Our magical moment ruined...

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Any mall escalator has warnings on it that you cannot wear tennis shoes on the escalator. Now, everybody does anyway, so why the warnings? Because it is a potential hazard that 99.99% of parents know about and because of that are extra vigilant around their children and escalators (how many parents scream "hold my hand" at every escalator in the mall???) Now if someone was to involved in "trying to get some fast passes" to adequately supervise their child, then how is that Disney's fault? I would have been floored and thankful for being offered the $25 certificate for new flip flops. I guess if I leave my phone at the supermarket check-out counter, they should replace it too, since obviously it had to be taken by one of the baggers. Plus, really what good is a stolen cell phone? It should be easy to trace if someone uses it, or even tries to set it up for new service. But hey let us all know if it "works" for you, and go for the new Ipod phone while you are at it, I think that would really be the only fair replacement. As one poster wrote, I really do hope the OP put this on as a joke, otherwise it is a sad, sad representation of what life has become today.
It just shows how ungrateful and i guess greedy some people today have become.

I really think this thread should be locked now. its run long enough and given the OP all the attention they wanted. Mods can you please close this?
hmmm, let's see if I have this straight (I'll be sure to use bullet points to enhance the reading experience):

*A member of the dream team (wait, THE dream team?! was it Magic Johnson? Michael Jordan? Charles Barkley?) was nice enough to spend some time to talk to you and your child. Not sure if the dream team is allowed to do that. Maybe it was the dream squad.

*While riding on the escalator, your child's shoe turned into a raging inferno of death.

*The cast member, having amazing cat-like reflexes and instincts, removed the child/shoe from the Escalator from Hades.

*The cast member did everything he/she was empowered to do, which was replace the shoe with a coupon for a replacement item (Disney sells croc and flip flops, so this was the only option at the time).

*Unfortunately, a pair of Crocs cost $35, and the value of the coupon is only $25.

*Instead of paying the extra $10 (which is the cost of a turkey leg and a coke, by the way), you get the child a plush doll instead, leaving your child still shoeless.

If you had the Escalator from Hades eat your child's shoe while not with a cast member, all you would have gotten was a few laughs from those around you. Fortunately, you just happened to be with a cast member at the time, and he/she did everything they could to help the situation. And yet your magical moment was "ruined".

Take your little plush doll. Rip it in half. Buy some duct tape (WARNING! It may cost you $10). Put one half of the doll on one of your child's feet, and the other half of the plush on the other foot. And shazaam, your child still gets their little plush (which wasn't supposed to be a part of the recovery to begin with), and still has some soft footwear for the rest of their stay.

And since this is one of those message board things, I suppose i should add one of those cute smiley things...here you go :cheer2:
OMG, too funny!!:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: PS,OP,:hug: glad your little girl wasn't hurt.
Sadly, I think it WAS real and the OP is only reading and not commenting since she did not get the sympthy she wanted. I have to wonder if the child was snuck in as an under 3 free or if she had a ticket. Also, When we wonder why the rates rise so high, think back to this post and the people who expect WDW to "un"ruin their magic.... sheesh
I am so sick if reading posts of people whining about every little thing that happens to them while on vacation. Like other posters have said, it seems like everyone is looking for a handout these days.

I didn't seen anyone mention this, but regarding the OP's complaint that the certificate was only for $25 - only one shoe was mangled, right? How much does a kid's pair of Nike's cost these days? Probably around $50 - $25 per shoe. So you basically got compensated for the value of your loss - one shoe.

Like others have pointed out, the CM didn't have to do anything, but was nice enough to try. If this little insignificant incident ruined the magic for you, you must have a really easy life. Now quit your whining and be happy you can afford to take your family to WDW because there are plenty of families in this world that would love to go but don't have the means. :mad:
What I would like to know is how much the Minne she received in her hotel gift shop cost. She previously stated that the Nikes cost $35, and that she was given the $25 voucher for crocs or flip flops. Now, I believe that a very big Minne plush would cost just as much as those Nikes. And that doesn't even count the $25 voucher. I believe she did receive her magic and her compensation in the form of a big Minne plush from the hotel gift shop. She should be happy that someone even noticed or cared, and tried to help her out. Not just the one CM in EPCOT, but the CMs in the gift shop as well. That to me is Disney Magic.

On a side note, what parent lets their four year old dictate what shoes they will or will not wear, especially in an emergency?
dizzydisney2007, your last question is one I've been asking myself as I've read these posts....the child is 4 years old, right?!?
It must have been quite a scary experience for your little girl and you also must be very thankful that she was not hurt? For me the fact that my child was not hurt in this incident is sufficient compensation for what happened.

To say it was Disney's fault does not sit well with me personally. If it had happened back home at your local mall would you expect anyone to compensate you. Being happy that your child is safe and uninjured is what really counts here. I suppose you can find fault with anything if you really try......

Not to lay blame with mom, but I always tell my daughter not to put her feet to close into the risers of any escalator...see what I mean about being able to lay blame anyone!
I'm glad your daughter didn't get hurt, that is what is the most important. As for receiving a $25 certificate for a replacement, that was more than fair. When accidental damage like what happens occurs, they are not responsible for replacement value, only the depreciated value of the item at the time of damage. (This is what would be awarded in a court of law) I think $25 seems pretty fair for a used pair of children's shoes.
I cannot believe how nasty everyone has come!!!!

if a company is responsible for the destruction of an item they are responsible to replace it. If the company cannot replace the original item adequately-which they could not-they are required to monetarily compensate you for the damages of the loss.
it is THEIR responsibility. Whether I was in Disney or my local mall I would expect the same thing.

I am glad you DD was not hurt and glad that your local mall is NOT in Pa where I was last weekend. A kid's crocs was eaten by the escalator and the landing of the Escalator was at the customers service desk. Well, the customer service person just look at the commotion and asked if she was OK. The kid obviously was shocked and was crying. But thatsd all the mother and daughter got. A question if she was OK. It was a pretty big mall but no $25 gift certificate was given to the kid. They were behind us when we got in at TDS and the kid was still crying. A CM came over and asked the little girl and the mom explain what happend. Well the CM went around the counter grab a large round lollipop and gave it to the kid. This did not happend at the park, TDS is now being run by HOOPS,INC (Chidlren's Place), the BIG CORPORATE OWNED MALL did not do anything. But the one who familiar how a pixiedust works was the one who Saved the day!
I remember, when I was very young, one of my shoes getting eaten by the "allagator" at Macy's. That's what we called it. Scared me to the point that I wouldn't use the metal monster for most of my childhood after that.

And you know what?

My moms didn't tell a cashier, and I went home with one deformed shoe on. And we didn't expect to be reimbursed. And it also didn't ruin the magic of spending a small fortune at Macy's.
I remember, when I was very young, one of my shoes getting eaten by the "allagator" at Macy's. That's what we called it. Scared me to the point that I wouldn't use the metal monster for most of my childhood after that.

And you know what?

My moms didn't tell a cashier, and I went home with one deformed shoe on. And we didn't expect to be reimbursed. And it also didn't ruin the magic of spending a small fortune at Macy's.

Same here. But it was at Dillards. I did not get new shoes or a GC. Did not even get an "are you ok" Was told that I needed to be more careful and sent on my way. :confused3

My..... how times have changed!!
Thank you for not being nasty, I think more than one person has been.

Disney is responsible for the shoe because Disney is responsible for the escalator that ate the shoe. Since escalators don't just eat shoes then something must be wrong with their maintenance or equipment.

Fair compensation would've been the $35 the shoes cost me the day before I left for vacation. There was virtually no "wear and tear" on them yet.

A similar situation might be if you rented a stroller at Disney and the stroller fell apart while pushing it (there was no horseplay you were just walking along) and thankfully your child wasn't hurt but your brand new property was wouldn't you do something?

Junipers, I don't think people are trying to be "nasty" towards you, its just that the mentality that you are owed something by Disney is what probably bothers people. I believe we must be responsible for ourselves and our children. To say that there was "something wrong with maintenance or equipment" just makes no sense at all.

I'm sorry your magical moment was ruined and I'm glad your daughter is unhurt but please remember that there is no law stating that if you get too close to the risers or sides of an escalator and your shoe gets eaten you are entitled to "compensation".

Again this is not intended to be "nasty" its just that a society believing that they are owed something for the slightest inconvenience is sad indeed!
I'm sorry OP, but your post sounded incredibly greedy and selfish to me. First of all, you were lucky to be with a CM at the moment who readily gave you a $25 gift certificate. Something that they definitely did not have to do, and DEFINITELY not something you were "entitled" to. I think that you should be grateful that you got anything at all, and to state that you shouldn't be grateful just because you didn't get what you wanted is incredibly ludacris, if I do say so myself.

Second of all, you were very lucky that they were even willing to give you any compensation at all. Many places would not give you anything but an "are you alright".

Third, this is in no way Disney's fault. 100% not their fault. Yes, your daughter's expensive shoes got ruined, but that's life. Ultimately, you cannot control these little accidents. Thankfully your daughter was alright, if it were me, that would be more than enough. I certainly wouldn't be demanding that they compensate me for the shoes, much less a free Minnie doll :confused3

Disney tried to do something nice for you, but it wasn't enough. These days people are always trying to get something for nothing, and think that they are entitled to the royal throne if they get so much as a little cut on their finger while away from home. I am not trying to sound harsh, but really, be reasonable. It makes me angry when someone tries to do something nice for someone else that they don't even HAVE to do, and the other person gets all high and mighty and starts demanding more and more.
Sounds to me like someone should've been keeping a closer watch on their child. :confused3 And if that's been stated in the last 8 pages, sorry..

Were the shoes tied properly? Are you SURE they were tied properly, or fastened properly if they didnt have laces?

Flame me if you want, but I agree with some other the other folks that as SOON as anything happens, some people start to cry 'Oh Boo Hoo Me, my life has been ruined'.

Be thankful that between you and the CM that your child wasnt hurt and accept that as payment enough. And crikey, they DID give you $25 towards some footware. IF you didnt want it, give it to someone that looked like maybe they could've used it and spread a little of your own pixie dust. Probably would've made you feel much better about the whole deal.
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