OMG - I am seething!!!


<font color=purple>My family has been giving me th
Apr 2, 2004
I just called to see if General codes were out yet that I could apply to my room. I got a CM named "Millie" who was very rude!! We went through all the questions and answers, blah, blah, blah... She said "we do not ever have any room only or general codes." I then asked her to see if there were any AP rooms that opened up because I couldn't get one when they first came out. She said "I see that you just called on the 13th" (yesterday) I said "yes, I was told to keep calling every day and see if anything opened up." Millie then said " You can call every day and it won't help because once the AP rooms are gone they are gone." I said "oh, that is very helpful to know, but what if someone on an AP rate cancels?" I asked. "They go right back into the rack rate pool." she said. Fine with me. But then she said "I have to go in and cancel some of your ressies." WHAT!!! "You can't do that!" I said. She said that I couldn't hold 4 ressies at once. I said yes I could. She said not all for the same time. I said to check because they are continuous stays. She insisted on trying to cancel my ressies. I am furious!!!! She said that I could talk to Guest Relations and put me on hold. I had to hang up & get my kids to school.
Now what???!! Do you think she could go ahead and cancel w/out me agreeing?? I will try to call back in later and make sure my ressies are there.
Who do I contact to send a complaint about her???

Thanks for listening. I hope you all have a magical day!
It sounds to me from several posts on this board...including a personal experience of mine that disney needs to look into replacing a few CM's.

I think it would be good that after a phone conversation w/ a CM that you are automatically placed into a rating where you press your keypag 1-9 (9 being the highest) on how you'd rate your CM. Press 0 to leave voice comments.

This would also be good for those extremely helpful CM's deserving more recognition!
I'm beginning to think that rudeness is an absolute requirement for Disney employment with CRO.

I currently have four reservations under my name, and I made them all at the same time. If this was not allowed, then surely the CM that was making them would have said something. At least, one would THINK they would have said something. Their new slogan needs to be "You just never know with CRO".
Hi: I would call back and ask to speak to a supervisor, and explain what happened.

Just my opinion, you are spending alot of money by purchasing a AP, to visit often and spend money in their parks, resorts, restaurants, etc, you have a right to call and check. I would think that if someone cancels an ap reservation it should go back in the ap pool, to be fair to those who purchases those passes. Hope everything is okay.

I'm sorry that happened to you!!! It didn't even happen to me but it makes me angry just reading it! Good luck!
OK... Maybe I am missing something here...

Why would you need to hold FOUR different sets of ressies for the same time/dates? Is this for a larger group who are splitting up between four different rooms/locations? Or is it four different ressies for the same persons (three of which you intend to cancel at some point)?


OK, I do see now where the OP says that they are ressies for consecutive stays, on different dates. No reason I can see why a CM would need to cancel any of those--lots of people like to 'resort hop' during an extended stay. I would request to speak with a supervisor, to alert them to what has happened.

Have a magical trip! :wizard:
In general, I find the CMs at Disney to be the friendliest and most helpful phone people I have ever encountered. It is very difficult dealing with the public all day long and as someone in customer service I bet there are more rude customers then rude CMs. That being said,you have every right to speak to a supervisor and complain about the rude CM you encountered.
hhmmmm.... I asked last year about holding more than one ressie for the exact same time and was told NO, you can only hold one ressie for the same timeframe. (I just wanted to check with my DH that night to see which resort he wanted to stay at, so had to decide then and hold only one.) I also asked what happens to canceled discounted reservations and was told it went back to rack rate. So it sounds like everything the CM said, I've also been told too. Maybe this CM was more informed that some of the others. I would call and complain and talk to a supervisor. It would be nice to get correct information, if that is possible. I've always gotten great CMs when calling CRO or dining. I think if I ever got an angry one, I would end the call at that point and try again.
I would call back now and ask for a supervisor. If your reservations cover different days then there should be no issue. IF not, four is probably a bit much LOL!

And as for rude CMs. Having watched these threads over the past few weeks with amazement I am beginning to understand the CMs point of view. You come into work at 7.... there are 1,000 calls in the que and it is the same thing for the first 20 call.... People don't want to book they just want a discount. And while I am sure most people are nice about it I can gurantee that at least a few calls consist of someone who gives them HECK. I would probably be tempted to quit by now.
March 25 - April 2nd 1st reservation
June 11 - June 21 2nd reservation
June 21- July 01 3rd reservation
July 01 - July 10 4th reservation
July 10-July 31 5th reservation
Deceber 26 - January 2 6th reservation

The op stated it was for a continuous stay. My cm, Malcolm who was wonderful, broke mine up that way for me to give me the ap rate. The rate was only good for 10 day increments so he seperated what he could for June and I am very thankful for that. I am staying 51 nights in June/July and if he had not spent 1 1/2 hours on the phone with me last week, I would have never been able to get any discounts. The other 15 cm's I spoke with before him kept telling me that I would only get 10 days out of the 51 at a discount (so) and they did not have the exact dates as to when the discount was available. I say a discount for 10 days is better than rack for those 10 days. I did have to put down an additional 2 deposits, but that was no problem. I am sorry you had a terrible cast member and I also think there should be a way to rate them at the end of the call. I would speak to a supervisor about her. Good luck. Oh, by the way, I called everyday, 2 and 3 times a day. It is their job to help you and if they don't like it, they need to find a new job.
Matt's Mom - Thanks for the reply. Actually the ressies were consecutive dates, not for the same dates. My point was that she didn't even check that before telling me that she was going to cancel the ressies.
Thanks everyone for listening. I just got an email from Dreams Unlimited and they got me the AP rate for my whole stay. I will be canceling the WDW ressies as soon as I get home today. Now that I have calmed down I will also be calling Guest Services to tell them what happened. Again, thank you!
Lesson learned: Hang up on any rude CMs. :confused3

A magical day to all! :wizard:
I am glad you got your issues resolved! It's unfortunate that you had to experience that. It can drain away a little of the excitement, I think. Please DO follow up on your complaint, not only for your sake, but for everyone else who may encounter "Millie." If what she was telling you was accurate (for the most part) -- then I have to presume her tone of voice is what seemed so rude. That makes a huge difference! Just know, some CM's truly go above and beyond... I called at 10:45 p.m. on Saturday night to make my ressie's and "Earl" ended up staying 15 minutes late (they were supposed to close at 11 p.m.) to ensure my ressies were made... Apparently there was a computer problem and he stuck with me... stayed late that late at night just so I wouldn't have to call back the next day! So for every "Millie" there is likely to be 10-20 "Earl's." I'm sorry you got the "Millie" today! Have a great trip!
momshark said:
Matt's Mom - Thanks for the reply. Actually the ressies were consecutive dates, not for the same dates. My point was that she didn't even check that before telling me that she was going to cancel the ressies.
I am a little confused too. Is the reason you had four consecutive ressies because you are staying more than 10 days or that they didn't have the room you wanted so you booked at different resorts?

musgug06 said:
March 25 - April 2nd 1st reservation
June 11 - June 21 2nd reservation
June 21- July 01 3rd reservation
July 01 - July 10 4th reservation
July 10-July 31 5th reservation
Deceber 26 - January 2 6th reservation

The op stated it was for a continuous stay. My cm, Malcolm who was wonderful, broke mine up that way for me to give me the ap rate. The rate was only good for 10 day increments so he seperated what he could for June and I am very thankful for that. I am staying 51 nights in June/July

Are you really going to Disney for 51 days? Is this for work or vacation?
CBCit said:
In general, I find the CMs at Disney to be the friendliest and most helpful phone people I have ever encountered. It is very difficult dealing with the public all day long and as someone in customer service I bet there are more rude customers then rude CMs. That being said,you have every right to speak to a supervisor and complain about the rude CM you encountered.
I am always friendly with people I deal with on the phone, wether it's CRO, the bank, or the Spiegel catologue. I've found that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

That being said:

For our 2003 trip, I had to call CRO so many times it wasn't funny. Each time I called I got a CM with a professional attitude. :bounce:

For our 2004 trip, again I called CRO many times. About 50% of the time, I'd get a CM with a professional attitude. :)

For my 2005 trip, I've called CRO about 10 times (and I am always polite and friendly) and have gotten *2* CMs who were not downright crabby and rude. Some of the other CMs have given out misinformation as well as being snappy. For example, one CM told me there was going to be a $29.99 per person charge for the Magical Express :rolleyes: When I told her that I didn't think that was the case, she said "Well, if you think you know more than me, then you should be the one working here!"

HOWEVER: this is just my luck. If there's a bad apple in a barrel, I'm going to be the one to find it! Which is why I stay away from the slots! :rotfl:

We really are going to 51 nights this June. We have our camper (don't eat in the parks) and annual passes so why not? Hubby will take me and 5 of the kids down and stay the first week, my best friend and her family will be there with me the 2nd week, and my parents will be there with me for weeks 4, 5 and 6. Hubby is looking forward to having a quiet house and will be doing some remodeling on our 2nd floor. Having 2 bathrooms completely redone. So this is vacation :goodvibes . Thanks to Dave Ramsey, we pay cash for everything only owing on our mortgage and I bank any extra income for Disney! We will be doing the same thing next summer because the whole bottom floor is to be "gutted" and redone. So far, I have ended up (thanks to cm Malcolm) with 19 nights discounted. It was over $300.00 savings, which will pay for one of the kids ap renewal.
mrsgus06 said:

We really are going to 51 nights this June. We have our camper (don't eat in the parks) and annual passes so why not? Hubby will take me and 5 of the kids down and stay the first week, my best friend and her family will be there with me the 2nd week, and my parents will be there with me for weeks 4, 5 and 6. Hubby is looking forward to having a quiet house and will be doing some remodeling on our 2nd floor. Having 2 bathrooms completely redone. So this is vacation :goodvibes . Thanks to Dave Ramsey, we pay cash for everything only owing on our mortgage and I bank any extra income for Disney! We will be doing the same thing next summer because the whole bottom floor is to be "gutted" and redone. So far, I have ended up (thanks to cm Malcolm) with 19 nights discounted. It was over $300.00 savings, which will pay for one of the kids ap renewal.
That is great! I can't think of a better way to spend the summer. It is one way not to deal with renovations! I think 51 days must be a recored :worship: I am jealous. Have a wonderful time!
momshark said:
I just called to see if General codes were out yet that I could apply to my room. I got a CM named "Millie" who was very rude!! We went through all the questions and answers, blah, blah, blah... She said "we do not ever have any room only or general codes." I then asked her to see if there were any AP rooms that opened up because I couldn't get one when they first came out. She said "I see that you just called on the 13th" (yesterday) I said "yes, I was told to keep calling every day and see if anything opened up." Millie then said " You can call every day and it won't help because once the AP rooms are gone they are gone." I said "oh, that is very helpful to know, but what if someone on an AP rate cancels?" I asked. "They go right back into the rack rate pool." she said. Fine with me. But then she said "I have to go in and cancel some of your ressies." WHAT!!! "You can't do that!" I said. She said that I couldn't hold 4 ressies at once. I said yes I could. She said not all for the same time. I said to check because they are continuous stays. She insisted on trying to cancel my ressies. I am furious!!!! She said that I could talk to Guest Relations and put me on hold. I had to hang up & get my kids to school.
Now what???!! Do you think she could go ahead and cancel w/out me agreeing?? I will try to call back in later and make sure my ressies are there.
Who do I contact to send a complaint about her???

Thanks for listening. I hope you all have a magical day!

I just called on my reservation and actually offered to switch from my AP discount to Fl resident so someone who was shut out could get the discounted rate and the great CM that I had actually said not to bother as they seen to be putting the room then back into regular inventory for some reason. She also said that is no rhyme or reason, once in awhile it will go back into AP but usually its going into the regular pool.
I actually called to price our the concierge floor for our 2 night stay and have decided to leave it alone, there was a price difference of about $340 and I just can't justify spending that since I"ll be making all my PS my self anyway.

Just curious, do you guys camp at WDW or stay in a hotel room? It sounds like alot of fun.


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