Please help me wish my DH a happy 50th b-day!

Thank you all for your b-day wishes! Paul sat down at the computer and read them all at least twice! He read where everyone was from, their signatures, looked at the pics, etc! It was nice for him to see first hand what a great place the DIS is. His brother & sister came by with their families, our niece and her family, and two of our friends came by with their families. I think we made the most of his precious 4 hours!!!

Thanks again!
Hope you had a Happy Birthday Paul! My DH will be 50 in April!

<marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=green><font size=4>HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PAUL</font size></marquee>

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=navy> I hope you had a wonderful birthday w/your family (even if it was for a few hours).


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