Our no good very bad day

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Universal laid out that certain sizes and shapes may not be able to ride. They put out seats to verify things to avoid this kind of situation. You chose not to utilize that tool. While it may not have been a problem other places Universal stated it might be there. A person of large size can be limited because of it. There has to be a point where the size accommodation is halted for one reason or another.

I've seen lots of experiences posted from people... Tried the seats and didn't fit, tried the seats and did fit and went on the ride, larger people who have said they fit but were snug, larger people who carry their weight on the bottom... What I haven't seen is anyone that agrees Universal is partially to blame for your mothers embarrassment.

I don't think Universal is to blame either. It's too bad mom was upset she didn't fit.
The pain of seeing my mom cry is so intense, that days later I still cannot get over the hurt feelings of the situation. I feel partly responsible for hyping up our visit there, but I think Universal also needs to take responsibility. I never saw any postings online about the possibility of not being able to ride the ride. In fact the only reason we went to Universal at all was so my mom and I could go to Harry Potter World.

Unfortunately now, no matter how I try to look back, that entire day and visit is tainted by the pain it caused my mom. I will never return to Universal for that reason, and I will tell as many people as possible to never attend as well. I am so hurt by the experience. I could never imagine our trip ending in such a horrible way. I find it very interesting that Universal Studios is the most expensive theme park in the world, I personally will never return.

I'm find it odd how this was written as you write as if it just happened and in a couple of places use present tense. In the paragraph above you say that days later you still cannot get over the hurt feelings. Then in a later post you say it's been over two years ago.

It's too bad she was upset but no theme park can accommodate all heights and weights on every ride. There has to be upper and lower limits on certain attractions.
Op, I think you aren't considering the fact that for a ride seat to be large enough to accommodate someone of considerable size, like your mother, it puts those of average size and below at considerable risk. Imagine someone who's a size 2-4 trying to keep themselves from sliding all over the place in a seat large enough for someone 2-3 Times their size.
I'm find it odd how this was written as you write as if it just happened and in a couple of places use present tense. In the paragraph above you say that days later you still cannot get over the hurt feelings. Then in a later post you say it's been over two years ago.

It's too bad she was upset but no theme park can accommodate all heights and weights on every ride. There has to be upper and lower limits on certain attractions.

If found that oddly peculiar as well.

You know, its not just weight issues that can restrict someone from riding. I am "excluded" from many rides as well, due to a sensitivity to strobe lighting (following treatment for a brain tumour several years ago, strobe lights provoke seizures). Does this make the theme park responsible for my disappointment? No. Such is life. The whole park isn't designed for me and my unique needs.
Since this has now turned into a debate thread instead of a trip report, we are closed for business.
I don't appreciate being criticized by a few individuals such as yourself that want to argue and criticize my post. That is negative and unproductive and I hope others will share with me positively.
Honestly, when you post on a discussion board, then expect a "discussion." Not everyone will agree with you.
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