Ooo I'm really scaredd! A Sept '13 TR! updates x 4 10/13!

I just love POP too!

And Hourglass lake is just beautiful! We stayed in the LM rooms at AOA on our last trip with a lake view and it was awesome. So pretty!
Hey! I'm definitely joining along!

Yaaay for arriving at Pop! We just :love: that resort! Yall got an awesome location, too. I've never stayed in the 60's section, but I want to.

Hahaha, I love that your boyfriend wanted to take his traditional nap once yall got into the room. That totally sounds like my husband. "I'm just going to rest my eyes..." then it turns into like a 2 hour nap.

Excited to hear about the rest of your evening/trip!
Wow, this is great! Your excitement on the ME, reminded me of what i was like on the plane! I was wearing my Minnie ears and I was squealing like a pig with excitement!
Pop looks awesome and the view of AoA is beautiful! IT'S PERFECT! I love Chris' excuse for having a nap- It's a tradition! lol!:rotfl2:
Sounds like a great arrival day so far, i cant wait to read more! :goodvibes
Aww ur bf looks so tired in the pic w you. Lol but like all the other posters have said, no time for sleeping in Disney lol
Can't wait for more updates. I love tr with young people in love <3
That's such a good idea to take pictures of all the signs on the way in! It feels like I'm on the ME.

We've been so, so nervous about linking tickets to our MagicBand. I am hoping the kinks get worked out and you didn't experience too much trouble.

I may or may not send this TR to my mom so she can make the same room requests when we are at Pop in July. It sounds like you had a perfect location! And that view of AoA is amazing!

:lmao: at Chris not wanting to break tradition.

I love the giant Play-Doh. So cute!

Pin boards are the best! I always feel so awkward staring at CM's chest/hip so pin boards make it easier on me :rotfl:
Nice Pop pics, I totally get taking photos of anything you can get your eyes on, haha.

Nice room location! I bet it was really quiet, and a nice view :goodvibes

I loved the windowsill towel animals, extra cute.

The pools were only empty when there was lightning in the area ;)

The rapidfill was fine for us too, I didn't even really notice it to be honest.

I hope you got your MNSSHP tickets figured out!!

It was a perfect room location! I was very happy with it!

I only noticed it because everyone else was having so much trouble with it :rotfl2:

Naptime tradition? That sounds like an excellent idea! Of course, I wouldn't have been able to sleep because I would have been stressed out about our tickets too. The magic band thing is freaking me out a little. Can't wait to see what you guys think of them during the trip.

Your pics of POP are cute. It looks like a fun place! I like the playdoh pic!

Ugh--that forecast look HOT! I hope it didn't really rain on you every day!

I can never nap in Disney because I'm always too excited about what we're doing next! We had very few magic band issues!

Yay for multiple updates!!!!

Oh my gosh, I love all the pictures going into Pop, it’s just such a “home” resort for me, after staying there the first 3 trips, its purely awesome and really says “Disney” to me! Glad you were excited!!

Yay for getting a fridge and everything else you requested, it’s great when it all works out, right?!

Ugh, I hope this isn’t foreshadowing for the magic bands being a problem…

Aw man, I would so not be down for a nap if I got there that early, I’d be all “see ya biiieeee going to Magic Kingdom!” Lol Ugh, these pictures are killing me, I really want to stay at Pop again now! Lol.

I think Pop will always feel like our home now since it was our first on-property resort! It feels so welcoming to go back!

I couldn't nap either! I just wanted to go see everythingggggg!!

Yay! You've arrived!

LOL traditional arrival day nap? Sounds like something my DH would pull.

What an amazing view! So pretty.You could have posted on your PTR about it, we would have understood :grouphug:

Not excited about possible party tix snafu...

:rotfl: I guess it's a male thing!

I SHOULD have posted on my PTR about it! I don't know why I didn't! :confused3

No apologies needed. I LOVE all the POP signs, ESPECIALLY "Are We There Yet?" Brilliant!

OK, so you can pick up Will Call party tickets at concierge? That's good to know. I'll be keeping tabs on the Magic Band situation though. Maybe by December things will be worked out. :sad2:

BAHAHAHA, Ok, that just cracked me up royally. Nap time tradition! :lmao: Doesn't he know there's no sleeping in Disney!! Especially at arrival. Haha, that's so comical.

Yay! Glad you appreciate it! I was so entertained by the "Are we there yet" signs! It's one of those small details that most people won't even notice but that's so funny!

Yes you can pick up will call party tickets at the concierge desk at the hotel. I wasn't entirely sure you could which is why I did print-at-home for our first party but you can!

:rotfl2: Seriously--we've watched all the Frump videos together too so I don't know why he's still confused!
I just love POP too!

And Hourglass lake is just beautiful! We stayed in the LM rooms at AOA on our last trip with a lake view and it was awesome. So pretty!

Ah did you love the LM rooms?! LM is my FAVORITE and I wanna stay there so badly! And a view of Pop from them is just the best of both worlds!

Hey! I'm definitely joining along!

Yaaay for arriving at Pop! We just :love: that resort! Yall got an awesome location, too. I've never stayed in the 60's section, but I want to.

Hahaha, I love that your boyfriend wanted to take his traditional nap once yall got into the room. That totally sounds like my husband. "I'm just going to rest my eyes..." then it turns into like a 2 hour nap.

Excited to hear about the rest of your evening/trip!

Welcome!! Thanks for joining in! :goodvibes

Yay! We love Pop too! I really liked the 60s section-- it was a perfect location!

:rotfl: It must be a male gene because my father does the SAME thing too! :eek:

Wow, this is great! Your excitement on the ME, reminded me of what i was like on the plane! I was wearing my Minnie ears and I was squealing like a pig with excitement!
Pop looks awesome and the view of AoA is beautiful! IT'S PERFECT! I love Chris' excuse for having a nap- It's a tradition! lol!:rotfl2:
Sounds like a great arrival day so far, i cant wait to read more! :goodvibes

Oh goodness--you and I will get along great! I was definitely squealing with excitement on the plane!

We love Pop! He was trying so hard to get his nap! :rotfl2: Thanks for reading! :goodvibes

Aww ur bf looks so tired in the pic w you. Lol but like all the other posters have said, no time for sleeping in Disney lol
Can't wait for more updates. I love tr with young people in love <3

Aw you're so sweet! Thanks for reading! :goodvibes

Cute pics! :)

Thank you! :goodvibes

That's such a good idea to take pictures of all the signs on the way in! It feels like I'm on the ME.

We've been so, so nervous about linking tickets to our MagicBand. I am hoping the kinks get worked out and you didn't experience too much trouble.

I may or may not send this TR to my mom so she can make the same room requests when we are at Pop in July. It sounds like you had a perfect location! And that view of AoA is amazing!

:lmao: at Chris not wanting to break tradition.

I love the giant Play-Doh. So cute!

Pin boards are the best! I always feel so awkward staring at CM's chest/hip so pin boards make it easier on me :rotfl:

I love having a million pictures from the trip-- it helps me relive it in between trips!

Having our regular tickets linked worked out with only minor problems but I definitely don't recommend linking the party tickets!

It was a perfect location! It was close to the main pool and Classic Hall. Being literally the second room across the bridge from AoA was great too because we walked over there to eat a few times and took the AoA bus when it came first a few times so it really wasn't that much longer of a walk! I totally recommend it!

:rotfl: OMG I feel the same way when pin trading!

Hey guys! Just a little on the real life front before we finally arrive at DTD on this TR--

Those of you following along from my first TR/PTR know about my job saga since graduating from nursing school. I finally landed one in March which was good, but not my ideal job. All I really want is a Labor and Delivery/women's health position of some form or even just IN a hospital would be nice but it's been seeming impossible. I've had a LOT of job turmoil over the past few months (which jeopardized this Disney trip so I'm really glad it got to happen!).

But, I have a few new possibilities on the horizon so please send your good wishes and pixie dust my way! :wizard: Now back to your regularly scheduled TR!
We had made it to Downtown Disney!

DSCN2790 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I knew where our first stop was going to be but wasn't exactly sure where it was so a quick Google search told me we wanted to get off at the Marketplace stop!

Any guesses where we were headed?!

DSCN2791 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2792 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

If your guess was Wolfgang Puck Express- you were right! I was officially STARVING and knew our first stop had to be food. The last time I'd had real food was at 5:30 in the airport and it was now 3 pm!

IMG_2260 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I had a huge internal debate about what to order because everything sounded SO good but I decided on the macaroni and cheese. I'm glad I did because I LOVE macaroni and cheese and it was delicious!

Chris didn't get anything because he's been working with a bodybuilding coach who trains the pro guys. His coach told him not to stress too much while on vacation but to try to eat 1-2 "yummy" meals a day and the others (he does 6 meals a day) to try to stay on diet (protein shakes/bars) etc. so he had his protein shake in the restaurant (see the shaker bottle in the background). What can I say-- he has the self-discipiine for both of us in this relationship.

Anyway, WPE gets a solid 10/10 from me. The food was delicious, I could fill my drink up as many times as I wanted, the service was quick and it was nice, quiet and air-conditioned inside. Plus, it was an excellent value for our first use of a QS credit!

After we left WPE and I was sufficiently stuffed, we headed into 25 Days of Christmas.

DSCN2794 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2793 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I took a picture of all the Jack Skellington stuff to send to my sister. I was going to buy her the Jack stocking but I couldn't justify the price for something that would only get used one day a year!

I marveled over all the adorable ornaments but didn't see anything I HAD to have so we moved on.

We went into Design-A-Tee next. I was impressed with how many different images you could put on a shirt. If we hadn't figured out shirts for the Halloween party, I had planned for us to design them here.

Our next stop was one that I was really looking forward to-- Goofy's Candy Company!

DSCN2796 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2797 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'd only recently found out about creating your own snack and I had to do it (even though there was absolutely NO WAY I could eat it then!)

DSCN2798 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

While we waited, I had some fun with the mirrors!

DSCN2799 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2800 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Apparently the nap did not cure his tiredness :rotfl:

DSCN2801 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2802 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2803 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Not gonna lie-- I REALLY want one of these cakes.

DSCN2804 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2277 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

SO good! And a great use of a snack credit!

Sorry this update is so short guys! I totally planned on a much longer update but WALKING DEAD is coming on! I promise to make it back with more in the next few days! :yay:

Ahh so much pixie dust and so many good thoughts to you! I graduate college in a year and a half and although we're in different fields I am definitely terrified of the job market so I feel for you. It was hard enough getting unpaid internships this summer! So I really hope it works out for you!

I love WPE mac & cheese! Good for Chris for being so disciplined. I definitely couldn't do that with Disney food around...

GOOFY'S! Probably my favorite place in DTD, and I always get practically the same thing as you (just with sprinkles instead of chips)! Yours looked so good!
Yay WPE!! Nom! Such good food, I figured that's where you probably headed, it's so tasty! I really do want to try the mac and cheese, but the pizza always wins out! Chris has some control!! I always try to stay relatively healthy on vacation, but that's commitment!

Pixie Dust has been sent! pixiedust:

Definitely going to try WPE one of these days. I really admire Chris' dedication, but I'm glad to hear that he's been allowed some yummy meals while on vacation.

Yay, A Walking Dead fan!!!! You are totally forgiven for cutting an update short for that! :woohoo:
First of all pixiedust: I hope everything works out on the job front!

Your treat from goofy's candy co looks delicious! I may have to make time for that on my next trip!

The Walking Dead is a good excuse for a short update, I love that show too!
Tons of Pixie Dust being sent your way about your job opportunities!!! pixiedust:

WPE is definitely on my list of must dos!

No need to apologize for a short update when it comes to The Walking Dead!!! :)

I also wanted to thank you for your kind words you shared with me on my PTR about my son. So appreciated!
Finally catching up!

Yay for getting the 60s and being so close to the bridge! I'm sorry about the Magic Band stress and your MNSSHP tickets :(

Mmm your snack at Goofy's Candy Co looks delicious! And oh my god i died over those rice krispies treat cakes, I wanted one too!

I am sending positive vibes your way for new job possibilities :goodvibes
:tink:pixie dust and good vibes sent! :goodvibes i'm sure you'll end up where you're supposed to be!

your snack at goofy's looks good!! we might have to try that out--even if it's just to play in the mirrors! :rotfl: (what can I say? we're easily entertained!)

But, I have a few new possibilities on the horizon so please send your good wishes and pixie dust my way! :wizard: Now back to your regularly scheduled TR!
DSCN2803 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Not gonna lie-- I REALLY want one of these cakes.

I really want one of those cakes too! I hope your new opportunities pan out. And next time I'm there I'm going to have to try making my own snack. That looked really good.
Love all the pics of Jack merchandise - I was on a mission last year to find some Jack pins for my youngest son. Best thing was the M&G last year with Jack and Sully at DTD.
Ahh so much pixie dust and so many good thoughts to you! I graduate college in a year and a half and although we're in different fields I am definitely terrified of the job market so I feel for you. It was hard enough getting unpaid internships this summer! So I really hope it works out for you!

I love WPE mac & cheese! Good for Chris for being so disciplined. I definitely couldn't do that with Disney food around...

GOOFY'S! Probably my favorite place in DTD, and I always get practically the same thing as you (just with sprinkles instead of chips)! Yours looked so good!

Thank you so much! This economy is seriously scary! What are you studying? Hopefully things straighten out soon! :scared:

It was SO good!! I don't know how he does it at all. :confused3

That sounds awesome too- I'm gonna have to try that next time!

Yay WPE!! Nom! Such good food, I figured that's where you probably headed, it's so tasty! I really do want to try the mac and cheese, but the pizza always wins out! Chris has some control!! I always try to stay relatively healthy on vacation, but that's commitment!

It was delicious! All of the pizzas looked great too but I really do love macaroni and cheese!

I know-- he's extremely dedicated. I don't know how he does it.

Pixie Dust has been sent! pixiedust:

Definitely going to try WPE one of these days. I really admire Chris' dedication, but I'm glad to hear that he's been allowed some yummy meals while on vacation.

Yay, A Walking Dead fan!!!! You are totally forgiven for cutting an update short for that! :woohoo:

Thank you so much! Definitely do! It's amazingly delicious!

I was glad too-- it would've been a very long 12 days eating alone :rotfl2:.

AH another fan! Did you watch the season premiere?! :scared:

First of all pixiedust: I hope everything works out on the job front!

Your treat from goofy's candy co looks delicious! I may have to make time for that on my next trip!

The Walking Dead is a good excuse for a short update, I love that show too!

Thank you so much!! :goodvibes

It was delicious! I strongly recommend it--especially if you have snack credits to use!

Yay more Walking Dead fans!! Did you see the episode?!


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