Orlando Smackdown: Dis vs. Uni. Ch.16 Japan Hates me, Just Hates me 7-13

but this one I remember;
it's O Kitty Squared.
Was that your head I saw stuck through the belly of a dwarf in the caption contest?

Yep, that was me. I didn't realize until I read some of the comments that the placement of my head was questionable. ;)

I had asked you about Vegas before because we're thinking about a trip out there next fall. I thought if you were going to be there too we could meet up. You do that Vegas is Disneyland for adults and you can drink alcohol on the sidewalks?

No, Carrie, I doubt very much it will include Vegas, just Disney and Universal I think. Baby steps.

I'm here too; going back to read and find out what's what! ::yes::

And then you'll explain it to me?

It's very popular here and much better than Bud or Coors. :) Brewed in Ft Collins. I once mailed a six pack to my ex-boyfriend in Virginia because at one time you couldn't get it east of the Mississippi (I just had a Smokey and the Bandit moment.)

Jill in CO

now I have to look for it.
I rememeber back in '75 when my buddy and I drove out there to see my sister in Broomfield, we had TONS of orders from freinds who wanted us to bring back the great beloved Coors Beer you can only get out there. When we got there though, we found that all ateh locals are drinking Olympia that has now made it from the West Coast to Colorado, It wasn't until later on that they all admitted that Ly really sucks.

If it has to be explained its not that funny but I will anyway... My friend Calls a colonoscopy an innuendo ( read each syllable) so when I saw your typo my mind immediately want there, Oral n do. Ok never mind, you had to be there!

AH, thank you for 'splainin'. But I wouldn't have caught on otherwise.

For some reason I can't remember hyour name, and I don't always like calling you sewer rat, so would you mind tellingh me again?

Well, since I don't remember telling you anything but my initials (RAT) it's not surprising you don't remember my name. Which is Ruth. Like the Bible or the dragon or more really like my two great aunts for whom I am named.

There's a dragon nnamed Ruth?
It's very popular here and much better than Bud or Coors. :) Brewed in Ft Collins. I once mailed a six pack to my ex-boyfriend in Virginia because at one time you couldn't get it east of the Mississippi (I just had a Smokey and the Bandit moment.)

Jill in CO

Better than Bud and Coors you say? I may have to give it a try then. Although I'm particular to Corona or Sam Adams. Recently tried Sam Adams Winter Lager. Reminds me of the Hogshead Beer at Potter land. :thumbsup2
First, HAPPY THANKSGIVING Steve and Diane.

Oh YIPPEE another Nebo trip report. Can't wait to read all about it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all Neboites!

Stay safe and have fun.

Remember: SafeD begins with me!
Nebo! Not mention "Kung Fu Fighting?" Are you kidding me? It was an iconic event at a prior Universal trip.

You know, I always remind you that we don't need to hear details about rides and such, but this time we do need them. Harry Potter, new Fantasyland, and hopefully soft openings of Test Track. Geesh, this trip report may be pretty comprehensive, what with your other observations thrown in.

I just really hope you and Smidgy have a great trip, one that is fun and most importantly, SAFE!!

And as all Disney veterans know.....sleep in late, eat TS meals at food courts and CS locations, eat a quick meal 10 minutes prior to the start of Illuminations, and follow the masses of people......they obviously know what they are doing! ;)
Nebo! Not mention "Kung Fu Fighting?" Are you kidding me? It was an iconic event at a prior Universal trip.

Oh yes, I remember diving into the Hard Rock pool to escape the music, only to find out they have underwater speakers there, but it was really funny on a recent trip at the Cabana quiet pool at Coronado when I thought we awere alone and for some reason I tried to reproduce the first opening notes to Smidgy when this guy appeared out of nowhere and stopped and yelled out "Kung Foo Fighting".

You know, I always remind you that we don't need to hear details about rides and such, but this time we do need them. Harry Potter, new Fantasyland, and hopefully soft openings of Test Track. Geesh, this trip report may be pretty comprehensive, what with your other observations thrown in.

So, if I am understanding this correctly, you are saying that I might, for ONCE, have an actual WORTH to my reporting, transcending the usual worhless banality consistent with past endeavors?
Now I have to get out my decoder ring to figure out what I just said.

I just really hope you and Smidgy have a great trip, one that is fun and most importantly, SAFE!!

And as all Disney veterans know.....sleep in late, eat TS meals at food courts and CS locations, eat a quick meal 10 minutes prior to the start of Illuminations, and follow the masses of people......they obviously know what they are doing! ;)

And everybody that will be there during the Christmas Holidays, remember that Illuminations is pushed back until 9:30 during this period, it's also a few minutes longer with what they call the "Holiday tag " ending, but to me it adds a lot to it, and , as the Unoficial Guide says:
"Not to be missed!"

Ok, here's a list of some possible head to head match ups
that we can have between the two Champions in cage matches:

Prince Charming Carousel vs. Dr Seauss's Carousel

Now, doesn't that get your heart beating faster?

The Cat in the Hat vs. Winnie the Pooh

The Return of the Mummy vs. Rockin' Roller Coaster
Splash Mountain vs. Yourasshashadit Park River Adventure and Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Adventure
Buzz Lightyear vs. Men in Black
Peter Pan vs. E.T.
Popeye and Bluto 's Bilge Barge Rats vs. Kali River Rapids
Royal Pacific vs. the Boardwalk Inn.
Alladin's Magic Carpets vs. One Fish , Two Fish
Sinbad's Stunt Show vs. InDiana Diana 's Stunt Show
Shrek 3-D vs. Mickey's Philharmagic, vs. Muppetvision vs. Terminator 3-D vs. Captain Eo and Honey I Shrunk the Audience vs Tough to be a bug and this category may also include Despicable Me. This will be a Tag Team match.
The Barnsormer vs. Woody's Nuthouse Coaster
Expedition Everest vs. The Hulk Coaster
Dr. Doom Fearfall vs. Tower of Terror

Well, you get the idea,, yes, a lot of those maybe aren't such great comparisons, but it's the bbest I can match them up, so we'll see what happens.
I also have a stopwatch and I hope to TIME a lot of the rides, that can also come into effect when coming up with ratings.

Something else we have never seen yet is the new Cinemascope nightime show at the Uni Studios, as a matter of fact, I don't even remember reading any reviews or NUTTIN about it, so we'll see how that works out.
I just checked the Universal site, and it says that the show starts at 7 P.M. , which should be interesting because the park closes those nights at 6 P.M.

Should anybody think of any head to head matchups not mentioned so far you'd like to see rated, let me know on that too, 'K?

I also just found out that the karaoke at Citywalk is a bit fancier than normal;
instead of the special karaoke cd's, they have a live band to play the music includinjg back up singers, just thinking iof that has me already intimidated. Besides, no way will they know the oldies I like to sing, and about the newest song I've ever sung is Kryptonite,,,, . Ok, a few country songs but nobody really wants to hear Country at Karoake.
And I can't get up high enough anymore for "Amazed", which at one time I liked to do.

Another Country song I used to sing that I think might kill me now if I tried to do was John Michael Montgomery's "Sold". Fun song, provided you have an extra oxygen tank.

And don't you want to kill the duet that always gets up there and sings all 23 verses of American Pie?
Pariadise by the Dashboard Lights is up there too.
Oh, probably the most boring song ever, with only about 5 different notes but 12 verses, is "Lyin' Eyes."
You cant' hide them, you know?

Well, I'm not sure if this is my last post for a while or not,
anything I'm neglecting to talk about?
This will be our first time at Royal Pacific and the Universal Parks as non smokers, I know it's going to be strange whenever wwe pass the smoking areas.

And for the ET ride, for those that never rode it, you have to give a name in the beginning in the queue, that ET will say goodbye to at the end, and I've tried Nebo a couple of times, onlly to have him remain silent, so then I switched over to using my Dad's name, Adolph, which he had no problem saying. What are the odds the ol ET now knows the name Nebo? Yo know, I don't think Di ever tried using Smidgy. yeah, that ride and Peter Pan are a GREAT match up of rides!

Hey, nobody had any video ideas?

You know, o,k, talking in a nostalgic tone right now, I can't believe that when I wrote about the Kung Foo Fighting bit, and the Pat O'brian's fighting bit, that was from a trip back in May, of '07! That blows my mind to think that was 5 and a half years ago! This is something that happens when you get older, you become more and more amazed at the passing of time. I remember I couldn't wait for break time at work, where I'd then run to the computer in my boss's office and check to see if anybody posted on my "Still Feeding Nebo" trip report, afterwards.

Then on August 31, my company closed for good.

Oh, you know what else will be different for me this trip?
This just dawned on me as well.

This will also be the first time at Uni,,, where I can HEAR everything! Woo Hoo.
No, that was really never too much an issue before, cuz they always have the volume for most things really cranked up, but still, um, let's see where it might come into play for the first time:

Ah, The Gory Grusome Makey up Show at the Studios, yeah, lots of talking goin on in there, i'm sure there's jokes I"ve missed.

Hoop de Doo! Of defintately I know I've missed a lot of the one liners in theis show,,, yeah, more I think about it, the more excited I get to go and see it. j

Well, crap, that was a short list, oh well, I'll be surprised I guess. Can you tell I'm just killing time reight now?
Yeah, Smidgy had to work today at the restaurant, so I spent Thanksgiving alone. No, I still haven't eaten a thing all day, there's a chance she may be bringing me home a "Plate" , so I'm saving myself so to speak. I have a feeling she won't be too much longer tonight, it's six now, I'm sure the buffet is over.

By the way, we are flying American, so if anybody should hear anything bad concerning them again, PLEASE let us know!

Yes, I know I"m jumping all around right now, like I said, this could be it for a while.

One thing that Universal has that I can't think of a comparable Disney attraction, is Beetlejuice' Graveyard Revue.
(somebody please point out to Smidgy that I spelled "Revue" in it's correct tense! You know how tents she gets when you misuse Review when speaking in terms of shows. )

Well, Faithfull readers, I guess that's it for now. More than likely I'll be on here one more time tomorrow, it all depends on how the packing and everything goes. She was
originally supposed to clean a house tomorrow, but that's been postponed so now we will both be trying to pack and get organized at the same time, in the same bedrroom.

This could get ugle!
I Hate Hate Hate, haveing to pack for airplane trips, trying to figure out which goes in carrion and which goes in buggage to be checked. Even bringing money if much harder to figure out how much you need, The Taxi/cab companies insist on Cash, no credit cards, and we don't have a debit card in case we need money later in the trip.
I HATE debit cards!

So, here's hoping there wil be plenty of cool things to write about, that won't include BLOOD, or anything else that comes associated with the Pain word.
Yes, the cliffhangers are fun to write, not so much fun to live!

How about a cliffhanger something like this:

.... that night, the later it got, the worse the situation became, and I seemed powerless to do anything about it.

I looked over at Smidgy, not sure if I should tell her what's happening to me, I don't want to alarm her needlessly when things had been going so smoothly up until now, but what do I do?
I was able to make one final trip to the bathroom, and while looking in the mirror, I knew that it was a lost cause, no matter what I decided, it was going to have little affect on the outcome, and I realized it was time to tell her what's happening to me, much as I didn't want to.
Goodnight all, see you next chapter.

,,,,,,,,,,,,Ok, picking back up, it was standing in front of the mirror when I knew I had to tell her what was up with me.

I figured the direct approach would be the best rather than drag it out.

"Honey, I can't keep my eyes open any longer, love you, see you in the morning!"

Yeah, now THAT"S my idea of the kind of cliffhanger I want to write about this trip, what do you think? :lmao:

And oh brother, talk about babbling at it's finest.

Do you remember in earlier days when I always complained about how old our puter was? The new model was bought in December of '09 so it's alomst 3 years old now. But what's funny is that this keyboard is black, with white letters on it, in contrast to the old keyboard which ended up being 12 years old I think before it got disconnected.

However, many of the letter have worn off, believe it or not, and it's like they say, which are the most common letters used on our language: you cannot even see the "E" enymore, with the "S" and the "A" not far behind.

Ok, this time I mean it, I'm done. Love you all, take care, don't do anything Smidgy wouldn't do.:hug:
That's kindof sad that your home starving waiting for grub on thanksgiving:(

I've often wondered what would happen to my family if I didn't come home one day? Would my family starve waiting for me to come make them food?:confused3 I think they might.

Your comparison had me picking universal over Disney almost every time, which is disturbing since I love Disney more! Guess its just all the other stuff besides the rides that Disney does.

Hope you have a SAFE yet eventful trip! I'm looking forward to your return so we can enjoy your antics.

Hope you get some food today:thumbsup2

Happy thanksgiving!
Slipping out of lurkdom, to tag along on another fun ride.... :wave2:
This time I found the beginning before the end.
Wishing you a safe and magic-filled trip.
Have a safe trip and i hope you have lots of fun. Looking forward to the next report. i''ll be waiting...

PS: get a new keyboard, they are pretty cheap
I'll groan about the cliffhanger, but I hope it's all like that. No getting hurt this time, please and thank you! :thumbsup2
I would have mailed you something to eat!

Happy Thanksgiving you two!

I'm sure you would have!!! but he had a fridge full of leftovers, and I brought him home turkey, stuffing, mashed potatos, gravy and choc. cake. (he doesn't like sweet potatos, green beans, or pumpkin pie!!! he siad not to bother with the ham)
I'm not going to break down everything but there's a few bits and pieces I wanted to mention.

I have a feeling that if I'd known I was going to give my self a concussion while there, I probably might not have gone. :lmao:

Nah... you still would've gone. Perhaps not without trepidation, but still...

I think for this report we are going to take a slightly different approach than we have in the past.

It'll be coherent? Sweet!

I am Nebo, my wife is Smidgy, also known as Steve and Diane, and this is my first trip report, so be kind to me.

Hi Steve, Hi Diane. :wave2: Welcome to the Dis.

Hopefully, this report will be the exception to the rule, which also means the trip as well, cuz to be honest, I'm really getting tired of pain.

Really? Thought you'd be used to it by now. Actually, it might be nice to read a TR where the focus isn't on injuries or blood.

We fly out of Chicago to Orlando, hopefully we land without getting caught in any of the ubiquitous zip lines or hit a tall miniature golf windmill.

Nah, don't worry about it. The pilot will already have his hands full with congestion, micro-bursts, turbulence and mechanical failures.

Am I helping?

I finally talked a buddy of mine who lives back at home to come and stay here, with the proviso he has to feed the cats. I thought he would have jumped at the idea to get away from his folks and live on his own for a bit, but no, not really, not how he saw it.
I don't get it, geesh, they don't make young people like they used to.

You forgot to mention that he's extremely allergic to cats... but still, young people. :confused3

But as usual, you are all welcome to come along with for the ride, I guarantee ONE thing, we will have fun re-telling it, no matter what happens, we always do!

You got that right!

ok, I guess I'll come along.

(I meant on the trip, not the report!:lmao:)


Hmm, don't know the name, but the glass of wine looks familiar.


( "A man's got to know his own limitations." Harry Callahan, Magnum Force)

So do you feel lucky?

Great, by the time we are all done with her, she'll think she's being stalked.

I had the same thought.

Would you believe me if I told you I'm tempted to sign up for it?
Can you picture me running , jumping, climbing, throwing, oh what a chapter that would make!
If I lived to write it.

I can see you more tripping, falling, plunging,...

did I just use the phrase "namby pamby"?


We have NEVER seen the parks, either one of them, at night!

Huh, you're right. That's not something that I would've thought of.

"Heard of what? "
"Herd of cattle."
"Sure I've heard of cattle".
"No, a cattle herd."

"What do I care what cattle heard, I've got no secrets from cattle."

Hardy Boys #78 "Hardy Boys and what the Cattle Heard"

No you're not.

"Hello, my name is Nebo, and I had a flat tire!"

Hi Nebo! :wave:

Dinner that night is probably going to be BBQ Wings and Poppers and Fried Mushrooms. Now, that's some quality, healthy eatin' that is!

It doesn't count when you're on vacation. Sounds like a pretty good meal to me!

Hey, you never know after a couple of drinks, face it, you'd love to see me make a fool of myself up on stage, right?

As opposed to the fool you make of yourself when you're sober?

Sure, I guess so.

at POR, make sure to see Yee hah Bob at the bar!

I still can't believe that we never went over to see him. :sad2:

(no, I am am NOT riding it. I will walk through the line with him though) actually, I'm always afraid something will go wrong when I do that , and they'll say, "no ma'am, you can't get out of the line from here. the honly way out is FORWARD. you got in the line, you have to ride it."

Well you did say that it was Nebo's show this time, so...

(I know, I'm skipping around, that's how my mind works; drives nebo crazy. "diane, you don't always have to say something just cause it comes to the top of your head, you know!".. but I am NOT easily distrac......squirrel!)


not sure what that mean, after all, anything is "walking distance" if you have the time!

I can't wait for when you decide to walk to Europe. Bring rubber boots.

I also have a stopwatch and I hope to TIME a lot of the rides, that can also come into effect when coming up with ratings.

I'm actually looking forward to that. I don't know if anyone (outside of UOG writers) has done that.

I just checked the Universal site, and it says that the show starts at 7 P.M. , which should be interesting because the park closes those nights at 6 P.M.

Oh, the show runs at 7... you just can't watch it.

Should anybody think of any head to head matchups not mentioned so far you'd like to see rated, let me know on that too, 'K?

It's been too long, so I can't even come close to helping you out there.

I also just found out that the karaoke at Citywalk is a bit fancier than normal;
instead of the special karaoke cd's, they have a live band to play the music includinjg back up singers, just thinking iof that has me already intimidated.

I say, go anyway. Watch a few people and decide then if it's out of your league. Probably won't be is my guess.

And don't you want to kill the duet that always gets up there and sings all 23 verses of American Pie?

Well.... considering I've never, ever, been to a karaoke place. I guess the answer would have to be no. But I can see how it might be a tad annoying.

And for the ET ride, for those that never rode it, you have to give a name in the beginning in the queue, that ET will say goodbye to at the end,

That's one of the few things that I remember about the park. I remember Ruby and I burst out laughing. We had no idea that was going to happen.

This is something that happens when you get older, you become more and more amazed at the passing of time.


I remember I couldn't wait for break time at work, where I'd then run to the computer in my boss's office and check to see if anybody posted on my "Still Feeding Nebo" trip report, afterwards.

And now you cringe when you see "last posted" was pkondz.

Times change.

Hoop de Doo! Of defintately I know I've missed a lot of the one liners in theis show,,, yeah, more I think about it, the more excited I get to go and see it.

You sound like a kid at Christmas. And I'm happy for you. :)

By the way, we are flying American, so if anybody should hear anything bad concerning them again, PLEASE let us know!

Oh, a golden opportunity to prey on your fears.

But I'm not gonna do it again. Just relax and have fun while you're there, okay?

(somebody please point out to Smidgy that I spelled "Revue" in it's correct tense! You know how tents she gets when you misuse Review when speaking in terms of shows. )

Smidgy, Nebo spelt revue rite.

Your walcome.

More than likely I'll be on here one more time tomorrow,

Hope so, otherwise I'll have missed wishing you both a very wonderful, fun and hopefully injury free trip!
ORALNDO is that something like my friends cutesy name for a colonoscopy, innuendo ?

I got it! And I didn't have to read your explanation either! Maybe it helps seeing all the personalized licence plates that are out there these days.

I kind of like your style, I might just follow your posts

You might want to rethink that. This guy's weird.

Me: "Yeah, POR is the sister resort of POFQ, and the Yacht Club is attached to the Beach Club. Way to expand our horizons!"

I haven't stayed at POFQ... But I never wanted to either. POR & POFQ may be sister resorts but they are very different. I wasn't thrilled with the themeing of Alligator Bayou so we stayed in mansions. Specifically Magnolia Terrace. If you're in mansions, I highly reccommend it.

Have not been to Universal in about 10 years. My DD is a HP fan, just not a fanatic so it will be interesting to see how you guys compare the different experiences.

We haven't been in about 20 years... 20 years!! I'm looking forward to the comparisons too, and to see what's new. I mean other than all of IOA.

Can you please get one of those camera's that you attach to yourself and it faces your face so we can just watch.

You got a thing for blood, or something?

I was not so much pointing out your typo as I was seizing an opportunity to use my innuendo joke ( which nobody mentioned BTW)

I was busy! Honest!

Oh-oh-oh-oh, Everybody was KUNG FU FIGHTING!!!! :rotfl2:

:lmao: Nice!

I'm all in...

I've got 5 aces... all spades. Beat that!

it's not surprising you don't remember my name. Which is Ruth. Like the Bible or the dragon or more really like my two great aunts for whom I am named.

Dragon? Okay, you have to expound on that a little.

gobble, gobble, gobble

Quick! Somebody give Kitty the Heimlich manoevre!

This time I found the beginning before the end.

Enough with the colonoscopy jokes!


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