Pentax general discussion

IMHO, Lightroom is both easier and more powerful than most other options. You have a ton of settings available, but you don't need to mess with them unless you want to. The current version is also very competent in most all regards - with version 1 and 2 (to a lesser degree), Bibble and Silkypix seemed to often produce better colors in their output, but Lightroom 3 has solid improvements and is probably at least as good and probably better than the others. It also has a much improved noise reduction engine, removing much of the advantage of Bibble's built-in Noise Ninja. Last time I checked, the student version was selling for somewhere around $89 at NewEgg.

There is a free trial that's worth looking at if you want to give it a try.

If you have not yet, you should check out Bibble 5. It is a much improved product. I do not know if the noise reduction is improved, but it works well enough for me. They completely changed the tagging and organization system, which I remember was a frustration of yours with it.
The new K5 and the new 18-135mm 'kit' lens announcements are posted. The new lens looks like it could be a good walkaround lens teamed with a low light prime lens (ie, Sigma 30 mm f1.4). It could probably do most of what is needed at WDW. Just my opinion. The K5, while not a huge upgrade from the K7, is a big jump from my K10's! Next spring, if I save my pennies, I may have to go for this, if the price is right.
The new K5 and the new 18-135mm 'kit' lens announcements are posted. The new lens looks like it could be a good walkaround lens teamed with a low light prime lens (ie, Sigma 30 mm f1.4). It could probably do most of what is needed at WDW. Just my opinion. The K5, while not a huge upgrade from the K7, is a big jump from my K10's! Next spring, if I save my pennies, I may have to go for this, if the price is right.

Yes, I will have to seriously consider the new 18-135, especially as it is a WR lens and will go great with my K-7. I used a Sigma 18-125 on my old ist*DL almost exclusively for the versatility. Great to have just one lens to carry around when you know for sure you won't really need more. But a good fast prime would be a must for dark rides for sure.
Its great that its weather sealed, but it would of been awesome if it were a little faster. Seems like they aren't really thinking about speed in the digital world anymore. Maybe they are relying on the ISO capabilities and post processing. With those factors in mind I guess they dont need to be any faster.

K5 looks incredible!!! But alas until I can take photographs to the quality as all the members on here I will not need to upgrade!
Its great that its weather sealed, but it would of been awesome if it were a little faster. Seems like they aren't really thinking about speed in the digital world anymore. Maybe they are relying on the ISO capabilities and post processing. With those factors in mind I guess they dont need to be any faster.

K5 looks incredible!!! But alas until I can take photographs to the quality as all the members on here I will not need to upgrade!

I think you're right about the ISO. With the expanded usable range and faster AF, it should increase the range of the the lenses. I can't wait to see what it will do for my Sigma 100-300 f4! Now for low light sports I have to use my 70-200 f2.8.
I envy the 70-200! But alas I will have to wait until I rebuild my Firebird engine before I can make any new camera or accessory purchases... but I do have several lenses gathering dust in the basement that I keep forgetting to throw on ebay, don't tell the missus that my LBA problem hasnt been quenched yet...
Its great that its weather sealed, but it would of been awesome if it were a little faster. Seems like they aren't really thinking about speed in the digital world anymore. Maybe they are relying on the ISO capabilities and post processing. With those factors in mind I guess they dont need to be any faster.

K5 looks incredible!!! But alas until I can take photographs to the quality as all the members on here I will not need to upgrade!
I think they are thinking about speed but you are unlikely to find a fast 18-135mm zoom lens. Check out the size of the 16-50mm F2.8 and 50-135mm F2.8 and imagine combing them into a single, even larger lens - it would be fairly big and heavy, to say nothing of expensive!

The K-5's main appeal over the K-7 is clearly the sensor (unless someone really needs 7fps vs 5.2), it will be very interesting to see the reviews and high-ISO samples. Actually, the autofocus is said to be much improved, but the K-7's is pretty decent already. I may pick one up some day but at this point, it won't be for a while, when the price drops a lot!
I havent compared it to any of the other manufacturers. Where do you guys think it fits in value wise with the competition?
I don't know where the pricepoint will eventually end up. Right now, the net is burning up with the fact that Pentax has it priced too high. Then I heard the MSRP US price will be $1399 not the previously rumored $1599. What will the street price be? Only time will tell. I'm hoping the street price next spring will be $1100-$1200. That would be in my range for an upgrade. Then I would add the battery grip for another $200! While it may not be that much of an upgrade from the K7 it appears to be a huge upgrade from my K10's. I can understand why some of the K7 users may not upgrade for awhile, because I did the same with the K20. I have been waiting for one camera to have what I was looking for in better lowlight AF and higher usable ISO, both weakpoints of the K10. At first glance, the K5 appears to have solved my problems.:thumbsup2
The lens dilemma continues in my life mainly because I don't know what I "need". I've been happy with my two kit lenses but now that the new SMC PENTAX-DA 35mm F2.4 AL is being released I'm thinking of getting it instead of the 50 mm. It looks like it will be considerably cheaper than the 50 mm.

Does anyone have an opinion of which would be best for portraits? Part of me thinks I should just save my money until I can get an 85 mm for portraits but it's no way near being reasonably priced (at least not in my world) so it would take a while to save.

I'm interested in a nice bokeh for portraits of my children! My kit lenses do fine but I believe fixed lenses are sharper. Am I correct?

Thanks for putting up with me.

If you have not yet, you should check out Bibble 5. It is a much improved product. I do not know if the noise reduction is improved, but it works well enough for me. They completely changed the tagging and organization system, which I remember was a frustration of yours with it.
That is true - that was a big advantage of LR. At this point, LR is so effective for me that I've got little reason to switch. :) Someone starting new might want to try both before choosing.

I don't know where the pricepoint will eventually end up. Right now, the net is burning up with the fact that Pentax has it priced too high. Then I heard the MSRP US price will be $1399 not the previously rumored $1599. What will the street price be? Only time will tell. I'm hoping the street price next spring will be $1100-$1200. That would be in my range for an upgrade. Then I would add the battery grip for another $200! While it may not be that much of an upgrade from the K7 it appears to be a huge upgrade from my K10's. I can understand why some of the K7 users may not upgrade for awhile, because I did the same with the K20. I have been waiting for one camera to have what I was looking for in better lowlight AF and higher usable ISO, both weakpoints of the K10. At first glance, the K5 appears to have solved my problems.:thumbsup2
First off - if you haven't, check out the YouTube video that shows it focusing in Live View. WOW!!! It focuses in LVat an astonishing speed (and does a great automatic zoom-in as it does it, so you can verify focus)... it sounds like it's probably the fastest-LiveView-focusing DSLR yet. I'm not sure if that includes the A55, but it's really amazingly quick. If it can match or beat the A55, that takes away a lot of the reasoning for the whole translucent mirror technology. Plus, the regular autofocus is apparently quite a bit faster than the already-competent K-5 - has Pentax finally achieved parity (or beyond) with the others? We shall see...

Based on the little bit I'm seeing, I'm probably going to be bummed that I won't have one for my upcoming trip (barring an unexpected big influx of cash and the price dropping already) - faster AF is always nice but an extra 2-3 usable ISO stops would really be great!

The lens dilemma continues in my life mainly because I don't know what I "need". I've been happy with my two kit lenses but now that the new SMC PENTAX-DA 35mm F2.4 AL is being released I'm thinking of getting it instead of the 50 mm. It looks like it will be considerably cheaper than the 50 mm.

Does anyone have an opinion of which would be best for portraits? Part of me thinks I should just save my money until I can get an 85 mm for portraits but it's no way near being reasonably priced (at least not in my world) so it would take a while to save.

I'm interested in a nice bokeh for portraits of my children! My kit lenses do fine but I believe fixed lenses are sharper. Am I correct?
85mm is popular as a full-frame or film portrait lens - on an APS-sensor lens, it's a bit long (plus there aren't many cheap 85mm options - there are excellent old Takumar M42-mount f1.8 and f1.9 ones that still fetch $300-400, there's the modern Samyang f1.4 which is manual focus, there's the excellent discontinued Pentax f1.4s, and Sigma will be releasing their brand-new f1.4 in the next month or two - it's on my list, assuming the reviews are good. Your best bet is probably a 50mm, which are in plentiful supply especially if you're willing to go manual-focus. Heck, there's an autofocus Pentax-F 50mm F1.7 on a local Craigslist right now for only $110 - a bargain; I'd buy it just to resell it but it's probably an hour drive away or so. They usually go for close to $200. You can get manual-focus 50mm F1.7s or F1.4s for $100 or less often just because they're so common.
Go get that auto focus 50 mm for me! LOL! I'll give you $200 for it. I haven't seen it for less than $350 and I'm hesitant about picking out a used lens myself because I'm not sure what to look for in a used lens. Now you have the experience to tell if it's junk or not. I really want to stick with auto focus as I have enough to learn!

I'll have to check Craigslist here.
First off - if you haven't, check out the YouTube video that shows it focusing in Live View. WOW!!! It focuses in LVat an astonishing speed (and does a great automatic zoom-in as it does it, so you can verify focus)... it sounds like it's probably the fastest-LiveView-focusing DSLR yet. I'm not sure if that includes the A55, but it's really amazingly quick. If it can match or beat the A55, that takes away a lot of the reasoning for the whole translucent mirror technology. Plus, the regular autofocus is apparently quite a bit faster than the already-competent K-5 - has Pentax finally achieved parity (or beyond) with the others? We shall see...

Based on the little bit I'm seeing, I'm probably going to be bummed that I won't have one for my upcoming trip (barring an unexpected big influx of cash and the price dropping already) - faster AF is always nice but an extra 2-3 usable ISO stops would really be great!

While I will love the extra usable ISO steps, what I really need is the better low-light AF. Trying to photograph a race car at 210 MPH at a night race using AFC has been a struggle with the K10! I have had to use AFS focused and metered on a specific part of the track and then burst shoot to get the image. While it works, it would be much easier if AFC was stronger. I just have to hope that my family has listened to my request for gift cards from an online camera store!:cool1:
A question for the Pentaxians.......I am getting the K-7 as soon as B&H comes back on line. I am looking at getting an external mic For the video. Don't really know how much I will use it but thought I would like to have one just in case. Does anyone out there use one? If so what do you have where did you get it and how do you like it???

Thanks a ton.

Go get that auto focus 50 mm for me! LOL! I'll give you $200 for it. I haven't seen it for less than $350 and I'm hesitant about picking out a used lens myself because I'm not sure what to look for in a used lens. Now you have the experience to tell if it's junk or not. I really want to stick with auto focus as I have enough to learn!
This is the older Pentax-F 50mm F1.7, not the current Pentax-FA 50mm F1.4. The latter is the one that you can still buy new and often goes for close to $350. (It was $200 back when I bought it!) The F1.7 usually goes second-hand for $200 or less; check eBay for examples. Some feel that it is even sharper than the F1.4, but I suspect it comes down to individual variances between the lenses.

I will say that autofocus is quite nice for these "fast" lenses; their depth of field gets so shallow than manually focusing can be quite a challenge sometimes.

While I will love the extra usable ISO steps, what I really need is the better low-light AF. Trying to photograph a race car at 210 MPH at a night race using AFC has been a struggle with the K10!
You'd probably see a huge difference - I never shot with a K10D but I do still have my K100D which I think was fairly similar and the K20D completely blew it out of the water... and the K-7 and K-x are quite clearly faster still. From the initial buzz, the K-5 appears to another big jump forward - with the Live View focusing jumping to the top of the heap.

Oh! And I forgot to mention - if you want a battery grip and can give up weathersealing, DealExtreme has a good-quality knock-off grip for $55 or so. I've got one and am quite happy with it - the feel is good and it has metal where it should, but the buttons are a little "floppier" and the writing is wearing off, and it's not weathersealed. Still, I'm mainly interested in the extra height and it's a perfect clone of the OEM one so the ergonomics are great. When the rain comes, I remove it and put the rubber seal back over the battery grip contacts on the camera and I'm ready to go! (I keep the seal in a thick SD card holder for safekeeping when the grip is on.)

A question for the Pentaxians.......I am getting the K-7 as soon as B&H comes back on line. I am looking at getting an external mic For the video. Don't really know how much I will use it but thought I would like to have one just in case. Does anyone out there use one? If so what do you have where did you get it and how do you like it???
That is a good question and I haven't found a good answer yet. I hear Rode mikes mentioned but those are big bucks! I bought an Altec-Lansing ATR6250 with realistic expectations. Unfortunately, I got a very strange background sound, almost like a gurgle. I did some experiments and just stopped using it. The plot thickens in that I just took a look at videos from that time, including a test video I specifically made to isolate the sound and see if it happened more closer or farther away from the camera, and I can't hear the sound. I wonder now if maybe I was having a problem with the decoders on the PC - but that wouldn't explain why the internal mike worked fine. More research required!

What I use now is an old clip-on Sony stereo mike. It's actually almost ideal in that I can clip it right to the bottom lip of whatever lens hood I'm using (not the fisheye of course.) The Altec-Lansing was a hotshoe mount, and a bit long which meant that I could appear in the image on wide lenses when the mike was pushed forward (which was usually necessary so it didn't hit you in the face!) The downside to the Sony is that it picks up a ton of wind noise outside so I may try to fashion a rudimentary windsock. I'm not looking for anything superfancy, just for the occasional short video with stereo and no fear of picking up aperture changes or the SR mechanism.
That is a good question and I haven't found a good answer yet. I hear Rode mikes mentioned but those are big bucks! I bought an Altec-Lansing ATR6250 with realistic expectations. Unfortunately, I got a very strange background sound, almost like a gurgle. I did some experiments and just stopped using it. The plot thickens in that I just took a look at videos from that time, including a test video I specifically made to isolate the sound and see if it happened more closer or farther away from the camera, and I can't hear the sound. I wonder now if maybe I was having a problem with the decoders on the PC - but that wouldn't explain why the internal mike worked fine. More research required!

What I use now is an old clip-on Sony stereo mike. It's actually almost ideal in that I can clip it right to the bottom lip of whatever lens hood I'm using (not the fisheye of course.) The Altec-Lansing was a hotshoe mount, and a bit long which meant that I could appear in the image on wide lenses when the mike was pushed forward (which was usually necessary so it didn't hit you in the face!) The downside to the Sony is that it picks up a ton of wind noise outside so I may try to fashion a rudimentary windsock. I'm not looking for anything superfancy, just for the occasional short video with stereo and no fear of picking up aperture changes or the SR mechanism.

Thanks Groucho, looking forward to the camera but the shop does not re-open until Oct. 2nd...aaarrrggg.
Woo-hoo. Just bought a K-X in purple after much deliberaton on what my first DSLR would be. Can't wait for it to get here on Wed. Any tips or advice for a newbie DSLR user would be greatly appreciated.
Congratulations! I would recommend you read the manual, then re-read the manual and then read the manual.:rotfl2: Feel free to ask away with any questions. There are several members who have the Kx and I'm sure they will assist you. Have fun learning!
Congratulations! I would recommend you read the manual, then re-read the manual and then read the manual.:rotfl2: Feel free to ask away with any questions. There are several members who have the Kx and I'm sure they will assist you. Have fun learning!

Thanks so much! I am sure I will be full of questions. Just found out that it will be here today instead of tomorrow...can't wait for the purple awesomeness to arrive.:thumbsup2
Ok so here come my questions...I just got my new purple camera yesterday! Now I was wondering what bag do you use to cary your camera in the parks? I want something that can act as my purse as well (I carry a small purse think along the lines of a mini-hipster by VB, so I don't need a lot of room). I will have my camera, only the kit lens, extra batteries, and extra memory to carry around, so I don't need a big bag. Do you use the strap that comes with the camera or do you have any suggestion on something better. Mine looks like its just going to irritate my neck. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.


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