Parents of the Class of 2019

We've seen a couple of small schools over the past week or so - one about two hours away and one only 45 minutes. We liked both more than we thought!

The problem is neither of them have the "major of the week". (Of course, they're still on the list, because as "major of the week" implies...that could change.)

Open house for the current favorite (UNE, in Maine) is in October, so we'll see how that goes.

My friend's daughter is at UNE - she loves it!
First day of senior year here! She was not particularly excited to be back in the groove. She'd rather be back at her camp job!

She spent literally all day Tuesday doing senior pics in various settings and still didn't get all the shots she wanted. Good thing her 19 year old cousin is the photographer and she can do more later. Can't wait to see the ones they got so far.
First day of senior year here! She was not particularly excited to be back in the groove. She'd rather be back at her camp job!
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She spent literally all day Tuesday doing senior pics in various settings and still didn't get all the shots she wanted. Good thing her 19 year old cousin is the photographer and she can do more later. Can't wait to see the ones they got so far.
I hope she got the shots she wants! We tried a bunch in various places recently but still have a few we'd like to try. Thinking about some in a big sunflower field nearby but not sure if she'll find time. They should hit peak bloom in another week or so.

Mine started a week ago today. Long days so far, with the Math/Physics Institute starting before the regular school day, and tennis going on after school every day. She seems pretty happy with being back among friends at least.

This was her first day last week:

The Last First Day by mom2rtk, on Flickr
@mom2rtk Cute pic!!!

They did some senior pics in our yard, in town, on the stage at school, and in the city. But, she forgot to take her ripped jeans to the city so she wants some downtown shots in those with her heels. And, they intended to get back to our house after DH was home so he could bring out the Studebaker pickup and she would sit on the tailgate with her guitar. And one with an antique tractor just to make DH happy. But it was after dark when they got back. Her cousin goes to college Sunday but I think he'll be back fairly often. She wants fall color and winter pics too!

DD's classes should be fairly interesting and not too onerous this year. Only concern is friend drama. I hope it goes better than last year.
@mom2rtk Cute pic!!!

They did some senior pics in our yard, in town, on the stage at school, and in the city. But, she forgot to take her ripped jeans to the city so she wants some downtown shots in those with her heels. And, they intended to get back to our house after DH was home so he could bring out the Studebaker pickup and she would sit on the tailgate with her guitar. And one with an antique tractor just to make DH happy. But it was after dark when they got back. Her cousin goes to college Sunday but I think he'll be back fairly often. She wants fall color and winter pics too!

DD's classes should be fairly interesting and not too onerous this year. Only concern is friend drama. I hope it goes better than last year.
Downtown here is one of the places my DD still wants to go. There are some painted walls she wants photos in front of. And she still doesn't have her tennis uniform, so as soon as she gets that we can do some shots at the court.

The tractor shot sounds great. I love the rustic senior shots. It's just not my DD's style though. We're planning fall and winter pics too.

Here's hoping for a drama free year for all of our kids!
Only concern is friend drama. I hope it goes better than last year

Here's hoping for a drama free year for all of our kids!

Completely agree! At dinner that's what DD talks about and I'm thinking about school and what needs to be done...sigh...

Saturday she's taking the SAT for the last time hoping to get math up a little more. I don't care at this point, but it will either add or eliminate some of her "reach" schools. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of her second week. Wow...
Completely agree! At dinner that's what DD talks about and I'm thinking about school and what needs to be done...sigh...

Saturday she's taking the SAT for the last time hoping to get math up a little more. I don't care at this point, but it will either add or eliminate some of her "reach" schools. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of her second week. Wow...
Good luck to her!
Saturday she's taking the SAT for the last time hoping to get math up a little more. I don't care at this point, but it will either add or eliminate some of her "reach" schools. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of her second week. Wow...

Good luck to her! Our son's taking SATs for a second time Saturday as well. He literally needs 10 points for a higher scholarship range at the state schools he's applying to.
Last first day of school went well, except for still not having a teacher for AP Bio. They're starting the year with a long-term sub... Not the best way to start such a challenging class!

I was joking with her this morning that it is a good thing she's almost done with high school, because she's running out of room for pins on her blazer! It is the only real customization they can get away with, and she's really played it up, little pot-stirrer that she is.

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Good luck to her! Our son's taking SATs for a second time Saturday as well. He literally needs 10 points for a higher scholarship range at the state schools he's applying to.

Good luck to him! It's hard to be so close. My DD is 1 point off on the ACT for the top level of automatic award at her target school. She takes that in a couple weeks.
Last first day of school went well, except for still not having a teacher for AP Bio. They're starting the year with a long-term sub... Not the best way to start such a challenging class!
That definitely does not sound like a great way to start AP Bio! That stinks.

I feel like we dodged a bullet with the Calc teacher. She's retiring after this year. She's the same one our boys both had and is very good. I would have been so sad to have her retire just as DD got there. There are only 5 kids in her class, so it should be an ideal learning situation.
DS is taking two SAT subject tests tomorrow. We waited a bit too long to sign up and all of the testing sites near us were full. So he's taking the tests in RI and I booked a beach hotel for a couple of nights to make it into a family vacation. He only needs these tests for his #1 reach school, so if he doesn't do well he may not even apply. We shall see...
I hear you with the teacher stuff. Both my DS are in the biotech program at school. This program can never seem to get a teacher that will stay very long. My senior DS has had the same teacher since freshman year but he left at the end of this past year, so for senior year, a brand new teacher. And they have biotech for three blocks/classes out of their 8 senior year. I hope she is a good fit for these kids! My sophomore DS is only just starting the subject-specific classes, so hopefully she will stay a few more years for him to finish.
DS is taking two SAT subject tests tomorrow. We waited a bit too long to sign up and all of the testing sites near us were full. So he's taking the tests in RI and I booked a beach hotel for a couple of nights to make it into a family vacation. He only needs these tests for his #1 reach school, so if he doesn't do well he may not even apply. We shall see...
At least you can make it into a mini getaway. DS took three subject tests for his #1 reach too and they were "strongly suggested," not even required. He did well but I hope it's well enough. He self-reported them to somewhere else on the common or coalition app (forget which) but didn't send those officially to anywhere else since they won't even look at them.
The one and only AP class DD took was online (all our AP are online) which was definitely far from ideal. Not to mention for one unit, 2 textbooks for 3 girls. DD found out yesterday her competition for valedictorian is taking 1 or 2 AP classes this year so if she gets A's she has a chance to pull ahead of DD, who is not taking any. Not a big deal, just would have been a nice honor but not worth the stress of APs. And maybe the other girl won't get A's in AP, she didn't last year.

I'm thinking of seeing if DD will apply to a couple colleges this weekend just to get something started. The one affiliated with our church because it's free and they already have her ACT, and the one I want her to visit next- also free and will accept ACT score on transcript for now. Maybe a third because they already have her scores but it has a $20 fee. This week we've started getting free app offers from random schools so maybe we'll wait a little bit and see if they send us one.

And she turns 17 on Sunday! Next year her birthday is on a Monday- judging by academic calendars of her possible schools, she'll probably start college classes on her 18th birthday.
We're home from 3 college visits for DS and dropping DD class of '17 off for sophomore year of college.

He wasn't wowed by UMaine but will likely apply as it's his only safety school on his list so far. He LOVED Clarkson University-a bit of a reach. He hated Syracuse-also a reach. He'll visit FL Tech & Embry Riddle in Sep. I had a few extra DVC points so they will stay at Vero Beach. I can't take the time off from work. I wish he would add more schools to his list. He & DD class of '21 start school on the 4th. College DD starts Monday.
I'm out of town at a training seminar and my daughter texted me with great news--she got accepted to the Rice SOAR fall flyin program. She loves Rice and (while it isn't a sure indication of future acceptance by any means) it is so awesome that Rice is showing her a little love back!!! Super happy for her! Now we wait for Rice to make the travel plans for her trip. I'm feeling like the happy dance banana lol. :banana:
All the last first day picks are so cute--and bittersweet.

Last first day of school went well, except for still not having a teacher for AP Bio. They're starting the year with a long-term sub... Not the best way to start such a challenging class!

I was joking with her this morning that it is a good thing she's almost done with high school, because she's running out of room for pins on her blazer! It is the only real customization they can get away with, and she's really played it up, little pot-stirrer that she is.

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I hear you with the teacher stuff. Both my DS are in the biotech program at school. This program can never seem to get a teacher that will stay very long. My senior DS has had the same teacher since freshman year but he left at the end of this past year, so for senior year, a brand new teacher. And they have biotech for three blocks/classes out of their 8 senior year. I hope she is a good fit for these kids! My sophomore DS is only just starting the subject-specific classes, so hopefully she will stay a few more years for him to finish.

My DD's school has had so much turn over every year, especially in administration and math and science departments--I completely sympathize with how tough that is. Last year she had multiple subs in AP bio until OCTOBER 31. The year before she had 3 geometry teachers the first 6 weeks. In both cases they started with a well qualified teacher that the new principal decided to move to different classes--AFTER school started. We are on our 4th principal in 5 years--sigh. Many high achieving kids have defected to other high schools due to these issues. I am cautiously optimistic this school year though--the new AP physics, AP Calc, and Engineering teachers all seem well qualified and able to communicate the subject matter accordingly to DD. I hope they stay long enough for DD to get a letter of recommendation from SOME math or science teacher, because no one is left that she has had in the past.

Anyway, here's to a great year for our (no longer rising but actual) seniors, Class of 2019!!!!


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