our non-rushing (sorta) disney anniversary w/ PICS & VIDEO! new TR link - p. 136

i've FINALLY found the time to sit down and respond......sorry about the delay!

Awww, great update!! I am so excited that we might be going to the P&P party!!!!!!

Luke is soooo cute!!! Love the dancing pictures!!

thanks! you guys will LOVE the party. luke is such a cutie!

awesome pictures!!!! so glad that all of you had a great time together:goodvibes


Well, I have to say, Dawn, that I don't think you will be bored the next three days!!! :scared:

Luke's dancing pics are cracking me up! He was definitely getting his groove on!

Great end of the night pics!!!

I can feel Luke's exhaustion in those bus photos!

It's a good thing that you will have another TR after this one, because otherwise I would not want it to end!

he's such a hoot! we were ALL so tired but poor little luke was just pitiful. hope you can join us on our other TR!

I have become a Vera FREAK!! That doesn't include my 4 hipsters I have and my messenger bag......crazy :sad2: I know

she's not lying. every time we'd see someone with a vera bag on the trip she's day, "i have that hipster" or "i have that purse" or "that's my fall color." and i thought i was bad with shoes! :lmao:

I always take to much, and almost never have exactly what I want :confused: ....not sure how you manage that

at least you brought your deodorant! :rolleyes:

Love the dance pictures and this one is great!!

he's such a crazy kid!

I always have to take my farewell picture of the castle too :rolleyes:


What a GREAT night you had at MK!!!

All of the pics are just wonderful. My favorites are
1. the pic of you and Ray smooching in front of the castle...so cute.
2. Dumbo's booty! :rotfl:

I'm impressed that you all made it till midnight, especially Luke. It's so cute that he says he's "checking out."

yeah, i had to throw dumbo's booty in there! :rotfl:

I love it when little kids dance:banana: They are so uninhibited and just let their little bodies move however. If only adults could feel like that. Just do whatever. I can't believe you made this TR last until your next trip starts! Good planning. I hope you girls don't have too crappy weather. Look forward to following along on your next trip.

luke is just a riot when he lets loose and dances like that!
That was a great update. I felt like I was really there. The smoke coming out of the tunnel looks really cool. I'm sad this is coming to an end, but I guess the next TR is just around the corner. :cool1:

thanks!! hope you'll join us over on the other TR!

thanks for that final update before I head off to bed. :cloud9:

I just finished Erica's TR from christmas, thanks for those amazing pics Erica!! Add in the beautiful halloween decorations posted here and I have decided that when I win the lotttery (yep, keep dreaming!!) I will buy myself an AP and visit WDW in each season, do the halloween, christmas and pirate/princess parties plus hit up the F&G and F&W festivals too. Anyone care to join me? Lapu lapu's (or maybe grey goose slushies) all around!!

Hope the vandygirls have a great trip and stay dry. I'm looking forward to the next TR.

erica's camera rocks and i want one! i'm with ya on buying an AP if i won the lottery! actually, i'd add a DVC membership to that. ;)

Great report of the PPP.


Great update! I want to dance with Sebastian. Do you think Anna would lend me Luke so I have an excuse to join the party? I promise I'd give him back!

depends on whether or not he's behaving! :rotfl:

great update and pics

I have the same gOOFY SWEATHSIRT. I LOVE IT.

The party was such a blast, I cannot wait for the halloween party

ray loves that hoodie too. he will definitely be taking it in december for sure! i'm hoping it will be cool enough to wear it at night.

I love the pictures......I can't believe your trip report is almost over!

thanks! please join us at the new TR! :)

Lots of good pictures! Those are sweet pictures of Luke just being a little boy - riding, dancing, falling asleep - very cute.

aren't they sweet?

I'm sending the Genie your way so you can make a good weather wish.


Looks like right now it would be realistic to be hoping for decent weather, because beautiful weather might be a tall task even for Genie right now.

I'll at least hope you are able to have good weather for the Halloween party, because I really want you to experience that.

thanks! i think the genie granted our wish!!!

I so clearly remember looking at this sign on the way out last October


and agreeing with Jill that indeed we did have a great big 'swell' time!

I want so much for you to be able to have that same feeling, much like you did at the Pirates and Princesses Party.

So, good thoughts for you guys for the trip and especially good thoughts for those who have homes and lives in the path of this destruction that is coming on shore this morning. That has to be so sad and so frustrating to watch that coming at your house knowing you can do absolutely not a thing about it.

thanks for your good vibes! we had a blast and i can't wait to tell you guys about it!!!!

Awww, your trip has nearly come to an end!

What a fabulous last night (and day!) though. Looks like soooo much fun! :thumbsup2

thanks! i hope you join us at the new TR!

Great report Dawn - can't believe it's over!:sad1:

One of the worst feelings in the world -- walking OUT of MK for the last time of your trip!

So lucky you'll be back in just 2 DAYS!!!!!

Here's some :pixiedust: again to keep those nasty storms away!

i told erica - when i leave MK that last night this-coming december i'm gonna need therapy afterwards because i won't be back in 2009!!!!

What an awesome ending! I just loved the pirate and princess party. I can't believe all of the extra special stuff they do. Great pics and report! :goodvibes

thanks! yes, it was a blast. if you ever get a chance, go!

I am really glad you enjoyed the PPP. We were there for the 2nd one and it was GREAT! I loved seeing TINK in the parade. They need to bring her out more often in WDW! Darn them for keeping her locked up in a drawer. ;)

Thanks for the great pictures of the windows. I don't remember ever seeing them decorated like that... way cool! It really is those small touches that make Disney awesome.

Your just a few days away from going back! Good for you! :banana:

i heard once that tink doesn't come out much at WDW because she doesn't like the love bugs. :rotfl2:

the small touches at disney world are the best. i notice something new every time i go and that's part of what makes it so special to me!

What a great last day! If it has to end then it sounds like you did it right!! Luke is just too cute. "I'm checking it out." :rotfl:

I'm so sad it's over but lucky for me you are about to embark upon another trip in just 2 days?!? I hope the weather is ok and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! Have fun!!!!!

he's such a cutie! it's really cool to watch him grow up. anna and i started getting really close a few months after he was born, so i feel like i'm sort of his second momma! thanks for your good thoughts for the trip!! :goodvibes

Great update! I never noticed those store windows, they're so cute! Also cute are those pictures of Luke on the bus, you can tell how tired he is! Sorry to see the report coming to an end but that's the good thing about stretching out a report... usually when it ends it's like the trip's really over but it doesn't matter this time because you leave in TWO days!!! Have fun!

thanks! those window displays were just so neat - i had to get pics of them! hope you join us on the new TR!
:goodvibes Loved the update. Leaving MK for the last time is so sad!!!

:cutie: The photo of you and Ray in front of the castle is darling.

:thumbsup2 Very cool pictures of the windows on Main St. The little touches are magical! pixiedust:

thanks! i love that pic in front of the castle. it looks kinda wierd with the lighting but i think it makes it kinda cool.

Dawn - love the update. Sad it's almost over but then again we will have another one soon, actually two if Erica does one too. I never noticed the windows on Main street either. My favorite one is Belle dancing with Beast. Hope you two get to go to the Halloween party.

we're doing a joint TR (as you probably already know). i see you've already made it over there.......thanks for joining in!!!

Wow great long installment :)

The photos of Luke dancing ae just so sweet and bless him in the tired photos :goodvibes

Looks like you had a fun time at the party and have a fabulous trip in a few days!

isn't he sweet in the tired photos? just too cute.

Double the fun, yes, and you may be a princess:, but Dawn - she is :maleficen, if I recall correctly! I'm sure the princess and the villainess will have a ton 'o fun!

We've got BBQ chicken, hamburgers, fries, baked beans, cole slaw, carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal cookies over here. Better stop by and get some while you're out!

oh, maleficent.......she's SO awesome. i won't say any more, but i'll just tell you i feel even more close to her now!

that menu sounds great. although i'm still so stuffed from all the yummy food we ate......i don't know if i can even think about food!

Hi Dawn! Loved the last update - the pics of Luke are so cute - I'm glad he and his family had such a good time! The mist around everything is so cool! I really, really want to do that party! I hope they are having it in March!

HAVE A GREAT TRIP IN 2 DAYS!!!!!! :dance3: :yay: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :woohoo: :jumping1: :Pinkbounc :simba: :stitch: :goofy: :bounce: :jumping2: :jumping3: party: :dancer: :wave2:

thanks! yes, they had a blast and i'm glad they got to come. they will be with us on our christmas trip in december. and i hope you get to do the party too!
I think you've sold me on the Pirate and Princess Party - I will just have to go to that next year! Love the pictures of the window displays - awesome!

Have a great trip in two days!

good! i promise you'll love it. just kinda do some research on it beforehand just so you know what you want to see while you're there. it's almost impossible to see EVERYTHING, especially if you have little ones.

:snooty: Whatever.

:rotfl2: I am so teasing. Have a great time!!!! :hug:


Hey Dawn and Erica!!!!

Ya'll have a safe trip and lots and lots of fun!!! I can't wait to see the MNSSHP pics when you get back!!!

thanks! i can't wait to tell you guys all about it!

No need to respond to me. I know you're busy with work and preparations for your trip. Have a good time and have fun with your friend. I hope the weather behaves itself.:banana: :banana:

thanks for understanding!

I'm caught up.... have an awesome trip!

thanks!!!!!! how's the little luke doing?
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. I hope that things go well and the weather does get too crazy on your current trip......I can't wait to see the trip report for it!

thanks! we had great luck with the weather. so you guys did a great job with the good weather pixie dust!

Have fun!


Dawn, I have so enjoyed your TR! I have inspiration to keep our "just us two" trip Non-rushing, too. I talked to DH today about the P&P party, and he says he's in - I must have been convincing, cuz he's not a night owl!

Have a great trip, and I'll be waiting to read your new TR - I'm hoping for great weather for you!

thanks! i'm so glad you convinced your DH to go. you guys will have a great time, i'm sure!

Driving under that sign is always the saddest moment of the entire trip!!!

Thanks so much for sharing all your fun with us! Can't wait to hear about the next one!

yes, it's soooooooo sad going under that sign. and i just had to do it again!!!! it's torture, i tell you. :laughing:

Awwww....I'm so sad that your TR is over. But I'm so happy that there will be a new one very soon!

Have a wonderful trip!

p.s. I can't wait to try one of those rice krispy treats! Yum!!!

thanks! i hope you can join us for the new one! i have one of those rice krispie treats in my fridge as i type this......YUM!!!!!!

It can't be over!!! At least you have another trip to comfort you and keep you warm at night...........oh wait...isn't that 2 upcoming trips?;)

I love the pics of Luke & Anna infront of the mirrors.:rotfl:

Your babies looked so happy to see you!:lovestruc

yes, ma'am.....you are correct. 2 trips! well, now it's 1. tomorrow will be 3 months until we leave to go back. but 2009 will be disney-less. sooo sad.

perfect timing--you finished one report just in time to enjoy your next adventure! Be safe and have a great time:goodvibes

i couldn't have planned it better! thanks.

Have a safe trip. Maybe I will see you there.

you should start a post now and put a link in here.

hey, scott! i heard you postponed your trip! i need to go catch up on your TR. anyway, hope you're okay with it and that you can plan an even better trip now!!!!! at least your dry. ;)

CUTE pup-pups pluto: pluto: I'm excited to meet them :goodvibes

they were excited to meet you too and they just told me to tell you what's up!

Yayyy! What a fabulous, fun trip report!!

Thanks for sharing it all with us Dawn. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read the next one now!

Have fun, Vandy girls!!!!! :yay:

thanks!!! glad you joined me again and i hope i see you over at the other one.

Look at all the wonderful sacks filled with treasures!

That's a sweet pictures of Luke and Mommy.

You are very blessed to have had all these trips, and they will become even more special when you are able to take your own little one and watch the absolute joy and wonder in his/her face that happens at Disney World.

I'm excited for you girls as you set off on your newest adventure. I love girl trips! I love family trips, too, but girl trips are fun in a different way - less stress in trying to keep the men happy.

I know you'll have a good time no matter what, but I do hope the weather doesn't put a huge damper on things for you. We'll look forward to hearing from you soon. Prayers will be with you for a safe drive and good times!

yeah, i love that picture of luke and anna - they didn't know i was taking it. i am definitely counting my blessings this year. and i totally agree with "less stress in trying to keep the men happy"! soooooo true! thanks for your prayers. ;)

Oh I hope you get to leave a day earlier! Have fun! We'll all be here when you get back

thanks for sticking with us!

But there are NO other places as magical, wonderful, special, and just all-around fantabulous as WDW! pixiedust:

Thanks for sharing your trip with us Dawn! You did a great job and I really enjoyed it. I'm so looking forward to the new one!

And, I agree - make-your-own treats at Goofy's Candy Co. should be on everyone's must do list!:thumbsup2

thanks so much! i have one of those treats in my fridge right now. soooooooo good!
great ending to the TR, loved all the pics of the party.

i can not wait to get one of those mickey treats again, they are so rich and gooooood.

hope you have decent weather and can do what you want to....either leaving today or tomorrow:banana: , hope it is a safe trip.

thanks! i have one of those mickey treats in my fridge right now. i guarantee you it'll take me at least a week to finish it!

I really enjoyed reading your TR. Your dogs are so cute. I hope you have a great trip, and I can't wait to read your new report when you come back.

thanks! i'll tell the doggies you said so. ;)

:cool1: That's exciting your leaving a day early. Just think tomorrow morning you'll be waking up at Disney :banana: ......well, maybe at Disney. But REALLY, REALLY close. Have a great time and drive safely.:)

we actually woke up right across the street from wet 'n wild, so at least we were near a theme park! :lmao:

Have a great trip! How exciting to be leaving a day early! Woo Hoo! :banana:

thanks! it was a long drive but it was worth it to leave early!

Great ending of a great TR!

I wish you a very nice trip! :)

thanks so much!

What a totally perfect way to start a new trip... by ending the last one! Yippee for leaving today and drive careful girls.

tell me about it! i wish i could do that every time!!!

Awww, have fun girls!!!!!!!


I have truely enjoyed reading your TR, I had so much fun. I am so excitted for you to be leaving today :banana: Just think you have all of tomorrow in Orlando :cheer2: Safe trip and good weather. pixiedust: You'll have a fun :drive: today taking about girl stuff. Take lots of great pics and we'll be here when you return. What will Ray and your boys do all week without you? :wave2:

we did have a decent drive. south georgia was a pain because of construction, but it's always like that. we listened to '90's dance music and had a great time!

Have fun!!! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow when we get to take the first Mickey head off of our Countdown calendar:thumbsup2 .

thanks! wow.......how exciting that you got to start your countdown calendar!

Thanks for another great TR Dawn, wow you did have a lot of WDW bags to fit in your cases :rotfl:

Hope you have a wonderful time in WDW and stay safe :goodvibes

i think i had even more this time! :rolleyes1 thanks!

I'm only on page 55 of your TR (I like reading them when they're completed - I'm too impatient otherwise!), but I wanted to say that I've really enjoyed it so far and hope you have a great time on your trip!

And don't judge me by my name, I promise I'm not one of those Georgia fans :laughing:

thanks so much! i hope you've enjoyed reading the rest of it (i've you've gotten any further. i won't judge you - at least you are aware that there are those georgia fans out there! :rotfl:

yah for leaving early, have a great trip, cant wait to read about it when yo u get back, and hope you dont get many storms.

thanks so much!

have a great trip. Maybe I will see you around the parks.


Aww, I am sad to see it end, but looking forward to your next report. I just read that you're leaving a day earlier than planned. Exciting! Hope you girls have a great time!

thank you! we appreciate the good thoughts.
Just read your ending here to your TR, sad that it's all over, but WOO-HOO on leaving a day early for your trip!! I look forward to your next TR as well!

i was sad it was over too but it made it easier knowing that i was leaving soon for another trip! thanks for your nice comments!

:banana: :dance3: :dance3: :cheer2: :cheer2: :yay: :grouphug: Bye! Have a great time - we'll miss you!


That's good to know. I started to call you about 10:30 to see where you were, but I didn't want to bother you. Thanks for letting us know you made it safely. I hope you are having sweet dreams as I type. It will brighten my day to picture you guys checking in to Disney magic today!

I'm getting ready to PM you about something else. Have a GREAT day! (I know you will.) :cheer2: :cheer2:

if i had to guess i'd say at 10:30 we were somewhere around the florida/georgia line. we left here around 6:00 (more details later) and we arrived at our hotel around 1:00 a.m. we were TIRED!

Glad to know you got there safe, have a good trip!!! Wow MeMom you are up early. princess:

thanks!!! oh, and memom is always up early. she has super-human awakeness powers. :laughing:

I love this picture of them.

Your little guy on the right in this picture looks just like our begal that we had only she was a girl. Her name was Penny.

I enjoyed your TR very much. It was fun going to WDW with you and Ray and the gang. Can't wait for the next one.

Hope you have a safe trip. Don't worry I can't leave my DH either. The longest we've ever been apart is one night since we've been married (1996)

Glad you two made it safe for FL. You'll be on your way today. Tell Mickey I said hello and Erica can you by any chance get a picture of the castle for me;)

that little guy is eli and he's a pudgy butt!!!! he's such a cutie though. we thought about shaving him for the hot summer months but then ray said he'd look like a hippo if he didn't have hair. :rotfl:

thanks for your nice comments! :goodvibes oh, i leave ray for the weekend all the time (going home to nashville to see my family) but never for more than like 3 nights. this was hard, but i had fun.

oh, and i have to say, when i read your comment on wednesday morning as we were getting ready to leave for disney i literally laughed out loud about erica getting pictures of the castle! :rotfl2:

HAVE AN AWESOME TIME AT WDW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sending sunny skys your way!!!

thanks so much!!!!

Dawn and Erica, breathe lots of Disney air for me today!!! Because it will be 36 days before I breathe any for myself. ;)

i thought of you as we walked down main street for the first time and that "disney air" hit me! how cool that your trip is so close!

glad u made it.

Hurricane center has Hanna barely touching the coast of Florida. I hope it remains that way. We might get lucky

we got really lucky with hanna. the weather was awesome - we only got a little bit of rain.

Have fun on your trip! I cannot wait to hear all about it. :cool1:

thanks!!! we can't wait to share it. it may take awhile to get started because we're both swamped with trying to get settled back in.

Aw, I can't believe it's all over :sad2: ... said as your at Disney again! See, ending a report isn't so bad when you end it the day before you leave for another trip. That's the way to do it! :laughing: Your reports are always some of my favorites and this one was no exception. I loved every minute of it and had a great time reading about all of yours and Rays adventures. Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup2

Now on to your next report...! :laughing: Hope you're having fun!

thanks so much for all your super sweet comments!!!!! you are such a sweetie.

Have a fabulous trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing your trip report with us! I've so enjoyed it! Your are always my favorite! You and Ray have so much fun! I do know what you mean about taking a Disney break. We just spent 10 days there and we were ready to come home. I'm not sure if I'm doing a trip report or not this time. We are going to CA Friday am for a business/golf trip over a long weekend. With kids back in school and sports, I'm not sure I'll have time to put into it. Anyway, back to the Disney break, I think we are going to skip Disney next year. OMG, I'm going to be in trouble for saying that here! hehe
We want to take the kids somewhere other Florida and WDW for a vacation so that they don't think there are only two states in the country! hehe

I'll look for your new trip report! I can't wait and hope you have a magical trip!

i agree about there being other places to vacation. although i absolutely love disney and i will always continue to go there, i want to experience other parts of the world, too. disney will always hold a special place in my heart though. :goodvibes

Thanks for another great trip report! :thumbsup2

I'm so glad that you two made it safely to Florida! Have lots of fun!!! Can't wait to read about it! :goodvibes

you're welcome! it was my pleasure.

Really enjoyed the last long post of your P&PP. It really is a fun party. I love all the special parties that Disney does at the MK. I hope you are able to go to the MNSSHP without too much rain. How fun that you were able to leave early for your trip. Your dogs are so cute sitting on the porch. Thanks for the fun report Dawn, you do an awesome job of sharing your love of WDW.

thanks!!!! you're so sweet. you guys are really pumping my ego with these comments. :laughing: i appreciate you reading along!

Yay for being there early! Have a wonderful trip!

thanks so much!
thanks to all of you for your good thoughts while we were gone!!!!!

Thanks so much for the great trip report, i will be looking for the girls only report when you come back. Have a great time. And if it rains...just sing in it. :yay:

thanks!!! i think during the one rainy day we had we ate and drank most of our way through it! :rotfl:

We talked to the girls today. They were at Animal Kingdom getting counter service over by Yak & Yeti, and they said they had had a great time at the Halloween party last night.

Erica said the parade was so cool!

She's right! ::yes::

They said the weather had been good - a little rain before the party, but then it stopped. Today it was sunny and hot.

Just thought I'd let anyone who was keeping up know that the wild and crazy girls were safe and sound and having a great time! They sent Jill a phone picture and they both looked very happy!

SUNNY AND HOT is right! when it wasn't raining it was SO HUMID! and that food was good but not really condusive to being hot and sweaty. thanks for posting this, memom!!!

They met up with Glendamax earlier this evening! What a fun group!

glendamax was soooooo sweet! go over to the new TR to find out more! ;)

Now your trip is giving me Disney Dreams! I had one last night that I was in YOUR kitchen (although it was mine) waiting for you and Erika to come home. I had been dog-sitting for you and her...she had two akitas! When you came home you were both mad that I had not bathed the dogs. WHAT??? :lmao:

Hope you are having a great time!! :wizard:

that's hilarious!!! by the way, i saw your photopass pics and ty is SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!

Thank you for the update. I want a friend to go to Disney with! How fun would that be?? A lot of fun. Good to hear the weather isn't ruining their festivities.

it really is fun to go with a friend and leave everyone else at home. that sounds mean, doesn't it? anyway, it's still fun!

Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to read all about your trip - heading over right now!

Yay - another TR to subscribe too!:cheer2:

thanks for going over to the new TR!

Welcome back to you both. Subscribed to the new TR.


Welcome back! Heading over to your new trip report now!

thanks so much!
Hey girl, ive been gone for sooo long....I have soo much catching up to do on your TR and I leave to disney sooon. I cant wait to just be there, I will have to take my lap top with me to catch up on your TR and start on mine.

Hope all is well,
Welcome back!:welcome:

I've been so busy I haven't been able to check in since like page 40! I was able to take some slow time during work to catch up.

Awesome pictures, descriptions, and you do such a good job of conveying what's going on and what you guys are thinking and doing. Truly entertaining. I'll be sure to check out your new TR and keep up with it once I get caught up.

I'm still hoping to plan a first DW trip maybe sometime next year. :wizard: What with maxing out the budget with our house we bought last year (bad idea, but what's done is done) and some lingering credit card debt we have $0 to spend. Hopefully we'll get something done next year.

Thanks for a great TR!:thumbsup2
I've been MIA (again!) and haven't had time to catch up...but just wanted to say Congrats on Vandy's football season thus far!!!


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