Our April 2013 TR..days 2, 3 and 4 added - TR complete


Jul 20, 2012
Trip report April 2013

14th April 2013

Our train to London was due to leave at 12:45 ish so we spent the morning just getting ready to leave and checking all the tickets 50 times (me!). We left earlier than planned because Nan had rang to say that the refurbishment at the station meant that it was a bit more tricky to get on to the platforms than usual. It meant that we had to drag our cases up a set of temporary stairs but we made it eventually, only to then hear an announcement saying that our platform number had changed. This was because Nan had found something there that meant that it was unusable! Eventually we made it to the right platform and the train arrived soon after.

We walked down to our carriage only to the discover that the inside door wouldn’t open!

So we had to take our cases off and use the other door. We were very pleased to sit down!

The journey there was fine; because it was a Sunday we didn’t get biscuits/juice (we were in first class because it worked out to only be a few pounds more expensive) but tea and coffee was offered.

When we arrived in London we walked to the Taxi rank and at first the driver pointed us in the direction of the hotel (Kings Cross Royal Scot Travelodge) but then agreed to take us. We didn’t want to walk because our cases were very heavy and the pavements looked busy which meant that we didn’t really want to navigate them with our cases. The charge was £5.60.

The lady at the reception desk was very friendly and we were allocated room 438. She pointed us in the direction of the lifts and let us know other important information. When we mentioned that we wanted to get a taxi to Covent Garden she suggested the pre-booked taxi service that they had a free phone for on the wall which was useful.

We got to our room which was fine for what we needed it for (a one night stop over) and then we had a few minutes to cool down (weather was warm!) before going to get a taxi. By now it was about 3.30pm. The taxi service was prompt; it cost £16!

We were surprised at how busy it was for a Sunday; we are not used to the shops being open so late. Charlotte wanted to have a look in the Disneystore to look for pin badges but they didn’t have any so we headed to the market and spent our time looking around. There were so many nice things; in the end we all bought a scarf each.

Then we went in a couple of shops and the found Muji. They closed the one where we live so had a quick look around there. Next the mission was to find somewhere for dinner! We very nearly gave up and went to McDonalds but ended up in Leicester square we were stopped to try and locate Rainforest Café, saying we would go to Chiquito’s if we couldn’t find it. After a failed attempt at using GPS on Charlotte’s phone:

we went in the direction that we thought was right and found a helpful coach driver who pointed us in the direction of Shaftesbury Avenue.

Map navigation!

From there we found the restaurant and we seated pretty much straight away right by a gorilla.

It took a little while to place our food order but from there the service was really fast and we were very happy with what we had chosen. Just as we were eating, Cha Cha the frog came round. We are not very good at character interaction but it was quite funny! It was very expensive, even though we only had mains and a drink, but we knew it would be and as a one off we didn’t mind.

Then we headed out to begin our walk back to the hotel. We were determined not to get a taxi and I’m not sure how long it took but we think maybe 1/1 and a half hours. It was a lovely way to spend the evening because we saw so many things that you don’t normally notice, and the weather was so nice it would have been a shame to waste the time sitting in our room watching the TV!

The only uncomfortable part was walking down the road that the hotel is on but it only took a few minutes and it was only because we had gone from sticking to main roads with lots of lighting/people/cars to a quiet, quite dark area.

When we arrived back at the hotel we asked for extra pillows because the beds only had one very thin one provided. The lady went in to the back to get them and had gotten back before I had finished calling the taxi service to arrange our transport to St Pancras the next morning.

Back in our room we put the TV on for a little while whilst we got ready for bed.

The beds were quite thin and therefore we didn’t have the best nights’ sleep but for £26.50 it really wasn’t anything to complain about. Our room backed on to the car park so it was very quiet, and whilst the bathroom was small it was adequate. Full review on Trip Advisor.

Tomorrow: Disneyland!
Can't wait to see more of the trip, looks like a fun start! I know what you mean about the Travelodge beds, and the pillows, can't believe how thin they are ha ha
Enjoying reading along. I love how cheap Travelodge is in the UK and how they fit 3 in a room despite some negatives-like the hardness of the beds and pillows which does seem to vary between them. Looking forward to the DLP bit!! We leave in 3 weeks-ish!! (but for us its a big half way round the world trip to get there).
I know this is the place to ask if you don't mind me highjacking your TR for a minute-so we will be in Paris a week, Peterborough/London a week and Scotland a week from 13 May (then Spain 10 days where it will be hot)-in a dilemma over what to pack - will we be cold in just Tshirts? and polar fleece type hoodys. Should I pack some long sleeve T's as well (plan to slip in a thermal and a scarf that will take up no space on the bottom of the bag just in case) and should my DD and I bring our leather jackets? Its been so cold over there so late this year-other trips late May and we have been fine in T's and jeans and a warm hoody. Thanks and sorry for getting OT.
I know this is the place to ask if you don't mind me highjacking your TR for a minute-so we will be in Paris a week, Peterborough/London a week and Scotland a week from 13 May (then Spain 10 days where it will be hot)-in a dilemma over what to pack - will we be cold in just Tshirts? and polar fleece type hoodys. Should I pack some long sleeve T's as well (plan to slip in a thermal and a scarf that will take up no space on the bottom of the bag just in case) and should my DD and I bring our leather jackets? Its been so cold over there so late this year-other trips late May and we have been fine in T's and jeans and a warm hoody. Thanks and sorry for getting OT.

Hi! I am Christieand's sister and as she hasn't seen your message yet I will reply on her behalf!
It was warm in Paris. On one day I wore only a t-shirt. I needed a jumper in the morning and wore a jumper and leather jacket in the evening. The rest of the days I wore a long sleeve t shirt and scarf.
For London you will probably need a light jacket. You will be chilly in just t shirts, unless we have a sudden heatwave (which could be possible!!) I live about 2 hours away from London and went out today in a jumper and jacket and was too warm. I was fine in a jacket.
Scotland will probably be colder than the other places you've visiting. I've never been but I would suggest fleeces!
Hope I could help you a little, enjoy your trip pixiedust:
Monday 15th April 2013

We all woke up at 5:30 but I went back to sleep until 7 when we got up and ready; we went down to reception at 8:20 where the taxi arrived five minutes early at 8:25. This time it cost £8! For a five minute journey! However, it was better than having to drag our cases there.

We were going to wander around the station but decided to just wait near check-in. Nan and I went in to M & S to get a few snacks. By the time we came out check-in had opened so we went to try our tickets but they wouldn’t work. Or, rather, we didn’t know what to do with them because we had printed them off at home. We found a seat and then went off to get a drink.

We boarded at about 9:55 and luckily we were ready at the travelators to get to the platform so we were the first ones in our carriage. This meant that we didn’t have a problem finding space to store our cases but other people did struggle.

When we arrived in Disneyland we, for some reason, decided it would be a good idea to walk to the hotel! No idea why – I think we thought we would have less of a wait for check in if we didn’t get the shuttle. Needless to say, it wasn’t a good idea. The weather was warm which was nice but not when pulling heavy cases!

When we reached the hotel we located the lift and made it to reception where there was no queue. Our room was ready even though it was only 2:45. We were in 3243, which had a nice view of one of the decking areas and some of the lake. It was also right near a staircase and some lifts, which was great.

We unpacked straight away before heading out to get the shuttle bus. On the way we went to make our dining reservations. We booked Plaza Gardens but Walt’s was fully booked which was disappointing. We literally missed a bus by seconds but we were grateful of the time to sit down for a while before going to the park.

Soon enough we were walking down Main Street!

We didn’t have a plan so we just walked through a few shops including Harrington’s, which somehow I think I had never been in before! We went to the information board but didn’t really make any decisions so we went over to Big Thunder Mountain to get Fastpasses.

Excuse Charlotte's nail varnish problems!

We ended up not using them, though, because we decided to watch the parade and the slot was at the same time. Then, because we were near, we went over to Cowboy Cookout and Pleubo Trading Post because again it was something we had never done. In 3 trips we had never been down that end of Frontierland. We sat outside the restaurant and ate some Pringles, sharing them with two ducks!

We went over to Phantom Manor then where we waited for about five minutes. Charlotte and I are not really the biggest fans of the dark so not sure why we thought it would be a good idea! The ride kept stopping which was quite annoying. After that we decided to forgo Boot Hill and went to Pirates of the Caribbean where there was no wait at all; it was literally a walk-on. As usual we really enjoyed it and it seemed to be better than last time, perhaps due to the refurbishment?

Next was Fantasyland where we decided to do Storybook Boats. On the way we discovered that Toad Hall was indeed closed. It seemed busy in this area of the Park but there wasn’t much of a wait; perhaps five minutes, even though it said 15 on the sign. I really like this ride it’s lovely.

Then it was time to find a place for the parade.

The fountain show started as we were waiting!

We decided to sit opposite the castle because we thought it would provide nice photo opportunities but it just meant that we had people pushing us. One person even lent their arm on Nan’s shoulder whilst they took a picture! When we moved from sitting down to standing up people were trying to push into our place. It wasn’t nice and I definitely wouldn’t stand there again – castle or no castle! Whilst we were waiting a CM (I think his name was Andrew) was getting people to move their feet off the road and he was really nice. He got a little girl to dance with him because it was her birthday and it was lovely.

Big Thunder Mountain came after the parade, which was not a good idea because Nan hated it! On the plus side, this too was a walk on. However, after the ride Nan said that even though she didn’t enjoy it, her back had clicked on the ride and now felt better than it had in years…!

On the way out of Frontierland we went in the shop where I bought a 2013 notebook, a new pin lanyard, the Dreams pin and a ring tray that I regretted not buying after our trip in September. We got a postcard to send to our best friend but it has now been a week since we sent it and it hasn’t arrived so hopefully it does…

Then we decided to leave and not watch Dreams tonight. We needed to sleep and shower! We got a stamp from the Storybook shop which was very busy, and then we walked to Earl of Sandwich.

We sat outside upstairs and it was a little windy but not really cold. It was nice to look out on to the lake. I had cannonballs and it was, of course, lovely!

Then we walked back to the hotel where I went on a mission to find an ice machine to keep our milk as cold as possible. Successful, I went back to our room and wrote the postcard. After Nan had all but flooded the bathroom trying to turn the shower on we figured out how to access the ‘storybook’ function on the TV and I was really confused because I thought we could watch the films. But it is just the soundtrack… Then we treated Nan to Sophie the TV tour guide!

After that we were pretty much ready to go to sleep so that was that for our first day.
Enjoying reading along. I love how cheap Travelodge is in the UK and how they fit 3 in a room despite some negatives-like the hardness of the beds and pillows which does seem to vary between them. Looking forward to the DLP bit!! We leave in 3 weeks-ish!! (but for us its a big half way round the world trip to get there).

Thank you. For the price we paid I really can't complain; it was clean and great to be so close to the station. Oh wow! I'm sure it will be an adventure!

Love all your pics! :)

Thanks :)

Great read so far, loving all your pics, hurry back with the rest! Xx

Thank you!
What a great first day....view from your room looks great! Glad to hear your nans back got fixed on BTM lol! :rotfl2: Your photos are great.

Can't wait for more!:thumbsup2
What a great first day....view from your room looks great! Glad to hear your nans back got fixed on BTM lol! :rotfl2: Your photos are great.

Can't wait for more!:thumbsup2

Haha I know, she said it was probably the most expensive treatment she's ever had- the cost of the DLP trip! Worth it though I hope!
Tuesday 16th April 2013

This morning I was the first one to get up and turn the lights on to wake us all up! We were very sleepy so only just made it for breakfast at 7:45. This was a new experience for us because on our last trip we had been in Hunter’s Grill but both restaurants were open so we were directed to Beaver Creek Tavern (I think that’s right…the one on the right as you come from the direction of the stairs/lift?)

After a leisurely breakfast with great coffee according to Nan and great pastries according to me, we set about walking to the park. As we emerged on to Main Street, one of the cars pulled up so we rode that to Central Plaza.

It was great to actually look at all the buildings instead of looking down trying not to trip over small people/push chairs/tram lines/my own feet! Our first ride was Peter Pan where the wait was about 5 minutes; we could definitely see the difference between the first and second hour of EMH in comparison with our last trip when we were there for 8am most days.

Afterwards we went for a stroll around the castle as it was closed last time. We went out on to the balcony, which provided a lovely view of Fantasyland.

Then it was off to Buzz Lightyear. The wait was about 10 minutes. Charlotte and Nan were successful in defeating Zurg but me…not so much! I’m really awful on the ride it’s quite embarrassing.

On our way out we browsed the Constellations shop where I got a limited edition pin of Disneyland Park and we bought a couple of pins as gifts, too; the Peter Pan’s Flight for our best friend Beth (who came on our last trip with us) and a Cheshire cat at the request of our cousin.

Not so sure what's going on here...I think we were admiring the gas lamps (because apparently you do that in Disneyland? And Charlotte announced she wanted to take a photo?)

Next we went in the direction of the Studios. First of all we went in to the shop in Studio 1 where I decided to get an Animation Vinylmation (Eeyore) and a Toy Story one (Jessie).

We decided to join the queue for the Tram Tour (another thing that was closed during our last trip). It was about a 15 minute wait and it was quite chilly in the shade. I have to say that I didn’t really enjoy this that much- has it been changed? Though the last time I went on it was in 2008 so it may be my memory. I just found the layout a bit strange, and quite a few times I saw ‘the outside world’. I know it’s a backstage tour but it seemed a bit…neglected? Perhaps it didn’t help that the cast member at the front of the tram was less than unenthusiastic! And our TV screen wasn’t working.

Afterwards we ambled along to Blockbuster Café to pass so time before Animagique. By this time it was about 11 o’clock(ish) so it was very quiet. We didn’t want anything to eat- I just wanted to look at the theming!

Yes, by 'theming' I do mean High School Musical decorations...

We all enjoyed Animagique; I was actually a but skeptical because I thought I remembered it being a bit boring when I saw it in 2005. However, that was of course a very long time ago! We went straight to Cinemagique afterwards which was brilliant, especially the ‘surprise’!

Then, after much deliberation about which queue to join, we decided on single rider for Parachute Drop because our last experience at normal queuing was awful to say the least, and it was showing a 40 minute wait, as opposed to the 5 we spent in single riders. I really enjoyed this as per usual!

On the way out we went in World of Disney where I bought yet more Vinylmation (I promise I stop buying things soon…) that turned out to be Hamm. I also got the blind box of 2 Vinylmation pins which were Treehouse and Orbitron (I think).

After a stroll through the Village we went in to Disney Fashion but didn’t buy anything.

Back in the room we enjoyed a gourmet meal of noodle snacks! They were actually very nice. Then our kettle stopped working…a traumatic event for the biggest tea drinkers in England. We later discovered that it was just the plug socket that was dysfunctional, so the problem was easily solved.

After what was intended to be a refreshing nap but just made us not want to get up (again!) so we eventually left at five o’clock via the shuttle bus because I am really awful at waking up in the afternoon and the prospect of walking didn’t excite me!

Nan 'reading' the French Metro!

However, we ended up concluding that it’s not really worth it since it drops you off at the bottom of the village and it is literally a five minute walk to that point from the hotel.

We had planned to do Small World before our 6 o’clock reservation at Plaza Gardens but due to my previous inability to wake up on time we didn’t really have long enough, so instead we looked at different spots for Dreams and went in to the restaurant at 5.50. I also swapped a Vinylmation pin badge for another Vinylmation pin badge, but of Peter Pan.

We all thought that the food was great and we thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very good value for what is essentially three courses and, in our case, two drinks each. This was probably the only slightly negative I have- ordering a second was confusing. We didn’t know if we should ask the people who were clearing the plates, or go to the serving area. Not to mention how would they know if we had paid for only one drink or unlimited? In the end we just asked a lady but she did not speak English very well so Charlotte ended up with orange juice instead of apple, but that was okay.

We finished at around 7 just as the parade was starting so we walked down to the Main Street stage and watched from there and on to Small World which was almost a walk-on.

Then we went to ride Casey Jr because it was closed in September. It's a lovely little ride.

Then after walking to the Adventureland station and back again because it was closed (taking a slight detour via Star Traders where we didn’t buy/trade anything)

we decided to just wait for Dreams so that we could get a good spot. This was about 8 o’clock, and we eventually settled on the fountains outside Plaza Gardens. However, we were slightly to the side because we were initially deliberating over whether to stay over by the Dreams hub. I went over to the fountains to compare and tried to wave Charlotte and Nan over but it ended in miscommunication and confusion because they couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see them…about ten minutes later they realised where I was and joined me!

I went to a shop on Main Street to get some lollies in an attempt to pass some time.

Whilst we were waiting it rained a little bit but nothing too bad.

Finally, 10 o’clock and “now…Disney Dreams!” came and I found the new Brave and Lion King really great. I wasn’t sure before I saw them; I thought I quite liked how it was before, but I think it is much better now. Nan thought it was brilliant too and as she isn’t much of a fan of the films I was pleased that she enjoyed it.

We made our way through Discovery Arcade quite easily and had a nice walk back to the hotel.
Wednesday 17th April

Breakfast was at 7:30 again so we were up at 6:15 to allow for showers etc. We watched the news and then went to the restaurants where we were directed to Beaver Creek Tavern again.

On the way back from getting some cereal I managed to sit at the wrong table, which was completely mortifying for me, but a great source of amusement for both Nan and Charl! Strangely I don’t agree! Luckily Nan was the one to alert my attention and not the family whose table it actually was...

Afterwards we went straight to the park and after taking some pictures on Main Street:

we went to Peter Pan where we waited for about ten minutes.

Then after a moment’s deliberation we went on Dumbo; there was about a fifteen minute wait.

Buzz was next and I wasn’t keen on waiting but it wasn’t too bad- about the same wait time as Dumbo. I did much better this time!

Then we had a stroll through Videopolis to get to Discoveryland station, but again it wasn’t open so we decided to just go to Fantasyland station and wait there. We had just missed a train so we had to wait for half an hour, but because we hadn’t done it before and there was no guarantee we wouldn’t just have to wait for the same amount of time if we came back another time, we just joined the queue.

The wait was okay; Charlotte enjoyed taking pictures and there was another English family by us with little children who were cute and amusing! It was also nice to have a different perspective of Main Street and just before the train arrived a brass band arrived at the bandstand and played Disney songs. It was great!

Finally the train arrived and we were sharing our carriage with another family. It was cool to see the park in a different way but it didn’t seem as well themed as most things. Nevertheless, it was good and we all enjoyed it.

We stayed on until we got back to Main Street station and then went over to the Christmas shop in the castle. By this time it was really quite warm and we were starting to get hungry, so after buying some decorations for gifts for our mum and auntie, we were lucky enough to get the car back up Main Street. We were very appreciative of this because we were warm and tired!

On the way out, Charlotte spotted a hidden Mickey. Can you see it?!

Charlotte was ‘starving’ so we went to Earl of Sandwich. I had Earl’s Club and we all shared a Chinese Chicken salad which was great. We initially went upstairs but it was quite warm so we stayed sitting downstairs.

We used the free wifi for a few minutes and then went back to our hotel, stopping by the lake to sit on a bench for a few minutes whilst the sun was out. Having left England in the cold and rain it seemed like a luxury! However, we’re not really well suited to such warmth and so we went back to our room.

I had a shower and then went to sleep; we got up at 3:45,

(not quite sure why I am wearing my sunglasses inside but apparently Charlotte had fun taking pictures of me!)

and left at about 4:20 to head in the direction of the Disneyland hotel. It really does smell lovely! We were in awe of the décor and could probably have spent a fair few hours in there wondering around looking at everything.

Instead, we headed for the shop for a browse and were almost tempted by the fragrance but at €60 we declined! Charlotte bought a little Duffy who became our “mascot” for the rest of the trip. We also got a set of Tangled booster pins to share because we had wanted something similar last time but I don’t think they had been released.

On the way down Main St, Nan was going to buy a t-shirt that she had been looking at all week because we thought it was half price. This was only the case if you spent €30 though but it was in the clothing shop and there wasn’t anything else we really wanted. In Harrington’s I got another Parks’ Vinylmation in the hopes of getting one that I don’t already have, but I got the treehouse. I also got another box of 2 Vinylmation pins.

Then we got ice cream from Gibson Girls; I had vanilla and fairly nuts. We ate them whilst sitting on the pavement outside Casey’s which is a pretty good way to eat ice cream!

I'm going to leave this part here because my internet connection is terrible and won't let me upload any more pictures to photobucket! More soon...hopefully!
Looks like the weather was warming up-and a nice not too rushed day. Good spotting on the hidden Mickey.
Really enjoying your tr and pics.
After seeing the view of the castle from the train station im wondering if that would be a good spot to watch dreams?
Really enjoying your tr and pics.
After seeing the view of the castle from the train station im wondering if that would be a good spot to watch dreams?

We thought so too, it would be perfect, but they rope the train station off! Not sure what time though.


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