Our Disneyland & GCV TR:or walking in circles for 8 days with AussieKaren.

Karen's TR Poll

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Yay. A trip report. About time.

Welcome home.

Loving the photos so far. Tell me you had the baked potato soup at Carnation Cafe
I'm here too.:)

Have to laugh at the re named Mickey's Wheel of Doom. We call it the Death Wheel:rotfl2:

And the pork with BBQ Coca Cola sauce...............I can't wait to have it again!!!!
Loving the photos! (GCH looks beautiful!)

And what a special flight you had - well done!

As for all those packages, I can't wait to see a pic of your bursting-at-the-seams suitcases!

Mickey's wheel is one of DS favourite rides - but we have never gone on the sliding/moving carriages, they look completely awful!
Great job Karen, I love your photos, and reading this is much more entertaining than watching "Greatest Goals of the Premier League"!! I need a holiday! ;)
Took you long enough to get started!

I sense that you did NOT like Mickey's Fun Wheel of Death.....that can only mean that you went Silly Swinging on the Fun Wheel instead of just limiting yourself to the Silly Swings. ::yes::

Looks like you are having an AWESOME time.
Glad you finally started your TR. Keeping the lynch mob at bay (read PIO) has been difficult.

Loving your witty obs and pics as usual.
22 hours!? Lucky, we only managed about 5 the first night waking up at 2 in the morning lol. The wheel of doom is the only ride I didn't completely enjoy, Bec however didn't have an issue. Can't wait to read more & see your final suitcase photo :)
Late to the party, but I'm here too :). Can't wait to read more, even though I am disappointed with the lack of clown cars...
Loving your TR and pics. Glad you enjoyed the Grand Californian, beautiful isn't it?
My DDs and I love Mickey's Wheel of Misfortune, but DH not so much :crazy2:
Keep the photos coming:thumbsup2
Glad you finally started your TR. Keeping the lynch mob at bay (read PIO) has been difficult.

Loving your witty obs and pics as usual.



Oh wait......nevermind.

Carry on. (And we all remember that Karen's the one with the 48 parcels and loads of carry-on, right??)

now after being fed, watered to an extent where I slosh as I walk we decide to go and have showers and try to sleep..........22 hrs later after sleeping thru fireworks, the second coming and a brass band outside our door we wake to discover its 4 pm saturday...we went to bed 6 pm fri...:rotfl2:



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