(Photos Added) Semi-Solo on the Disney Dream - Aug. 19th- 24th, 2012

#1 I am really loving your trip report and pictures. I hope you post a ton more.

#1 I am in awe of your drawings! I'm not into FEs but wow, I would have killed for one of those. You are super good at it!

Thank you! I took something like 350 - I've been holding back on dumping them all in but maybe I'll just go crazy and and them all. (or at least link to them :) )

Also, thanks so much! I hadn't tried to draw Disney Characters since I was a kid and was pretty excited to find out I can do them now - except for Aurora. I tried, but she keeps coming out looking like an alien. :laughing:
The ship was still pretty empty when I got back from Nassau; I snapped a few pictures on my way back to my stateroom.




Woodwork by the Buena Vista Theater


At this point in the day I abandoned my camera so no more pictures, I’m afraid. I spent some time cooling off in my stateroom and taking advantage of the on demand movies. I’d only seen Tangled once so I watched part of that. Over the course of the five day trip I wound up watching Ratatouille and Princess and the Frog as well, though never in one sitting. It was great to have my own space to escape to for a half hour or so during the day, especially during peak heat.

I met up with Shannon at the adult pool and we spent some time in the hot tub critiquing the Celebrity ship docked next to us (we unanimously felt the Dream was superior). I also rode the Aquaduck, which was fun but once was enough for me. In the time it took me to wait in line and ride it Jake and Shannon had played a round of mini-golf – they were practically the only people playing.
Our Palo dinner was that night. Palo was lovely and the service was impeccable and while the food was good I wouldn’t say that I was blown away by it. I had the tuna sashimi which I liked quite a bit, both the mushroom and saffron risottos which were fine, the steak – cooked perfectly but didn’t blow me away- probably more to do with it not being my favorite cut as opposed to anything being wrong with it, a bit of the liver which was yummy but I was too full at that point to really enjoy it, and the soufflé. I know it’s practically blasphemy but I didn’t love the soufflé either! It smelled amazing but didn’t quite taste amazing, at least to my palate. That said, $20 is a bargain for the upgrade and I’d encourage anyone to try it at least once.

After dinner we collected the kids from the club – Becca had eaten there but still asked to be taken to “the restaurant”, I think she meant Animator’s Palate which she had really enjoyed. Because of our Palo dinner we’d missed that night’s show, The Odd Life of Timothy Greene, so Jake was assigned babysitting duty while Shannon and I went for drinks at Pink (poor Jake!). I LOVED the mango Champaign cocktail I had and Shannon felt the same about her peach one. Pink was very quiet, only one or two other small groups in it. It was great to have such a girly place to enjoy a fruity drink. :)

We stopped briefly by Alfred and Seymour’s adult show but it was too crowded by that point to stay so we took a walk on the deck four promenade instead. I’m so glad we did – it turned out that the ship was at a full stop and the ocean was nearly as calm as a glass of water. Looking over the edge of the railing we were able to see fish swimming by the underwater illumination lights. It was a beautiful sight and we spent a good bit of time just chatting and enjoying the evening before turning in to bed. Our Palo Brunch was the next morning so we both had a lot of digesting to do that night in order to fit more food in the next day.

I had a little frog waiting for me when I got back to my room.
I have to agree with you about the Chocolate Souffle, and we have had it several times (along with our favorite desserts at Palo); it wasn't like we had it on an off-night or anything. I just don't get it. Give me Chocolate Amaretto Indulgence any day! (Or even Panna Cotta!)

The walk on Deck 4 at night sounds wonderful! Will have to squeeze that in somewhere on our cruise next month...along with a Mango Champagne cocktail...sounds yummy!
HI! I'm loving your TR! Your pictures are great, you took ones that I haven't seen before!

I LOVE your drawings that you posted! Can't wait for more TRing! :goodvibes
HI! I'm loving your TR! Your pictures are great, you took ones that I haven't seen before!

I LOVE your drawings that you posted! Can't wait for more TRing! :goodvibes

Thanks, I think I read every trip report avalible before I left so I tried to fill in the gaps I knew existed when I saw something new.

And thanks for the complement on the drawings - everyone's been so nice about them!
Y'all have been so sweet about the sketches I made for the FE I thought I'd share a few more. I upped the contrast on my scans so they'd be a bit more visable - I drew them on textured paper so that's why theres a bit of a speckled effect to some of them. Please feel free to grab the files and use them for whatever you like - printouts, magnets, whatevs! :)



Ready for formal night.


Turn your frown upside down!


This one was for a wife who loved Sebastian and a husband who loves Grumpy. I hope they didn't take the pose as a comment on their relationship!


I can't take credit for this design - I based it on something I saw online. Love it, though!



My all time favorite Disney heroine... Kevin!

For those of you interested in process I did these first in rough pencil (after googling what the characters looked like - I'm no Ducky Williams who can do it from memory!), then transfered my roughs to colored pencil on watercolor paper using a light board. :artist:
Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for giving your blessing for us to use them for ourselves. Very generous!!! :thumbsup2
I am loving your trip report! We are sailing on the Dream next summer and I devour any and all Dream trip reports. Your photos are beautiful and have made me seriously consider getting off the boat in Nassau. Your sketches are amazing too. Thank you for taking the time to do a trip report.
Joining in! I love "semi-solo" trips...I travel solo but generally make friends ahead of time and spend some time or meals with them but have my own alone time.

Your drawings are amazing....I can't even draw a straight line!

Jill in CO


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