PET pic of the day at the Fort and at home.

My dog Dufus

This does not meet the requirements for................well,.....anything!!! I agree with Deb.......That thing needs to be put out of "my' misery!!
LOOK.....its "pidgeon". good looking pooches there.

For those of you who havent seen every Disney cartoon
way more times than any grown male wants to admit to,
"Pidge" is what the Tramp calls Lady in Lady and the Tramp
Awww, man John!!! Yes... I have seen the otters on Bay Lake and at DTD. Rog didn't believe me either, until he saw the otters playing around the dock at the FtW marina. Actually, we had a bunch of "otter-spotters" - well - except for FtWGuy - who plays the part of "Doubting Thomas" in our ongoing FtW drama. He's never seen the otters at FtW. Don't see? Don't believe.

Are you going to join the FtWGuy's He-Man Wimmen Hater's Klub??? :rotfl2:

I have seen the otters as well!
I can't believe the cat is actually standing still for all that. :lmao:

Poor Kitty!!

Yeah....he's ugly too!

we had a cat growing up looked just like this one, we got him from the :hippie: next door his name was Monkberry Moon Delight. He was beautiful when dry tho. . Denise
WOW, I thought it was a rat that looked like a drowned kitty, who knew?
While looking for some pics, I came across a couple that gave me a revelation.

Here's one with Landon and the pups. Harley is the Beagle and Albert the other.

This one is a some puppies that a friend of the familly had. My Dad got 3 of them so they are still familly dogs.

Now, my Dad always "jokes" that his new kids (dogs) are better than we were, they listen, don't talk back etc. I have never argued this and knew it was a joke but I came across something that made me think. This next picture is from the same familly friends house. Keep in mind that my dad has about the same thing just not as organized at his house. Also, this is 1 of 3 walls that are about equally covered. These are from the parents of the white pups.


Maybe they are better than we were:lmao: .

By the way, my Dad is an Awesome man ( as most Dads are ) and while these things are true, his kids are not second to his dogs......I think..:lmao:
Pet pics....

No dog right now, hope to get a Rhodesian Ridgeback sometimes soon. Have two cats right now. Black one, Fatty, 14 years old. Siamese, blue tipped, Enzo - 3 years old, a big fat lump.

Here's Enzo after losing a fight with a paper sack. (I found him after he had gotten the handle around his head and run around the house until it ripped off.) Since he was unharmed it was actually pretty funny. He's not the smartest cat I've had....

Here's a link to Enzo fetching. (on You Tube)

Those were in his slimmer days.


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