Pentax general discussion

I went with the black standard... it will never go out of style! Lol, I should also get a tripod at some point as well. If you could recommend a good tripod and PM me some good deals on lenses that would be great! I still have a couple extra $$$$ to spend left in my Paypal account....
I just checked KEH and they have some used Pentax brand 50-200mm DAL lenses (same as in the K-x kit) from $105-119 in excellent to like new condition. They also have the DA version in excellent for $133. The main difference is that the DA has a metal mount and is slightly heavier.
What is KEH? I am very new to all this and AM going to post a lot of newb questions... thanks again for everyones advise and patience during my transition period of P&S to DSLR!!!
Another thing to mention is that your move was not really the type of upgrade that people use as example when talking about this subject. You stayed in the same class of camera, just a newer model. If you had moved to say the 5D, then you might have been in the same situation of selling glass as if you had switched systems.
True - Gdad is a good example of this; he got rid of some lenses when he went full-frame, as would anyone with digital-only (read: APS-sized) lenses when going from a crop-sensor to a full-frame DSLR.

I went with the black standard... it will never go out of style! Lol, I should also get a tripod at some point as well. If you could recommend a good tripod and PM me some good deals on lenses that would be great! I still have a couple extra $$$$ to spend left in my Paypal account....
Congratulations on the camera! Try checking the Marketplace section over at - there are an enormous amount of lenses that pass through there and many of them are very good buys. You may also want to check your local Craigslist - around here at least, there's a lot of photo equipment getting listed including a fair amount of Pentax stuff.
This chart doesnt' make a lot of sense to me... has th k-x listed twice, and on one it says the lens works, on the other says it doesn't...

I'll look at it tomorrow after I get some sleep, maybe it will make more sense to these blurry Plumbers eyes then!
With Pentax lenses, there is always backwards compatibility. The only issues are when you use newer lenses on older cameras, and even then they will generally work but you may lose autofocus or the ability to stop down the lens. If you are looking at older lenses, there's basically a few different types of lenses you'll find:
Lots of older (and some newer) lenses are manual focus. Obviously they'll still be manual focus on your camera.
Older lenses may not have an "A" setting on the aperture ring. (Your K-x kit lens doesn't even have an aperture ring; this is normal on most anyone's newest lenses as digital cameras don't need them, only pretty old film cameras.) What this means is that to meter properly (that is, for the camera to get the correct exposure), you set the aperture on the lens itself, shoot in Manual mode, and press the Green button to stop the lens down and take a reading. This is really a pretty minor task but it is an extra one.
Finally, you have M42 screw-mount lenses. These are generally real old (30-50 years old) but many still have very good optical qualities. Most of these have an "A/M" slider (auto/manual); you will want M mode. When you change the aperture, it changes immediately which means that the viewfinder will be darker as you choose smaller apertures, but you can shoot in Aperture Priority mode and it will meter automatically.

A couple other quick notes - for lenses without an "A" setting (older K-mount and all M42-mount lenses), you will first need to go into the Custom menu on your K-x and set "allow aperture ring" to "permitted". (I may not have the wording exactly right off the top of my head - it is the last setting on the last page.) Also, the built-in flash will often not work correctly because it needs to know the aperture that the lens is set to in order to fire at the correct brightless, and the lenses without an "A" setting don't give that information to the camera.

One last note - there is a firmware update for the K-x, too. They are very easy to install, just make sure you have fully charges batteries in it (I used the lithiums that came with the camera.) You can get it from Pentax's site.

If you have any more questions, just ask! :)
I just took the plunge a couple of weeks ago too, and now the Kx is my first DSLR. It really was the first DSLR in all my years of considering one that hit my three equally important main concerns - quality, ease of use, and price. I don't plan to be a pro either, so although eventually I may add a lens or two, there are no concerns regarding a whole future system.

I have just always been drawn to Pentax pictures, and somehow I always felt that's what I would end up with. This one is just perfect - great parameter accessibility, perfect ergonomics, and the big image quality kicker for me - excellent high ISO capabilities.

I am in practice mode right now, just taking pictures of stupid things, trying to be ready for when I have real things to photograph. I love the speed and light!!! I hope you enjoy yours!
On the KEH site I see a bunch of more inexpensive lenses in the 70-200mm range, around $69.00 are they any good?
Which zoom lense for less than $200 can I use to shoot my kids playing sports?
What numbers am I looking for in a lens (F)?
On the KEH site I see a bunch of more inexpensive lenses in the 70-200mm range, around $69.00 are they any good?
Which zoom lense for less than $200 can I use to shoot my kids playing sports?
What numbers am I looking for in a lens (F)?

For sports photography, you'll need to invest in a lens that has a larger aperture (smaller f-number). A lens with a larger aperture will let in more light into your camera, allowing you to use faster shutter speeds, which is what you'll need for sports photography.

If the sports occur outdoors in bright sunlight, then your f/4-5.6 lens is probably okay because there's tons of light outside, allowing you to use fast shutter speeds. But if the sports occur in the late afternoon, night, or indoors, and if you're willing to spend $$$$$, then you'll want a lens with an aperture of at least f/2.8 or larger (smaller f-number).

Hope that helps!
For sports photography, you'll need to invest in a lens that has a larger aperture (smaller f-number). A lens with a larger aperture will let in more light into your camera, allowing you to use faster shutter speeds, which is what you'll need for sports photography.

If the sports occur outdoors in bright sunlight, then your f/4-5.6 lens is probably okay because there's tons of light outside, allowing you to use fast shutter speeds. But if the sports occur in the late afternoon, night, or indoors, and if you're willing to spend $$$$$, then you'll want a lens with an aperture of at least f/2.8 or larger (smaller f-number).

Hope that helps!

On the K-x, so far the ISO 6400 looks really good to me. So, you "can" get away with a smaller aperture lens. Sure, the large aperture is going to be much better, but I believe you can get a shot.

As for which one from KEH, I would personally drop the extra $30-40 for the Pentax 50-200mm over one of the cheaper non-brand zooms. Also, the Pentax branded SMC-FAJ lenses do not have the best reputations.
Is this a good deal?

DA 50-200 F 4-5.8 $100 shipped...

As long as it is in the condition they say, then I would say yes. I cannot tell if it has the hood with it though. To replace that is about $20-25 and you do want one for lens protection and to keep out unwanted light. You might consider picking up a hood for your 18-55mm if you do not have one already.
Good point. Mine did not come with a hood... theres always something that you are missing isnt there! lol
I "borrowed" the hood from my K100D ;) It is going to be the kids camera, so I am going to find another one for it.
What kind of batteries do you use in your camera? How many photos do you get out of a set? I will be playing with mine a lot over the weekend and am sure I will go through a few sets!
Speaking of lens hoods...are there any to fit the 18-55 and 55-300 kit lenses? I don't think I want the ones that screw onto the filter threads.


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