Other Podcast Makes me appreciate the DIS even more


DIS Veteran
Jul 18, 2007
Before anyone gets worried, my point here is what I have to say about the DIS unplugged, rather than to discuss another podcast per se.

That said, having now listened to every episode of the DIS, and having a long commute, I needed to find something else to fill the time. So, I turned to another podcast, won't mention the name, but a fairly prominent one. I found it was entertaining in some sense, gave a different perspective than the DIS, and was predominantly very positive in nature. Okay, a little different than what I was used to, but that's fine. Then I hear a few things that give me pause. Two examples that stick out:

"So, yeah, the tomorrowland noodle station is back open for now, and is a great alternative to just burgers and fries and chicken strips"

"So, they are considering testing the removal of the finger scanners... Now let me just be absolutely clear that these aren't taking fingerprints or anything like that, it's measuring the shape of the finger."

So, here's where this makes me love the DIS that much more. Thanks to Kevin and John's reviews, including Columbia Harbor House, Pinocchio Village Haus, and Cosmic Rays, we know that the first comment is not exactly accurate. Nonetheless, it's the type of comment I'd write off as being more rhetorical than factual, and in that light I guess I get the point. The second statement though, is absolutely wrong. Chesire Figment has explained quite clearly (and with real authority) about the finger scanners on these boards. I was particularly bothered by what I perceived as a hint of false bravado in the way the statement was made.

It made it all the more clear to me that the size of the DIS member base makes it a really strong source of information. What really is apparent, though, is the sense of polish that the DIS Unplugged offers. Not so much in terms of fancy sound editing (which isn't bad either though!), but in terms of the information that's presented, and the methodical research that goes into some of the segments.

Pete described in an e-mail show once about the time spent with the editing/production portion of the podcast, and how certain things might be left out when he feels the facts need to be checked, or something of the like. When Kevin does a dining review, he often explains if there was some story about selecting where to eat (thinking to when the original mission was to review a quick service at Studios, which really didn't work out). The litany of prices explained in a not-so-rapid fire by Bob.

Don't get me wrong, I certainly didn't post this to badmouth any other podcast, (even the DU team sometimes makes mistakes, though they freely admit them on the next show, with some measure of apology), but it made me all the more appreciative of the hard work that goes into what we hear each week. Thanks to all of the team!

(btw, totally unrelated, but did you realize that DIS Unplugged and Dreams Unlimited are both "DU"?)
you haven't listened to all the podcasts, I do my own show in the car shouting at the show though my iPod. There is a limited audience though.
What other podcasts? :confused: I only know of one. ;)
Well, I have to admit, I have checked out a couple other podcasts. :blush:

ONLY because I have become addicted to this podcast and since they don't do them daily, I needed something

My foray into other podcasts though was pointless. The DIS is the best and now I just listen to repeats rather than the other ones. I could listen to Sad Little Crab over and over....also Kevin's O'Hana review always makes me laugh.

Granted, I am definitely biased, but the DIS Unplugged is by far the most interesting, the most honest, the most informative and the funniest. No one else even comes close.
Granted, I am definitely biased, but the DIS Unplugged is by far the most interesting, the most honest, the most informative and the funniest. No one else even comes close.

I've only listened to one other (for a few episodes), but based on what I've seen on other boards, it seems the DIS unplugged is kind of like a black sheep, not in the "circle" in some way. Just as a guess, I am thinking it's because of it's honest appraisal of things, presenting both the good and bad, but in a fair and even light. I get the sense that most others are more pro-Disney and very positive, and have a bit of a different mentality.

Of course, all of us here know that we've found a winner.
I can't agree more with you! I used to listen to about 6 podcasts (I had a REALLY long commute!). I know only listen to 3 main ones and a 4th every once in awhile. Just canceled my subscription to another. I just find them... not as good is the best way to put it. :) I found that filling my time with the crappier podcasts was just NOT fun! haha!
I downloaded a few once....and listened but I didn't like them at all

I only have eyes for my podsquad! :love:
I have listened to the first five minutes of 2 and got bored!

I :lovestruc DisUnplugged podcast!
When I found the DIS Unplugged, I quickly became addicted! I needed my Disney fix and started listening to about 4 or 5 other Disney podcasts. I realized that no one really can compare with our Podcasters! I love the teams chemistry! It's wonderful. It's such a great mix of personalities. I think their tag line "UNOFFICIAL - UNBIASED - UNPLUGGED" is spot on! That 's what makes it so special! :goodvibes The combination of the chemistry and the honesty.:thumbsup2
Yup. I have to agree with the OP. If I want the "Disney approved," overproduced feel, I'll eat Lemon Jel-Lo. I prefer the unbiased, and slightly cynical, Wonderfully Warped World of DIS.
:disrocks: :rockband:

I didn't even read that cocowum typed unbiased. GMTA!! ;) :thumbsup2
I've only listened to one other (for a few episodes), but based on what I've seen on other boards, it seems the DIS unplugged is kind of like a black sheep, not in the "circle" in some way. Just as a guess, I am thinking it's because of it's honest appraisal of things, presenting both the good and bad, but in a fair and even light. I get the sense that most others are more pro-Disney and very positive, and have a bit of a different mentality.

I agree about the "black sheep" thing. I get that feeling also, which is ridiculous. I did listen to a couple Stepford Disney type podcasts, all they did was gush about how wonderful everything at Disney was. Now, I love Disney as much as the next DIS'er but c'mon, they aren't perfect and listening the some of the rants and bad reviews is actually refreshing and sure doesn't make me love Disney any less. Like with anything you love, you love it faults and all! :lovestruc
I listen to 4 podcasts: disunplugged, wdwtoday, netcot, and wdwradio. I enjoy them all, all for different reasons. For the same reason that I don't buy into the "everything is perfect at Disney” philosophy, all Disney podcasts (at least the ones I’ve listened to) have their strengths and weaknesses. Yes, even disunplugged.
A few months ago I was sick in bed and asked my hubby to download my DIS Podcast onto my iPod so I could listen to it in bed. He had no idea what he was doing and downloaded the wrong podcast.

Not only was the podcast he downloaded lame, it sounded terrible. Pete's studio is spot on (and this was before the new studio).

I love my DIS Podcast.
I dunno, folks. I'm one of those "variety is the spice of life" people... If that's even the right quote. Agreed that you can't find anything quite like this podcast, Character Breakfast is sort of similar, but not exactly.

The one thing I love about this show is that they are not afraid to talk about Universal. I mean, we get that it's not Disney, but for those of us who love movies and thrill rides, it's great!

Still, being the "newb" I'm open to all the news, trivia, and tidbits I can find. Perhaps when I gain the level of expertise y'all have, I'll narrow down my list of shows. :D
Chiming in a little late, but agreeing with you all. I found "our" podcast after I had been listening to the others. Now The Dis is the only one I listen to. It's just more fun, and it feels a whole lot more professional to me, which seems odd considering all the poop references, but I know you all know what I mean!
I listen to a lot of different podcasts as well. I work extra hours on Monday's in the office. The podcasts get me through the day. I enjoy most of the other podcasts, but The Dis is the absolute best. The chemisty between the group is great. I love the weather reports. Makes me feel warm and cozy while we are trying to get through the winter months. Julie is a ray of sunshine. I love listening to her talk. Keep up the good work.
I dunno, folks. I'm one of those "variety is the spice of life" people...

That was kind of my thinking too, at first. I was bummed that I had no more DU to listen to, but figured maybe something else would be almost just as good, if in a different way. It was the information that I felt was misrepresented (or just plain incorrect) that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Of course nobody is perfect, but I think that's another nice thing about having a team of six (give or take) people... even if someone does make a mistake, there's usually another member able to correct it, offer some clarification or a different perspective.
I think it helps the podcast that the PodSquad lives in Orlando, and has constant access to the best, most recent information, and the connections to find out difficult-to-find information. Many other podcasters, even if they are just as obsessed with WDW, do not have that access, so cannot by their nature keep up with every development as it occurs. I will listen to several podcasts whilst planning a trip, but I take all the other Disney podcasts off of my list during "down" times, and replace them with podcasts on completely different subjects. The DIS Unplugged, however, is eternally on my list.
Yes, I listen to other Disney podcasts. Some are ok, some are fluff and some give out mis-information. DIS Unplugged is well done and well researched. The effort Pete and crew put into each week's shows is evident. I appreciate the brutally honest opinions, inside scoops, snarky-off-kilter remarks and warped senses of humor. I agree with Ursula, the fact they all live in Orlando and are able to check things out first hand helps makes this a better podcast.
I listen to some of the "others" as well and I do enjoy them. I prefer DU b/c I feel like I'm chatting about WDW with friends who are equally as obsessed. The others make me feel like I'm listening to someone TELL me about WDW. Both enjoyable, b/c, hey...it's WDW after all....just different. And different is not bad. Don't worry, OP, I wasn't implying you were bashing in any way...

What I don't understand is that some people on the "other" p'casts seem to be equally as successful as Pete and his gang in their WDW business endeavors. But not ONCE have I ever heard some "other" hosts give away anything for free. There again is that "look what I know about WDW; I'm keeping it all for myself" mentality, rather than "Look what we can share with you about WDW" mentality. The Roundtable is AMAZING in that respect. I mean look at this week's show for crying out loud (and I literally mean crying out loud. You have no idea how sad I am the cruises are gone.):guilty:


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