Paid parking is coming to WDW resorts March 2018

Will the new resort parking fees impact your travel (planned or future)?

  • Not at all

    Votes: 234 28.6%
  • I might consider staying off site

    Votes: 245 30.0%
  • I will keep my currently booked trip, but will not stay on site after that

    Votes: 161 19.7%
  • I will cancel my booked trip and stay off site instead

    Votes: 37 4.5%
  • I will not be returning to Disney parks in the foreseeable future

    Votes: 79 9.7%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 61 7.5%

  • Total voters
It is all priorities in the end. For some off site is a great option and may be a great new option. For others they don't want it. We all have different budgets and how we want to spend our money on and worth/value is all in the eye of the individual.

For us, we are 2.5 hours away so obviously we drive. We have found we dislike parking at the parks and driving around. We like the buses, even though at times they are frustrating. Neither of us want to drive around orlando more than we have too. Many of the off site hotels that we would even consider have parking fees anyway.
We also always drive (7 hours) and the first few trips we drove to the parks and then we started using WDW transportation and realized that driving did not really save us as much time (if any) as we thought or read (many exaggerated posts of time saved for driving). We have no issues with the buses and by far we have had great service vs the few times they were a pain. Yes, offsite hotels do charge a fee BUT you save so much more per night on rooms, plus I constantly see them offering specials to wave any resort or parking fees. You will NEVER see that at WDW.
This is me, too. I've spent SO MUCH MONEY at Disney World starting in 1986 when I went there for the first time and fell in love. I saw the place as a magical, wondrous fantasy that I could use as an escape, returning to it again and again over the past 30 years to renew my spirit.

This recent change finally ripped away that last shred of magic and made me see Disney World for what everyone else who wasn't addicted was seeing it as: A corporation that viewed me not as a valued guest or returning family member, but as an ATM.

Once that magic is gone, it's gone. It's that ephemeral feeling that Walt Disney was so brilliant at understanding and tapping into that made repeat business almost guaranteed for the next 100 years as parents take their kids, then their kids take their kids, and so on and so forth. But once that chain is broken, it's broken. And there's no getting it back.

1000x this. This is what Disney was for me - a magic fantasy that was an escape. And yes, ever since our trip in 2015, I have been seeing so many negative changes that have been breaking that fantasy. But... I still wanted to go back. In December, I planned a trip for the kids and I (and MIL), but honestly, over the last couple months, between the stories of all the cutbacks, ride breakdowns, the possibility of intentional crowd building, yet another price increase, along with the news of the tiering to come, the fiasco over how they treated their employees with the bonus, and now this.... I decided last night that we're not going to go back. We're going to cancel our trip. Which is huge. Anyone who followed my planning knows how much I wanted this November trip. To experience Disney at Christmas was always one of my dreams. But... honestly, I'm at the point of, "meh". What really helps is, when I was trying to do some planning, my son just kept saying, "Mom, I'd rather do something new."
I sent an email last week to the big 3 on the first page of this thread and guest relations. I did not leave my phone number or last name, or ask for a call back, but I received an email and a call today from a gentleman who said he was calling on behalf of Robert, Bob and George. I am travelling today so missed his call but he left a number for me to call back so they could hear my comments.

I'm guessing my email links to my personal information so they were able to find my number for a call back. I just tried him back and got his VM and said I'd be happy to talk to him, even though I doubt I have much to say that he hasn't heard. Since I'm traveling today I said I'd also be happy to communicate by email if he prefers, and if so he can shoot me another email.

I don't want to be redundant but for me it's just always something. Maybe for people who don't go to WDW enough they don't see all the changes but over the years it's some price increase 'here' for a decreased value 'there.' It's like death by a thousand paper cuts.

Hotel and ticket prices go up - ok. But hey, there are always winter, spring, summer and fall discounts available! 15-30% off rooms or free dining woo-hoo! Factor it all in then even though it's still expensive, a $500 room is now $350, or at least free food balances it out.

Oh ok, now the discounts are offered for smaller periods of time. Guess I can plan around that. Now the discounts are less...hmmm...only 10% -20%. Oh, and now free dining includes less food. Ok...well I still feel like that's ok because FD was a lot of food to begin with.

Oh, now I have to buy PHs to get free dining even though I don't need them? Hmmm...

Now, I have to plan around special ticketed events because the park hours are shorter. But, I do love the special ticketed events so I'll plan around them at Halloween and Christmas. Now the special ticketed events are extended? And now there are new ones all year round almost? But the regular park ticket prices didn't go down, in fact they went up for less hours!


Well, at least they have MDE! So...why do i have to wait for 3 buses to come and go for 45 minutes during a slow season to get back to my resort? Maybe I'll take a car some days if I plan on being in the park all day. That gives me flexibility! Good thing there's free parking...oh, no free parking any more? Hmmmmm....

And now next year we'll see resort and ticket prices increase, as normal, and probably tiered ticket pricing (but I doubt there will be a decrease in prices for slow season, that will be current prices) and maybe resort fees? And I'm sure less room and FD deals!

It just never stops...

And in all everything seems slower (lines and buses) and more hectic (crowds and planning) every visit.

And the argument that other hotels charge parking is silly. Many around Orlando may charge parking but you're getting the same quality room for half the price, so sure, charge me parking. And I never believed it was free at Disney anyway. I assumed it was included in the high prices of the resorts. Also, as others have pointed out, these other hotels also have loyalty points that can be used for future stays. So all the money I spend at Marriott, Hilton and IHG can be used for free rooms later.

At this point, as others have said, we will all take the news how we choose to take it and at some point, if we haven't already, spend our dollars where we value spending our dollars. At the end of the day our dollars are really what any business wants, right?
They dropped down from 4.6 stars yesterday to 4.5.

Before this was announced I believe they were at a 5. They’ve dropped a half star. That’s amazing.

I ended up touching base with the guy calling from Disney. I was extremely friendly but explained why this seemed like such a big deal in the context of trends over the last few years and rumors of what may be to come - a more articulate version of my longer post above and the 'death by a thousand papercuts'. I explained that all of this while many of the parks are under construction and there are delays in completion dates of projects and still prices go up. There's never any level setting when changes are made that add value in some ways and decrease it in other areas.

I told him that perhaps families who come once every 5 years wouldn't feel these changes as much, but for loyal customers this all adds up and seems to be never-ending.

He basically responded with what others on here reported being told on their calls 'everyone is listening...we want to hear these concerns...'

I nicely told him that listening is one thing but we'll all wait and see what actions are taken after they are done listening. And then I thanked him for calling and said I am sure he's had this conversation numerous times over the last few days. Then I jokingly added their poor Facebook page is taking a beating for sure. And he said they are watching and listening to everything.

All in all, a pleasant conversation but nothing new from what others reported.
Emailed Disney Friday and just got a call from them today(Saturday)...Just got a call from Disney! It scared the Begeebees out of me for some reason. I was a mess! Thought I was going to have a heart attack! But after about an hour talking to ELIZABETH, I calmed down enough to reiterate my feelings and the feeling s from the blog! She said they were getting a high number of concerns and will be taking each into consideration. The parking fees take effect for all reservations MADE after March 21. If you have made reservations already for later in the year, then she said the parking fees will not apply ONLY TO THOSE MAKING RESERVATIONS AFTER MARCH 21! She also said that nothing will likely be done to stop the fees, but once they are implemented and they see a problem, then they will do something! They want to see what complaints they get when they start charging guests and see their reactions! So I guess our voices made a SLIGHT difference whereas they hear our voices regarding all the nickel and diming, guests are looking for off site hotels more! She did say that all hotels in Orlando area charge for parking, I had to quickly correct her and tell her that the Rosen hotel chain does not charge for parking at any of their hotels(Clarion Lake Buena Vista, Rosen Pointe Orlando, Rosen International, Rosen Inn, Shingle Creek, Rosen I Drive. Please keep up the campaign of voicing your concerns~they will make a difference! Just be prepared and have your thoughts in line before they call! I calmed down toward the end of the 2.5 hour call enough to start repeating things! She told me to take my time and tell her all the concerns I have! She was very nice and listened to me. She said all emails and calls are followed up with a phone call to talk more about your concerns and its not just blowing smoke! Each call is given the same consideration and they have gotten some ideas of what should be done. Those ideas will be reviewed to see if they are feesible!
Must comment... DW and I are not affected. DVC members, we never take a car.

MANY folks have "gotten a call". Notice that a PHONE CALL can not be documented, unless you go through many hoops to RECORD it.

This is why Disney CALLS you.

Please - consider rejecting a call back. Ask for EMAIL, which CAN be documented. Phone call? Corporations can tell you anything that makes you feel good.

Now, for the VERY GOOD people that have gotten these lovely "phone calls"? Nope, in NO WAY do I suspect that you are lying:). Rather, I suspect you have been fed data that can NOT be documented that made you feel good :). You have done your best to tell us your IMPRESSION of the conversation. And that's all you can do, with a phone call.

None of this is Disney specific. It's far more about how to receive documented feedback from ANY large firm.

All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
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I assume the previous poster sees it as only fair, not spiteful. Parking & ME costs were previously rolled into the high price tag of staying onsite. Now they’ve unbundled the parking without lowering the resort price. So, drivers are subsidizing ME costs AND getting hit with an extra parking fee. Hardly fair.... or magical.

Sorry, but I don't see the parking fee as drivers subsidizing ME costs. ME exists - and is 'free' - because it keeps people on property, forced to spend money inside the Disney bubble. Even if you choose not to, someone with a car can easily spend multiple days at other Orlando parks and attractions, and even drive offsite for every meal if they wanted to. Sure, you could take ME and also rent a car to spend time outside of Disney, but that in itself is an extra expense (and those people would be paying for resort parking too). We subsidize our own ME by spending all our money on Disney property.
Must comment... DW and I are not affected. DVC members, we never take a car.

MANY folks have "gotten a call". Notice that a PHONE CALL can not be documented, unless you go through many hoops to RECORD it.

This is why Disney CALLS you.

Please - consider rejecting a call back. Ask for EMAIL, which CAN be documented. Phone call? Corporations can tell you anything that makes you feel good.

Now, for the VERY GOOD people that have gotten these lovely "phone calls"? Nope, in NO WAY do I suspect that you are lying:). Rather, I suspect you have been fed data that can NOT be documented that made you feel good :). You have done your best to tell us your IMPRESSION of the conversation. And that's all you can do, with a phone call.

None of this is Disney specific. It's far more about how to receive documented feedback from ANY large firm.

All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.

I agree that these are purely 'feel good' calls. There's honestly nothing to document from any of the reports I've seen regarding the nature of the calls. None of the reps have promised anything or agreed to any follow up action items. The calls are clearly 'we're listening and will share your concerns.'

I received an email and a voicemail before my call. My email included the name and number of the gentleman that called and said he was responding to my email to Bob, Robert and George and he appreciated the concerns in my email and wanted to discuss them to make sure they were heard. Which, is basically all he said on the call as well.

I wish he said something worth documenting - like they'd give me 30% off my next stay for my troubles!!! LOL!!!
Are they hurting for cash and have to nickel and dime all day now? I dont understand. They raise prices on hotels always, and food and tickets.
They are building a ton of new stuff, I’m sure they are doing whatever it takes. And prices keep increasing and the parks are still full.
Sorry, but I don't see the parking fee as drivers subsidizing ME costs. ME exists - and is 'free' - because it keeps people on property, forced to spend money inside the Disney bubble. Even if you choose not to, someone with a car can easily spend multiple days at other Orlando parks and attractions, and even drive offsite for every meal if they wanted to. Sure, you could take ME and also rent a car to spend time outside of Disney, but that in itself is an extra expense (and those people would be paying for resort parking too). We subsidize our own ME by spending all our money on Disney property.
Never said the parking fee was subsidizing ME. The exhorbitant room rates do that & both drivers & ME users pay those.

For the record we have both flown & driven the 23+ hours to WDW as I’m tied to the school schedule until I retire & airfare for 5 is mega bucks over spring break & Christmas. *And* we spend all our time & money at WDW regardless of our method of transport. We also own DVC & have no horse in this race...
We'll stay at a universal hotel. They charge for parking but are lower priced for our dates. They continue to dime and nickel at disney and it's another $$$$ daily we're sick of. Again and again, walls up, long lines, broken rides. The Dream is dying a bit every day.
I sent an email last week to the big 3 on the first page of this thread and guest relations. I did not leave my phone number or last name, or ask for a call back, but I received an email and a call today from a gentleman who said he was calling on behalf of Robert, Bob and George. I am travelling today so missed his call but he left a number for me to call back so they could hear my comments.

And now next year we'll see resort and ticket prices increase, as normal, and probably tiered ticket pricing (but I doubt there will be a decrease in prices for slow season, that will be current prices) and maybe resort fees? And I'm sure less room and FD deals!

It just never stops...

And the argument that other hotels charge parking is silly. Many around Orlando may charge parking but you're getting the same quality room for half the price, so sure, charge me parking. And I never believed it was free at Disney anyway. I assumed it was included in the high prices of the resorts. Also, as others have pointed out, these other hotels also have loyalty points that can be used for future stays. So all the money I spend at Marriott, Hilton and IHG can be used for free rooms later.
I agree with much you say above. For those who believe Disney is merely instituting "industry standards," I say Disney used to SET the standard. Now, they almost brag about meeting standards. Sure, it's a first world problem, but as greed goes, this one move by Disney sets a new low.

As to the first part of your post above (in bold), I emailed them (and a couple of others), as well. In fact, I only did it yesterday afternoon. I received a call this afternoon, also from a gentleman who said the same about calling on the behalf of Robert and George, in particular. In fact, he went on to say the "top executives" aside from one name I forget. Those execs were "definitely going to read this email" because it is a "very important issue" to them, and "this is the sort of feedback they want to hear. Be assured they will read this email." Uh-huh, standard stuff in a polite phone call from Disney to be sure. Further, he wanted to know if there was anything else I wanted to add to the email before it was forwarded. I said no and that it was hard to miss my points in the short email. However, he took note of two items. First, he twice pointed out the fact that I was a DVC owner who was bothered enough about the parking fees to write a complaint. I confirmed that was, indeed, true. Second, and most notably, he centered on one particular comment I had made--that I could no longer recommend Disney to friends or family as a vacation destination. He kept coming back to that comment, and I confirmed that's exactly what I meant. With all the recent schemes to increase the bottom line, I reiterated what I had said in the email and what I mentioned above: Disney no longer sets the standard; they're fine with meeting it, so why not go somewhere else that costs less? It was obvious that was the primary item that drew the most attention, and he said that statement was a stark statement to make but was the "type of information we need to pass along." After thanking me for my time, again as a DVC owner, we politely ended the conversation.

Now, I'm under no naive beliefs that my views are any more important than anyone else who took the time to write. Nor do I believe that they will change course--the fees are out there and there's no putting that particular genie back in the bottle. In fact, his closing statement was, "I certainly can't guarantee that policy will change as the course has been set, it seems, but I can assure you that your comments are important." In other words, we just want you to feel better about Disney. Got it. Still, I found it worth noting--and obviously posting--that the comment that hit home the hardest appeared to be the one about not recommending Disney. If there is a moral here, and I doubt it really, it's that such a statement might be worth making if you do write or call. Will it help? Probably not. Will it hurt? Definitely not. Peace out.
I agree with much you say above. For those who believe Disney is merely instituting "industry standards," I say Disney used to SET the standard. Now, they almost brag about meeting standards. Sure, it's a first world problem, but as greed goes, this one move by Disney sets a new low.

As to the first part of your post above (in bold), I emailed them (and a couple of others), as well. In fact, I only did it yesterday afternoon. I received a call this afternoon, also from a gentleman who said the same about calling on the behalf of Robert and George, in particular. In fact, he went on to say the "top executives" aside from one name I forget. Those execs were "definitely going to read this email" because it is a "very important issue" to them, and "this is the sort of feedback they want to hear. Be assured they will read this email." Uh-huh, standard stuff in a polite phone call from Disney to be sure. Further, he wanted to know if there was anything else I wanted to add to the email before it was forwarded. I said no and that it was hard to miss my points in the short email. However, he took note of two items. First, he twice pointed out the fact that I was a DVC owner who was bothered enough about the parking fees to write a complaint. I confirmed that was, indeed, true. Second, and most notably, he centered on one particular comment I had made--that I could no longer recommend Disney to friends or family as a vacation destination. He kept coming back to that comment, and I confirmed that's exactly what I meant. With all the recent schemes to increase the bottom line, I reiterated what I had said in the email and what I mentioned above: Disney no longer sets the standard; they're fine with meeting it, so why not go somewhere else that costs less? It was obvious that was the primary item that drew the most attention, and he said that statement was a stark statement to make but was the "type of information we need to pass along." After thanking me for my time, again as a DVC owner, we politely ended the conversation.

Now, I'm under no naive beliefs that my views are any more important than anyone else who took the time to write. Nor do I believe that they will change course--the fees are out there and there's no putting that particular genie back in the bottle. In fact, his closing statement was, "I certainly can't guarantee that policy will change as the course has been set, it seems, but I can assure you that your comments are important." In other words, we just want you to feel better about Disney. Got it. Still, I found it worth noting--and obviously posting--that the comment that hit home the hardest appeared to be the one about not recommending Disney. If there is a moral here, and I doubt it really, it's that such a statement might be worth making if you do write or call. Will it help? Probably not. Will it hurt? Definitely not. Peace out.

I said something very similar in my email. I said I am considering cancelling my upcoming trip and we are prepared to drop about $10k all in, directly to Disney. But if we don't go, that's $10k less than they would have had. And if me and one more person cancels, that's $20,000 and if 10 people like me cancel, that's $100,000 and what happens when that number goes to 100, 1000, 10,000? One look at the numbers of new one star reviews on their FB page shows these numbers might actually have a basis in reality. I think that is what gets their attention.

Literally every single Disney survey I've taken asks, at some point, "how likely are you to return to WDW in the future?" As well as "How likely are you to recommend WDW as a vacation destination to family and friends?" They care about this a LOT.


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