PART FOUR!! *December 2012 Roll Call* Holidays, FLE & MVMCP!! A very, merry thread!

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Still battle back issues. I went in to the Dr's office yesterday and she gave me muscle relaxers, but all they do is make me tired. I am going to keep trying to be positive that this will pass by Friday. I am going to try a little packing tonight and hope that it puts me into a Disney mood.

Take the drugs.

I've battled back issues since I was a kid. Sometimes the muscle relaxers are less about reducing the pain and much more about loosening things up so that everything can get realigned and back into "normal" mode. The first step to that is to stop the muscles from spasming. Sometimes (often) even when that happens, initially, the pain remains because the muscles are so "traumatized" from being in constant spasm. Usually my doc gives me the muscle relaxer AND something for the pain (rather than an "all in one").

My doc ends up giving me Flexeril during every major flair up, coupled with Perscription Strength Tylenol. He could go stronger on the pain meds, but I'm uber sensitive to opiates/narcotics...they basically make me unable to function/work/do anything but sleep.

For the minor ones...he recommends Alleve, rather than Ibuprofen. He starts me at 4 over the counter strength pills a day (2 every 12 hours). Says the Alleve is gentler on the stomach, less of an anti-coagulant, and has less health risks (which, to be clear, are super low %).

Back issues suck. My major ones inevitably lead to a battle with sciatica that can last months. I ended up in PT for 4 months earlier this year because I lifted my youngest up to look at a toy on a shelf at Toys R Us. About 3 months ago I had a minor flare up from COUGHING.

Hope you feel better, soon!
This is SOOOOOOO exciting!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

I can't wait! Yet there are still the last minute things I have to do. I'm hoping to be done early so I don't have to stay up really late tonight. The airport shuttle is picking us up at 6:15 am tomorrow morning, so that means I have to be up by 4:30 to get ready so that DH and DS can take their showers afterwards. I also have to pick up my mom and brother (thankfully they're only 2 minutes away) and bring them over here.
Sorry to hear about your back pain. I HIGHLY recommend you get Tiger Balm Patches. They work miracles. You can usually find them in CVS, Rite Aid or
similiar stores. They are by the Icy Hot, but my whole family agrees the Tiger Balm is better. They run around $8 for a package of 5. You can leave them on for 8 hours. They really help with reducing the pain and you don't have to worry about any side effects. Good luck and have a great trip.
We will be staying at the Poly Dec 21-30. :cool1:

Agree. I use those, too.

They really keep you "limber", and help keep the muscles loose (which keeps them from spasming as much).

We use the tylenol brand....the Icy Hot brand brand and the tiger brand, for whatever reason, have adhesive that do weird things to my skin. But not the tylenol brand. Go figure.

I agree, though, the Tiger patches FELT better and worked longer.
I can't wait! Yet there are still the last minute things I have to do. I'm hoping to be done early so I don't have to stay up really late tonight. The airport shuttle is picking us up at 6:15 am tomorrow morning, so that means I have to be up by 4:30 to get ready so that DH and DS can take their showers afterwards. I also have to pick up my mom and brother (thankfully they're only 2 minutes away) and bring them over here.

So excited for you!!!!!!!!! The planning and the getting there...the excitement of the anticipation is half the fun!:cloud9: Hope you'll update...but, totally understand if you can't.
mom2travel said:

jwgm2012 = Gina
PhoenixStrength = Stephanie
Wedgiesock = Arwen
valgoof = Valerie
Mom2Cody06 = Christina
PrincessAurora27 = Rhoda
Maddie'sNana = Sue
Sunnysideup = Jillian
Mom2travel = kristine
Ttorrez = Terri
SAT887 = Sarah (did I remember that right from the DIS name discussion?)
M&M Girl = Margaret
Destrucsean = Sean
ksromack = Kathy
Taaren = taaren
Levenhopper = Jordan
BDL = Sean
My2Qtz0205 = dawn

We need to combine this list with one that's in date order!

Wow, well done! Haha.
Morning all!

I hope all who are traveling are safe, all who are planning are well, and we all get to enjoy ourselves in the next month.

Super busy on this end. Trying to put the finishing touches on the wedding. Working today and tomorrow and then not again until December 17th. Excited doesn't begin to describe me right now. :D
Good morning everyone!!

ksromack said:
<-Kathy. I'll be the one wearing the Disney shirt..... :rotfl2:

LOL!! :lmao:

PolyndianPrincessJes said:
Wow, I'm late to the party (obviously...part FOUR!!). Anyway, we're headed to the World next Saturday!!
We'll be at BWI December 8-10, then over to the Poly (Hawaii building) December 10-15. So excited!!! We're really looking forward to spending the week with friends and dinner at Be Our Guest!

Welcome! :wave2: We loved BWI :-) and the Poly, especially CL, is our favorite!!

Lcaemom said:
So, we sat in living silence, with two sick kids and start thinking, "how long do the rest of us have, til we get sick...and we are 12 days til Disney!!!":scared1: I woke up this AM with a sore throat and headache...11 days to go...:sick:

Hope they are both feeling much better today and the rest of you escape :goodvibes:

cybrkitn said:
23 HOURS UNTIL WE LEAVE FOR DISNEY!!!!!! :banana: :cool1: :yay:

Wow!!!! :cheer2:
In 24 hours we will be headed to the airport!!

DH FINALLY got packed last night. With the exception of toiletries, if say we are 100% ready.

Last night my left ear started clogging up... Man is that painful. I usually don't have problems with my ears, but the doc said yesterday I was really congested and it manifests in weird ways. I never have problems flying, but this could be a painful plane ride. I slept on a corn bag last night. It felt good, but I don't think it did anything. Anyone have any OTC suggestions to help clear it??
In 24 hours we will be headed to the airport!!

DH FINALLY got packed last night. With the exception of toiletries, if say we are 100% ready.

Last night my left ear started clogging up... Man is that painful. I usually don't have problems with my ears, but the doc said yesterday I was really congested and it manifests in weird ways. I never have problems flying, but this could be a painful plane ride. I slept on a corn bag last night. It felt good, but I don't think it did anything. Anyone have any OTC suggestions to help clear it??

So excited for you!!!!!!!! Can't wait to countdown by hours!!!
I flew once with a cold and it was miserable!!! Since then my Dr takes me seriously about pain mgmt when flying...she says take motrin about one hour before landing, sudafed, which lasts for 12 will dry you up and chew gum. It works about 75% of the time...but, I won't take any chances and fly without doing that, now. Good luck, I know how awful that can be!:sad2:
Hi everyone I'm Jennifer! 9 days till we leave 11 days until Disney World! Excited to spend sometime with family that lives in Orlando before Disney! DH and I are traveling this weekend as well! Christmas party in Maryland and a trip to see the Nutcracker in DC! I haven't been on a plane in about 3 years and now I will be making 2 trips in a week! East coast is a long way from Nebraska! Haven't started packing for either one:(

Welcome Jennifer!!! Wow, busy week for you!

Good morning everyone :cool1:
In 24 hours we will be headed to the airport!!

DH FINALLY got packed last night. With the exception of toiletries, if say we are 100% ready.

Last night my left ear started clogging up... Man is that painful. I usually don't have problems with my ears, but the doc said yesterday I was really congested and it manifests in weird ways. I never have problems flying, but this could be a painful plane ride. I slept on a corn bag last night. It felt good, but I don't think it did anything. Anyone have any OTC suggestions to help clear it??

If it's not FULLY clogged, grab a set of earplanes from CVS/Walgreens/Walmart. They should help.

If it's FULLY clogged, take some mucinex (generic guaifenesin). JUST the Mucinex...not the DM or stuff with other ingredients. Yes, it's an expectorant..but it will "dry out" other areas, too. Just drink lots of water. Also, try to get some ear drops containing Antipyrine and Benzocaine, (not sure if they're OTC anymore or not) and take some Tylenol (which can help reduce the inflamation in the Eustacean Tubes, which will, in turn, help the "gunk" pass out).

Finally....and this is going to sound weird...if you can, eat some spicy food just before you fly. It's a short term clear out, via the capsaicin, of your sinuses and Eustacean tubes...and likely it'll all come back if your flight is of significant duration...but it might help you get through take off, at least.

Also, chew gum and/or suck on a lollipop during take off and landing.
pilferk said:
If it's not FULLY clogged, grab a set of earplanes from CVS/Walgreens/Walmart. They should help.

If it's FULLY clogged, take some mucinex (generic guaifenesin). Yes, it's an expectorant..but it will "dry out" other areas, too. Just drink lots of water. Also, get some ear drops containing Antipyrine and Benzocaine, and take some Tylenol (which can help reduce the inflamation in the Eustacean Tubes, which will, in turn, help the "gunk" pass out).

Finally....and this is going to sound weird...if you can, eat some spicy food just before you fly. It's a short term clear out of your sinuses and Eustacean tubes...and likely it'll all come back if your flight is of significant duration...but it might help you get through take off, at least.

Thanks! I will try this. You can tell its all inner ear gunk, so this should help.
As we have started breaking out photos here is the most recent one of me - BE KIND IT WAS TAKEN WITH A PHONE AND I HAD NO MAKE UP ON :rotfl:


I'm sorry ... it won't resize :sad::sad:
ksromack said:
I'm sorry it ended up this way but look on the bright will get to go back in 10 months! I do feel old though......I saw Air Supply in concert in 1983 or 1984. Drove back to StL with my roommates from Mizzou!

I love Air Supply but have never seen them in concert. My MIL isn't much of a music or movie person. So when I found out they were her favorite I've been really excited to plan this. It's impossible to guess when they'll play though.
mom2travel said:
Ok, here's what I've got so far...

jwgm2012 = Gina
PhoenixStrength = Stephanie
Wedgiesock = Arwen
valgoof = Valerie
Mom2Cody06 = Christina
PrincessAurora27 = Rhoda
Maddie'sNana = Sue
Sunnysideup = Jillian
Mom2travel = kristine
Ttorrez = Terri
SAT887 = Sarah (did I remember that right from the DIS name discussion?)
M&M Girl = Margaret
Destrucsean = Sean


I'm the other Val. :)
pilferk said:
Suggestion on ADRs: Just leave them.

We had this happen to us last October, at a late date. My mom and step-dad had to back out about 2 weeks prior to the trip (for good reason). We didn't need to cancel rooms, etc (they were staying with us in our DVC villa)...just had to modify our Dining Plan.

When we called about ADRs, the person we spoke to said the only way to modify the ADRs was to cancel and rebook. That could mean losing some of the hard to get ADRs, if the party size change resulted in no availability. She suggested leaving them the way they were and just telling the folks at the podium, when we checked in for the ADR, that our party size had changed.

She said it would NOT result in a charge to our CC for those places that require a CC guarantee. As long as we showed up, we were OK.

We did what she suggested and had no problems.

Thanks for the advice. We are dropping some entirely that we don't need but it probably makes sense to just leave the tricky ones the way they are.
pilferk said:

For those of us Roll Callers NOT at WDW for X-mas (Dec 24th/25th)...what are you doing in terms of holiday prep? Scaling back? Decorating/wrapping/shopping earlier than normal?

We're flat out nuts, here. We're at WDW from the 5th - 15th. We've got 3 young kids. We're trying (and so far, so good) to get just about everything (short of baking) done before we leave for WDW. Last night, my wife and I sat down and wrapped pretty much every gift currently in the house (about 30+ packages). Shopping is pretty much done for the kids. Halls are decked (inside and out).

We ARE scaling back on the "decking". Less stuff outside and a mini-tree inside. Just makes things a bit easier.

I'd love to hear about others plans/experiences. Interesting to hear how it all fits together with the trip prep that we're all doing, too!

We're kinda same schedule.. but no chtristmas bought.. no decorations up.. all that will happen when we get back (2 days off after trip)

Btw thanks all for help on last minute deals. Not a membr of AAA but will check entertainment book
ksromack said:
Oh no....that's a lot of security! Last June when we flew to LAX I set off the detector and had to have my hand swiped by what looked like a piece of small, round filter paper. They put it through a machine type reader....thankfully I was "clear"! I felt like I was guilty of something! When I asked the nice TSA agent what that was all about he said they were checking for "residue" on my hands! :scared1:

My traveling companions were convinced the short security agent that checked me EACH time has a crush on the tall blonde chick. It got to be funny, I started calling her ms random check. She'd walk up and say excuse me, random check each of the four wandings.
As we have started breaking out photos here is the most recent one of me - BE KIND IT WAS TAKEN WITH A PHONE AND I HAD NO MAKE UP ON :rotfl:


I'm sorry ... it won't resize :sad::sad:

So glad to put a face with a name! Maybe I'll try my luck at uploading a picture sometime!!
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