PayPal Users Beware: Account Theft


DIS Veteran
Dec 3, 1999
My friend still has not recieved a reply from PayPal, but today he did find a phone number of the fraud Department there.

The thief continues to pay for auctions using his PayPal account, and the total is now beyond $700.

Can anyone offer some suggestions to help correct this problem? It would be very much appreciated...

If this is tied to a bank acct and he is drawing funds from there CLOSE THE ACCOUNT or at least transfer as much as possible out of it. If the money is in his PayPal acct. then you have to go through them. Good luck.
Has he contacted his police department? I'd call them now!

We have a special bank account for PayPal, with an absolute minimum balance (under $50.00).

Everyone else- The account has been closed since the first problem started. I suggested he contact the post office as well. In the past 48 hours he has been getting some advice from one of the sellers that got ripped off. PayPal told that seller that HE owes my friend the money. That's bull!
It seems to me that notifying the credit card company or the bank from which the money is withdrawn immediately was the step to take at the first hint of the problem!

I'd notify the police as well, I don't know how the post office could help. I posted a note on these boards after I filed a claim with them myself, for fraud, for an incident that happened back in March! I am still waiting for the 45 regulatory days to conclude so I can notify the agency that I heard nothing from the seller. It has been 3 months already since I filed my complaint, and there's not a hint of an end to it anytime soon.

Contacting the source where the money comes from immediately, and the police, are the fastest and safest ways to proceed.

I came across this info this week that also may be helpful.

Any type of fraud or theft involving the internet is a federal offense and falls under the jurisdiction of the FTC. If you go to, you will find a complaint form. You can file a claim against an individual or a company.

Hope this helps.
I just spoke with some friends (and members of this board) who have a wealth of knowledge regarding this type of crime.

The first step is to contact the local police and file a report.

The next step is to report the theft to the FBI. Yep, the "G-Men"! They have special departments to both prosecute AND publicize crimes like this.

Thanks to everyone for their input, and to two special friends who have been having some difficult times lately. Glad everything is getting better!

Must have been the Disney "magic"...

My friend did contact the local police, and they too suggested that he contact the FBI.

Also, the damage is now up to $1500 from my friends account. PayPal has told my friend that his problem is ine of the smaller ones. PayPal keeps repeating "form letters" about security, but apparently there are many others who have lost bigger amounts!

Bottom line folks- NEVER give a bank account number to anyone on the web.

I'll keep everyone posted as things develop!
How are they still getting money out if he closed the account? If he notified the bank (according to their rules of notification) no more money should have been taken out.
Took me a little while to get the answer...

The last payment withdrawn was early June, just before the bank account was closed.

When I asked the question, I was forwarded reams of emails. Trust me folks, you do not want to be where my friend is right now.
UPDATE 6/22/01

I just received an email from my friend. The deputy of the town of the thief, has been in contact with the thief and he confessed and implicated two others involved in the scam. I asked if the FBI had been contacted but have not gotten a reply...

At this point, there has been no email, or telephone call from PayPal regarding the affidavit that was sent to them.

I find that consistent with similar problems with PP that I've heard about on these boards.

In a related development... I was contacted by PayPal today advising me that they have increased my credit limit four fold with out having to "verify" (send them a bank account number) my account. I will decline!

If any one is experiencing similar problems, or would like to ask a question of my friend (who I will not identify), just email...
Thanks for the news.

I can't imagine what a mess your friend's finances are in because of this. It must be a nightmare.

I'm glad to hear that they found the person.

It would be nice to hope that your friend's money is returned, but that's probably wishful thinking at this point.

You can never be too careful.


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