Palo Reservation Location


<font color=blue>Master of Useless Knowledge Coun
Mar 26, 2002
Ok, I'm sure this has been asked a million times or so, but have they changed the location for making Palo reservations from somewhere other than Palo?

I read somewhere that they changed it to Rockin' Bar D, but just wanted to be sure.

Thanks, MaryKatesMom!

Rockin' Bar D is a lot closer to our stateroom than Palo is, so we don't have to run as far :teeth:

- Jim
When we cruised, we walked into the lobby and I took a right through the elevator section and went straight to Rockin D while dh took the elevators straight up to the 9 and went to the spa. By the time I finished at Rockin D and took the elevator up, he was finished at the spa and we went to Topiders. For all the stress I had about the ressie rush, it took a total of maybe 4 minutes.

However (~grin~) we were the first "regular" folks through the ears so I'm sure that helped!
we have added on the romance package to our booking and it has a guarneteed seating at palo. actually this was the main reason why we added it. however, will we still need to do the "race" after boarding? thanks:p
Location actually does still change. We have been on back-to-back cruises several times and one week the ressies were in Palo's and the next week it was in Studio Sea or Rockin bar D. Check the navigator or at guest services when you board.
Just off the Magic yesterday. When we got on board on May 3rd we were told we could go to the left to Parrot Cay or Topsiders for lunch or to the right to Rockin Bar D for Palo's reservations.

By the way, when we got to the Port and checked in the info sheet they gave us said that we'd be boarding at noon and our rooms would be ready at 1:00.

Usually it says we would get on at 1:00 and rooms would be ready at 1:30.
So it sounds like the thing to do is to go straight for the ressy's and skip going to the room until the reservations are made (we're planning to be one of the first groups onboard).

- Jim


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