Please Put Your Arms Down, There are Kids Behind You

hope no one runs thru the picture you wanted in front of castle as they are enjoying their trip also. and yes it has happened to us. and ride photos are planned for us as grandkids love them and yes it could be a first time memory. and yes we have been in front car of some coaster rides where hands were over a child's face. there is only one chanced of a first time riding photo

And maybe there is only one chance of a ride for that person with their hands up.
Nobody cares about your photos but you so the onus is on you to get the perfect shot if that is what you are looking for.
Amusement park rides are made to be ridden, they aren't made as a photo background. Take a pic of the kid standing in line and then ride the ride. Trust me your kids aren't going to forget anything if they don't see their face in the shot.
hope no one runs thru the picture you wanted in front of castle as they are enjoying their trip also. and yes it has happened to us.
There are thousands and thousands of guests each day to MK. Your chance of people being in your photo is pretty much guaranteed and're almost guaranteed to be in photos of those thousands and thousands of guests each day too. How you handle that fact is all up to you.
hope no one runs thru the picture you wanted in front of castle as they are enjoying their trip also. and yes it has happened to us. and ride photos are planned for us as grandkids love them and yes it could be a first time memory. and yes we have been in front car of some coaster irides where hands were over a child's face. there is only one chanced of a first time riding photo

This post reminds me so much of the infamous "bubbles" post where everyone was fighting about whether toddlers' fun playing with the the bubble wands they sell at the World trumps adults annoyance at getting bubbles in their face, or vice versa. Everyone is on vacation, just trying to have a good time. But given the number of people in close proximity to you at Disney World, the odds of someone doing something annoying in your immediate surroundings are pretty much 100%. I think we could all stand to take a lesson from Queen Elsa, take a deep breath and "Let it go." It's just not worth it letting this sort of thing bother you.
This post reminds me so much of the infamous "bubbles" post where everyone was fighting about whether toddlers' fun playing with the the bubble wands they sell at the World trumps adults annoyance at getting bubbles in their face, or vice versa. Everyone is on vacation, just trying to have a good time. But given the number of people in close proximity to you at Disney World, the odds of someone doing something annoying in your immediate surroundings are pretty much 100%. I think we could all stand to take a lesson from Queen Elsa, take a deep breath and "Let it go." It's just not worth it letting this sort of thing bother you.
lol it's not even close to that thread but funny you should bring it up.

Blowing bubbles into someone's face in an enclosed space is not the same as potentially blocking someone's face by various ways for a PhotoPass. If someone else's hands went right in front of your eyes on a ride sure I can see the comparison. One is actually disrupting a person (bubbles) the other is for a ride photo (hands up).

Feel free though to go comment on that other thread if you'd like more discussion on the bubbles.
My son and I are in the back row. I would give anything to be able to move that girl's arm to see the full terror on his When I saw the picture, I never thought to blame the girl. She is having fun and the whole car had their hands up. It happens :)


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This post reminds me so much of the infamous "bubbles" post where everyone was fighting about whether toddlers' fun playing with the the bubble wands they sell at the World trumps adults annoyance at getting bubbles in their face, or vice versa. Everyone is on vacation, just trying to have a good time. But given the number of people in close proximity to you at Disney World, the odds of someone doing something annoying in your immediate surroundings are pretty much 100%. I think we could all stand to take a lesson from Queen Elsa, take a deep breath and "Let it go." It's just not worth it letting this sort of thing bother you.

I think we should start a thread about person hygiene. That has a much greater impact on people's enjoyment on vacation than arm raising does, especially when you combine hygiene issues with arm raising...
Is this the position we adults must embrace on rides now?! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
View attachment 335857
Isn't that the pose for "in the event of a water landing" scenarios we are prepped for during pre-flight procedures?

Well, on that ride it DOES make sense...

I think we should start a thread about person hygiene. That has a much greater impact on people's enjoyment on vacation than arm raising does, especially when you combine hygiene issues with arm raising...
I'd vote for general civility and manners over hygiene. :teeth:
My son and I are in the back row. I would give anything to be able to move that girl's arm to see the full terror on his When I saw the picture, I never thought to blame the girl. She is having fun and the whole car had their hands up. It happens :)
Your photo is not showing up :(.

I've been really enjoying everyone's photos!
Or it may be the ONE picture of the first, and maybe only, time they rode the roller coaster.

And noone, ever, had a good memory of their first something or other without a picture of it, right? How does that work for sex, BTW?

hope no one runs thru the picture you wanted in front of castle as they are enjoying their trip also. and yes it has happened to us. and ride photos are planned for us as grandkids love them and yes it could be a first time memory. and yes we have been in front car of some coaster rides where hands were over a child's face. there is only one chanced of a first time riding photo

How about just enjoying the vacation, and not obsessing over the photos? Also, see above ;)
(Have only read the first and last pages.)

OP, I do understand warning people to ask for the front row if ride photos are really important to them (and the hands in the air thing actually does bother me, but for safety reasons) but I also think this is worth considering:
Are photos so important now that they come before the actual experience that is being photographed?

I think sometimes we miss the real "moments" of our vacation while chasing after the perfect paper memories.
I don’t care where you put your hands, up, down, just don’t elbow me in the face in the process!!!

Ride photos are hit or miss, with or without hands. It doesn’t seem practical or reasonable to ask others to change when in the end, it isn’t going to fix the problem.

I think with thrill rides, there is a certain expectation that people are going to hold up their hands, especially at the drop parts which is where the photo is usually taken on many rides. So asking people to go against the norm seems a little much to me. If this was not the norm or expected behavior, it would be different. IE, asking people not to hold their hands above their head in a show is completely reasonable because no one expects the person in front of them to put their hands up. On a coaster, I expect the people around me to either be holding on for dear life or raising their hands.

Putting them down for the pic sounds like a good compromise until you stop to really think about. Many people don’t know when the flash will be, it is usually at a part of the ride you’d traditionally raise your arms at (even if you’d had them down up to that point), it can be difficult and/or distracting trying to pay attention to when and where you’d need to lower them, with many people not being able to react fast enough even if they genuinely tried, and this would impact / inconvenience the majority not the minority.

Now, let’s factor in that just as many photos are “ruined” by other things besides arms, people’s heads, seat backs, hats, Mickey ears, and even if you aren’t blocked by anything, that still doesn’t guarantee a good pic. You could be looking the wrong way, or have your eyes closed, or be making a weird face. It’s a gamble no matter what.

So in the end, if keeping hands down, would actually make a difference, and if riding with hands down was the norm, I think it would be reasonable to ask people to do that. However, that just isn’t the case, so I don’t think choosing to keep your hands up is inconsiderate at all.

It’s definitely great to point out the issue and make newbies aware of something they might not have considered. Knowing the risk of not ending up with great pics or pics where you are blocked could help someone decide if paying for the package is worth it or not.

If capturing the ride memory is important to you, try something different. Pose outside the ride or even in the queue line. The backgrounds for those pics will be much better themed, and you can take time to get a good shot, everyone posed, smiling, looking at camera. If there is a test seat or sample ride vehicle you could pose there. Ask to ride in the front row or ask the opinion on which rows or seats will provide the best angled views. You can always look at other’s photos before you ride to see the camera angels, and where you need to sit or look for the best photo. Be prepared to ride more than once to get that perfect shot. But most of all, just realize there is no guarantee on the quality of the ride photo. It’s a candid shot and any number of things could mess it up, so I wouldn’t depend on that alone for your ride memory.
Just came across this news story, I'm sure others have seen it as well. I thought it was appropriate to add to this discussion, and wonder what the OP would think of this woman.
If you don't like the link, just Google "woman engagement space mountain", it's on lots of sites.

(see the next post for the picture without having to go to an outside link)
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