Please Read- New Signature Rules

I need help, I would like to have a signature picture when we post showing SSR and BWV but have not been able to figure this out where can I get the pictures or link? Is there somewhere that has instructions on what to do?
Thanks in advance :thumbsup2

Take a look at This Post
Hi How do you put a photo in your signature.

1. Size the photo using your photo editing program. Keep in mind your entire signature cannot exceed 250 pixels in height. Also, no image can exceed 600 pixels in width.

2. Upload the photo to a photo site such as the DISboards photopost area, or to another site such as

3. Link to the photo in your signature. The one you tried to use has a bad link. You don't have the full address. The link will start with the HTTP statement, and end with the filename extension, usually it is .jpg

I assume this is the photo you're trying to add...

If so, then the code in your signature should be this: [img][/img]

If you have some specific questions, feel free to post.
.... so forgive me... :angel:

I would like to have my signature be horizontal instead of vertical. There must be some sort of code that allows my text to wrap around my image?

.... so forgive me... :angel:

I would like to have my signature be horizontal instead of vertical. There must be some sort of code that allows my text to wrap around my image?


First, remove the [Center]......[/Center] tags. These are putting everything in the center of the display.

Then to have things go across, simply put in a space between the items you want to be on the same line. Hitting the "Enter" key puts things on the next line.

Think of it just like typing a sentence. Everything you type stays on one line until you hit "enter". Everything on the same line will wrap depending on the size of the display. However if you have an image on the same line as your text, the text doesn't 'wrap around' the image. it just moves down to the lowest point of the image. It would be similar to having a larger text somewhere in a sentence. For example having LARGE text (or a large image) right in the middle of a paragraph will move the line with the large text down which makes the regular size text have a lot of space above it.

You might also want to change displaying the full URL address as your link. Many like to use a clickable descriptive phrase such as "Click Here", or "My Vacation Photos".

Hope this helps.
Thanks, Caskbill!

I did figure how to get the text to wrap around, then realize the board doesn't accept HTML code.

So, I just kept it basically the way it is.
I can't figure out why my blue fairy is now a red x:confused3

I stole it from the blue fairy but that was like two years ago:confused3
I am unable to add pictures or clipart to my signature.
I checked and it is highlighted No in blue.
How can I change this?
My signature's ticker is no longer working. I tried to redo it & the system is stating that I used a "censored" word & also states that I have to remove the word. Now, I'm wondering if my signature was deactivated. I put a line from Pirates of the Caribbean, "Hide the rum." Is this no longer permitted? Thanks for your help.
My signature's ticker is no longer working. I tried to redo it & the system is stating that I used a "censored" word & also states that I have to remove the word. Now, I'm wondering if my signature was deactivated. I put a line from Pirates of the Caribbean, "Hide the rum." Is this no longer permitted? Thanks for your help.

Please read this thread:
Here is what my user CP looks like, i dont not even have a Edit Signature tab??
<a href=""><img src="" alt=" Ticker" border="0"/></a>
This should be stickied everywhere, maybe even sent as private messages or email. I never would have seen this if I didn't come to this forum to see if anyone experience issues yesterday afternoon.

Edit: Never mind, this thread is from 5 years ago.

Although I think it's funny that, to me, signature sizes are still a problem. I turned off viewing signatures two years ago.


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