Our September very short mom and son birthday celebration!1/30: MK EMH


DIS Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
First off this was not our second trip. In fact it was my sons 10th trip and my too many to count trip but this was the second trip with just us two. We had our first mom and son when he was 18 months. This was a very short budgeted 4 day trip to celebrate his 5th birthday. we had amazing time. So much that I have been dying to get back and I am currently trying to pick between May and October next year. This will be a quick TR and don't expect too much because I am not a photographer. I mostly used my I phone and my videos are all shaky and done with a camera. Oh and I am a terrible writer. I misspell and use bad grammar so please forgive me.

Who are we:


DS: My baby, Devyn, is 5 and in pre-k and jut started basketball . He is a pretty smart kid counting to 100, writing his name, and doing addition and subtraction already. He obviously got my genes because this kid loves Disney. His favorite rides are Toy story mania and the monorail (boys) or any train really. At a very young age he was obsessed with Thomas the train. While he is really growing away from that, the kid still loves trains and any mode of transportation. He gets excited riding on a Disney bus. His favorite resort is the monorail resort, the contemporary.


ME: I am a 28 year old Disney obsessed enthusiast who really wants to expand her Disney travel but needs to win the lottery first. I am a Disney CP alumnus from 2007 and the magic still lives in me after that. I have 3 very important jobs. First I a single parent to Dev, I am a respiratory therapist, and I am a travel agent. My favorite ride is the people moverand my favorite resort is Akl.

When: September 9th-12th, 2014
where: Disney All star sports
what: only two parks
why: its a birthday celebration

Well that took forever, I hope I didn't scare anyone away. First I thought about sharing this video. This video has not been edited! Mainly because I don't know how. Even trying to get this video together took forever without the bells and whistles. I kind of feel like I shouldn't put my name to this but This took alot of time and next year I am going to get a real video camera. SO here it is.


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just watched your video and thought it was great! how wonderful that you are making special memories with your son. he is so cute and i loved the t shirt, disney lock up your princesses! the years go by so quickly. i remember being with my son at disney when he was 5 and now he is in his last year of college. enjoy your precious son. looks like you two had a wonderful time:)
just watched your video and thought it was great! how wonderful that you are making special memories with your son. he is so cute and i loved the t shirt, disney lock up your princesses! the years go by so quickly. i remember being with my son at disney when he was 5 and now he is in his last year of college. enjoy your precious son. looks like you two had a wonderful time:)

Thank you! we had a great time! We cannot wait to go back!
Friday, September 9th

At this point of time, I just made the move from south Georgia back to my hometown but I was able to get a week off and meet with my family for a few days. Someone who loves us dearly got us some plane tickets so we flew from ATL Friday morning. We arrived at the airport just after 5:30 for a 7am flight.


I love the 1 hour flights from Atlanta. Sure is better than driving 8. we both slept and woke up upon arrival around 8 am.


there was no one in the magical express lane.



3 more people got on our bus and we were off.


and soon under the golden archway


First stop was art of animation, followed by all star sports.


We walked straight up to the desk to check in and there was a problem. Apparently the system was down. The entire system. No one could check in. no one could get tickets, and no one could use their dining plan. Talk about upset! However Disney gave us a complimentary ticket. An extra day in the park!


I was excited but I was tired. We still could not get into our room and we had to pay for our food oop until later that evening. That kind of suck but turned out to be great. I gave Devyn the decision of what to do. I said we can go to the arcade, DTD, EPCOT, AK OR get a extra day in MK or HS. He said he wanted two days in MK. So just after 11am we were walking through Main street USA.

The first ride if the trip was none other than a train! The people mover, followed by Buzz, and the speedway.



Then we met some of our friends! Donald and goofy

Finally, we took a flight on Dumb.



we stopped for a treat, a presidential sweet form sleepy hallow and went over to pirates.


At this point it was just before 2pm and we had been up since 4 and someone was done, completely exhausted.


So tired that the boy who has not taken a nap since he was two fell asleep in the stroller. I almost didn't bring that thing!


Let's not forget it was hot. I had a text my room was ready and I had my magic bands so we went to our room 7261. I requested touchdown top floor and I got touchdown middle floor


It was so hot and my child who slept out of MK, through the bus ride and back, was still asleep so I joined him. I was starting to get a headache. we slept till 5pm! Two hours for me almost 4 for him.


my mom and sister had been texting me and were completely shocked when I told them I was sleeping. In a way, this was not suppose to be a park day but we got the tickets so why not.


It was raining so we grabbed our ponchos. we had a ADR to make at 7pm but not before a very important ride. we got the bus to EPCOT and then rode the DS absolute favorite ride!

You already know what it is!


The monorail!
Look at this boy! Too excited



We made it to our destination a little early so we made a stop to view the observation deck


I love this view!

we had an ADR at chef Mickey's! we have been to breakfast here a few times but never to Dinner. we met the fab 5 and had a good ole time!





Minnie stole my kisses


Someone was spoiled at every meal because he had a birthday the next day. There were plenty of choices but none that I really liked except I loved the
Mac and cheese



I'm not sure what was so funny
At this point I never really checked into my hotel. My MB did not work for the Dining plan so I had to pay OOP for this meal. However, it turned out perfectly. Just so I don't forget, I checked in back at sports and all I had to do was show my receipts for the meal and the snacks and Disney reimbursed me. What is so special is we had the free dining plan so Disney actually paid us to eat there! Pretty nice swap!

After we went to the arcade. the free 100 points always go so fast but I told him we were not buying anymore since we were going to Disney quest before we left.


We got a bus at MK back to the hotel



Last sight before bed!
So glad you are doing another TR! Devyn is really growing up. It is so special that you guys got to do a trip with just the two of you. We are staying at All Star Sports in February- My 6 year old is obsessed with sports right now and we requested Touchdown location as well, as football is really his favorite. <3
So glad you are doing another TR! Devyn is really growing up. It is so special that you guys got to do a trip with just the two of you. We are staying at All Star Sports in February- My 6 year old is obsessed with sports right now and we requested Touchdown location as well, as football is really his favorite. <3
Hey there! How are your two boys doing? My DS loved sports! He is starting basketball and has his first game together! Touchdown is a great spot and very close to the food court
September 10, 2014
My alarm went off at 6:30am. :eek::eek:Let's face it, I was already up. I was too excited to sleep plus that long nap yesterday. Today was pretty special because it was Dev's 5th birthday!

We shared this bounty platter

We got dressed and were out the door . My baby had his special birthday shirt!:thumbsup2


Today's destination!


Hollywood studios!


Birthday boy on the bus

we were first at the turntiles.

This was a perfect time to give my boy his birthday card!

He was in shock when he got a Disney giftcard to spend on whatever he wanted!
We also got our frozen olaf fan. Which worked wonders in the September heat!:)

we were let in and stopped for a countdown that clearly wasn't thought about until the last minute :confused3 and we were escorted to TSM. His second favorite ride! after the monorail of course



the kid loves this ride!


We stopped for some photopass pics before entering oakens and playing with some snow! Unfortunately this did not last long. It felt good in that cool weather though!



then we stood in line to meet woody and Buzz. It said it was a 40 min wait but it was about 20 minutes.


All my pictures have somehow disappeared from this meet, even the photopass ones. This is the only picture I have. Devyn is a big fan!

Our next destination was to ride star tours. Not before a castmember asked devyn to sign mickey's autograph book. He was very happy about this because whenever someone asked him what he did today for his birthday it was always ride rides and sign mickeys autograph book!



we had the streets all to ourselves


I love that he is enjoying Disney more than ever. We had a fabulous ride on star tours. Afterwards we went across from american idol to wait for the parade!

So we were waiting for the parade across from american idol on a bench with some shade!:woohoo: thank goodness. Since we were past the stage show, we really had no one around. My kid snapped this sometime

This turned out to be spot great. Dev conversated with this lady while they were on the stage

As the parade started back up we had a great view. We were the first group of people to see for a split second and everyone said hi to Dev. We also got the start of a great interaction from Anna and Elsa

And in case you haven't seen enough of these floats in better quality I am sure. Well here we go





they see him! They had a full conversation with him from the parade!




There expression when dev told them he was five! Love it:goodvibes


Bye Anna!

After the parade we ran accross the way for our 11:15 lunch at Hollywood and vine. I guess Sophia and doc have made this place pretty popular because we always have a 11 am adr and never had to wait to check in and the characters always made rounds to the table at least 3 times. This was not the case, we didnt even see sophia but we enjoyed this place just as much. Not sure why it gets such bad reviews.




Like I said, We did not wait to see Sophia but we did get to see Jake, Handy, and Doc!




Even after dessert the sweet kid got a cupcake and card


They asked anyone celebrating a birthday to come up. Dev and one other little girl went up

They got my baby to dance. He was busting some moves today ya'll!
I am pretty much going here for our next trip because my son is at this age where he will occasional watch doc and jake. I would like to keep coming until he has no interest in those characters but I am hoping not too soon!
So, again we had a wonderful lunch as always with Hollywood and vine but we left without seeing Sophia because I really wanted to see BATB, which started at 1 pm. I asked D if he wanted to meet her and he said no so I was ok with skipping her. First we stopped to get some photopass pics. I was not to fond of these photos but the photographer in front of TOT was really great and interactive!





BATB is my all time favorite show and Movie! I actually just a got a shirt with it in my favorite color! Yellow!

Dev had been asking me since we got on the plane
He really wanted to meet mickey. SO we hopped to animation courtyard but first we stopped to Disney Junior live. I figured I only have a few more times before he outgrows it.

My baby finally saw mickey again! :)


We got in line for wreck it Ralph since it was right there and only a few minutes before they came out, before D announces how bad he had to go to the restroom. SO we left our second spot in line for the bathroom. We came back but the line was not that long so we stayed. I figured we should really see them since they were leaving soon. They are currently not meeting so we made a good call!:lmao:


It was now after 2:30, it was time for us to use our TSM fp. He was so excited he got to ride twice!

Toys only!

We went into some stores and Dev decided not to use his money but wanted to use mine to get this treat. Thank you snack credits though!


we went to the Frozen sing along as stand by. we had a FP+ at 6:30 but it became evident we were not going to make it that long. The singalong was pretty fun but not a must do for us. As we exited, we walked right into characterpalooza.

Devyn meet Gepetto, Mulan, and captain hook before he declared he was ready to go to the hotel. This boy had the pool on his mind.




So we were exiting the park and then a familar song came on and well my baby bust some moves. I was unaware that my baby could dance like this!
I broke this up in our video but here he is! I had no idea!!


We left the park through the stores and my kid was happy to use his birthday money for a disney bus.
Then i had to get this picture! I love it!

The bus arrived as soon as we walked up. It was uneventful.

we snapped this with me looking a mess but it proves I was having a good ole time!
WE immediately put on our swimsuits and spent an hour at the pool. We went to the food court afterwards for Dinner.
We used two quick service meals and got Pizza, chicken fingers and fries and ice cream for dessert. Way too much food for us!



As if we haven't had enough sweets in one day. Ice cream please!

The rest of night which was pretty short, we snuggled in the bed and watched some TV before drifting off to sleep! I had an amazing day with my DS for his birthday! Funny thing he keeps telling me all the stuff he wants to do for his 6th birthday AT DISNEY! oh oh! we will be there a month later for his fall break! I figured I would surprise him on his birthday this year sine he will not be there on the day.
This sums up day 2!
Omg, Devyn is seriously the cutest thing! I absolutely love his monorail shirt. And the 5th birthday shirts. It looks like he had an amazing 5th birthday - you are such a great mommy!
So sweet! Looks like a perfect birthday!

I love this as I am looking at planning a similar trip for my son's fifth birthday this year. One of the best memories I have of my recent trip was the rest of my family heading back and the two of us just spending time in the park by ourselves doing whatever he wanted to do.
Omg, Devyn is seriously the cutest thing! I absolutely love his monorail shirt. And the 5th birthday shirts. It looks like he had an amazing 5th birthday - you are such a great mommy!

You are too sweet! Thank you!!!
He already is telling me about his 6th birthday. He thinks we will be in Disney again!
So sweet! Looks like a perfect birthday! I love this as I am looking at planning a similar trip for my son's fifth birthday this year. One of the best memories I have of my recent trip was the rest of my family heading back and the two of us just spending time in the park by ourselves doing whatever he wanted to do.
Dev still talks about that trip and plans his 6th birthday at Disney! Poor boy thinks we will be there in September this year! With my work schedule spending that time with him was so valuable! I hope you and your DS go and make some great memories
I had an update all set and ready to go last night and pressed post and it was long gone! Ill try and rewrite this weekend but life is busy! with Two jobs and Dev has been having basketball games twice a week this month so Ive been backed up as well as planning our 9 day trip in October which has been approved by work :cool1:
September 11, 2014

Today was another packed fun day!
we were up bright and early.

MK was having EMH and we were the only ones at the bust stop. Still kind of dark outside.



He was so happy


and here comes his love, the train.


During EMH, my DS rode peter pan 3 times. He loved it and wanted to ride it again and again. I agreed on those multiple rides since we did not have a FP+ for it and would not make it back with the long lines.


we also rode Winnie the pooh and the voyage of the little mermaid. followed by his third ride on PP and it was 40 after and there was no one in line so we went to enchanted tells with belle. Dev got a starring role! lol




His face! lol
I was trying to video and snap pics at the same time so sorry they are not the best but the photopass pic was too cute!



LOL he was scared to look her in the eye it seemed he told me he did not know what to say. He just tried to smile at the camera as he danced



We went to adventure land and rode POTC and flying carpets before meeting Aladdin and jasmine


Then we made a quick stop for some castle pics before riding the carousel and checking into our ADR

Where my child was not looking!



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