People 💩 In Line At WDW


My tag used to say - I'm a Tonga Toast Junkie 😁
Feb 28, 2004
What in the heck is wrong with people?!
This literally upsets me :headache:
(if you want to read about it, scroll down until you see Avatar)

A lady told me about this yesterday and I very quickly said “no way” and then this article shows up on Facebook today (I follow Walt Disney World News).

I just can’t wrap my brain around how people can do this. I have no words :sad2:
What in the heck is wrong with people?!
This literally upsets me :headache:
(if you want to read about it, scroll down until you see Avatar)

A lady told me about this yesterday and I very quickly said “no way” and then this article shows up on Facebook today (I follow Walt Disney World News).

I just can’t wrap my brain around how people can do this. I have no words :sad2:
I have words, but they are not acceptable on the DIS. Just when I think people have reached a new low, they find a way to go lower still. There is no way anyone in our family could do something like that unless we had some sort of medical emergency and we certainly wouldn’t be just leaving it there without telling anyone. For goodness sake, do people not hit the restrooms before getting in a long line? When we were kids, Mom and Dad wouldn’t ask if we needed to go, they just took us to the restroom before going anywhere we wouldn’t have access for a while. And if adults are doing this, they should be beyond ashamed of themselves. Disgusting!
I saw an article about this on Yahoo yesterday. I think Dec 2017 was the first time we experienced FoP and I remember standing in what I have to assume is that hallway and wondering what people would do if they had to use the restroom. It took quite a while to get through this area and there was very little CM presence until you got farther up the hall. So, it seemed logical when I'd heard about bathrooms being added to this section of the queue. That being said, I had no idea people were actually relieving themselves in this area. The civilized part of me assumed they'd hold it, but I do also remember the early days of the ride and people being told that they'd miss out on the attraction if they left the line to use the restroom.
Appalling and disgusting I had a friend that worked in retail and he told me about people doing it in dressing rooms in the middle of the store and I was just flabbergasted I cannot even imagine people relieving themselves in dressing rooms let alone in the middle of the store and there’s bathrooms close by the bathrooms are always disgusting anyway and it’s no excuse I gave up a long time ago expecting decent behavior from people it’s just not gonna happen it’s unrealistic expectations I don’t know what’s happened I don’t know why it’s happened I think you hear about it more because of social media than you used to but it’s just absolutely appalling
I feel like I should be more shocked but apparently some cities have poop squads so...

Better lighting and tickets for public indecency seems like the minimum. I mean you can't have people naked in hallways in a place full of kids, that is an abomination and a horror story just waiting to happen. The business has a responsibility here to match criminal behavior with guests and uphold US laws about criminal conduct.

If this is frequent enough for places to have a nickname it is frequent enough for the business to intervene, I would bet if it was theft of some kind there would be a magical solution in an instant. Put staff there for Pete's sake.
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When Walt was just finishing up Disneyland for opening, they had to choose between making the water fountains work or the toilets. Walt chose the restrooms and famously said, "People can buy Pepsi-Cola, but they can’t pee in the street." Apparantly they not only can, but poop too! This is a far cry from the old complaints of a diaper being changed on a picnic table. What kinds of people do this? You can leave the line - it's okay. People are understanding for the most part. Just ask a CM and they can assist you. There is just no call for it!
Appalling and disgusting I had a friend that worked in retail and he told me about people doing it in dressing rooms in the middle of the store and I was just flabbergasted I cannot even imagine people relieving themselves in dressing rooms let alone in the middle of the store and there’s bathrooms close by the bathrooms are always disgusting anyway and it’s no excuse I gave up a long time ago expecting decent behavior from people it’s just not gonna happen it’s unrealistic expectations I don’t know what’s happened I don’t know why it’s happened I think you hear about it more because of social media than you used to but it’s just absolutely appalling
I worked at Macy's for 1.5 years. One time I went into the fitting room to find pee and blood (womens clothing dept, I'm assuming period blood) all over the floor and the clothing they'd left on the floor. Had to lock that one off until they could get a cleaning crew in there.
I worked at Macy's for 1.5 years. One time I went into the fitting room to find pee and blood (womens clothing dept, I'm assuming period blood) all over the floor and the clothing they'd left on the floor. Had to lock that one off until they could get a cleaning crew in there.
I know someone that manages a TJ Max, and the horror stories he tells me about what they find in the fitting rooms is enough to make me want to throw up. He says they find all sorts of disgustingness in both men's and women's fitting rooms, but the women's is the worst. I will never understand - never. There's nothing that anyone will ever be able to tell me that will convince me that someone has no choice. When my UC is out of remission, I have to wear a Depends, just in case. Luckily, I've never had to use it, but I still wear it (sorry, this is a little TMI, but I need to say it to make my point). There is no excuse to use a public place as your private bathroom. I'm starting to get a little worked up just typing this :headache:
With the price of WDW tickets.... money doesn't buy class is the truth I guess. Nasty.
It's interesting that you just posted this, because I was just about to post something similar.
People always ask me why I spend so much money on WDW vacations, and I always tell them that safety, cleanliness, friendliness and etc come at a price, and I'm happy to pay it. We may not be able to go as often as in the past, but when we do go, I'm ok with the price.

I guess I can't completely say this anymore. People doing this is not only disgusting, but it's a health hazard, which takes away an element of people's safety. You walk through this and then drag it back to your hotel room floor, your car floor and etc. You accidentally drop something on the floor and you pick it up not knowing people are crapping on the floor maybe a few hours before you got there. This topic really has me fired up today :headache:>:(:furious:
I don't understand so much of this. Since this is happening, aren't there many charges that could be filed against the perpatrators (if they are adults anyway)? (To defecate you have to expose your self, right? And there are undoubtedly kids near by-so that in and of itself would make it a severe charge. And with their abundance of cameras could they not identify the individuals?) Disney does that a few times and I bet it would stop. I don't understand why they aren't coming down on this harshly.
If there’s a camera like the article said why aren’t they intervening and stopping these people? And when caught they should not only be banned from Disney but they should also be arrested. A CM should NEVER have to deal with this and other guests who are spending literally thousands of dollars should never be exposed to this.
I don't understand so much of this. Since this is happening, aren't there many charges that could be filed against the perpatrators (if they are adults anyway)? (To defecate you have to expose your self, right? And there are undoubtedly kids near by-so that in and of itself would make it a severe charge. And with their abundance of cameras could they not identify the individuals?) Disney does that a few times and I bet it would stop. I don't understand why they aren't coming down on this harshly.

We don't necessarily know that they aren't. Dinsey tends to like to keep this kind of thing as quiet as possible.
We don't necessarily know that they aren't. Dinsey tends to like to keep this kind of thing as quiet as possible.
Utterly repulsive. I suppose someone could look up the orange/osceola police blotters and cross check but I would imagine that indecent exposure would just be one of several charges.

But as others have said, I cannot say that I'm surprised. People are disgusting.
I saw that. Not something I’ve ever seen at WDW, thankfully! Although I did see 💩 in a corner at the parking garage at work and was like, omg, who would do that? (I’m guessing not an employee but who knows!)
I think Dec 2017 was the first time we experienced FoP and I remember standing in what I have to assume is that hallway and wondering what people would do if they had to use the restroom. It took quite a while to get through this area and there was very little CM presence until you got farther up the hall. So, it seemed logical when I'd heard about bathrooms being added to this section of the queue. That being said, I had no idea people were actually relieving themselves in this area. The civilized part of me assumed they'd hold it, but I do also remember the early days of the ride and people being told that they'd miss out on the attraction if they left the line to use the restroom.
I know exactly where you mean. There are a lot of queues that get very long where you rarely see a CM. I know Disney probably doesn't want to have CMs patrolling lines when they need to be elsewhere, but it seems like they should think about it. Also, as a guest, it's always more reassuring to me when I see CMs out and about.


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