Photo Sharing: Pentax

This is our Ellie in the Easter spirit!

There are some impressive low-light and night-time shots on this thread that I have used a high ISO 3200 or higher. Whenever I push my Pentax K100D past 800 I get noise. So I will put forward two questions. A) Any suggestions on how to minimize the noise (looks like the grain of film) and B) Is there any softward to use to clean-up the noise?
Most of the nighttime pics are done with a tripod and remote control. I use ISO 100, whatever f-stop I need to achieve the DOF I want and the remote either on bulb mode or I let the camera choose the shutter speed. Sometimes I do both and adjust. You will be surprised how little post processing is really necessary. If you want to do some special effects i.e. HDR or whatever then that will take some PP. The below photo was taken that way.

Night Train Station by Gianna'sPapa, on Flickr

PS I also have Topaz Labs Denoise 5 plug-in for noise reduction with my PSE 8.
I almost forgot, both now and when I'm shooting, don't forget to turn off your shake reduction when on the tripod. For the handheld, lowlight shots, for the most part, those are done with fast lenses, f1.4/1.8. Also, I really don't worry too much about people walking in front of the camera with a long shutter speed as they either don't appear or look like ghosts. Sometimes it actually adds to the image, IMO.
As Gianni said use a tripod and a low ISO, I use Lightroom 3 and PS5 for processing, which cleans up the noise in all the other shuts that have a faster shutter speed and Higher ISO....
I also discovered this display outside a Doctors building. I have no clue as to what it means or what it is. I browsed online with no success. It was so out of place and beautiful.
Statue of Queen Victoria in Hamiltons Gore Park, I didn't have any time to do much composition over the weekend, it was Open Doors Hamilton which meant that most public buildings, including Theatres, Churches, and Museums were free admission. We took our Cub Scout group through a bunch of them at a hectic pace!

Canadas Wonderland's newest ride called Windseeker. Its 301 feet tall, tough to tell with this photo. 12mm 3 exposure HDR



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