One week to go and I get bad news....


<font color=royalblue>I'll have to remember that o
Mar 9, 2000
Doesn't this poor Navy family deserve a little family time? My hubby was only home 2 months last year so we did not have a family vacation due to our son being in school (ship was gone last 6 months of 2000, so summer was out of question). I have been planning this vacation since Aug last year and due to ships changing schedule, we finally made last changes to resort reservations last month to avoid penalties. Monday I found out from hubby that the ships schedule has once again changed and the ship is going out to sea when we plan to go on vacation and a quote from the XO......*The ship is sailing and I want all of my little friends to join me*...that means all those with leave can't have it now. So, we are trying to fight it. We have over $2,000 invested in this trip and that is only a few tickets and hotel (had to produce confirmations and paid in full slips along with tickets, etc.) This is our only opportunity for a family vacation for another 2 years because he will be out to sea again all next summer! I guess I just need to vent about the military. They say how important family is, but when it comes down to the wire, family is as important as the barnacles that get scraped off the sides of the ship. Hubby says don't worry about will be approved, but I can't help but feel like they will disapprove it. :( So, if you could, keep your fingers crossed for our son. He is only 9 and deserves a family vacation after the sacrifices last year and emotional distress suffered when the USS Cole was bombed (part of hubbys battlegroup). Thanks for listening to me cry :wave:
Awww, sleepy, you are INDEED a tired sea widow, huh?

Have faith, you all deserve this vacation, and you will GET it!

Keep us updated!
Sorry to hear about the problems/stress you're experiencing. Man, that's pretty rotten and I'd be very upset too if I were you.
If the Navy doesn't approve your husband's vacation, I'm sure some arrangement will be made. I'd file a complaint or whatever if takes if it isn't approved. Write a letter to the person in charge, heck, write letters to the secretary of the Navy in Washington, D.C., if possible.
It can't help recruiting/re-enlistment when military personnel experience things like this. I know all military personnel and their families expect to make some sacrifices, but they shouldn't have to sacrifice their families and a much deserved vacation at a time of peace in the world (for the most part).

If there is no way to avoid canceling the vacation, I would think that perhaps the Navy and/or Disney would refund the money, considering the circumstances, or make arrangements for y'all to enjoy this vacation at a later date.

Good luck and keep us posted!
I should have said the Navy and Disney or UNIVERSAL would probably work with you on rescheduling the vacation if necessary (since this was posted on the Universal board!!).
I hope everything works out for your vacation plans! My husband was a USMC officer for over 20 years and he said if they were asking for reciepts and proof of the vacation plans it looks like they are really considering approving your husband's request. If it was a straight out mandatory mission they would not even consider special requests. Hope this cheers you up a little bit!
I know how you feel, we had many family plans KO'd by the the military. We are civilians now and travel is a whole lot easier and more affordable, but you know, I still miss a lot about the military life! Let us know how it turns out and I hope you son has a magical time WITH you and his Dad!
I'll keep my fingers crossed! It sounds like you really need and deserve that time together.
Lived the military style for a long time, with my parents..

Hope it all goes well, and like other posters have said, since they are asking for receipts, confirmations, you may have it...

But I do remember crossing my fingers down to the very week when I got married during Desert Storm!
Keep the faith Sleepy!
I'm sure your son is very proud of his fathers' commitment to duty. We're certainly appreciative of it.
You'll all get your fun in the sun soon. UO will be there for ya'll!
Yes, please keep us updated. I hope you get to go and here's a little cyber-hug for you {{hug}}.
I had to respond. I, too am a Navy veteran of many years and understand the life-changing and mostly-crappy aspects of service. There are many sacrifices, and many benefits, but someone has to do it. This lifestyle is often more difficult for families than the servicemember which is why I finally had to call it quits even close to retirement (There is always someone else to take your spot at the front). I will always cherish those years, but civillian life is much more palettable for family. Best of luck in your endeavors, but as mentioned, we'll be here when he gets back.

I've seen this situation before as well, and sometimes things work out in certain cases. It did for me once or twice. Only exception I remember was Gulf War when all bets were off.


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