Official Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend 2015 Thread ** May 7-10, 2015

Yeah fun story it was either me or one of my friends who has done the DL 1/2 once who dubbed it that maybe a year or two back (can't remember when we started calling it that it was either before one of the Disneylands or one of the Tinks). Ever since then we've referred to it as such.

The Tink 1/2 has the hill also (same method of attack, heck same mile marker I think). I just wasn't expecting to have to do it twice in the same weekend with the PDC!
I guess I need to go look at the course. I don't remember the hill from last year's Tink - is that the overpass?

Tink has the underground, near Harbor House, on property where we go down in the tunnel thing and end up in DCA. I HATE the seems slippery to me. OK...enough complaining I should go workout.
I hate that tunnel!

I was surprised that I made it into Corral A for Tink, but I guess with the first two corrals being all female, the numbers backed down a bit.
I guess I need to go look at the course. I don't remember the hill from last year's Tink - is that the overpass?

I hate that tunnel!

I was surprised that I made it into Corral A for Tink, but I guess with the first two corrals being all female, the numbers backed down a bit.

Reiterating Vicki. It's the one overpass in the entire course. But since it's Anaheim which is pretty much flat it's also the only major hill (tunnel is bad but in some ways easier to tackle since its smaller) on the course. I always resented it more on the DL course then the Tink for some reason or the other (maybe because it comes later?, maybe because the course would be pretty much flat without it? Who knows).
Ah, okay. I didn't much like the overpass, but at least it was at the beginning of the race. My normal training route is pretty hilly, so I don't think I resented it last year. Maybe this year when I have to do it twice :rolleyes:
Ah, okay. I didn't much like the overpass, but at least it was at the beginning of the race. My normal training route is pretty hilly, so I don't think I resented it last year. Maybe this year when I have to do it twice :rolleyes:

I've been doing a lot of hill/trail training for my summer ultra. So it should look a lot better to me on approach then it has on previous years because of that. Whether or not it actually will when we are running is another matter all together.

On the bright side I will probably be passing people going up the hill if I'm on my run interval. I've settled for an 'Open the floodgates' style of attack pace this time around instead of easing into my race pace at the 17.75. Will I regret it later in the race? Most likely. But I want the fastest time I can manage for Dumbo/Infinity Gauntlet and easing in might shoot my chance at that.
I've been doing a lot of hill/trail training for my summer ultra. So it should look a lot better to me on approach then it has on previous years because of that. Whether or not it actually will when we are running is another matter all together.

On the bright side I will probably be passing people going up the hill if I'm on my run interval. I've settled for an 'Open the floodgates' style of attack pace this time around instead of easing into my race pace at the 17.75. Will I regret it later in the race? Most likely. But I want the fastest time I can manage for Dumbo/Infinity Gauntlet and easing in might shoot my chance at that.

Yeah not sure there's much in the way of "hills" on this one comparatively :) I am going to pick another race to PR on to submit for Infinity Gauntlet because I know how crowded and twisted this one can be, even in A. Good luck with your flood gates - what's your primary goal pace?
Yeah not sure there's much in the way of "hills" on this one comparatively :) I am going to pick another race to PR on to submit for Infinity Gauntlet because I know how crowded and twisted this one can be, even in A. Good luck with your flood gates - what's your primary goal pace?

Depends on the day. Usually my race pace on a course like Disney is between a 10-11 minute mile. But when I really lock in and get going I can drop into the 9 min/mile zone on this type of course (mostly flat, and it is with the exception of the overpass and the tunnel). I would really like to shoot for sub 2:15 (about a 10:20 pace for the distance), minimum of 2:30 (my current POT is 2:28 at the absolute least I want to beat that projection). But I'll know best what kind of pace I'm going to get once I'm actually running on race day. I just know if I ease into it I might make the projection but theres a good chance I won't make the 10:20 pace since I tend to start out around a 12:00 min mile when I ease in.

I'm still messing around with my Galloway intervals. I'm going to try shorter intervals tomorrow and see if my training pace improves at all. I have two runs tomorrow to experiment with on the bright side even if they are short at 45 a piece.
I have a question on PoT. I ran a 10k yesterday that had time tracked on bibs but it was a hospice run and fun walk. How do I know if that would be accepted? It was obviously better than my Princess 10k with the character stops. The results are available online so I have a time link.
I'm late jumping on the boards, but I'll be doing the 5k and the half. This will be my second half and I'm so excited!
I have a question on PoT. I ran a 10k yesterday that had time tracked on bibs but it was a hospice run and fun walk. How do I know if that would be accepted? It was obviously better than my Princess 10k with the character stops. The results are available online so I have a time link.

PoT for Tink closed at the end of February so you can't use that time to improve corrals for this race since they took away the option to improve corrals at expo. You can use it at the next Disney race you do. Just not this one.

But to answer the part about submitting if you could actually do it. There's a link under runner info starting at a certain date going to to when submission goes. You fill out the info their and it improves you PoT.
PoT for Tink closed at the end of February so you can't use that time to improve corrals for this race since they took away the option to improve corrals at expo. You can use it at the next Disney race you do. Just not this one.

But to answer the part about submitting if you could actually do it. There's a link under runner info starting at a certain date going to to when submission goes. You fill out the info their and it improves you PoT.
Oh I understand it is closed for this race, but I am thinking of Princess next year. I didn't know if anyone had submitted a time from a smaller race and it was accepted. I would hate to submit a decent time, have it rejected and be in the last corral next year when I could have submitted a slower time from a disney race that would have been accepted.
Oh I understand it is closed for this race, but I am thinking of Princess next year. I didn't know if anyone had submitted a time from a smaller race and it was accepted. I would hate to submit a decent time, have it rejected and be in the last corral next year when I could have submitted a slower time from a disney race that would have been accepted.

I think as long as you submit a time link and everything you input can be backed up you'll be fine. I've used some smaller races before (think less then a 1000 runners, don't know how many of us there were though) for PoT without any problem. They just need something they can easily verify it with and you should be good. I've heard of other people having issues but I have yet to have one.
I have a question on PoT. I ran a 10k yesterday that had time tracked on bibs but it was a hospice run and fun walk. How do I know if that would be accepted? It was obviously better than my Princess 10k with the character stops. The results are available online so I have a time link.
I think the rules say that it has to be a USA Track and Field certified course, but I suspect that as long as it was electronically timed you'll be able to use it as a PoT.

I'm late jumping on the boards, but I'll be doing the 5k and the half. This will be my second half and I'm so excited!
Great! Disney races are great fun.

I think I got my PoT for the year today. At the least, I've set my bar for mid-distance pacing. I maintained a 9:43/mile for the full Cherry Blossom race, which was actually a 9.5 mile race thanks to a last second re-route after a pedestrian got hit by a car on the route (when the route was supposed to be close to traffic, so who knows what happened). I had three miles just over 10 minutes thanks to crowds at the start and a couple of bottle necks, but countered that with one 8:30/mile in the middle of the course. I changed my intervals up a little bit, 4 minutes hard, 1 minute slow, and walk the water stations. I think this might be a winner.
Better late than never. I have finally tweaked my work schedules enough that I can start training again. With only a month to go at least i can get some conditioning in, provided I don't find more excuses to stop running. Even a little counts for something right? Later this week I want to start taking my training runs back to Disneyland so I can get used to running that 'hill' again. I hate that overpass with a passion, but the more I run it, the easier it gets in some ways. Plus that route is almost a perfect 3 miles without adding in an extra block, which I find excuses not to do when I'm running at home.
Better late than never. I have finally tweaked my work schedules enough that I can start training again. With only a month to go at least i can get some conditioning in, provided I don't find more excuses to stop running. Even a little counts for something right? Later this week I want to start taking my training runs back to Disneyland so I can get used to running that 'hill' again. I hate that overpass with a passion, but the more I run it, the easier it gets in some ways. Plus that route is almost a perfect 3 miles without adding in an extra block, which I find excuses not to do when I'm running at home.
That "hill" now has a name.....Ball Hill Road.
I wish I could find flatter places to run around here (NH). :) This was the elevation profile of my last 13 mile run... I guess it's preparing me for this overpass? :)

I wish I could find flatter places to run around here (NH). :) This was the elevation profile of my last 13 mile run... I guess it's preparing me for this overpass? :)


Look at it this way. When you get to nice flat Disney you are going to freaking fly. I know my pace jumps when I move away from the hills and I'm betting yours will too.

Are they a pain to train over? As someone who just did three runs full of them. Oh hell yes. But when you get somewhere flat to race you do see a benefit (and it does come in handy on hilly races).
Look at it this way. When you get to nice flat Disney you are going to freaking fly. I know my pace jumps when I move away from the hills and I'm betting yours will too.

Are they a pain to train over? As someone who just did three runs full of them. Oh hell yes. But when you get somewhere flat to race you do see a benefit (and it does come in handy on hilly races). guys are motivating me to now get some hill work in. Thanks I think. :cool1: I'll go run around our hilly neighborhood.


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