Pins! I need more pins! A Fall Time Trip Report. New 11/6 Admitting Defeat!

My sister's princess said:
I have a wicked pin addiction, the first trip I went on was right after the now DH and I started dating, he was looking through the stuff I brought back and found my pins, oh these are a cute little keepsake he said, then I told him what they cost :lmao: He now supports my habit and helps me find pins I love!!!

I always am offering to take other people's pictures in the park, kinda a what goes around comes around type of thing! Often they will offer back!

Those shirts are super cute, expect I hate hashtagging, I am not on Instragram, at least not yet....

Never been to RR, but your dinner looks yummy!!!!

and yes, I am talking alot because I can lol you asked for interaction, you are going to get it :hyper:

I like pins but not as much as Greg! Before your next trip, you need to order them off of eBay. They are such a deal!

That's true about the pictures. I think I need to offer more. You would think with me working in a public library, I'd be friendly with everyone.

Omg I love Twitter and Instagram. Do ittttttt!
Lucys2200 said:
Nice trip report so far! :thumbsup2 I hope you show off what pins you got throughout the trip. I'm a total Disney pin addict. Last time I went to Disney I spent more money on pins than on food,lol :scared1: Although I do love trading, I can't help but buy more and more each time :laughing:

I can definitely take a picture of our collection! Greg really likes the Hidden Mickey sets. What about you? I'd love to put ours on display whenever we move and get a new house.
Oh my goodness, I'm a sucker for hidden Mickey sets! I just love the element of surprise in each little bag,lol :rotfl: I also try to get pins of all the rides I go on and I'm starting a collection of all the resorts I've stayed in...which at this point in just 1 but hopefully it will grow every year,lol. I want to get those pin collection cases they sell so they can be safe there instead of just a plastic bag.
Lucys2200 said:
Oh my goodness, I'm a sucker for hidden Mickey sets! I just love the element of surprise in each little bag,lol :rotfl: I also try to get pins of all the rides I go on and I'm starting a collection of all the resorts I've stayed in...which at this point in just 1 but hopefully it will grow every year,lol. I want to get those pin collection cases they sell so they can be safe there instead of just a plastic bag.

Did you know that you can order pins off eBay? Many of the pins you get are hidden Mickey ones. That's what we buy to trade. Last time we got 50 pins for like 26 dollars. Such a good deal!

DH also has a collection of pins from all the resorts we stayed in. I actually started that collection for him for his birthday 2 years ago. :) He also is in process of a collection of his favorite attractions. LOL.

We bought a pin binder a few trips ago. It's getting pretty full but it's a good place to keep them!
I love the picture of you and your husband that the person offered to take for you. I have stayed away from the whole pin thing, I don't want to have something else I need to worry about collecting lol Although on my December trip, I saw this beautiful Tinkerbell cameo pin, I wanted to buy it "just because" lol I don't know if I commented on this before, but I saw your MyFitnessPal ticker - congratulations!
Disney9.9.10 said:
I love the picture of you and your husband that the person offered to take for you. I have stayed away from the whole pin thing, I don't want to have something else I need to worry about collecting lol Although on my December trip, I saw this beautiful Tinkerbell cameo pin, I wanted to buy it "just because" lol I don't know if I commented on this before, but I saw your MyFitnessPal ticker - congratulations!

Thanks! Greg was sort of showing interest after our first few trips, so for his birthday 2 years ago I bought him some to start. Now, he's obsessed! At least he hasn't gone n to eBay to find pins he's missing to complete collections...yet!

Thanks about the weight loss. It's been 10 months in the making and the past few months I haven't lost much. I'm starting to get back in the groove again because I want to lose 30lbs by the end of May. I need to have goals. :)
I'm sill here too! :goodvibes I'll be here as long as you keep writing... The notifications sit in my inbox for quite a while sometimes, but I always go back and read before deleting. It's nice to be past the holidays, but as a bookkeeper, January is just as busy!

What was that entree that you had at Raglan Road? It looks yummy!
I'm sill here too! :goodvibes I'll be here as long as you keep writing... The notifications sit in my inbox for quite a while sometimes, but I always go back and read before deleting. It's nice to be past the holidays, but as a bookkeeper, January is just as busy!

What was that entree that you had at Raglan Road? It looks yummy!

I can only imagine! Earning money for Disney is always nice, though! :)

That was Greg's entree. It was a special. I don't remember exactly what it was but I know it was pork, though.

Hmmmmm how about an update :yay:

Alright, you convinced me. :)
Has anyone been seeing the new Disney World commercials on TV? Oh boy, tug on my heart strings! I still don’t think we’ll go this year. Money’s especially tight and if we do end up having money to do a trip, I think we’re going to do a cruise, hopefully to Alaska. Plus, I think that it’ll be nice to take just a little break from Disney. That way, when we go back, we’ll have so much more nostalgia towards it and enjoy it that much more.

Sunday, November 4

Guess what we got to do this day? Tour the NEW FANTASYLAND!

But first-we had plans to see Greg’s aunt, uncle, cousin, and his wife for brunch. I made reservations for us at Captain’s Grille over at the Yacht Club. So, I apologize that this update won’t be that exciting. We do visit two parks this day so just stick with me!

We decided to take a bus to DHS since it wasn’t far from Pop. It must not have been eventful because I didn’t complain about the bus in my notes. Ha ha!

As soon as we stepped off the bus, I saw it. More Christmas!




Of course, we stopped to take a picture with the PPass photographer.

After pretty much skipping my way to the boat launch (no joke), we had a short ride over to the Yacht Club.



Side note: Does anyone else feel so swanky when they are at the Yacht Club (or even the Beach Club)? I like to imagine myself ten-fifteen years from now enjoying a trip with our children and staying at this resort. I say ten-fifteen years because I have these lovely things called student loans that we pay hundreds of dollars towards paying off every month. (Did I tell you guys I just started graduate school last week? More loans!) In the mean time, I’ll just enjoy sitting in the lobby and dining at the restaurants.

We were a little early so we went over to the small café area and ordered two coffees. Another Side Note: Although the CM wasn’t rude to us, she was one of the most unhappy CMs I have encountered. She didn’t smile, her answers were short and she talked as though she didn’t want to be bothered. There was a couple with a language barrier and she didn’t even try to understand what they were trying to say in English. It was frustrating. I work in customer service as well and I believe that a smile and willingness to help speaks volumes. No matter, it didn’t really damper our spirits. We were having a great day so far.

We drank our coffee while sitting in the lobby and people watched.


Shortly, Greg’s family arrived and there were cheerful hellos and we checked in. We did have a 20 minute or so wait so we went out onto the porch area and spent time together.

Once we were sat, we all decided on the buffet. Everyone agreed that it was delicious! I was definitely pleased and I hope to return. The offerings were simple, but everything was prepared really well. You could order omelettes with your server as well as eggs cooked to order. There were also scrambled eggs, frittatas, pancakes, French toast, breakfast meats, and many other goodies at the actual buffet.

Once everyone was full, we decided to take a walk over to the boardwalk and back. It was nice, but quite warm and very sunny and Greg’s cousin didn’t have sunglasses! Thank goodness I had mine! I really enjoyed spending time with Greg’s family. It was a nice way to slow down and enjoy Disney how I like to most, just soaking up the atmosphere. Plus, it’s always nice to spend time with your loved ones in the happiest place on earth.

Once we said our goodbyes, Greg and I decided to head over to Animal Kingdom. There were some things we wanted to do and we had the entire afternoon before we had to be at Magic Kingdom for our tour.

Up next: A hitchhiking giraffe?
Glad you were able to have a nice visit with Greg's family. I had breakfast at Captain's Grille in October for the first time & really enjoyed it. Sounds like the grumpy CM needs a vacation herself! Or a transfer to a job at the Haunted Mansion!
Great trip report :D I only got back from disney myself a few days ago and reading this report is helping to keep away the post disney blues! I also love that you are including a bit about pin trading in your report as well. I'm absolutely addicted to pin trading and my partner is now as well thanks to me haha :). keep posting please cause i'd love to kepp reading :)
Just saw this update! YAY for yummy breakfast! I am excited for you New Fantasy Land info, I fear the unknown, and we will be seeing it for the first time on our April trip which worries me :lmao:
DisMomAmy said:
Glad you were able to have a nice visit with Greg's family. I had breakfast at Captain's Grille in October for the first time & really enjoyed it. Sounds like the grumpy CM needs a vacation herself! Or a transfer to a job at the Haunted Mansion!

Haha! That's a positive way of thinking about it!
laurenvic1312959 said:
Great trip report :D I only got back from disney myself a few days ago and reading this report is helping to keep away the post disney blues! I also love that you are including a bit about pin trading in your report as well. I'm absolutely addicted to pin trading and my partner is now as well thanks to me haha :). keep posting please cause i'd love to kepp reading :)

Aww, I'm glad I could help. I'll admit that I have the Disney blues, too. Not as bad as after the past few trips, though.

My husband loves it and I like the collect the ones that appeal to me. He is obsessed with completing a collection.

Are you going to do a trip report?
My sister's princess said:
Just saw this update! YAY for yummy breakfast! I am excited for you New Fantasy Land info, I fear the unknown, and we will be seeing it for the first time on our April trip which worries me :lmao:

I lovvvvve breakfast food!

The New Fantasyland is amazing! Don't you worry!!!!

Sunday, November 4 (cont.):

I should have reminded myself this day of two things:

1. This was a short(er) trip than we usually take to WDW.
2. Therefore, my plan was NOT to try to do everything on our list but to just enjoy being in WDW.

All I can remember thinking about at that moment when we made the decision to go to AK was that we had the least amount of time planned to spend in AK and there were things that I wanted to do that I know we couldn’t do in what time we did have planned. I also recall the temperature not being particularly warm enough to lay by the pool without being chilly (but then didn’t I say that Greg’s cousin was feeling very warm in the sun?)-who knows???

We got to AK and grabbed us some Safari FPs because the wait must’ve been more than 30 minutes, either that or we had too short of time before the next FOTLK show, because that’s what we did next.


I love, love, love that show-it’s the best live performance show in Disney, hands down (IMO). This performance, however, left something to be desired. It just wasn’t as flawless as I remember. Now, now, don’t get all judgemental and think, ‘How could she say that about FOTLK?! I think it’s absolutely, positively, 100% perfect!’ (I’m exaggerating here, people.) I’ve seen better performances. Maybe it was a newer cast or maybe it was just an off-day. I still enjoyed it, nonetheless.

(I always try to snap some amazing photos but even with my kind-of (barely) DSLR they don’t turn out great.)



After FOTLK, it was time for EE. We saw Divine (or is it Devine?) along the way and she scared the poop out of this one guy. Ca-lassic. (Stacy, anyone?)

I love viewing the TOL from this viewing area. It looks so far away and magical.


This is just me trying to pretend I’m a photographer:


EE is not a must-do for Greg-he doesn’t like that it goes backwards but I love it! (He even told his parents that it goes backwards for half the ride, which I think is an exaggeration.) I have to say that riding it more than once in a row does leave me feeling woozy. Anywho, because we didn’t want to get FPs (the return time was later than we planned on staying in the park) and didn’t want to wait in the, I believe, 40+ minute stand-by line, we hopped into the single rider line. I was sat next to a very friendly man who was riding by himself and didn’t go in the single-rider line. As soon as he found out there was one, he said that we wasn’t going to tell his wife because she was hungry. LOL. Poor guy!

I heard his wife speaking to him as soon as he got off the ride saying something along the lines of, ‘There’s a single-rider line.’ I hope his wife wasn’t angry!

After riding EE, it was time to use our FPs for the Safari so we headed to Africa. You know those people that just stop right in the middle of the walkway, causing a traffic disturbance? Well, not only does it remind me of being in a high school hallway trying to get to class while fellow students chatted, it makes me frustrated when traffic becomes so congested from that one family that we nearly slam into the people in front of us. That happened on our way to Africa. What were people stopping for do you ask?


They were very active. Yes, I stopped, too. I was one of ‘those’ people. *Shutters*


Anyway, after snapping a picture or two, we were back en-route.

It definitely is weird to ride the Safari without the back story but I don’t necessarily miss it. Our guide was pretty knowledgeable.




My favorite part of the Safari was the giraffes. At first, I didn’t think we were going to see them very well but then this little guy appeared:


And he didn’t go away. In fact, he followed us.


Then his friend decided to hang out on the path and we were stopped momentarily. Just as our guide was about to call for assistance, his friend moved.

Our follower was still following. He (or she) was cute!


After our Safari ride in Africa, it was time to leave AK and head off to our next adventure: The New Fantasyland. Stay tuned!


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