Plumeria update

Mine have been outside all winter - covered with sheets one or two freezing days. They lost their leaves, but all are showing signs of new growth. You might gently pull on your stick. If you meet resistance it is rooted. Otherwise pull stick out and see if it is rotted. If so, cut off he rotted part and put in potting medium again. BTW I use 2/3 perlite or vermiculite (I'm not sure what the difference is - except one has larger pellets than the other) and try again. When it is warm enough - either outside or inside with light - try putting a heating pad under the pot. Water very lightly.
Great! Thanks for the info. I keep scrutinizing it to see if there is any growth. I keep thinking I see buds ready to burst with growth but nothing has happened yet. I have it sitting in a south facing window and we have been getting a lot of sunshine the past month so I think it's getting ample warmth and light. I'll keep you posted.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

marydmjj said:
Still a stick! :earboy2:

We purchased our sticks on NYE at DTD and ours have sprouted! I see a leaf!
They're DH's and he planted them in small plastic sand pails and put them on the window ledge. I didnt really expect much, but now Im really excited!!

Good luck with yours Mary!
Mine from about a year ago is now about 2 feet tall and has two branches. No flowers yet though.
Well guys...

It's officially DEAD. Guess I'm going to have to go back to WDW & try again.
Go back to WDW by all means, but don't buy plumeria there. The best place online is Maui Gardens. I'll get the website for you if you want. Very cheap if you order a mystery cutting. If you want get a two or three branch stick. She always sends more than you paid for as well. Very good to deal with and beautiful plants.
Marlasmom, Thanks for the info. I didn't know you could bring home plants from WDW on the plane so this link would be helpful to me. Been waiting for the trip.
Here is the link for Maui Plumeria Gardens. If it doesn't work, just type Maui Plumeria Gardens into your browser and it should come up. Sorry for the delay. We have had some serious health issues here.

The plumeria at WDW are not named varieties. I have had very poor results with my purchases from there as have others in my forum. They cut so many and hold them so they are not very fresh. Go to GardenWeb and click on forums (there are lots and lots of them) and then go to the plumeria forum. Very helpful - although a lot of the people there are shall we say - obsessed.

I have bought "mystery cuttings" from Maui Plumeria Gardens for about $4 or $5 each and they have been beautiful. I like to buy two or three-branched sticks.

There are sometimes other sources on the plumeria forum.
Thanks for the link!

I do have to give WDW credit, because our yellow plumeria is doing really well. We now have several leaves and it is fully rooted. The pink one is growing, but not nearly as fast.

If it weren't for our stopping at DTD at the booth, I would have never thought to grow plumeria's or enjoy the experience so as a first timer Im grateful for the intro, but I will definitely purchase more from the link.
Each variety behaves differently. All of mine, except two, lost their leaves this winter (I left them outside, but covered them on the two days we expected freezing temperatures). I have no clue as to why those two didn't lose their leaves. All of mine (I think I have 14) are starting inflows now (little claw-like things at the end of the branches. I have one that flowers repeatedly - others flower once a season. The yellow ones seem to be the most vigorous. I wish I could bring myself to cut off branches so I could give you some cuttings because I understand that when they are cut they put out two branches at the cut. Maybe when they are a little bigger. My sister who lived i St. Pete Beach keeps telling me to put them in the ground. She had a beauty for many years, but admits it died during a freeze.


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