ONE of the Best Buys at WDW!!


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
It is the Big Bag,the ones you can hang on your shoulder,they are water resistant,and you can stuff lots in them.

They are priced anywhere from $ $26. they are at every park in several designs. Mine is a large Scorcer Mickey on a black bag!!

I noticed them at the water rides! A women would started putting the Video camera in the bag, everyones sunglasses,next their hats,and wallets,anything they wanted to keep dry!

I paid $22.00 for mine at AK. This is one of those things that can be packed for swimming,or w/ blankets for summer concerts. And the Video camera rides here better than the Bulky camera bag!! ;) ;) ;)

I think that I have seen them at the disney store in the mall. I am not sure of the prices. They have alot of beach stuff in the stores right now
I bought one last trip and I carry it to school each day. It reminds me that my next trip is never far off.

Another great buy in the parks are the Mickey head hair clips. They run about $.99 and come in every imaginable color. DD has a small collection and loves to bring these home for her friends.

Disney IS a Life Skill!


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