OT: LOST fans?

I resisted temptation for a few days - but have watched the first 4 minutes online and have watched a few preview clips for the season - looks amazing!

I already have my "LOST Blogs" bookmarked and ready to go!

- D
I am so ready for LOST! I can't believe this is it, the last season. I have no replacement show for this void!
Thousands attend 'Lost' sneak preview

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Jan 31, 2:36 AM (ET)

(AP) Actor Josh Holloway acknoweldges the fans at ABC's Lost Premiere on Waikiki Beach, Saturday, Jan....
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HONOLULU (AP) - More than 10,000 fans greeted the cast of "Lost" on Waikiki Beach and were treated to a special screening of upcoming season premiere.

Fans started lining up 12 hours before the Saturday night's event in hopes of getting a glimpse of the actors. Sitting on beach towels and lawn chairs, they watched the episode that airs Tuesday night on ABC and kicks off the sixth and final season of the castaway drama.

Among the stars that made an island-style, red-carpet arrival were Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim and Michael Emerson.

Actor Daniel Dae Kim called the event "humbling, outrageous and a lot of fun."


There were pics to go along with this article, I swear....

*Someday* I'll learn why not even copy and pasted pics don't show up on these boards... ;-)
it will be broadcast here on thursday night, but that's not soon enough for this "lost" family, so we'll be downloading it from itunes as soon as it's posted - usually early wednesday morning US time (it goes up on itunes a few hours after the network broadcast).

We'll have our traditional "gather round the computer to watch lost" session on wednesday night...that's 4 of us around a 19 inch screen...not the best viewing conditions, but better than waiting a full 48 hours for the tv broadcast here...it's worth shelling out $1.99 to not have to wait...

normally we watch it again when it's broadcast on tv here, but since we'll be at the debut concert of DD and her band, we'll have to pass on that...(but it's also on VOD here, so if we want the big screen experience, we can get that as well)...
Same here we have to wait until Thursday so will be downloading it :thumbsup2

I'll be interested to see how it all works out, lots of questions still and hopefully not some 'meh' answers :goodvibes
I'm excited about the show but totally didn't understand how setting off a hydrogen bomb would "rewind" everything. That was a huge suspension of disbelief for me. When I told my husband that, he said "After all that's happened on this show, THAT'S what you can't believe????? Not the smoke monster, the time travel, the island that MOVES, but the BOMB????"

He's kinda right.

Now the eternal question remains for the ladies (and some men, I suppose): Are you a Jack Girl or a Sawyer Girl???? :rotfl:
Hate to admit this BUT I am just :love: Sawyer!! My DD even found me a t-shirt that says I just watch the show to see SAWYER!! :lovestruc Joan
Ya know, I didn't start watching Lost until this past fall and I was finally complete caught up through season 5 by Christmas...and I've never been more pumped for a television show in my life! I mean...I'm a complete geek but for some reason it's THIS show that now dictates my watching habits for the next eight months or so!

I just hope they don't leave too many loose ends.:confused3
I've been watching Lost since day 1 and I cannot wait to see it! I've been watching spoilers and previews and my lostie friends are coming over to see the begining of the end:sad1:. The only thing is that after lost is over there is no more good shows to watch on tv. Anytime something good is on I'm afraid to watch because it will be cancelled and replaced by some dumb reality show. Where are the shows like West Wing and Jericho...... sorry off my soap box.....


Lost and My Colts winning the Super Bowl all in the same week..... What else could you ask for...oh a verizon iphone but that's another story......
I'm excited about the show but totally didn't understand how setting off a hydrogen bomb would "rewind" everything. That was a huge suspension of disbelief for me. When I told my husband that, he said "After all that's happened on this show, THAT'S what you can't believe????? Not the smoke monster, the time travel, the island that MOVES, but the BOMB????"

Wait...it's THAT plot point that made you realize you had to suspend disbelief on this show? That's funny. ;)
I'm excited about the show but totally didn't understand how setting off a hydrogen bomb would "rewind" everything. That was a huge suspension of disbelief for me. When I told my husband that, he said "After all that's happened on this show, THAT'S what you can't believe????? Not the smoke monster, the time travel, the island that MOVES, but the BOMB????"

He's kinda right.

Now the eternal question remains for the ladies (and some men, I suppose): Are you a Jack Girl or a Sawyer Girl???? :rotfl:

Well apparently something happens there back in the 70's which is why they build the original hatch. Something with the magnetism, that later on in 2002 when Oceanic flight is flying over it, pulls the plane apart and makes it crash. So the theory was if they destroy everyone before they drill too far, the magnetic event won't occur, resulting in the plan flying overhead fine without crashing.

The first 5 minutes of the premiere are on youtube right now, it's really only 2 min of new footage as it starts with the end of Season 5


I am too much a geek with this!


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