Parents of the Class of 2019

I'm also in the boat of realizing, as I am reading here, that my DD leaves for college NEXT MONTH. As in August 3rd! Stanford's official Frosh move in day is September 18, with Orientation starting that evening and first day of classes Sept 23, but DD applied to and was accepted into the Stanford Summer Engineering Academy which is a type of summer bridge program. She is so excited. It gives them two credit hours to be applied to the Autumn quarter, exposure to all of the types of engineering majors offered at Stanford, mentoring from faculty, and best of all it is FREE. She is being flown out Aug 3 and flies home Aug 30th.

So we are currently trying to figure out what necessities she will take on the August trip (with only one checked bag and one carry on bag), and then we will have two and a half weeks in September to tweak what she wants to take for Frosh move in (flying Southwest so have 4 checked bags plus carryons between the two of us). I hope that a month in the dorms there will give her a better idea of what kind of bedding, what kind of fan (no AC in them dorms), what kind of desk lamp, what kind of backpack/bags/shoes/clothing. She's also making College Wish lists on Bed Bath and Beyond and Target, as we will need to pick up big items and some toiletries once we get to Palo Alto. It is such a huge balancing act--what can we pick up there/what do we already have/ooo that is on sale now, but will it fit.

We are also in that "ready, but not ready stage". She is working two ten hour shifts per week tutoring at the local community college, but most of the rest of her time is being spent with friends, getting in all of last goodbyes, and going thru her things to donate, sell, keep at home, take to college. This summer sure is flying by fast.

We are also having a big 18th birthday party bash/going off to college at a local restaurant on the 19th. I had major back surgery 3 weeks before graduation, so I was just not able to give her a big graduation party then. Since she just turned 18, she's been working on all of the changes needed during the last couple of days--got her DL renewed, applied for and received a credit card in her name, got her bank accounts moved from teen accounts from under mine to her own independent account. We have also discovered that a job she held reported her income under the wrong social security number--an 8 was reported as a 3. she did not have to file taxes that year due to low income and no taxes taken, so we barely glanced at it at the time--mad at myself for not reviewing it more closely at the time. We contacted the employer several times and they refused have to do anything to fix it. She is going to go to the social security office to see what needs to be done since the employer will not file a corrected W-2 for prior year. Anyone had to deal with this before/any advice?
I forgot to mention that I won a scholarship to attend a seminar in Anaheim in August. It covers the cost of the seminar plus $600 toward hotel and flights. It does not cover all the expenses, but goes a long way, especially since I got a roundtrip flight for $180.00. I am flying out on a Saturday morning to get in a day and a half at Disneyland before the seminar starts Monday morning. The only bummer is that I had hoped that DD could come with me, but it is during the last week of her summer bridge program and they are required to participate in weekend programming and are not allowed to go off campus with family at any time during the program. It will be my first time at any Disney park without my daughter and it won't be the same without her there to experience it with me. But I am going and will have fun!
I forgot to mention that I won a scholarship to attend a seminar in Anaheim in August. It covers the cost of the seminar plus $600 toward hotel and flights. It does not cover all the expenses, but goes a long way, especially since I got a roundtrip flight for $180.00. I am flying out on a Saturday morning to get in a day and a half at Disneyland before the seminar starts Monday morning. The only bummer is that I had hoped that DD could come with me, but it is during the last week of her summer bridge program and they are required to participate in weekend programming and are not allowed to go off campus with family at any time during the program. It will be my first time at any Disney park without my daughter and it won't be the same without her there to experience it with me. But I am going and will have fun!
Wow, that would be hard for me too. But good for you still going!
DD received her final AP score Friday but more importantly for us her IB Diploma score came in. She needed a 36 to receive any (it's all or nothing) credit from her school and whew...she received a 36 so should receive a year's credit. It's such a relief, since a 36 is the top 20% of the 86,000+ students in the program world wide...I truly did not think she would make it. Whew!

Tomorrow she skypes with her advisor and schedules classes. I am completely procrastinating about packing and flying with her things, but I did upgrade our seats for the flight there so we'll be allowed 3x70lb bags on my ticket and 4X50 bags between mom/dd. I think 310 lbs should be enough for clothes and shoes, lol.
I ended up ordering sheets from amazon so when they arrive, all the bedding is done. He doesn’t care about that stuff so I just ran colors by him and picked it out myself. I also went out today and bought toiletries, laundry supplies and some other odds and ends I’ve been thinking about. Still have more to buy, but it made me feel better to do some of it than to worry I’d forget everything (even with a list). Still haven’t found the time to look at the graduation picture packages (the pic they take of him shaking the board members hand with his diploma) or ordering prints of the pics I took.

DS got 5 on all three AP tests he took this year, so psyched about that. He sent his scores to his school today. (And I’ll get reimbursed from the school dept. for all of his and one of DS16’s...just to turn around and pay for DS16’s next year’s tests lol).

He never did follow up on working this summer but I’m ok with that. He’s been hanging out with friends, reading a lot and just relaxing. We did talk about him cleaning his room especially his clothing to determine what he needs to pack etc. Luckily he’ll be an hour away so we don’t need to bring his winter coat etc. in August, but I know both my kids have plenty of stuff in their drawers that they just don’t wear and I’d rather they get rid of it so we can donate it and they can have more space. Same with a lot of the books they read in middle school etc.

We made the first payment on the payment plan so it’s all real now! A few more weeks and he’ll know about his dorm and roommate. This summer is going too fast!
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Orientation today and tomorrow. Parents can come. Yeah right. Will pick her up at the train station when she's done. Gonna miss her for sure. But, we also are picking up supplies. And she wants to do a quick get away before starting, so that's all set. Will be a fun time. Agree, this summer is going by so fast!
Dd got 4’s on her 3 AP tests and had 3 from last year. She only got a 3 on calculus last year but tested into the top calculus on the math placement test. She tested out of stats, so is happy about that. She took dd16 to the mall yesterday to get some clothes, I can’t wait to see the division of their shared wardrobe! She took her non boyfriend on a picnic yesterday because he is going to Europe for almost 3 weeks and was late getting back, dd16 is starting to get upset with her, wanting more time for them to spend together.
DD got back from her abbreviated National Parks trip with DH last night. They had a great time, and had good weather for 2 of the 3 parks they went to. Now she's just in countdown mode. Orientation is the 15th & 16th, so we'll be flying out to Boston on that Saturday night. We'll have a day to play in Boston and then she reports to the school. I'll work from the hotel those 2 days and do the parent orientation on the 17th before we head home.

We started checking out linens to determine color schemes/what's available, and right now the stuff at Bed, Bath & Beyond is so bland! All browns/greys/creams. We'll end up finding something at Target or Walmart even for her. She's creating an Amazon wish list just to track items that she'd like to have so we'll have some idea what to work off of, or she can order it and have it delivered in a day.
DD got back from her abbreviated National Parks trip with DH last night. They had a great time, and had good weather for 2 of the 3 parks they went to. Now she's just in countdown mode. Orientation is the 15th & 16th, so we'll be flying out to Boston on that Saturday night. We'll have a day to play in Boston and then she reports to the school. I'll work from the hotel those 2 days and do the parent orientation on the 17th before we head home.

We started checking out linens to determine color schemes/what's available, and right now the stuff at Bed, Bath & Beyond is so bland! All browns/greys/creams. We'll end up finding something at Target or Walmart even for her. She's creating an Amazon wish list just to track items that she'd like to have so we'll have some idea what to work off of, or she can order it and have it delivered in a day.

Glad she had a good trip!

I noticed the same thing about BB&B's dorm selection this year. In the past, it always seemed like they had a ton of bright, colorful stuff - my daughter has a lot of lime green "dorm accessories" in her bedroom that we picked up there - but this year is just blah. Everything is so muted/subdued, and that is just not DD's style. I think we're going to end up going the Amazon route too.
I swear, if my son didn't have BAD luck with the dormitory situation, he wouldn't have any luck at all!

I think I've mentioned before that freshmen at his school do not get ANY choice in dorms. They could choose an LLC, and they move the LLCs around year to year so people don't choose based on location of the LLC. However, DS did not get any of his LLC choices. (I was surprised because when we talked to the housing lady, she indicated that MOST people would get their first choice and everyone would get one of their top 3. My son and his roommate listed 5 and didn't get any of them.) But, my son wasn't too gung-ho on the LLC's anyway, so he didn't care too much. He wanted a renovated dorm, and he wanted it to be reasonably close to the business school since that's where most of his classes will be.

The official assignments don't come out till the end of the month. However, the kids have found a work-around. Apparently if you pretend you're going to order your books through the university bookstore and choose the "ship to me on campus" option, it will populate with your dorm assignment. (Apparently there is a small chance his assignment will change, but there was apparently a similar early release last year and almost everyone's stayed the same.)

In good news, he and his intended roommate are getting the same result -- but the good news kind of ends there!

There are three un-renovated dorms on campus (they're in the process of renovating one or two per year until they're all done...and there are 3 left to do.) Guess who's in an unrenovated? In good news (for me, at least), there's a cheaper price for the un-renovated dorms.

The dorm is far from pretty much everything. When his university was founded, it was for men only. There was a women's college next door. One section of the women's college was directly across the street from part of the men's university, but then the rest of the women's campus kind of swooped away from the men's campus. At some point, the men's university and the women's college merged to form the present-day co-ed university. My son's dorm is at the very far end of the swoop -- it's apparently the original dorm on the women's college campus. It's far away from EVERYTHING-- and completely as far across campus from "uptown" as you can get. (Uptown is where all the just-off-campus restaurants and shopping are). It was built in 1871

Apparently, it's a cool old building with hardwood floors, thick woodwork, and transom windows above the room doors. (But I've also read the floors are worn, the thick woodwork means nothing sits well against the walls, and the transom windows need to be covered with something or light from the hallway shines in all night.) The rooms are apparently also on the larger side for dorms, and they have a walk-in closet (to be shared with roommate). It's on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to that -- it's apparently said to be HAUNTED! (When I googled the dorm, the first thing that came up was "25 places in Ohio that will absolutely terrify you!" I don't really believe in that kind of stuff, but it's just kind of like... seriously?) According to the story, the dorm is named for the first president of the women's college, Helen Peabody. She apparently spent a lot of her time trying to keep the men from the university away from her female students (which is probably why the dorm is at the far end of the swoop!) Anyway, all present-day university dorms are co-ed. They're segregated by wing -- the men are on one side of the common central space and the women are on the opposite side. However, apparently, Ms. Peabody, does not appreciate men in her women's dormitory. She apparently only haunts the men's wing!

DS has a good attitude. He says it will be an experience and it's only for a year. And that is definitely true. The dorm is also near a park-like area on campus that he has been told is a great place to hang a hammock in. There are apparently 18 miles of paved "nature trails" around campus and one of them is very close to the dorm/park area. DS and his roommate both like to run, so they will be able to pick up the running trail easily. And the closest dining hall is considered one of the best on campus (although it's not really all that close). So... hopefully it will all go well.
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Orientation went well, and she's all ready to go. Good thing is, the sheets we bought, fit the bed she used when staying in a dorm overnight, but the light blanket she took, she wished she had brought her comforter, said the room was so cold. And, she found out, the roommate she thought she had, was listed as the roommate for 3 different rooms, and her room was not the one chosen by that girl. So, then another roommate name appeared later, and she is not sure it will be a good fit. Eh, like Design's DS, I am hoping she finds it not too bad, and hey, it will only be for a year. And she was happy to keep the room she wanted. I told her the long ago time I went to college, my first roommate and I did not get along, but I did connect with my second one, and we are still friends after all these years.

Happy to hear about all the college and graduation news. And yep, she scored three 4's and one 5, on the 4 AP tests, so she is finding out how many credits the university is giving for each one. She knows the value of some are more than others. But so happy, as it will cut down on the number of classes she has to take. And since we had to pay almost $100 for each test, the college credits cost is a good deal.

I hope your DS is happy with his dorm, Design. Hard when none of his choices was the dorm he got. Cool way to find out what dorm and room he got. Cool that the dorm is a historical place.

We bought a set of sheets from Kohls, and one from Amazon. I guess we are lucky, there were lots of colors to choose from and she picked them out. I think the comforter she is bringing is the one on her bed. We did buy a towel set, and 2 collapsible, lightweight hampers. Figure they may even fit at the bottom of the closet area. Ah, the resident college kid. So not realy for it, but I will be.
@design_mom sounds like that dorm has its plusses and minuses and I guess he'll get lots of exercise walking to class! At least he has a good attitude.

@Lynne G My freshman year roommate and I just coexisted without speaking by second semester. It's not the worst thing. On another forum I'm on, someone's DD got their roommate assignment and based on the profile and a conversation, the DD is refusing to room with the other girl but they don't know if the college will accommodate. It's too bad when it's hard enough leaving home and then to have anxiety about the person you'll be living with.

DD is excited because today we scheduled the last of her teeth work. It's been a long process since the age of 10 to get her mouth straightened out and now her smile will look normal before she goes to college.
We finally got into DS's e-mail!! (And sorted through most of it - just 3 more "action items" to take care of.)

His schedule is...interesting. He has 4 classes in a row on Mondays and Wednesdays, so "lunch" is looking like a granola bar on the run. Tuesdays are pretty normal (one regular class and one long lab) and then he has one morning class on Thursdays and nothing on Fridays (which will be good when he wants to come home for the weekend.) I think I would have hated how "squished" it is, but he'll probably love it.

The classes themselves sound good. He has Bio, Psych, Precalc, Environmental Issues, and Civil War History.
That's great Polly. And my DD has almost the same schedule. No classes on Friday. I told her the same thing, maybe she'd come home for a long week-end. We shall see. My niece went to the same university a few years ago, and was known to periodically come home with dirty laundry. I can definitely see my DD coming home for that reason. And at least she gets the whole week off for Thanksgiving. That will be nice.
Fridays off are great. DD20 had that most of the time but then she got a job that scheduled her every weekend so our dreams of 3 day weekends were crushed ;) DD17 goes until 1:50 on Fridays. But it's not too long of a drive home. Ideally, she will get a job on campus that doesn't work every weekend!

I forgot we need to get into DD17's college email. I thought she said she did it once, but I don't think she currently knows how. Need to get on that. It's a weird email, a letter and a string of numbers, so it will be hard to remember.
DS should have gotten his schedule earlier this week, but he is on a mission trip and hasn't checked his email. He isn't nearly as eager to see it as I am, and I don't know WHY I am, but I am. His dog is missing him like crazy and she isn't behaving well--this is the dog we thought was dying earlier this year. She was very sick, but we have her medication sorted out now and she is pretty much back to her normal self. I think she might take his moving away harder than I will.

design_mom, your post made me curious, so I did a search on the 25 places in Ohio that will terrify you, and several of them are college dorms! A couple are also places I have been, and one was creepy but the I didn't really think was.
...It's a weird email, a letter and a string of numbers, so it will be hard to remember.

Make up a funny sentence where the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the numbers. (For example, T3129 = "Take three octopi to Norway.")

You have to get a little creative to distinguish the digits that start with the same letter, like two and three, but in the example, I just used three and "to" (two) in the sentence.



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