Photoshop Elements

:) thxs hey got a question so when I took the pic it looked clear on the LCD screen but when I uploaded themsome cameout blurry andwaswondering how can I tell prior to it and also some of the pics where when the cast members took the pic what setting would i do if someone who is not experienced take a pic with my cam?
You'll probably get a better response to your question about why your pictures are out of focus by doing the following:

1) starting a whole new thread with this question in the thread title

2) in the message state what kind of camera and what setting(s) you used to take these pictures (auto or whatever)

3) in the message put 1 example picture; perhaps in one size smaller than the size used in this thread.

That should give people the info they need to help you!
I'm thinking about purchasing Photoshop Elements. I've used photoshop CS3 in photography classes and liked it (although I know I haven't even scratched the surface of what it can do). What is the real difference between the two? The answer seems to be so long and drawn out when I do searches on the web about it.

Tools I use a lot are: cloning, dodge, burn, levels, curves, ruler (to fix horizons) and layers. I pretty much do simple adjustments in exposure, cropping, sharpening, etc and have tried some HDR. I usually try to get the exposure right in the camera and have minimal editing to do. I take so many pictures and am pretty busy that I don't spend a ton of time in post processing. I mainly pick pictures here and there to edit and don't do a lot of batch processing.

It looks like the toolbar on Elements is pretty similar to CS4. For those that have used both (if you're out there) what is really the difference other than ~$600? I know that CS4 is much more powerful, but I honestly don't know if I need all that "power."

The sale and rebate on makes Elements 8 only $69.99 right now, wihch is really easy to swallow.

Anyone have any advice?
I use photoshop because that is what I learned. DW has Elements and I have it on my computer as well. Unless you are a grahic artist or pro photographer, my belief is that elements will do 99% of what you want it to do. Save your money!
Thanks so much! After sifting through a bunch of articles on the differences I just felt crosseyed!! :) This makes me feel better- I can buy the Tokina 11-16 I want for the money it'd take to buy Photoshop! :scared1:

The new version of Elements also looks like it has a lot of cool improvements. For anyone interested- it's $89.99 on amazon with a $20 rebate until 10/31... making it $69.99 ;)
you may want to pick up ( or at least see if your library has) "the missing manual" book for your version of elements. some of the tools are not as readily apparent as to their usage in pse (evidently) as they are in the CS versions of ps ( never used anything but elements but that is what the book said:))

also jfyi some of the plug ins for pscs work in elements as well.

if you shoot in raw usually, personally i like lightroom much better for most of what you said but it doesn't do layers and i like the clone tool in elements better( actually i use the marquee tool instead of the clone tools). most of the other stuff you can do with the brush tool or clone tool in lightroom. i have lightroom and elements 7 ( had 4) but use lightroom way more. haven't even really looked into what 7 can do since i basically use it either to clone or if i want to use alien skin plug in for b&w conversion. maybe this winter i'll play around with it and see if i want to use it more than i do.
Can you tell me what Photoshop Elements 8 will do for me? I currently just have the Dell program that came with my Dell and I have Flickr.

Will Elements help me at all?

It is on sale for $49 at Costco through Nov. 29th.

Should I get it?

Thank you!,

I read a few bad reviews on problems with Elements 8 so I ended up ordering Elements 7 off amazon a few weeks ago. I worked with Photoshop in a photography class and am very happy with elements so far.

What kind of adjustments are you doing in your dell program now? Depends on what you want to do. With Elements you can add vignetting, fix your lighting (histogram), color, white balance, clone people/objects out, sharpen, etc.
Thank you.

On another thread I have discovered a scanner to scan my old slides and negatives and it comes with Elements, although I think it is Elements 6, but that will work for me at this time.

Goodness, if I hang around here long enough I will come up with even more stuff I *need* to get! :rotfl2:

Thank you!


I read a few bad reviews on problems with Elements 8 so I ended up ordering Elements 7 off amazon a few weeks ago. I worked with Photoshop in a photography class and am very happy with elements so far.

What kind of adjustments are you doing in your dell program now? Depends on what you want to do. With Elements you can add vignetting, fix your lighting (histogram), color, white balance, clone people/objects out, sharpen, etc.
I caught this deal over on the slickdeals website. Newegg has Photoshop Elements 8 on sale for $46 and free shipping. There's also a $20 mail-in rebate, making the final price just $26 (acually $25.99). Elements does just about everything a photographer needs, so this is a great deal. I think you'll usually find this software for around $100 at your local electronics store.

A month ago I saw a demo of Elements 8, and I was surprised at some of the advanced features, from Photoshop CS4 that made it into Elements 8 (like content-aware scaling).

The product is at:

The rebate is at:
I haven't checked in on the photo board in forever but am glad to have a little time to sign on an see the great shots of late! I'm way behind with 4 trips to the World to process - so many photos, so little time.
I have a question regarding file conversion in Elements 7. I can open and process my raw files, but have yet to be able to save them as regular jpegs. I can save as .pse, psd and pdd; jpeg 2000, photoshop raw, .pdf, png or tiff. What step (and probably blatantly obivious once it's pointed out to me) am I missing?
I haven't checked in on the photo board in forever but am glad to have a little time to sign on an see the great shots of late! I'm way behind with 4 trips to the World to process - so many photos, so little time.
I have a question regarding file conversion in Elements 7. I can open and process my raw files, but have yet to be able to save them as regular jpegs. I can save as .pse, psd and pdd; jpeg 2000, photoshop raw, .pdf, png or tiff. What step (and probably blatantly obivious once it's pointed out to me) am I missing?

Perhaps you specified to keep the file as a 16 bit file? I don't have elements but that's what Adobe will do if you import the file as a 16bit or higher file.
I don't use Photoshop Elements 7, but I do use Photoshop Elements 6 and for me, what I do is this:

1. Open my .NEF file in Adobe Camera Raw
2. Edit the file
3. Press "Open Image" (for me, on the bottom right-ish)
4. File--->Save As---->JPG
5. Pick "12" on the slider for file quality and assign a name
6. Press okay!

I'm sure there is an easier way, but that's how I do it. Are you trying to use the "Save Image" feature rigt in Adobe Camera Raw? If so, I haven't been able to save files as JPG there either.
VVFF - that was it! Thank you!

Ann, that's exactly what I've been trying to do but it wasn't giving me the standard jpeg option. (trying to save as 16 bit, see VVFF's post) By the way, the shots from your most recent trip are incredible, as usual.
Hello everyone,

I have been taking pics for years using some nice point and shoots, but have just purchased my first dslr (nikon d3000)

I have shot some in RAW (NEF files) and am trying to figure out the best software to use for editing. I have downloaded a trial version of Photoshop Elements 8. I have a couple questions for anyone who uses PSE with Nikon.

1] How do I get NEF thumbnails to show the picture in the File-Open screen. If I single click on the image, the pic will appear at the bottom of the window, but I can't see the pic in the thumbnail... it will allow me to open and edit, but not being able to see the thumbnail is a pain (it this a Windows 7 issue or a PSE issue?)

2] is there a simpler software that will be just as powerful that you would recommend?

Thanks, guys. I have our next trip to the world in 29 days, so I'm trying to get as educated as I can in the meantime.
Congratulations on your new dSLR. I shoot Canon, so it's my job to tell you that you should have bought Canon! :) Now that I've got that out of my system :) ...

1] How do I get NEF thumbnails to show the picture in the File-Open screen. If I single click on the image, the pic will appear at the bottom of the window, but I can't see the pic in the thumbnail... it will allow me to open and edit, but not being able to see the thumbnail is a pain (it this a Windows 7 issue or a PSE issue?)

NEF files aren't normally recognized by Windows. As you probably already know, RAW files in general are proprietary formats, so Windows won't normally go out of its way to figure out how to read RAW or NEF files. Canon's RAW files (CR2 files) are treated exactly the same way by Windows.

You probably need to download a codec file, which allows Windows to read NEF files and display NEF images. Here's the link to Nikon's Web site to download the necessary codec file:

Afterwards, you should be able to view your NEF images in the File > Open window.

2] is there a simpler software that will be just as powerful that you would recommend?

One of the most popular programs to view, organize, and develop your RAW images is Adobe Lightroom. Version 3 is currently in its 2nd beta, so you can try it out for free until June 30, 2010. Here's the link for more information and to download Lightroom 3, beta 2:

Other popular RAW programs include Apple's Aperture (only available for the Mac) and Bibble.

Hope that helps. :)
Congratulations on your new dSLR. I shoot Canon, so it's my job to tell you that you should have bought Canon! :) Now that I've got that out of my system :) ...

NEF files aren't normally recognized by Windows. As you probably already know, RAW files in general are proprietary formats, so Windows won't normally go out of its way to figure out how to read RAW or NEF files. Canon's RAW files (CR2 files) are treated exactly the same way by Windows.

You probably need to download a codec file, which allows Windows to read NEF files and display NEF images. Here's the link to Nikon's Web site to download the necessary codec file:

Afterwards, you should be able to view your NEF images in the File > Open window.

One of the most popular programs to view, organize, and develop your RAW images is Adobe Lightroom. Version 3 is currently in its 2nd beta, so you can try it out for free until June 30, 2010. Here's the link for more information and to download Lightroom 3, beta 2:

Other popular RAW programs include Apple's Aperture (only available for the Mac) and Bibble.

Hope that helps. :)

Thanks Dboy,

I got a great deal on the nikon and am putting it through its paces to see if I will keep it or not. I have also looked at Canon..... just wasn't sure which one would work out better.

I loaded the codec and IT WORKED! so thanks for the info.

I can view my thumbnails both in the file open page of PSE and in the Windows Explorer. Now I just need to figure out whether or not PSE is my best bet for a relatively affordable and easy to use editor/converter. I will have to check out lightroom as well.
Thanks Dboy,

I got a great deal on the nikon and am putting it through its paces to see if I will keep it or not. I have also looked at Canon..... just wasn't sure which one would work out better.

I loaded the codec and IT WORKED! so thanks for the info.

I can view my thumbnails both in the file open page of PSE and in the Windows Explorer. Now I just need to figure out whether or not PSE is my best bet for a relatively affordable and easy to use editor/converter. I will have to check out lightroom as well.

Whew! Glad to hear that the codec was the right answer.

Your Nikon is a great camera, so don't worry about whether you bought the wrong camera. Lightroom takes some getting used to, but once you figure it out, you'll find that it's powerful and pretty easy to use.

Good luck!


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