Okay, start placing your 'bets' ;) (photo)


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
How long will "Rajah's potted garden" last? ;)

I stopped by the garden center on my way home from work today (I had to go in for a few hours). Well, I was bad ;) I spent money ;) I came home with enough stuff it took us 3 trips each to transport it from the car up to our porch ;)

Here's a picture of my "future garden":


What I have there from top to bottom:

A white double-impatiens (I think double, it may only be 1.5 because it sure isn't as full a double as my mom's double impatiens) in a hanging pot that's not going to hang on anything...

A small strangely-shaped flower that will probably die within a week because no one in my family has had luck with them but it's neat looking so I got it anyway ;) I forget what it's called :o Cyclamin I think.

In the small pot at the back, the bluebonnets. I know, they're supposed to be hard to keep, but I couldn't resist at just $2 with how much I love bluebonnets. If they die next week, I'll replace them with another geranium

Which is what's in the pot at the front left.

In the planter I told y'all about (not planted yet, though) are red salvia. I've no idea whether they'll do well or not in our conditions, but they looked a lot like the red paintbrush I love so much and are marked to be partial-shade to sun, so we'll see. After I got them home, I found out my mom has had good luck with them in her garden.

Then in front of that is what I plan to fill in around the salvia with -- small white single impatiens.

And finally my last addition picked up at the grocery store tonight... sitting in the swan (which is 2 years old and falling apart inside but still works I guess) is a blue and purple/pink hydrangia.

So! Start the bets... how long will any of this survive "the Black Thumb of Rajah" and what's going to be the last thing to go ;)

Any suggestions on any of these?
Rajah - I'm betting (okay, more like hoping) that they all survive and do fine.

Don't have any advice to offer other than to have fun and don't do like I did last year. I didn't get my hydragea in the ground right away and we had a heat spell and I am positive it is dead now! :( But, I am hopeful that I am wrong! I keep checking for any signs of any little green sproutings and I am watering it! Maybe, just maybe....
Well, since I have no ground to put it in, the hydrangea is stuck where it is :(

I tried planting the Salvia and white imaptiens last night in the little planter. My mom had always told me it takes more than you think it will to fill in the space you're planning to fill in...


I overcompensated :eek: So now I have half a flat of white impatiens and two and a half six-packs of the salvia that I can't plant :( My mom said she'd take them, though, so now it's just a matter of *getting* them to my parent's.
Oh My Rajah! You did say *potted* garden, didn't you? You had planned on putting all those flowers into that white container and swan?! :eek: Overcompensation is putting it mildly LOL! Maybe you can get your hands on some more containers or pots to put the rest of the impatiens and salvia into. That white container is very pretty!
The bluebonnets look gorgeous! I would have gotten even MORE! LOL :)
ROFL! Only the salvia and small white impatiens, the rest are staying in their pots. I just remembered the pot being larger than it was and planned for that size, so got too much salvia and impatiens. :o

Originally posted by Tulirose
Oh My Rajah! You did say *potted* garden, didn't you? You had planned on putting all those flowers into that white container and swan?! :eek: Overcompensation is putting it mildly LOL! Maybe you can get your hands on some more containers or pots to put the rest of the impatiens and salvia into. That white container is very pretty!


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