Planning clothes for each day


Goal! going on this cruise 37lbs less and I will e
Apr 28, 2001
OK now Ive really lost it. I just made a list of which shorts/t-shirt Im wearing each day. We have 2 sets of the same character shirt bought from the Disney store. We are wearing the Tigger shirt to Crystal Palace character dinner, the Mickey shirt the day we have entire day to spend at Magic Kingdom. Then I have 2 sleeveless character blouses. We are going to Hoop De Doo so Im packing my jean dress. We are spending a day at Sea World so I want a fish t-shirt that day. Another day at Kennedy so my Open Frontiers shirt. And then I had to match my shorts to these tops. My MIL will think Im totally insane once she sees this list. How can I keep it from her? She's spending 6 nights in the same room as husband, 9yr son and myself.
I have done this, planned each shirt for each park, so no you are not the only one. Keep your hidden list in your wallet, or in with your personal items such as your deoderant or make up then she will not see it....Now I take my favorite shirts and ask DH each day which would look better, this shirt with the Kittens on it or the one with the flowers on it.....:)
I'm truly impressed with your organization!
Your MIL should be grateful she has a DIL that will let her share a hotel room on vacation! :earseek:

I know what you mean tho...friends of mine who've seen my packing list have gasped! Only my dearest and closest friends "know" about "The Sickness" now. ;)
Im not just sharing a room at Wilderness Lodge with MIL. I'm paying for it entirely and all the PS meals, etc. This is MILs first time staying onsite. MIL did pay for the 5 day park hoppers.
You'll think I'm crazy too, but not only do a make a calendar of what I'm wearing each day, but I make one for my young daughter and how I'm going to fix her hair. It may sound strange, but it really helps me to have exactly the stuff I need and no extras! (Save room for all the souveniers)
Wow! I must be the only one wearing dresses!

Since '96 I swore I would never wear shorts and tees again. It was so hot, I didn't want to be restrained with buttons and zippers!

I wear sundresses and sandals. They keep cool, look fantastic and can get me anywhere!
I went through my list of which clothes for which day. How I do need to begin on my sons list. But at least I dont need to worry about how he's going to wear his hair! LOL
I do the same thing with my clothes...leave out what I am wearing during the trip down there, what to change in....etc....

I always leave a shirt off a day so I can buy me a new Tig shirt1 ;)

So, no, you havent lost it 'imgoingtodisney'!! And dont worry about your MIL...she ought to be thankful that her son is married to a very organized and thoughtful woman!

You are not alone. I to have the same sickness. It helps to do this because some outfits are cooler than others and I wear them to the parks with the less shade like AK. I took a suggestion from these boards this summer and packed my two sons clothes in ziplock bags and marked which day they will wear them. It worked out great. I took them out in the morning and tossed them on the bed and they knew exactly what to put on. It helped DH too because he didn't have to search for anything while he helped them get dressed.
I do the same thing! :D

In fact, I plan outfits for myself, dh & ds. I try to get them to "work" with the park/activity we're doing each day. Plus, I'm an avid scrapbooker, so I try really hard to get our clothes to coordinate so we don't clash horribly in photos! I guess that's pretty sick, huh?
WOW - I never thought of our clothes clashing in pictures but thats a good point. I am planning for my 9yr son. My husband would never let me get near his clothes. However we do have 2 days that MIL, husband, son and I are wearing the same Goofy or Mickey t-shirt. And yes the clothes son and I are wearing "work" with what we are doing that day. Disney, Sea World, Kennedy, Arabian Nights, etc.
Laurajean-- sundresses are one of my favorite things to wear in hot weather-- I much prefer them to shorts. I must say, though, the last few seasons I have found the pickings slim, or maybe I am looking in the wrong places. My favorite sundresses are now worn out or don't fit. But I agree, they are the best attire on hot days, as you feel good and look good!
I have to join the club. I am also planning which clothes to wear which day. For example, I will be wearing my "Corn People" shirt on our EPCOT day. I figure that I have the best odds of meeting fellow DISers at the Rose & Crown at about 7:30 p.m. If I'm right, I want them to be able to recognize me as one of the elite.
Supermom - you're right about our fellow DISers being at the Rose & Crown for 730pm PS. I'll definately need by lime green ribbon that night.
Thank God I'm not alone!

Thankfully my DH to-be asks me what I am wearing so he doesn't clash with me.

And, he is a great packer...
I have always planned outfits for each day. When I was a teenager, my best friend (who had the same name as me) and I had matching outfits for every day at summer camp (shoes, pj's, and swimsuits included). We also looked the same. Ever since then, I have always planned out outifts, hiarstyles, nailpolish, and jewelry!!
Well, I have to say I haven't picked out which outfit I'm wearing each day. I did buy Hawaiian shirts for DH and 2 DS's to wear while we're staying at the Poly. And I got African looking shirts for them to wear while we're staying at the AKL. As for me, the only thing I got was a leopard print robe to wear while watching animals on the AKL balcony, and an animal print swimsuit for AKL and Hawaiian print swimsuit for the Poly. I also put the boys outfits in large zip lock bags. So simple for them to find outfits!
I was just about to sit down today and make my list ! Glad to know I am not by myself . I have to make list for everything , otherwise I get really disoriented . My children think I'm crazy . I plan their birthdays 6 months to a year in advance and have a list of everything . I already have list for my two oldest graduation party next June , dorm room list , and the itenary for disney cruise next year ( including clothes ) , and a trip in 2003 for my hubby and my 20th wedding anniversary ( las vegas and disneyland ) . Of course I would never show this to family and friends they would have me committed !
I learned to plan ahead after our last trip to Florida.We went in late September and I realized that I needed a few more pairs of shorts and a new swimsuit.Unfortunately there was not much to choose from by then as the stores were full of fall and winter clothes.I ended up buying some shorts in the athletic wear section and a swimsuit from an online store.Now I plan ahead and have an outfit for each day.I love those summer clearance sales,a great way to stock up on my "Florida clothes". :)
I totally understand DiznEeyore!

I am also an avid scrapbooker (& originally from Michigan, not that that makes a difference though :) )

I plan out my outfits for every day (1 for the parks & 1 for going out to dinner). I actually draw & color each piece of clothing I'm going to pack & cut them out & glue my little outfits together on a piece of paper when I decide what to wear with what. DH thinks it's bit crazy, but he also thinks it's cute. :) (I love planning, it's a very important part of the trip!) Then I can incorporate my drawn outfits into my scrapbook pages after my trip. I'm determined to draw all of my husband's outfits also before we leave for WDW on Tues. night. :)

I love this thread! :)


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