Pixie Dust, or Pixie MOUNTAIN? A Grand (Roy) Disney TR *NEW TR LINK 8/11!*

I ordered one flutter cut and then a hiker chic; the flutter was cute but something just didn't "sit" right which is why I'm sending that one back, but it wasn't bad! The hiker chic - :sad2:

Haha I could have told you Hiker Chic was not for you. It's way too long for you! An option is to size down in the Hiker Chic which is what I sometimes do and then I wear it higher up on my waist. It looks like a Swing Style that way but it also works as SPANX. :) Swingstyle in my regular size is the most comfortable though. When I do the 5ks I size down in the Swing Style and it really doesn't budge!
it appears Chris may even be looking forward to it now :worship:
UHH UHH not Chris. YAy maybe he's coming around.

We were like holy crap, when will this pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: end??? as we popped the champagne
That is serious PD.

LOve Love Love

(Cathy said when they got back to their room he cried because he didn't want to leave us :sad1:)

Originally she was supposed to have another day or two in WDW and I really wanted her to see the suite, but then her "hurrication" vacation got cut short and it didn't happen.
Too bad Billie couldn't see the suite sure she would have been amazed.
OMG we leave in 6 days! I have absolutely nothing done; no idea what clothes I'm bringing for anyone, not sure what I still need to buy as far as toiletries, tons of appts. next week on top of cleaning and crap. I was busy all day Friday and then yesterday my mom, Ricky and I went to the city to see my sister who was up from Ga. for work so another day, nothing done, although it was great to see my sister for a bit. She'll be up with the boys for Xmas but we haven't seen her since July.
I was happy when we got back to see that the shirts I ordered from RedBubble had arrived! I'll post pics at some point; they came out great other than all being like, 2 sizes too big :rolleyes: I ordered our regular sizes too and was afraid they'd be too small since that usually happens; I never have luck ordering from these sites! Hopefully after a washing or two they'll shrink down to size like my Halloween shirts did because I really do love them.

I had hoped to be farther along in this by the time we left than I am - I haven't even finished our first full day lol - but alas there are only so many hours in a day so I'll have to continue this after the holiday and hope to get to our Thanksgiving trip TR before the new year..........

You want toiletries? I'll give you toiletries!
Day 2 part 5 (last part I promise!)
We had a great night in HS, experiencing TSL for the first time, hanging a bit more with Cathy and Brandon, and of course getting to see Billie again! We were tired when we got back to the GF but also STARVING! We decided to check out Gasparilla Grill. It was about 9:40 and the place was jumpin' with lots of families just out of the pool as well as tons of families back from MNSSHP. The family in front of me at the register was telling the CM how much fun they had trick or treating; the CM asked if they liked the parade and the dad said they left before the first one and didn't do any rides or meet characters, just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What???? OK, sorry about the sad story. Anyway THEN the CM told the dad that in about 15 minutes they could watch Hallowishes from right outside GG and it would be the best view anywhere outside the parks! What????? I'd never considered where the best place at the GF would be to watch fireworks and it wasn't even on my radar for the night, but you know it was now!

We took our food outside to a table around what I'm going to describe as a huge patio; some of you know where I mean and if you don't, sorry! There's lots of tables set up outside Gasparilla Grill and then this roundish area with some potted plants and benches, and it's the perfect view of the fireworks. We both got the same thing to eat:

Roast Beef Sandwich

with Horseradish and served with House-made Chips


You might have noticed we were ending today having NOT done a TS meal, and neither of us were thrilled with a late QS dinner. Anyone who is familiar with my reports here knows we're a big TS family, but I have to say this was probably the best QS sandwich we've ever had! Plus Disney house made chips :cloud9:
Soon Hallowishes began and while I wish I'd taken more pictures, we just watched and enjoyed. The fireworks are ALL around you, it's like a panoramic view and it's gorgeous. I have one measly picture that does the view no justice, but at least you can see that head-on was fantastic:


Once they were over we walked around the grounds a little as it's something we've never done there other than walking to and from Narcoossee's.




Does size REALLY matter lol?
I do love the above picture so wish I'd gotten the two before it smaller and this one bigger!
We figured out where our room - ahem, suite was, too. In the below picture: the bottom level is GF Cafe and right above it lit up is Citricos. Right above Citricos, darkened except for one light over to the right, is the Roy Disney Suite :goodvibes then above it is the Walt.. :


And with that we finished our 2nd GRAND day in the Roy Disney Suite! But I did promise you some toiletry pictures, right? Not something that's usually exciting, and most of what we had we'd gotten before at deluxe resorts and when we stayed CL at WL, but there were some new ones, too. These may be normal for all GF CL stays but since this was our first ever stay here, they were new to us.


Everything that was in both full bathrooms, every day. We'd never had the mouth wash or shower cap or those tall boxes in the back )which I'll get to) before but had gotten the aloe gel at WL a few times, both CL and not.
The vanity kit was new, too! And besides the one in the tray there were these:





Very large q-tips. Sorry for the side view! This was my favorite and I brought a couple (plus a bunch) home since they replenished everything every day. Steve joked that we'll never get another upgrade due to the volume of toiletries that made their way back to NY this trip. I use those pads for make-up purposes every day so they were a big plus even though I had brought my own.

Continued in next post


So here's what was in those tallish boxes on the back of the tray:


Very cool! Steve tried the razor for DIS reporting purposes and he did have to give it a thumbs down because it was very dull and then made his face itch, but hey it's the thought that counts and in a jam if you forget yours, you don't have to go to the gift shop and buy one. Although if you're staying in the RD suite I assume you can shell out for a razor?


He also tried the toothbrush since I'm picky about mine and this was fine, nothing special if you're used to a certain toothbrush but nice to have two of them in the room each day.

That was it, other than the fact that as mentioned they were replenished each day! And the shampoo, conditioner, and lotion that was left in the shower each day was left in both showers and by the jacuzzi tub so in 3 places each day; I have Disney lotion if you need it ;)

Since this is a post with 2 pictures I'll add one more interesting one:


Light switch in the foyer, something you've all been dying to see. Obviously ceiling lights we got: Steve kept wanting to ask at the concierge desk what the others meant but we'd forget and I wouldn't let him push them in case Rosie the Robot came out and started scooping up all our crap and shoving it down a secret garbage chute somewhere, but if you know what any of them do by all means, share! All we came up with was "cleanup" may signal housekeeping to come....

OMG we leave in 6 days!

So jealous!....but happy for you all.

no idea what clothes I'm bringing for anyone

Um - make them fend for themselves. Just focus on making sure you have all the cute things and tools to keep your bangs in control. :laughing:

just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now.

:eek: buy a bag of candy at Target and save yourselves some $$

the bottom level is GF Cafe and right above it lit up is Citricos. Right above Citricos, darkened except for one light over to the right, is the Roy Disney Suite :goodvibes then above it is the Walt.. :

Don't you mean the DeVizio Suite (sorry if I got the spelling incorrect)? Did you ever hear any noise from Citricos? Or smell food from there?

Steve tried the razor for DIS reporting purposes and he did have to give it a thumbs down because it was very dull and then made his face itch

Wow - way to take one for the team. I'm impressed that he is on board for DIS reporting.
I still can't believe we are going to miss each other again! Have a great trip!

The family in front of me at the register was telling the CM how much fun they had trick or treating; the CM asked if they liked the parade and the dad said they left before the first one and didn't do any rides or meet characters, just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What???? OK, sorry about the sad story.
But they had a great time...


He also tried the toothbrush since I'm picky about mine and this was fine, nothing special if you're used to a certain toothbrush but nice to have two of them in the room each day.
Do rich people use a new toothbrush every day and/or NOT pack one?!?!
When we were leaving we saw a couple Floral Dept. Cm's changing the HUGE arrangement in the GF lobby. I had to stop and watch for awhile because it was amazing and a crazy undertaking! They had this gigantic card with all sorts of tools on it; almost like they were performing surgery. Not to mention vases and vases of fresh flowers. One was on a ladder while the other was handing her stuff. They had cloths spread out on the floor around the table with the display on it to catch droppings; the table the display was on was big enough for me to lay down on and spin around on :rolleyes1 you know, if one was going to do that in the GF lobby. And the arrangement was so FREAKING big! Just to walk around it and trim it took forever. I watched for about 20 minutes and I guarantee it was a process that took HOURS.

I would pay money to see that.

Not a lot. But some, or maybe a tour or Lunch with the floral Team sort of thing.


That beautiful Mickey is white chocolate with little gold touches. The champagne was bubbly, the chocolate covered strawberries chilled and sweet :cloud9:



before too long Mickey was missing a couple apendages.

That is so wrong. And so funny!

so I was too busy to get up again :snooty:


Try the Grown-Up's lemonade at Woody's Lunch Box!

Grown-Up's Lemonade
Three Olives Cherry Vodka, odwalla® All-Natural Lemonade and Black Cherry Purée


Eventually a special DIS friend rolled up and I had my 2nd ever meet with Billie @Elevationist :cheer2:


Awww!! :) I'm really looking forward to meeting you both in May!
OMG we leave in 6 days! I have absolutely nothing done;

That's the worst feeling. I was literally packing everything the day before on this past October trip and I vowed right then NOT to do that in April! I think I should start packing now!

the CM asked if they liked the parade and the dad said they left before the first one and didn't do any rides or meet characters, just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What????

Seriously, WHAT?? And, WHY??

I'd never considered where the best place at the GF would be to watch fireworks and it wasn't even on my radar for the night, but you know it was now!


Does size REALLY matter lol?
I do love the above picture so wish I'd gotten the two before it smaller and this one bigger!

Yes,…I am too old to see that first pic :sad1:

Right above Citricos, darkened except for one light over to the right, is the Roy Disney Suite :goodvibes then above it is the Walt.. :


Never gets old :love:

I brought a couple (plus a bunch) home since they replenished everything every day. Steve joked that we'll never get another upgrade due to the volume of toiletries that made their way back to NY this trip.

I have Disney lotion if you need it ;)

Yes! I LOVE that lotion! And I love all of your toiletries! I tried to remember to put mine away each day so I would get more and I think I forgot just one day. Though we stay DVC and I guess that means we are slumming it because we didn't get all the fancy stuff you got! So cool!

I wouldn't let him push them in case Rosie the Robot came out and started scooping up all our crap

Oh, I think I would have needed to try!. If you get that fancy suite in May I am FOR SURE pushing some:P buttons
just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What???? OK, sorry about the sad sto
What the heck! That seems like quite a waste of a hard ticket in my opinion!

I'd never considered where the best place at the GF would be to watch fireworks and it wasn't even on my radar for the night, but you know it was now!
We watched HEA at least 3x from this area in August, it is a really good spot!

You might have noticed we were ending today having NOT done a TS meal, and neither of us were thrilled with a late QS dinner. Anyone who is familiar with my reports here knows we're a big TS family, but I have to say this was probably the best QS sandwich we've ever had! Plus Disney house made chips
We never tried anything other than the cream cheese danish from here in August, the sandwich looks good!
That was it, other than the fact that as mentioned they were replenished each day! And the shampoo, conditioner, and lotion that was left in the shower each day was left in both showers and by the jacuzzi tub so in 3 places each day; I have Disney lotion if you need it
So nice to get some extra and different things. We got the shower cap and mouthwash at Contemporary but not the other Deluxes and we were just garden room residents, lol!
We were tired when we got back to the GF but also STARVING! We decided to check out Gasparilla Grill.
What happened to your fancy club level food lady :P

The family in front of me at the register was telling the CM how much fun they had trick or treating; the CM asked if they liked the parade and the dad said they left before the first one and didn't do any rides or meet characters, just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What????
That is some expensive candy!!!!!

Anyway THEN the CM told the dad that in about 15 minutes they could watch Hallowishes from right outside GG and it would be the best view anywhere outside the parks! What????? I'd never considered where the best place at the GF would be to watch fireworks and it wasn't even on my radar for the night, but you know it was now!
I would never have guessed this. Who knew you were getting dinner and a view!!!

Anyone who is familiar with my reports here knows we're a big TS family, but I have to say this was probably the best QS sandwich we've ever had! Plus Disney house made chips :cloud9:
Wow, those are some serious words right there. The disney tourist blog guy has raved about it before but we've never stayed there so we haven't tried it.

Right above Citricos, darkened except for one light over to the right, is the Roy Disney Suite :goodvibes then above it is the Walt.. :

Fitting that your room would be right about Citricos. Any chance Ronnie brought some food up to you? :P
We used the vanity kit at the Boardwalk daily, too.

I thought about you last week. There was a day that we went to the GF 4 times. I saw the chocolate eggs near the afternoon tea area and thought about you and your previous report.
The white chocolate Mickey is so cute, what a nice surprise. I love the green army man picture. The toiletries look awesome, I can see why there were a few of those in your bag when you left. Only six days till your next trip, how exciting!!! I hope you all have an awesome trip.
We figured out where our room - ahem, suite was, too. In the below picture: the bottom level is GF Cafe and right above it lit up is Citricos. Right above Citricos, darkened except for one light over to the right, is the Roy Disney Suite :goodvibes then above it is the Walt.. :
That is SO cool!!!!

Steve joked that we'll never get another upgrade due to the volume of toiletries that made their way back to NY this trip.
Rob always says that about us, too.....sounds like you got a suitcase full!!! LOL On our summer stay at Pop, we had those wall-mounted toiletries, so I was kind of sad...until I realized I could wash my shampoo down the drain and fill it up from the dispenser on the wall! #winning #maybestealing #sorrynotsorry
Oh wow your suite is right above your favorite restaurant ;)
That view from outside Gasparilla's must have been beautiful pixiedust:
Soon Hallowishes began and while I wish I'd taken more pictures, we just watched and enjoyed. The fireworks are ALL around you, it's like a panoramic view and it's gorgeous. I have one measly picture that does the view no justice, but at least you can see that head-on was fantastic:
I really wanted to try seeing Hallowishes from the GF or Poly. I can imagine it would be impressive from a distance. The perimeter fireworks they do are cool from inside the park, but since they are all around you, I expect they are just as impressive from a distance.

he dad said they left before the first one and didn't do any rides or meet characters, just went at 7 when it started, did some trick or treating, and are back now. What???? OK, sorry about the sad story.
Umm...what? Seriously? I don't get people. Maybe they have money to burn, but why the heck would you pay for party tickets and only do some trick or treating. But it seems like they enjoyed themselves, so, whatever...

Steve kept wanting to ask at the concierge desk what the others meant but we'd forget and I wouldn't let him push them in case Rosie the Robot came out and started scooping up all our crap and shoving it down a secret garbage chute somewhere, but if you know what any of them do by all means, share! All we came up with was "cleanup" may signal housekeeping to come....
Is it some kind of little light or signal for housekeeping so they know if the room is occupied. I guess anyone who actually pays for the suite (i.e. celebrity?) would like privacy, so that would avoid housekeeping walking in on them. That still doesn't explain "welcome" and " goodbye" though.


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