Old enough for fireworks?


I love my DW, DDs, & DVC!
Feb 21, 2001
We went to WDW when our DD was 13 months old. We went to IllumiNations at EPCOT but ran for the buses when the noise of the fireworks scared DD.

DD will have just turned 3 for our next WDW trip. She loves fireworks on television as well as pictures of fireworks. I'm wondering if it will be okay to try fireworks with her this time. What do you think?
I'd try it again, but I think I would talk with her about the fireworks ahead of time. Probably talk about loud noises and what to do if they scared her (come hold Mom or Dad's hand or get a hug, etc.). Might even chuckle with her about how fireworks made her cry when she was a baby, but now that she's a big girl, etc.

You know your child best. I'm sure you will do what you think is best for her.

Hope it works out!
My 3.5 year old hates the noise still. He panics when he hears "fireworks" - it's a shame because I love them!
We went through this with our now 7 year old....when he was little we would help him cover his ears and then it would muffle the noise. He enjoyed watching them without the scary part. Might want to give it a try.
When DD was 6 months went to the fireworks -- slept through them.

Fast forward to fireworks display when she was 2 -- cried hysterically and had to be taken from event.

This year -- age 5 -- enjoyed them.

It depends on the child and the mood. I know others who've loved them their whole lives. DD used to say it was the "noise in her body" that scared her. Which I was able to translate upon further questioning to be how her body absorbed the shells exploding. Which can affect a little body more than a big one.

As CarolMN said, talk about it ahead of time. Prepare her for the loud bangs. Liken it to thunder -- if she's not fearful of that sound.
Just goes to show you - every kid is different. My 2 1/2 year old (a 4 trip veteran) has always loved fireworks. When ever we mention going, she says "Go on Peter Pan? See fireworks?"
The problem was the noise of the blasts, and the heat.

When he was not quite 3, we made the mistake of getting what conventional wisdom would define as a great spot, on that lower-level terrace near France. Bad move. The view was awesome, all right, but it felt like we were in the path of a flame-thrower; we could actually feel shockwaves, and my skin literally burned. We were trapped there by the crowds behind us, so we had to stay for the whole thing, and DS was shaking with terror.

The next time we did Illuminations, we watched it from the main causeway over the flower ponds, which connects FW to WS. The experience was much better for DS; no heat, no shockwaves, and that wonderful music was actually audible. (He has the Millenium CD, it's one of his favorites.) One of the interactive fountains is in that area, so afterward we doubled back that far and let DS play while the crowd thinned out. You cannot really see the globe all that well from the causeway, but I thought it was worth it to get further back so that DS could have a positive experience.
My DD was almost 3 last year & was TERRIFIED at even the MK fireworks, but..... we were staying at the Poly and she was fine watching them from the beach there. Try going to the Contemporary or the Poly one night to watch the fireworks more from afar and see how it goes, good way to work into it gradually. Don't forget to stay and see the Electrical Water Pageant (my DD's favorite thing, and free!)

We also watched the end of Mulan about 100 times & pointed out the fireworks there!

DD, soon to be 4, now loves to go to fireworks.

Have a magical trip!

offsite - 1972
offsite - 1994
DXL - 12/1999
Poly - 12/2000
WL - 2/2002
My 2.5 year old DD is normally a scaredy-cat, so I was worried about her reaction with the fireworks. She ended up being fine and didn't panic because she was sitting on my shoulders. I think that being held or cuddled could make a difference for a child. The noise didn't bother her and she just concentrated on how magnificent the display was.
Every kid is different. At 13 months he wasn't thrilled with them but tolerated them. At 18 months he loved them but we covered his ears with our hands. At 24 months he covered his own ears and loved them. And at 30 months he loved them without ears covered.

We did, however, watch a tape that had fireworks on them and talked about how loud they were....etc. So he was familiar with them when we went.

I think it will depend on your child. Each one is so different. I would give it a try. Try to do a lot of coaching before you go...talking about what can be done about the noise...etc.


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