Over 3,500 people quarantined on Diamond Princess cruise

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That's horrible! Source?

It's all over the news, and it should be easy to find multiple sources. I'm watching something right now on YouTube that is CNBC, so mainstream media. And the new case count today is far, far below the one yesterday.

It's all over the news, and it should be easy to find multiple sources. I'm watching something right now on YouTube that is CNBC, so mainstream media. And the new case count today is far, far below the one yesterday.

Thanks for sharing the video.
Well the guy who chose to stay won't be allowed back any time soon (theoretically speaking). Source is NPR:

Americans who stayed aboard are on temporary no-fly list

Some 61 U.S. citizens were not flown home and remained on board the Diamond Princess. The Department of Homeland Security has temporarily put those Americans on a federal no-fly list to bar them from traveling to the U.S., the CDC says.

"This action has been taken because you are reasonably suspected of having had an exposure to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) while onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship," the CDC said in a letter to the passengers.

Anyone who tries to subvert the travel ban by flying first to Mexico or Canada "will be stopped by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials," the CDC adds.
Well the guy who chose to stay won't be allowed back any time soon (theoretically speaking). Source is NPR:

Americans who stayed aboard are on temporary no-fly list

Some 61 U.S. citizens were not flown home and remained on board the Diamond Princess. The Department of Homeland Security has temporarily put those Americans on a federal no-fly list to bar them from traveling to the U.S., the CDC says.

"This action has been taken because you are reasonably suspected of having had an exposure to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) while onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship," the CDC said in a letter to the passengers.

Anyone who tries to subvert the travel ban by flying first to Mexico or Canada "will be stopped by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials," the CDC adds.

I hate to be the one to say this but I saw this coming. Like I said it’s far from a guarantee that the Government will evac you in dangerous situations, that’s not a statement about the current administration for the record just about the government in general. The fact that they even made a move to do that does say something about the concerns the government has about the virus.

I saw photos of the plane. That definitely wasn’t comfortable. But I know if I had been in the situation with my other knowledge I would have taken the evac.

Also the fact that the other countries are insisting on an additional quarantine does not speak well of the cruise ship quarantine.
I mean, the world appears to be giving up on containment. Look at Japan.
Yes, I get that feeling. They've had community transmission already, so the Diamond Princess passengers may not make any difference to them. But, TBH, many countries have no ability to even try containment. They go straight to mitigation, i.e. try to minimize spread.

One country which is doing quite well with containment is Singapore, so that's a good sign.

The CDC has put a Level 1 Travel Advisory on HK and Japan. That's important because it means travel to those countries might be added to the list of questions doctors ask about if a person has a cold or the flu, and then they can be tested.

Iran has had two cases reported today, both deaths. Importantly, both were Iranians who had never left Qom, meaning there is already community transmission. The city of Qom is now under quarantine all schools & universities are closed.

I believe WHO will shortly be calling this a global pandemic, unless they're picky and want to say Iran is part of Asia and therefore it's still confined to only one continent. That whole concept is archaic anyway, with air travel being so commonplace.
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Well the guy who chose to stay won't be allowed back any time soon (theoretically speaking). Source is NPR:

Americans who stayed aboard are on temporary no-fly list

Some 61 U.S. citizens were not flown home and remained on board the Diamond Princess. The Department of Homeland Security has temporarily put those Americans on a federal no-fly list to bar them from traveling to the U.S., the CDC says.

"This action has been taken because you are reasonably suspected of having had an exposure to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) while onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship," the CDC said in a letter to the passengers.

Anyone who tries to subvert the travel ban by flying first to Mexico or Canada "will be stopped by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials," the CDC adds.
Money not being an issue like it seemed to be for this guy. I'd rather be hanging out in a hotel in Japan than imprisoned at a US military base. I think the guy in question knew the risks and was OK with it.
For anyone else following the Abels. Theyre now at a hospital since they have a cold (not pnuemonia currently). However they're now been told through an English speaking doctor they did actually test positive for the virus.

I don't even know these people personally and I feel frustrated on their behalf.

Someone seriously messed up here. And I'm wondering if there are any other cruisers who had this happen to them and we just don't know about it yet.

I feel like there experience encapsulates just how much has gone wrong with this situation.

ETA: At the very least it astounds me that no one double checked the lists you would think the people in charge have to make sure everyone is going to the right place.
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Sadly, two passengers from the Diamond Princess have died from coronavirus.

Announcement from Japanese Ministry of Health, translation by Google:


About death of patient associated with cruise ship under quarantine at Yokohama Port
 Today, February 20, a cruise ship-related patient who has been quarantined at the port of Yokohama has died. I pray for the soul of the deceased.
 When reporting, please give due consideration to the privacy of the deceased and the bereaved.

Patient (1st case)
1 Outline of patient
(1) Age: 80s
(2) Gender: Male
(3) Place of residence: Kanagawa Prefecture
(4) Basic illness: Bronchial asthma, angina pectoris treatment history

2 Cause of death New corona Virus (COVID-19) Infectious Disease

3 Progress
February 5 The cruise ship returns to Yokohama.
February 10 There is fever. No other symptoms.
February 11 Due to continued fever and respiratory distress, a PCR test sample was collected and transported to a medical institution. He was hospitalized under the Infectious Diseases Act.
February 12 New coronavirus was found positive by PCR.
February 15 Respiratory condition worsened and intubated. Started management of ventilators.
February 18 Pneumonia worsened by diagnostic imaging.
Feb. 19 Blood pressure drops even though vasopressors are used. Respiratory deterioration.
February 20 Death confirmed.

Patient (2nd case)
1 Outline of patient
(1) Age: 80s
(2) Gender: Female
(3) Place of residence: Tokyo
(4) Basic disease: N / A

2 Cause of death Pneumonia

3 Course
February 5 Cruise ship returns to Yokohama.
February 12 PCR test sample was collected due to continued fever and transported to a medical institution. He was hospitalized under the Infectious Diseases Act. On admission, she had shortness of breath and anorexia. Intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs was started with oxygen administration.
February 13 New coronavirus was found positive by PCR.
February 14 Respiratory condition worsened. Oxygen is administered at a high flow rate using a mask. No improvement in respiratory status.
February 20 Death confirmed.

◆ Message to the people ◆ For the people,

it is very important to carry out cough etiquette and hand-washing for each person as well as measures against colds and seasonal flu. We ask that you take measures against infectious diseases.

方 If you have any of the following symptoms, please consult the "Returnee / Contact Center".
・ Symptoms of a cold or fever of 37.5 ° C or more have continued for 4 days or more.
(Including when you need to keep taking antipyretics)
・ Severe drool (malaise) or breathlessness (dyspnea).
* Elderly people and those with underlying diseases, etc. If the above condition lasts for about two days,

consult with the center. Is introduced. Wear a mask and avoid using public transportation.
At the moment, there are overwhelmingly many diseases other than the new coronavirus infection, so if you are worried about influenza, etc., consult with your GP as usual.

[Requests to consult a medical institution after consultation]
〇Please consult a medical institution recommended by the Returnee / Contact Consultation Center. Please refrain from seeing more than one medical institution.
ほ か In addition to wearing a mask when consulting a medical institution, be sure to wash your hands and cough etiquette (use a mask, tissue, handkerchief, or sleeve to hold your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing). You.

[About participation and holding of events and events where many people gather]
場合 Even if many people participate in an event or event where many people gather, each person should keep in mind cough etiquette and frequent hand washing etc. Please consider taking measures as much as possible, such as installing an alcohol disinfectant at the entrance of the building.
(Others) We
will continue to provide prompt and accurate information, so please cooperate in providing accurate information to the public. In addition, please refrain from interviewing on site from the viewpoint of protecting the privacy of patients.
(Reference) Coronavirus is a virus
that causes infectious diseases widely among humans and animals. There are six known causes of infectious disease in humans, but SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus) and MERS-CoV (middle east respiratory syndrome), which can cause serious respiratory illness Other than coronavirus, infections are limited to non-severe symptoms such as a common cold.

See the National Institute of Infectious Diseases information page for more information.
○ National Institute of Infectious Diseases Coronavirus that infects humans
https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/ja/from-idsc/2482-2020-01-10-06-50-40/9303-coronavirus. html

And some additional cases on board.


About new coronavirus infectious disease confirmed on cruise ship during quarantine at Yokohama Port (14th report)
 The cruise ship Diamond Princess, which arrived at Yokohama Port on February 3, is undergoing quarantine at sea. A new coronavirus test was conducted, including those who are considered to be at a high risk from the viewpoint of ensuring health due to long-term stay on board, including those with symptoms such as fever, and the results were found. Of the 52, 13 (including
6 asymptomatic pathogen carriers ) positive for the new coronavirus were confirmed. In the future, it will be transported to medical institutions with infectious disease wards. A total of 634 people (including 328 asymptomatic pathogen carriers) tested positive for a total of 3,063 people.

Those who are transported include elderly people and foreign nationals, and it is necessary to take measures that take into account physical conditions. The press is requested to give special consideration to coverage of this matter.

Money not being an issue like it seemed to be for this guy. I'd rather be hanging out in a hotel in Japan than imprisoned at a US military base. I think the guy in question knew the risks and was OK with it.
He definitely made his decision with eyes open however I do think he assumed he'd he able to fly back to the US...But he does seem pretty wealthy.

I would have taken the sure thing myself including being in an area very well equipped to deal with it if I got it (there is probably no better place to be right now than imprisoned on a military base in the US of you end up with severe symptoms) rather than in a foreign country with language barriers as potentially the least of your worries.

On the plane to Orlando now - only one person with a mask. I chlorox wiped all the hard surfaces... We've had flu shots but don't want to get sick with anything else! (including a strain not covered)
FYI, the US Embassy in Japan has posted the Embassy and CDC letters that were provided to US citizen passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess:

The U.S. Embassy and the CDC sent the following letters to passengers remaining aboard the Diamond Princess. (Embassy letter) (CDC letter):
In addition to the above letter, the CDC released a media notice with more information. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/s0218-update-diamond-princess.html

On Thursday evening, the Embassy sent a letter to U.S. Citizens from the Diamond Princess who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Japan.
@Lisa F Safe travels! We are supposed to fly into WDW next month for spring break. Still sitting on the fence about cancelling our vacation. We have not found any face masks in stock around here, and actually don’t want to spend our vacation wearing them either or stressing about it.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to fly straight home before he made his decision -he was told March 4 at the earliest. I think he knew he’d be touring Japan for two weeks - clearly finances and returning to work are not concerning him. He seems content with his decision.

Most of us don’t have those luxuries and would have evacuated.
@Lisa F Safe travels! We are supposed to fly into WDW next month for spring break. Still sitting on the fence about cancelling our vacation. We have not found any face masks in stock around here, and actually don’t want to spend our vacation wearing them either or stressing about it.
Did you look in hardware or farm and ranch stores? They have them by the paint & sanding equipment. You want n95s if you can find them.
I chlorox wiped all the hard surfaces... We've had flu shots but don't want to get sick with anything else! (including a strain not covered)
I have done that for years. I usually sit up front, and let me assure you the flight attendants are all doing it, too.:thumbsup2
He knew he wouldn’t be able to fly straight home before he made his decision -he was told March 4 at the earliest. I think he knew he’d be touring Japan for two weeks - clearly finances and returning to work are not concerning him. He seems content with his decision.
The thing I worry about for this person is that he's either already got it, or he'll get it, or Japan's travel advisory will go from green to red in the two weeks he's supposed to be there. I think he has underestimated how fast this is going to spread through the area, and then all the money in the world won't get him a bed in a local hospital.

Conversely, I'm also worried that if he does come through it unscathed (and odds are, he will, those just aren't odds worth taking, IMHO), he'll be a poster child for ignoring the CDC. I guess we all have to make that call on our own, but he's no dummy. He's capable of assessing the risks. Not everyone who decides to buck the authorities is.
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He knew he wouldn’t be able to fly straight home before he made his decision -he was told March 4 at the earliest. I think he knew he’d be touring Japan for two weeks - clearly finances and returning to work are not concerning him. He seems content with his decision.

Most of us don’t have those luxuries and would have evacuated.
A lot of people on those long itinerary princess cruises are retired. An acquaintance did a month south seas cruise on princess and was by far one of the younger people... In his 60s.

I think unfortunately this puts the passengers at higher risk for complications.
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