Oktoberfest for Hukuna Matata!!!

Oh and Scott I'm sorry I did not get a chance to meet up with any of you! I did see some people with WISH tshirts on along with some disneyrunning tshirts but I didn't know who was who and didn't want to look like a dingleberry asking people if they were on the Hakuna Matata team, lol :confused3
I do understan, but with this group you will never feel like a dingleberry, fro sure.
Jennifer, we wish the best for your interview.

Jenn, yes it is cold here in FL, it was warmer in Wyoming yesterday and I be it will be the same today. I hope the cold keeps the crowds down, we will see. We are off to get some fast rides in this morn amd not sure after that.

Soreness- I think it s different for each person, I found I used to get sore a day or so after an event. Now I rarely get sore, I think it is a matter of getting the muscles used to the effort. I would think massage, and stretching would help. There are those that believe in Ice Baths, and I will give them a try this January.

Taking te day off today so just running around the parks today.
So I went out running last night and it was really blustery! I was lazy and ran at the track. In retrospect, it probably wasn't the greatest idea since it's fairly quiet around there. But when I'm over at DF's house, it's hard to find a route that doesn't have a ton of hills or crosses major interesections. I mean to do 30 mins on the TM this morning but I slept in. So I'll double up tomorrow - run in the morning and when I come back from work.

Jen - Good luck with your interview! Let us know how it goes.

Margie - How are you feeling today? Did you make it onto the TM? I agree that the long runs/walk get lonely.

Crunkyjens - I was thinking about the Princess 1/2 but the Canadian dollar has been in the crapper last month. I'll have to wait and see what happens. As for the soreness, when I ran my first race back in May, my chiro recommended I sit in the hot tub afterwards. I did and didn't have any soreness afterwards. After the 1/2 in September, I didn't do much except stretch and was sore the day of but nothing much the day after. I had some foot pain but that was about it.

Make it a great day everyone!!
Thanks for the good luck wishes. I think the interview went well. Most people said I had the best lessons, so that made me feel good. You guys know by now from reading my post that I'm rather harsh on myself, but I felt okay about it. There was only one moment where I felt like I would truly change what I did.

It's cold and windy uphear, but I'm going running tomorrow afternoon no matter what. My legs are getting all twitchy for it.

Jennifer, good to hear, I bet it did go well.

Morning Run in and off to MK for a Dumbo Do or Die Early entry day....

Dave and Erica did make it home late yesterday.

Gotta lean up and eat,

Enjoy the day.....
Hi guys, it's been awhile.

We are back from the house of mouse, it was a good time as always and we got to meet some interesting people we hadn't met before. I had the pleasure of doing the ToT with Lynn since Scott ran with Princess Runner and Erica walked with Tiger Lily.

We have been doing wash and house work all day. Erica sneaked in a new yellow lab puppy while we were away. Grrrrrr.

How is everyone?

Home Panda:hippie:
Hey guys!! Just a drive by since I have 15 minutes left of the work day.

Update: The new car is awesome! Puppy is sick with a pH problem that is causing her to have pee problems. Jordan and I have been super busy with work. Having the family over tomorrow after work for Halloween. Pizza and pumkin seeds!! Still waiting for mt WISH shirt..anyone know what's up with those?!

Training: Ran 14 miles on Sunday in the cold 40 mph gusts of wind. It truly was miserable. Need new shoes as I had terrible knee, ankle and foot pain. I ran 16 X 400 today before work. Fastest was 2:01 slowest was 2:12...not great, but getting better.

Jennifer - You are FAST! Congrats on the great race time!!

Scott - WTG for the #1 spot in WY!!

Jen - Nice to "meet" you...will you be joining us for the marathon??

Margie - How is that swelling and pain?! Take care of yourself!!

Denise - Loved the slide show and the "kiss" pic!! Looks like you guys had a blast!! Tell Miranda and her hubby I said congrats!!

Erica - Congrats on the new puppy!!

Dave - Be nice to the new puppy!!

Wish I could chat more, but I still have to lock up the office for the night. I miss getting in here! Hope our PC bugs are fixed soon!!
Yes Eva I'm nice to the darn puppy.:)

Our vacation sure went fast. It's hard to believe that 10 days can be as fast as a weekend. I would say it's good to be home but I miss our friends already. It is comfortable here but it's so very alive and charged there.

We have managed to get all the chores done. That was a bit of a stressor but very relaxing to have it all done.

Now it's time to make a blog entry and chach up with friends that didn't go on this trip.

Have a restful evening y'all.

Relaxed Panda:hippie:
:wave2: TEAM!

Welcome Home Dave, Erica, and crunkyjens :mickeyjum

Thanks, Eva! :goodvibes

Jennifer - You Did Good :goodvibes

Ankle is better everyday - but no walking miles this week. Have been getting in my miles on the bike at the gym along with my upper body workouts. Walked around the Boo Zoo tonight with my little Hagen and the ankle still had twinges of pain and limped a bit.

Our gas prices are WAY down - $2.28 today :goodvibes

I bet it took about two seconds for a Dave to welcoem teh new pup, how is the Choc Lab doing???

Margie good news on you ankle,

Eva you and Jennifer are getting speedy, way to go on the crudy weather run.

We finished yesterday at te AK, got in Everest, Safari, Panganai Forest and the Jungle trek, we then went to DTD and ate at T-REX. Drinks and appetizers was plenty. Both were good, it is a noisy place like Rain Forest. Shopped a little and back t the room t watch Illumination from the veranda.

Today will be a Bus Roulette day, first bus is where we go….

So we decided to just leave Jordan's tower hooked up for now so we have a computer. Mainly because I had to have it to bid on my new shoes that I won on eBay last night!! New Balance 768..I've read some bad reviews, but after trying them on at the mall last weekend I know how comfy they are. Just hoping the bid wasn't a scam. $39.99 and no other bidders?! Oh well...wait and see. I'm glad to be able to come in here in the morning, but I must say I am a bit bummed after reading Scott talk about Everest and Illuminations...two of my favorite things ever. We have decided that we might hop around to try to ride Everest, ToT and Toy Story MSM before heading to Epcot to celebrate after the marathon. But this is all dependent on how I feel. :rolleyes: With any luck we will be having a baby next year and our fall trip might be filled with hauling my belly on It's a Small World and CoP. :rotfl:

Dave/Erica - A choco lab?!?! What will you call it?? Also, Tiger Lily is from my neck of the woods!! I hit her up once to see if she wanted to train with me, but she said I was faster that she and it wouldn't work. I didn't know she was a walker though I guess.

Margie - I've been bugging my mom that we need to go to the zoo soon. Have you been to the Detroit Zoo? I haven't been since I was little...but I hear they have a great polar exhibit now.

Well...off to read Dave's Blog and get more coffee!

Happy Halloween!
:wizard: :maleficen :hmghost: :sulley: :darth:
Happy Halloween everyone! DF and I went shopping last night. His TV finally died and even though he doesn't watch a lot of TV, I think he was really looking forward to a new toy. I wasn't really looking forward to spending the extra money but I guess it will be kind of neat to have a newer TV ... dunno.

Eva - I feel your pain when it comes to the cold weather! I went out earlier this week and the wind was kind of crazy! Hope your pup feels better soon! Are you dressing him/her up for Halloween?

Dave - Welcome back! I agree that vacations in WDW can go by too quickly! I always try to make my trips there at 10 days myself.

Erica - Congrats on the new pup? Does she/he have a name yet?

Margie - Yay for lower gas prices!! They've been dropping here too but I'm not sure how to make the conversion since we go by liters.

Scott - Did you make it onto Dumbo? It's one of my favourite rides along with Astro Orbitor but I seldomly ride it unless we get to MK first thing in the morning.

Jen - Speedy as always! What's your secret :)

Have a great day everyone and go easy on the treats!
Happy Halloween!

I hope you all had a great time at ToT! I missed you and I missed it and I miss training and racing and....

Anyway, Congrats to everyone, for new puppies, new son;s-in-law, new PR's, gooder ankles, new jobs, good job interviews, getting home safely, etc!

Make a great day!
WOW Eva, having a baby next year. Kewl!!!

Connie we missed you to. You will get your trip here soon since you and the other princesses made that blood oath to do Goofy in 2010.

The new puppy is a yellow lab our older dog is the choc lab. We like labs, let me rephrase that Erica likes labs, I tolerate them, sorta. Grrrrr.

I have to return to work today, Oh Goody.

Scott and Lynn you guys have a safe trip back home tomorrow. Gas prices are cheaper and we get to vote in a new president next year and both have promised to make us rich. Hummmm

Everyone have a super morning.

Recovering Panda:hippie:
EVA Having a baby, congrats I missed that, tooo scarry of a respondsibility for me.

Dave how is the Choc Lab???

We ended up at MK, very quiet trill about 11:30, did 2 BTMRR, Jungle cruise, POC, HM, SM, Buzz and TTA, good morning it was, monorail to EC then walk to BWV, lunch and a little packing.

Dave take care of that cold,

RE: Husband Manipulation…. Sometimes we do things we don’t want to do so they will do things they don’t want to do.

Yes back to WDW in a couple of months….

Hoping TOT is 0/24 next year,

Will go to EPCOT tonight and hit DHS tomorrow before we leave.

Later kids
:wave2: TEAM!

Went to the gym this morning for 15 miles on the bike...
Hope to do a short walk tomorrow (?) :upsidedow

:hippie: I had a black Lab once-not good memory moments! He ate the front seat of my car - even the sun visor was stripped and hanging. :rolleyes1

pixiedust: Connie, how are you doing today? Any improvement? :flower3:

Jennifer any update on the results of your interview? :goodvibes

Sounds like Scott & Lynn are enjoying their vacation :mickeyjum

Eva, Congratualtions...:cloud9:

ME TOO :yay:
Anyway, Congrats to everyone, for new puppies, new son's-in-law, new PR's, gooder ankles, new jobs, good job interviews, getting home safely, etc!


Eva, Congrats!

Dave, please post puppy pictures! I miss dogs when I'm away at school.

Vicky, I wish I knew how I was so speedy. Then maybe I could figure out how to control it.

Margie (and everyone else), I find out whether or not I got in on November 17. Luckily, I'm rather busy between now and then, so I can't fixate on it too much.

As for me, I'm officially training rather than just running. I don't have a 5k for 8 weeks (yes, that's a long time for me), so I'm doing Hal Higdon's intermediate 5k plan. We'll have to see if it can improve my PR. I'm also adding the strength training and speedwork back into the equations. I can't lie, now that I've broken 24, I'd love to see something in the low 23s after 8 weeks. (For the record there were approximately 8 weeks between my last 2 5ks [even though there was a 10k in between] and I shave a minute and five seconds off my time, so it's quite realistic to think I could hit low 23s or dare I say it a high 22)

Hi gang we are at the airport waitting for our flight, were up erly and went to DHS, did toy story, TOT, R&R, adn Star Tours, strolled back adn drove to teh airport.

Had a great trip, will be nice t get hoem and see the pups, start hitting the bricks etc to get ready for Goofy......

Have a great day one and all.


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