Photography book recommendations


Earning My Ears
Jan 9, 2007

I have just come back from a 2 week vacation at Disney. This was our first visit and we loved it, so we really want to get all our photos in a nice album.

After logging onto the DisneyPhotoPass site I notice they have a Disney photo book which you can order online. Does anyone have one? Is it worth the money? I can’t find the size of the photos these books take so I can’t visualise what I will end up with and I don’t know anyone who as ordered one before so any feedback would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Sandra :yay:
I am looking for feedback on it too. I've finished piecing mine but had a few questions for someone who might have one already.
I saw an example book at MouseFest. It was a terrific looking product.

The size of the photos varies, because the layout of each page varies. The photo books are not simple albums, they're more like digital scrapbooks, and can include not only your Photopass pics, but pics that you upload to the Photopass site from your computer, and photos from the library of general WDW images available on the Photopass site.

The books come bound in a beautiful leather cover with silver embossed text and graphics.

[click each image for a full-size version]
Hello All!!!!! I'm pretty new to this board (even though I look over RBennett's shoulder all the time :goodvibes ) and I need some advice from you guys. As most of you probably know, we just bought Photoshop Elements 5.0 not too long ago. I'm a little familiar with Photoshop from my old days at Kinko's, but there are different things on there that I have NO idea what to do with. I was wondering if there was a book that gave step-by-step details on what to do with this program??? There's soooo much to learn with this program, and I want to learn it all!!!! :banana: Any help would be much appreciated!!!!!
I'll second that book. It has given me some great info on many different things that PSE 5.0 can do. You can get it on Amazon as well.
i love the missing manual by barbara's simple to understand which i need as i am not that computer savvy to start with. i got mine at barnes and noble for around $30 but it's probably online at amazon as well. it's step by step and about 500 pages so it covers from beginner to far it has answered pretty much all i have wondered ...
Thanks for all the great info guys!!!! I'll definately have to check out those books!!! I can't wait to get started!!!! :banana:
I was wondering if anyone had come across (and could recommend) a photography tutorial book.

I understand a small amount about ISO, aperture, exposure, etc etc. and have done this by messing around and learning "on the job". But this obviously means i sometimes miss getting a good shot *** i'm too busy learning while at my destination.

I know i'm improving as a photographer but want to learn more than my trial and error approach allows.

I'd like to take a more structured approach where i have a book with a series of lessons in it, starting basic and getting more advanced.

I guess like a photography course in a book. :teacher:

Any suggestions? :worship:

(I have Understanding exposure already btw)
I have a book called Composition that has a series of lessons in it. I've had more luck with the books that are tutorials that are about one particular area of photography. I have the same issue you do, the only way I read through and do all the lessons is I take the book with me on a camping trip where there's nothing else to do. If you're interested in that one, I'll go find it and give you the author's name.
I have a book called Composition that has a series of lessons in it. I've had more luck with the books that are tutorials that are about one particular area of photography. I have the same issue you do, the only way I read through and do all the lessons is I take the book with me on a camping trip where there's nothing else to do. If you're interested in that one, I'll go find it and give you the author's name.

That'd be helpful if you wouldn't mind. Thank you.

And to Furgus, thanks i'm having a look at that on Amazon
He has a cannon xdi/d40 and is looking for a good learning tool so I figured I would as you all.

He is starting out and does great with what he has learned on his own, but he needs more.

Does anyone have old magazines or books I could buy? Or know of a cheep place to get said info?

Thank you.
if he is looking for a book that tells him "hey if you want to take picutres of fireworks" then do this and does not get into a lot of the mechanical reasons why then get him Scott Kelby the digital photography book.
It has alot of info, easy to read, some bad jokes but the guy knows his stuff.

also he can check out
he has alot of reviews on cameras, lens. also gives some tips on how to take different types of pictures
"Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson


Practical Photography (printed in the UK but available in the US, usually a Barns & Knoble)

Digital Camera World (also a UK mag, see above)

Digital SLR User (see the other 2 mags)
if he is looking for a book that tells him "hey if you want to take picutres of fireworks" then do this and does not get into a lot of the mechanical reasons why then get him Scott Kelby the digital photography book.
It has alot of info, easy to read, some bad jokes but the guy knows his stuff.

also he can check out
he has alot of reviews on cameras, lens. also gives some tips on how to take different types of pictures

I LOVE these Scott Kelby books (the digital photography book 1 and 2). And if you want to get into Photoshop, Kelby has great books there too. I also got a D40 for Dummies book that was good.
I think the Kelby book is a great selection.

If he wants to understanding lighting better, I strongly recommend Light: Science and Magic. It's geared more towards studio lighting and is moderately theoretical, but it's a great book for getting a better understanding of lighting, which is at the heart of photography.

I also like the Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, which is pretty interesting. It's a catch-all of various photography topics - history, famous photographers, technique, theory, etc.

While Understanding Exposure is a popular recommendation here, I didn't find it all that compelling. I thought his Understanding Shutter Speed book was much better.

I've been unimpressed by photography magazines. The major US ones are just advertising trash. Some of the niche and British ones are pretty good, but they're also pretty pricey.
...While Understanding Exposure is a popular recommendation here, I didn't find it all that compelling. I thought his Understanding Exposure book was much better.

I believe Mark means Understanding Shutter Speed as the better choice, which I second.


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