miles. So, next year, we are going for 3 in a row and beating that 3:30 nemesis.

I do have to say the medical personnel were absolutely wonderful! They were all kind and caring. They kept me there for 45 minutes. Long after everybody was starting to pack up. Hopefully, I won't ever have to meet them again!

Congrats to everyone! My mom sister and I had a great time doing the race. It was my first 1/2, and since we stopped and did so many pics and bathroom stops, I know my time can only get better.

Is there somewhere here where people are posting photos, I would love to see them. We went to Epcot on Saturday, planned to be there all night, but decided against it, headed back to hotel and got pasta dinner there.

There was a group a few tables over, wasn't sure if it was the group from here because it was probably around 6p....watched them getting photos taken, was wondering if I would see them here, or if it was totally a different group.

I went to POR for the meet but couldn't really tell who was from this thread :( I saw a table of women in WISH shirts so I knew they had to be from the Dis so I went over carrying my 2yo daughter to say hello. There were a few tables of women but I just didn't feel right walking over and asking. Next year we need balloons or a sign! I was there, sitting near the water mill.

Anyway, my sister and I had a GREAT time! The race course was fun and time flew. The last mile was killer. I was ready to cross that finish line! We finished in 2:44.10. On my application, I put a finish time of 2:45 so I was close! Good guess! We stopped quite a bit for pictures and a bathroom break. Overall it was a blast! A few things I think they need to change--more buses to take runner from hotels to start. We waited almost 30 minutes for a bus--not cool! We also got in a line to get a pic with Mickey & Minne--they left and we were told they'd be right back out. Well, 5 minutes later we asked someone else and they said, "No, they'll be back in 25 minutes". WHAT???? What a waste of a good 5 minutes! We were ticked.

Not sure if we'll run next year. I'd like to try a different race. I'd love to run in October but we'll see.

Congratulations everyone! Sounds like everyone was happy with their finish times.

The longest finish time I saw on the official results was 4:03, and it appears that people on here saw people swept?

Does anyone know the official count of how many started the race?

I made a typo. They allowed times up to 4:10. I haven't seen an official count. It would be kind of difficult to do one being that some got their bibs but didn't end up participating. They could look at the microchip, but they didn't verify things when we got into our corrals. So who really knows? The race was full and some newspapers reported numbers.
I went to POR for the meet but couldn't really tell who was from this thread :( I saw a table of women in WISH shirts so I knew they had to be from the Dis so I went over carrying my 2yo daughter to say hello. There were a few tables of women but I just didn't feel right walking over and asking. Next year we need balloons or a sign! I was there, sitting near the water mill.

I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to meet you at POR - there was only the one WISH meet going on at Port Orleans that I know of, and time you see a WISHer you see wearing a WISH shirt or hat, we're wearing it because we want to meet other WISHers! Goodness knows, it is not the most flattering color. :laughing:

The thing about the WISH team in general is: if you want to be part of the group, WISHers are always happy to meet and include other WISHers, whether or not you are wearing green, whether or not we've encountered each other on-line and whether or not it's a big meet or just a few of us in a park or even Jellyrolls. Meeting someone at a race or a meet is often the start of new friendships, so please, in the future come on up and say hello!

Here are my photos from the Princess Meet:








And here's one of me on the course:

I saw a few people wearing the WISH shirt during the race.

One had reddish/light brown hair in pigtails and I said hi to her I think in the TTC area. (I was wearing all in a ponytail and no DIS stuff on)

The others I saw were 2 people on the sidelines cheering, somewhere near the Grand Floridian or Poly.
I saw a few people wearing the WISH shirt during the race.

One had reddish/light brown hair in pigtails and I said hi to her I think in the TTC area. (I was wearing all in a ponytail and no DIS stuff on)

The others I saw were 2 people on the sidelines cheering, somewhere near the Grand Floridian or Poly.

I'm not sure who that was by the TTC that you saw, but it was DeeKayPee (Debra) and her DH cheering near the Poly. I also stopped for a photo with Debra:

I had such an amazing trip to WDW for Princess. I finished the race in 2:01. Afterwards I got to spend some time at MK with Tracy/disneyfan21. :goodvibes I saw a few WISH shirts cheering on the runners and made a shout out to them as I went by. Whenever I saw a Mickey sorcerer hat, I thought of ThunderMatt. I am already planning to go back for Princess next year and will be going for the Coast 2 Coast this year.
Sorry if we missed anyone at the WISH meet on Saturday. That is why I was trying to get a time and a place set so everyone would know and try to make the meet. I tried to get it out on FB also. Corrina and I were at POR by 4:50 pm. WISH meet was to start around 5pm. We found some others in the lobby and headed to the Food Court. There were some with there WISH shirts on and some with Hats and some with nametags. We gathered and greeted for awhile and waiting for anybody else to show. Then we figured after about 45 min to take photos so people who had other plans could move on.
PLEASE, WISHers love to meet other WISHers so please come on over any time.
The morning of the race some of us were waiting by the "W" tent and then after the race we were at the "W" tent and waited around for WISHers and didn't see many. :'(

Here are some of my photos:
Me and my roomie Corinna

WISH ladies

WISH Corral B Buddies


Post Race

My Fox 35 Orlando News Footage. On the left side at the beginning you see Jenn (jbucci) and I running by the camera.

Had a good race and PR'd the Course and came within 24 seconds of an all time personal best. Good times with good racing friends. Hope to see you all at another race in the future.

-Racey Tracy
That first picture of me is horrible Corinna!

I was one of the ones in a WISH shirt. During the race I was wearing my "In Training for 2011" shirt and my WISH visor. I was with Kirsty who was wearing her WISH shirt.

I usually run with my WISH visor, even here in Philly because I never know who I am going to run into. I've run into Lou and Kira in different spots around the city. (I'll be on Kelly Drive in the rain tomorrow morning if anyone will be there)
Great pics!

I got to the meet late, so I missed most of it, but I did get to talk to some of you, and you were all very nice!

During the race, I did have green ribbons tied to the ends of my braided pigtails and said hi to some Wishers I saw along the way. I talked to one of you with a WISH shirt on before we were going onto the circle on ramp. I definitely need to order a WISH shirt next time orders come around.
Megan, I'm really sorry! I didn't get very many candids and wished I had more so I could pick and choose more. - I should have said "Smile!" or something for fair warning. Maybe I shouldn't have posted it - you aren't the only one who might not be thrilled with that photo, I'm guessing...


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