Pixie Dusted in SE Asia TR


Today we had agreed to wake at our leisure as we were planning to be out until the evening. We went to my parents' room when we were ready and sat on their balcony while planning the day.

We started off with breakfast at the food court across the road from the hotel. Mum and Dad were skeptical about the breakfast choices, but in the end Mum was happy with some plainish roast chicken with rice and a small juice. We all ended up with chicken and rice, and the rest of us got lime juices. We got a table full of delicious and healthy food for under $10!

After breakfast we caught the train to Marina Bay. Oops! That should have been Bayfront! Never mind, it was a nice day for a short walk around the Marina Bay Sands.

We finally found our way to Gardens by the Bay. We were aiming for the Supertree Grove to start with, and had to cross a few bridges along the way.

The Supertree Grove was easy to find. The path to get to it was not! However, we did eventually find a way in.

Everyone decided that they wanted to do the Skywalk, so we bought our tickets and climbed up. I was surprised that Dad was keen, as he isn't so fond of heights. It was actually Mum who I caught struggling at times!

I tried to get some different photos to last time, but I think I just ended up with the same again :rotfl: Only this time the was more blue sky.

The Supertrees themselves are always fascinating, the way they are put together.

When we were all done on the Skywalk, we decided it would be a good time to break for some refreshments. DH and I led the way to the cafe we went to last time that had the best cheesecake ever. It did not disappoint.

We discussed the next plan of attack over our ridiculously creamy and tasty cheesecakes :worship:
What a great start to the day!

I can see the chicken; but what was in the other plate for breakfast?
LOVE lime juice. :lovestruc

Fantastic pictures at the Gardens by the Bay.
Yum to the cheesecake. :thumbsup2
What a great start to the day!

I can see the chicken; but what was in the other plate for breakfast?
LOVE lime juice. :lovestruc

Fantastic pictures at the Gardens by the Bay.
Yum to the cheesecake. :thumbsup2

There were two types of chicken - the roasted one, and the lemon chicken which was fried.

I'm a big fan of lime juice too! Wish you could get it over here - it's so refreshing :thumbsup2
There were two types of chicken - the roasted one, and the lemon chicken which was fried.

I'm a big fan of lime juice too! Wish you could get it over here - it's so refreshing :thumbsup2

Ahh! I couldn't work out why it was so....brown.

I make my own. You need to get pandanus flavouring from the chinese grocery shop and use a drop or two to make your sugar water.
Squeeze some limes to get the juice in a glass, drop the squeezed out lime and the skin into the glass, add ice and a couple of tablespoons or more of the sugar water. Top with water. :thumbsup2

Dad and I went to get tickets for the domes while Mum and DH paid for the delicious cheesecakes. Thankfully, the line wasn't nearly as long this time around!

I had estimated that we only had time for one dome before Mum and Dad's Singapore Flyer booking, and suggested that we do the Flower Dome first to leave the more impressive one for afterwards. Dad said that the lady who sold him the tickets had suggested that too, so Flower Dome it was! DH was a bit reluctant about visiting again, and was disappointed that you can't buy a ticket just for one dome.

As suspected, Mum loved it. It helped that the rotating display seemed to be Year of the Horse themed.

The boys were impressed, but especially for DH having already been there, had less enthusiasm than us girls.

Mum loved the sculptures and the fascinating plants in the cactus garden.

As for me and DH, the other gardens from around the world weren't as fascinating.

The new Year of the Horse display was great, being something new for me and DH too. The horse sculptures were just amazingly detailed and clever, and of course the flowers were beautiful.

We exited the dome with plenty of time to spare before Mum and Dad's Singapore Flyer booking.

We decided that by the time we wandered leisurely across there and checked them in, we wouldn't have too much time to spare. So we set off on the short walk around the bay.
Ahh! I couldn't work out why it was so....brown.

I make my own. You need to get pandanus flavouring from the chinese grocery shop and use a drop or two to make your sugar water.
Squeeze some limes to get the juice in a glass, drop the squeezed out lime and the skin into the glass, add ice and a couple of tablespoons or more of the sugar water. Top with water. :thumbsup2

I'll have to give it a go, thanks for the tip :thumbsup2
Joining up
Really enjoying your trip report. Gardens look amazing. Yum to the cheesecake.
What a great start to your trip. I have fond memories of Singapore. Particularly the fusion of so many Asian cultures and cuisines.

That cheesecake looks delish.
What a great start to your trip. I have fond memories of Singapore. Particularly the fusion of so many Asian cultures and cuisines.

That cheesecake looks delish.

We loved our second trip to Singapore! Too bad Qantas have gone and mucked up our plans to use it as a hub :rolleyes2

Those gardens are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

I don't mind a nice garden. I'd still love to go back and spend more time at Gardens by the Bay!
Ahh! I couldn't work out why it was so....brown.

I make my own. You need to get pandanus flavouring from the chinese grocery shop and use a drop or two to make your sugar water.
Squeeze some limes to get the juice in a glass, drop the squeezed out lime and the skin into the glass, add ice and a couple of tablespoons or more of the sugar water. Top with water. :thumbsup2

Have to try that one!
Lovely garden pics. I think its nice the way they are adding themes during the year which makes it more interesting for locals who visit more regularly. Did you get to River Safari? Another new attraction I think near the zoo. I have friends who had amazing photos of Pandas and when I queried I'd not seen them, said that they were at this new park. I do quite like the way Singapore keeps reinventing itself and since we like flying Singapore airlines often do transit through there, means lots of interesting things to see each stopover!
Lovely garden pics. I think its nice the way they are adding themes during the year which makes it more interesting for locals who visit more regularly. Did you get to River Safari? Another new attraction I think near the zoo. I have friends who had amazing photos of Pandas and when I queried I'd not seen them, said that they were at this new park. I do quite like the way Singapore keeps reinventing itself and since we like flying Singapore airlines often do transit through there, means lots of interesting things to see each stopover!

We didn't get to the River Safari this time. They've got some great animal experiences in Singapore, but it hasn't been a priority for us so far. Maybe next time :thumbsup2

We set off from Gardens by the Bay with this in our sights.

We had given my parents a voucher for a high tea on the Singapore Flyer, and the time had come for them to cash it in. We hadn't booked it for ourselves, thought we'd see how our finances went and how we felt on the day. We'd decided to see if we could join them when they were checking in.

But first of course, we had to get there!

We walked along the waterfront until we reached Marina Bay Sands, then crossed the Double Helix Bridge. On the other side of the bridge is a little park dedicated to the Olympics, which had a few fun sculptures and things.

From there it was just a quick walk back along the waterfront to the Flyer. We were a bit early, but we thought we'd go to check in straight away. It was quite handy that we'd been there before and knew exactly where we were going this time! There are some very nice little gardens around the bottom of the Flyer.

We checked my parents in, and asked if we would be able to join them. It turns out there was plenty of room left, but for catering purposes they need 24 hours notice. I hadn't even thought of that! We were a bit disappointed, but figured we'd find something fun to do instead.

Because we were a little early, they weren't ready for my parents just yet, and we had a drink at the food market thing in the meantime. When we finished our drinks, we organised a meeting time and place, and they went back off the Flyer, and we had a quick look around the area for something to do while we were waiting.

We ended up finding a fish spa in the complex, and decided to see if they could fit us in right now :rotfl: It was empty when we walked in, and we decided on a 20 minute fish spa followed by a neck and shoulder massage. DH was surprised and impressed that I was willing to try the fish spa, but it's something I've always been really curious about and wanted to try.

We took our shoes and socks off and put all our stuff in a locker (hence the lack of photos :rolleyes2), and had our feet sanitised. Then we were directed to sit on the edge of the middle pool and dangle our feet in.

As soon as our feet hit the water, the fish swarmed all over them! Seriously, we couldn't even see our feet anymore. It was ticklish and weird to start with, but once we were accustomed to being swarmed I quite enjoyed it! The fish worked on whatever was in the water, so they were all over our whole lower legs. Some other people came in after us, and there was all sorts of squirming and squealing coming from them when their feet first went in :rotfl:

After a while we were told to move to the next pond, and the people who came in after us moved up to our pond. In the next pond there weren't as many fish, and they were a bit more gentle.

Once our time was up, we went into the back room for our massages. We were seated on those posture chairs, where you sit astride with your legs kind of bent underneath you - hard to describe sorry! The massage was really good, nice and firm, but still relaxing.

By the time we were done, we were running a little bit late for meeting my parents. Luckily they hadn't given up on us yet! By this stage DH and I were getting pretty hungry (we were supposed to have eaten while my parents were on the Flyer), so we got a little plate of mixed 'sticks' while we discussed what we'd all gotten up to for the last hour or so. They didn't believe us when we told them about the fish spa, so we walked past the place on the way out to show them.

Then it was back over the Double Helix Bridge,

down along the waterfront again, and back to the domes.
I would love to try a fish massage. Sounds like fun.

Pity about the high tea but I hope your parents enjoyed it.

Back at the domes, this time we entered the Cloud Forest. I love how you immediately see the awesome indoor waterfall.

DH and I noticed some subtle changes from when we were there last. First of all, the air wasn't nearly so misty. And also, the mountain was a lot more colourful than last time with all the pretty flowers!

We made our way around the bottom of the mountain to the lifts.

On the way we passed the model train. I still have no idea what this has to do with cloud forests... Feel free to enlighten me if you know.

There was also a new temporary display of a moss covered little car.

We took the lift up to the top of the mountain (with what seemed like half the population of Singapore). The lift stops just underneath the top layer, and there are some stairs to climb to get to the very top, where the waterfall starts.

From the top, we took the first bridge that leads down to the next level.

On the next level down there is a viewing platform for the waterfall.

Then there's the cave and crystals level, where we lost the boys before finding them going around the bridge the wrong way around.

Before we knew it, we were at the bottom of the mountain again, and entering the secret garden area.

In this area there is an interactive area and a movie about climate change, and a big scale model of the Gardens by the Bay with information about how they are energy efficient.

The last of the garden section seemed to have a bit of a snail theme happening.

There was some amazing foliage around providing colour among the flowers.

The last couple of shrubs had these little baubles hanging off the branches. I didn't read what they were for.

And it was here that I sustained my first injury of the trip, by not lifting my feet high enough as I walked through a raised doorway, and hitting my shin on it on the way through :headache: Ouch!

The next plan was to find somewhere to sit with a drink and maybe some nibblies while we waited for the Garden Symphony show in the Supertree Grove.
Beautiful pictures, Zanzibar.

I think between yourself and Wendy, Singapore is very quickly moving up my list of places to go-see. Thanks for sharing.
I'm thinking a future trip to Singapore is on the cards for DH and I too :)

Enjoying your TR - thanks for sharing


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