Once Upon a dream TR: Intimate WP/ Citricos Chef's Domain/ Grand 1/ Tour/ COMPLETE

Although it was chilly it was a bright, sunny day. We decided that we would walk on over to the Grand Floridian so that DH could get some shots of the Grand 1 in the daylight and so that we could visit the Wedding Pavilion one last time. There was a lovely path that we walked along to get there.

Until of course we realized that the path ends. It goes and goes…and then just ends. We had wanted to head to Downtown Disney from the resort so we realized we had to come up with another plan.

We decided to walk back to the Magic Kingdom, take the monorail to the Contemporary and hop a bus to Downtown Disney. So after an unplanned detour we were on our way to Downtown Disney to do some shopping and use up the last of our snack credits at Goofy’s Candy Co.

And while we were on the bus, we realized. (Gasp) we had Stowaways!

(What!?! You haven’t read Fairy Tale Bride’s trippie? Click here)
We were really excited to bring them to meet Chip and Dale at the Garden Grill that night.

When we arrived at Downtown Disney we started to wander around. We looked at Arribas, and considered buying something but in the end we were already happy with the wine glasses that had come in the gift package our friends had delivered on our wedding night and the champagne gifts from Cindy.

We headed to the main store there and looked for a shirt that DH “could wear again”. But after half a hour we realized that such a shirt did not exist. But what we did find was the Disney Cookbook. DH looked excited. We flipped through it and realized the receipe for the sautéed shrimp we had at Citricos was in there. We were sold.

By then we had just enough time to head to Goofy’s Candy Co. and take the boat back to the resort to add a couple layers and head over to Epcot. I decided to “make my own” marshmallows to use up a snack.

Oh boy. Was that a mistake! What a monstrosity. I chose to dip it in milk chocolate, pecans and to have caramel drizzle. They come 3 to a Mickey straw. I managed to eat one of them before I was overcome with disgust. It was just too, too, too much sugar. Huh. Who would have thunk it. You can have too much of a good thing.

It was another chilly night so when we got back to POFQ I added a long sleeved t-shirt under my polo and grabbed my hoodie.

The plan was to try and ride The Land ride before our reservation. We were really excited for the Garden Grill. We had gone there as our last meal the last time we were at Disney and had great service and great character interaction. And I had really liked the flank steak. DH and I agreed it was a must repeat. And now that we had the boys along! Whoo hoo!

Unfortunately The Land was down again, So I guess we’ll just have to go back to Disney again soon to do it. We wandered through Innoventions but were kind of bored and left in favour of Mousegears.

Eventually we just headed over to the Garden Grill early and waited.

When we were seated we had the chance opportunity to sit next to more Canadians and they actually lived about half an hour from us. They had both run the marathon and were super friendly. He gave us some advice: (1) Don’t go to bed angry and (2) Don’t cook bacon naked. Great advice on both counts.

We enjoyed the character interaction, and the company, but the service was decidedly lacking and the food was not as good as the last time. The highlight was when Chip and Dale accidentally bumped into each other at our table (generally they’re spaced out) and we got a picture of all 6 of us.


When dinner finished we decided to head to the front of the park to get a picture of us in front of the Epcot ball at night (a striking photopass that had eluded us). After that we headed to the photopass centre and bought the CD there to save on shipping.

As we finished Illuminations began. But instead of staying we decided to retreat to the hotel for a glass of wine. But as we left the park I stopped and turned just once. The ball was all lit up. I could hear the inspiring sounds of illuminations. Beautiful. Just beautiful, I thought.

I smiled and looked at DH. “Ok,” I said. “Let’s go home.”

Next up: Day 10 - Final Farewells to the French Quarter
Next up: Day 9 - part 2: My tribute to the Fairy Tale Bride herself.

Me!? :banana: Are you talking about me!? :yay:

Awwww...I feel so special! :goodvibes That totally makes me day! :cheer2:

I am SO glad I am FINALLY catching up on everyting on The DIS! It was so awful being away from here for two whole weeks! Then, I was gone ALL day yesterday and getting more and more behind! :eek:

Ahhhh! My lap top is dying! :scared1: Must get plug!

Okay...I'm good now! :)

I am loving your trippie soooo much! You and your new DH are just simply ADORABLE! :bride: :groom:

I am sorry to hear about your photographer, but I'm not surprised. I had SO many issues with our wedding planner, our officiant, and our photographer. That's pretty much everyone, right!? :rotfl2:

I love the picture of you two on the trolly! I got a few pictures of me and Mickey by the wishing well, but no DH! :rotfl2: I love the idea of this photo shoot! I wish I had thought of that! :yay:

I obviously CAN'T WAIT to read more! :woohoo:
Wow! Wait until Lindsey finds out her boys snuck with you on your honeymoon!!!! They are in big trouble ;)

I LOVE the marriage advice! Don't cook bacon naked! :rotfl:

Glad to see your review of the Garden Grill. We had it on our list of possible locations to eat during our honeymoon and just took it off this afternoon. Glad to know the food is good, and if you thought the so-so service this time was out of the norm, maybe we'll put in back in the rotation :)
We must have both been posting at the EXACT same time! I just saw the new addition to the TR pop-up! :banana:

I cannot wait to show the Boys this! :rotfl2: They are going to flip-out! :hyper2: They think they are the only ones....Shhhh! :ssst:


We went to the Garden Grill on our Disneymoon too! I loved it! It's one of my fav places! I must go back and take the Boys! Mickey was only with us on our Disneymoon and as I've said, Chip 'n Dale are not over it yet! :rotfl2:

Dale is going to go nuts when he sees that marshmallow! :hyper: He loves pecans! They are his favorite!

I just gotta share these pictures with you! :goodvibes



Thanks for the Trippie dedication! I LOVE it and I know the Boys will too! :banana: I feel so special to be thought of on your magical Disney vacation! :wizard:
Wow! Wait until Lindsey finds out her boys snuck with you on your honeymoon!!!! They are in big trouble ;)

And ALL this time, I thought they were safe and sound at the house!! :lmao:

I told you they were hyper-active! :rotfl2:

I wonder if they called their new "Big Friends" and got a ride back over to WDW! :rotfl:
Wow! Wait until Lindsey finds out her boys snuck with you on your honeymoon!!!! They are in big trouble ;)

I LOVE the marriage advice! Don't cook bacon naked! :rotfl:

Glad to see your review of the Garden Grill. We had it on our list of possible locations to eat during our honeymoon and just took it off this afternoon. Glad to know the food is good, and if you thought the so-so service this time was out of the norm, maybe we'll put in back in the rotation :)

We found the stowaways when we exited the tent in toontown. DH smiled because as soon as I picked them up he knew what I was thinking. He'd been sitting along with me as we enjoyed Lindsey's report.

The food...err...wasn't so great. The character interaction was very good. I've been trying to avoid including my food reviews here. I updated my dining report and posted pictures of the food. We were disappointed and although we enjoyed the character interaction we definately won't go again. I wish we'd gone to another restaurant in the WS.

And ALL this time, I thought they were safe and sound at the house!! :lmao:

I told you they were hyper-active! :rotfl2:

I wonder if they called their new "Big Friends" and got a ride back over to WDW! :rotfl:

You know. Chipmunks are pretty sneaky...and they're quick. It's really not fair that they snuck off without you!

Dale is going to go nuts when he sees that marshmallow! :hyper: He loves pecans! They are his favorite!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: he's going to go nuts....:lmao:

I just gotta share these pictures with you! :goodvibes



Thanks for the Trippie dedication! I LOVE it and I know the Boys will too! :banana: I feel so special to be thought of on your magical Disney vacation! :wizard:

Love the pictures. Glad I could make you smile. I enjoyed your trippie so much it inspired me to really give it a try. I'm just sad because I'm running out of trip to report :sad2:
:earsboy: :earsboy: Hi Tiffany,

Congratulations on your wedding and thanks for posting such entertaining and informative trip reports.

In the vein of "You know, it's funny how you always meet someone who lives, like a half an hour away from you", I thought you would enjoy this follow-up to your posts.

Although we don't live a half hour (more like an hour) away from you, as I was reading your story, your writing style and photos of yourself reminded me so much of my daughter that I could almost "hear" her speaking your words.
I have never done this before, but I was so taken with the similarity that I emailed her at work, providing the link to your Wedding Trip Report. She is a lawyer and, at least here in Canada, there are not a lot of lawyers who share our passion for Disney, so I thought I would capture her attention with the subject line "Read this Trip Report from a like-minded Canadian law student".

When she finally read it (several days later, she was kind of busy), she phoned me to say. "I know this girl!". It turns out you were working at the same firm as her (as a student) and people found you two so much alike that they would stop you and pick up converstions that they has started with Heather, thinking that you were her.....sounds like the Twilight Zone to me!

Now Heather will now have someone at work to talk Disney with!

Maybe we will meet at WDW some day-we were there over Christmas this year, so we could almost have connected.

Thanks again for brightening a dreary January week in Ontario.

Heather's Mom

P.S. Tell your DH I am from the Isle of Man
:earsboy: :earsboy: Hi Tiffany,

Congratulations on your wedding and thanks for posting such entertaining and informative trip reports.

In the vein of "You know, it's funny how you always meet someone who lives, like a half an hour away from you", I thought you would enjoy this follow-up to your posts.

Although we don't live a half hour (more like an hour) away from you, as I was reading your story, your writing style and photos of yourself reminded me so much of my daughter that I could almost "hear" her speaking your words.
I have never done this before, but I was so taken with the similarity that I emailed her at work, providing the link to your Wedding Trip Report. She is a lawyer and, at least here in Canada, there are not a lot of lawyers who share our passion for Disney, so I thought I would capture her attention with the subject line "Read this Trip Report from a like-minded Canadian law student".

When she finally read it (several days later, she was kind of busy), she phoned me to say. "I know this girl!". It turns out you were working at the same firm as her (as a student) and people found you two so much alike that they would stop you and pick up converstions that they has started with Heather, thinking that you were her.....sounds like the Twilight Zone to me!

Now Heather will now have someone at work to talk Disney with!

Maybe we will meet at WDW some day-we were there over Christmas this year, so we could almost have connected.

Thanks again for brightening a dreary January week in Ontario.

Heather's Mom

P.S. Tell your DH I am from the Isle of Man

Oh wow,

This is so neat! You're right....there's not many lawyers who share a disney passion. How lucky to know that I'm not the only one :goodvibes

It's true what Heather said. The one day a lawyer came out of her office and started talking to me about something I was clueless about. Seeing my wide eyes :eek: she said, "oh, you're not Heather." I explained that I was a summer student and had just started a week ago.

Then about a week later when I was walking away to the elevator. I head from someone's office: "Heather....Heather..." When it clicked what was happening I went back to explain that I wasn't Heather (didn't want her to get a bad rep for "ignoring" people :laughing: )

It was a funny situation. She was super nice and helpful too. We're so clueless about the way things work, how to start assignments etc. I don't know what I would have done without Heather and her officemate. They were the ones who led me to the set of books that I used all summer long.

We only overlapped for about a month and a half... Now I have another reason to look forward to the start of articling. :goodvibes

I think what's most funny to me...is that my own mom hasn't found my trip report (she knows how helpful I've found this site and that I had to return the favour by writing my own report), but Heather's Mom did :goodvibes

What a great way to start the week!

And now, I better be a good law student...and do my trusts reading.
Tiffany I love your character photos. Ive always kinda wondered whether the food at the garden grill was any good. I never did like the location, seems somewhat open too. Thanks for this review :hug:
Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time!

We just got back from our honeymoon at WDW and we did the honeymoon shoot too. The photographer we got was just awesome and we loved him. He made us feel so very comfortable during the whole thing. I am so sorry that your photographer was such a stinker!
Just finished reading....I Loved your tripie...and the photos!!! So glad you had a blast...I didn't like the Disney Photographer attitude...it was kind of rude. What if I want an external Photographer? I should be more nice...but...no matter...at least the photos were alright:thumbsup2
Wow, ForKeeps...you're in law school? Me too! I'm in my VERY LAST SEMESTER at UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina. What's your school? Law school sure can suck, but the third year is heavenly if you plan it right (at least here in the US). My schedule is so sweet that my DH and I are going to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea over spring break!! In Canada do you all have something similar to the UK system where law is an undergraduate degree (LLB), or do most people get JDs as well?

Needless to say, I'd MUCH rather be at WDW than doing anything law-related!!
Tiffany I love your character photos. Ive always kinda wondered whether the food at the garden grill was any good. I never did like the location, seems somewhat open too. Thanks for this review :hug:

We were really lucky that we liked our company because the people sitting beside us might as well have been at the same table as us. I felt "closer" to others here than at Le Cellier (and that's saying something)! It's definately open!

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time!

We just got back from our honeymoon at WDW and we did the honeymoon shoot too. The photographer we got was just awesome and we loved him. He made us feel so very comfortable during the whole thing. I am so sorry that your photographer was such a stinker!

Oh he stunk all right ;) I'm glad you guys had a more positive experience. Maybe our was just having an off day. It happens.

Great Report, Sorry to hear about the photographer on the honeymoon shoot.


Just finished reading....I Loved your tripie...and the photos!!! So glad you had a blast...I didn't like the Disney Photographer attitude...it was kind of rude. What if I want an external Photographer? I should be more nice...but...no matter...at least the photos were alright:thumbsup2

Yeah, we weren't sure why he kept pressing the issue. We certainly didn't want to prolong the uncomfortable discussion any longer. Oh well. At least Disney gave us an alternative use for photography in the package, which they didn't have to do...

Wow, ForKeeps...you're in law school? Me too! I'm in my VERY LAST SEMESTER at UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina. What's your school? Law school sure can suck, but the third year is heavenly if you plan it right (at least here in the US). My schedule is so sweet that my DH and I are going to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea over spring break!! In Canada do you all have something similar to the UK system where law is an undergraduate degree (LLB), or do most people get JDs as well?

Needless to say, I'd MUCH rather be at WDW than doing anything law-related!!

You're right...third year can definately be a lot better than the others if planned properly. I chose (and was hired) to be a teaching assistant with my university this year, so it isn't as leisurely as it could have been. But I was counting on that income to fund my wedding so I don't regret it one bit.

I go to the University of Toronto's Law school. Typically Canadian law schools are like the UK in that law is an undergraduate degree, U of T voted to change that a number of years ago and now they grant J.D.'s They recognize our degrees in both New York and Masechusettes and many of our students head that way. Two of my very close friends are headed to New York.

I think one other school (Western) decided to change to award the JD last year. All the others still award it as a LLB.

It's so great to find a kindred spirit.

I'm anxious to finish. It's funny...sometimes I feel like I just started law school...and others...I can't wait to be done. This is year 9 of consecutive post-secondary education for me. I'm ready for something new.
When I woke up I sat up slowly surveying the room. I looked at the pile of souvenirs we had gathered, the cake box of the bottom layer of the cake and my bouquet that was wilting by the window.

How sad, I thought. It’s the last day.

But I was anxious to head home for the comfort of our apartment.

The Magic Express had us scheduled for pickup at 11:40 AM. We still had 4 counter services left. We planned on heading down to the food court for breakfast coming back to pack, checking out, and then heading back to the food court for an early lunch and a piece of the top layer of our wedding cake.

Our travel home would last about 13 hours in total and we weren’t sure the top layer would last un-refrigerated. Plus we didn’t want it to be seized at the border. So we decided we’d have a piece of it then and monkey with tradition one more time.

I coaxed DH down to the food court, although he would have rather slept another half an hour in lieu of breaking the fast. But I wanted another helping of chocolate chip pancakes.

Packing was a little bit sad because DH kept sniffing loudly and saying: “but I don’t want to go home.” Like anyone ever wants to leave Disney World.

I had to keep upbeat. We would get to add things that we had bought to our apartment, we had our beautiful pictures to look forward to, and of course…there’s always next year.

After packing and checking our bags in the lobby we headed back to our room one last time to grab the top layer of the cake and our carry-on bags. We leisurely took some last pictures of our beautiful resort before heading down to the food court.




When we got to the food court I started my quest to find a sharp knife to cut the cake. But 10 minutes later I was told at the various stations that I should just use a plastic one.

So I ordered our food while DH waited at the table with our cake. And we waited and we waited.

I finally got my pizza and DH’s chicken burger, added some toppings to his burger and sat down.

I took exactly one bite before I asked DH what time it was (my watch had stopped at the tower of terror).

When he responded 11:40 I looked at him with wide eyes.

“No!” I said.

“Yes!” he said.

“Quick…run to the Magic Express and tell them we’re coming!”

He also went to the bakery and asked for 2 takeout containers. I threw the food in them and brought our cake to the bakery.

“It’s our wedding cake,” I explained. “We can’t bring it with us, but it hasn’t been touched. We just can’t bear to throw it away. Do you think anyone might want to have apiece?

The server said yes, they’ love to, and I said, “Thank you for making everything so magical.”

DH was back by that time.

We grabbed out stuff and ran for the bus.

No time for goodbyes.

It’s better this way I thought.

We made it on the bus, which slowly began its journey back to Orlando airport. We finished our lunch on the way.

I truly believe that if they don’t play subliminal messages through the air conditioner that they play them during the bus ride to the hotel. I have 2 degrees in rhetoric and I still felt the pull of persuasion when they launched into their schpiel.

We still had 2 plane rides, one intensely long layover, an hour drive to St.Catharines, and another hour drive to Toronto to get through.

But we were happy. Happy, and married. Married and happy.



Next up: The Epic Epilogue
We didn’t get home that night until 1:30 AM

The first thing I did was boot up the laptop and check out the DIS. But there was so much that had happened in the past 10 days. I read that Lindsey had headed to Orlando and smiled. Someone’s always just going to the happiest place on earth. I saw that Maggie was still giving great advice.

Closing my laptop I headed to bed.

When the alarm went of the next morning I sat straight up wondering which park I was going to that day.

Then I realized I was going to my 9:10 Securities class.

Reality bites. Or so Wynona says.

As I dragged myself out of bed, showered and stuffed my laptop into my school bag I grumbled a bit. It was going to be a long day.

But I fell back into my routine pretty easily. It was nice to tell my friends all about everything.

It’s been 25 days since we were married. It was the most perfect day. It was the most perfect trip.

I’ve marveled over it to my friends and family.

Any yet, life goes on.

The next year of my life will be a hectic one. I finish law school in 3 months, and will have my graduation. I will go through the licensing process to become a lawyer and begin the articling process with my firm.

My nails have long since chipped off, and have been cut so that I can type better. I traded my wedding ears for my toque, and I’ve sent my gown for cleaning and preservation. My transformation back from princess to jeans and ponytail is complete.

But as I’m trudging to the bus stop in -20 degree Celsius weather (that’s 12 degrees F), I smile and think: “what a perfect day.”

When people say to keep things in perspective because it’s only one day, they’re right. It was just a day. But for me, it was a remarkable one.

Thank you for being a part of it. I look forward to sharing in everyone’s special days and to share the things I learned along the way. I’ll also keep you posted about my wedding tour. DH and I plan to travel Ontario celebrating our wedding with our friends and family by having backyard parties over the month of July. I have lots of planning to do.

Here’s to wedding planning. Here’s to love. Here’s to a vow renewal in 10 years.


I have to say, ive been reading your entire trip report--im not getting married anytime soon, but i love reading about and seeing pictures of disney weddings..thanks for sharing with us..it seems like you had an amazing time and i looked forward to everytime i saw an update from you!
Thank you so much for sharing the details with us!!! You are a fantastic writer, and your story was every bit as riveting as a best selling novel!

Congrats to you and your DH!!!
Loved your trip report, loved your pictures, and again just have to say congratulations. I have been married for 28+ years, same wonderful guy I married before I really knew anything. I always tell everyone that I am lucky to have met him, and while it has not always been easy we are both still very happy with our lives.
Just a question, couldn't read the whole report again, but were you in building 5 with a riverview, I stayed in a king corner room in bldg 5. We loved it, I would have loved to be there for more than 2 nights.
I leave for OKW on Feb 3rd, 1st time renting points, at a really unbelievable price. Can't wait.pixiedust:
Good luck in your final semester of school.
I loved your Trippie! Awwww...I know how sad it is when one ends! :sad: That just means it is time to plan another trip! :rotfl2: You and your DH are the cutest! I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world!:wizard: Take good care of your little Stowaways! I hope our Boys can meet some day in the future! :goodvibes

Happily Every After! :bride: :groom:


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