POLL: How many DIS are willing to pay to play Wizard101?

Will you pay to play Wizard 101?

  • Yes, $9.95/month is reasonable

  • No, $9.95/month is too much

  • Undecided

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I figured that you wouldn't be able to have two wizards logged on at the same time on one account, but how many wizards are you allowed on your account. Can I play my secondary wizard still? Or do I have to pay for a secondary wizard?
So no family plan then? I've had so much fun playing Wizard 101 with my son. We've been talking this morning about if it's worth the money to buy two subscriptions or not, even at a year-long deal for $60, $120 for the two of us.

Might there be some work around? In POTC I have the paid subscription. My son has the free version. Disney provided a way with POTC for us to attach/link his free account to my paid account, so he also can play unlimited.

Not trying to pick on the game here -- but -- did anybody else get frustrated in Marleybone by being drug into street fights you didn't want to join? I did the fast-foot shuffle and followed the baddies, tried walking down the middle of the street, every J-walking trick I could come up with, and still got dragged into them. This issue is also a big part of my decision whether to continue with the game or not. Was Moo Shoo this bad too?
No. You have to have 2 separate log-ins which means you have to have 2 separate accounts.

The accounts can be managed from 1 'parent' log-in associated with 1 email address, but you have to have 2 separate log-ins and 2 separate paid accounts.

Thanks. That's what I thought, but it was worth a shot.

I figured that you wouldn't be able to have two wizards logged on at the same time on one account, but how many wizards are you allowed on your account. Can I play my secondary wizard still? Or do I have to pay for a secondary wizard?

I don't know for sure, but I would think you'd still be able to have your multiple wizards on one account the way you do now. (At least I am hoping so.) I like the difference in play using wizards from a variety of schools.

DH and I are trying to figure out whether to share one account or splurge for 2. As he said, this is the first time we both have liked a game enough to play together. Our anniversary is coming up on Friday, we might splurge and get 2 accounts instead of dinner out. :goodvibes
Not trying to pick on the game here -- but -- did anybody else get frustrated in Marleybone by being drug into street fights you didn't want to join? I did the fast-foot shuffle and followed the baddies, tried walking down the middle of the street, every J-walking trick I could come up with, and still got dragged into them. This issue is also a big part of my decision whether to continue with the game or not. Was Moo Shoo this bad too?

That happened to me all the time in Marleybone. Drove me nuts! It was especially frustrating when you weren't anywhere near them and they dragged you in. I didn't place Moo Shu enough to know if that happens there.
The game has provided hours and hours of entertainment for me and my family. It certainly has more bang for the buck than moives. I've already subscribed. :)
I figured that you wouldn't be able to have two wizards logged on at the same time on one account, but how many wizards are you allowed on your account. Can I play my secondary wizard still? Or do I have to pay for a secondary wizard?

I have wizards all over the place and have asked if they can be moved to one account. Will let you know what they say.
Mooshu...I rarely got pulled into a street fight. The walkways are much nicer.

I believe that you can have your 8 different 'students' on your one log-in.

Personally I am going to pay for 1 month. I believe that I can finish it completely in 4 weeks as I am already well into Krok.
Then I guess I am going to be searching for a new -sigh - game to play.
I figured that you wouldn't be able to have two wizards logged on at the same time on one account, but how many wizards are you allowed on your account. Can I play my secondary wizard still? Or do I have to pay for a secondary wizard?
You can have up to 6 wizards on one account. I’ve been playing my secondary already today, and am about to create a third.

The game has provided hours and hours of entertainment for me and my family. It certainly has more bang for the buck than moives. I've already subscribed. :)
As have I, my friend. (Now if we could just meet up in the game so I can get you back on my list!)

I opted for the year plan, hoping that KingsIsle will make it worthwhile. Disney certainly hasn’t (so far) with Pirates Online. I took the year plan there, too – at the same price as W101 – yet there has been no real story content added since the initial launch last November.

ADDED NOTE: The Pioneer Dragons are still available from Zeke in Olde Towne. So if any subscribers have bought crowns, you can get dragons for your secondary/extra wizards today.
Well it is 4:30 eastern standard time and Sitll non US residence can not subscribe. So it is safe to say any wizards you see in Cyclops, fire Alley and Krokotopia etc are all US residence.

I am so annoyed. At the very least they could have unlocked the whole game until this issue is figured out. To me this is bad customer service.

I know they are aware of it. But until they do us Non residence are stuck to basically nothing. Penalized for there accounting program mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I did not enjoy this game so much I would walk away by now. So any not sure this may just be the thing that has them walk away.

How long can it take to get the address box to change to allow other countries to play. Must be a credit card issue.

So you will find me in the dueling area / or window shopping doing nothing tonight with little pixie fairdust tears running down her face :(
Once again I could invoke the VMK reputation of the never-ending, never-expiring, always fun game...but that just depresses me over my peach yogurt and bagel. So... I won't.

If only Disney had a clue. The never-ending, never-expiring, (most of the time cough pirate quest cough) fun game is what we have all been looking for, at least I have, and have not been able to find yet. Maybe I will call them up at Disney Online and make the suggestion that they re-open VMK. :rotfl2:
I'm seriously considering paying (assuming my paycheck goes through okay) for the following reasons, some of which you all have so wonderfully discussed already (to my pleasure, since I was on the fence).

1) I do purchase video games for my XBox 360. Even though this is not a strict analogy to purchasing a subscription based game, I can say this: I usually buy role playing games that give me a story I can play through and that lasts several months. Usually 100 to 120 hours. I generally pay about $60 for those games. Though I don't know if it logs hours that I can see, I have already spent quite a bit of enjoyable time over the last few months on Wizards and figure I have quite a bit of playing time left.

2) Sure I can sell agame back afterwards on the Xbox, but usually for not that much after I'm done with it (many months after it came out). Plus, I'm not always left with tangible, sellable goods when I travel (another form of paying for entertaining experiences).

3) I have netflix, which costs more per month than Wizards and gives me less time for my buck.

4) The deal given us right now isn't bad if we figure that several of us plan on trying it out for six months. We are currently given the offer to spend $60 for six months (monthly plan), $50 for six months (6 month plan) or $60 for six months and then six months for free (the year plan as it stands with the soon to expire deal). If you can commit to six months using the year plan, then it's a nice deal to only pay ten dollars more for another six months over the six month plan. I hope that all makes sense.

5) Comparing other things, it is less than the cost of one dinner at a nice restaurant per month.

Other than those who don't personally agree on the value (and a lot of valid points have been made), I think a lot of the problem is going to be from folks who can't prepay, who can't pay in the next week, or who have other competing monetary commitments. I do wish the offer for a year would last for beta members for the next month or so rather than expiring in less than a week.

I'm feeling like it's a good decision, but I will say I will probably drag my feet for a day or two just because I'm like that with monetary commitments.

Hope to see some of you around post wipe, post payments.
Not trying to pick on the game here -- but -- did anybody else get frustrated in Marleybone by being drug into street fights you didn't want to join? I did the fast-foot shuffle and followed the baddies, tried walking down the middle of the street, every J-walking trick I could come up with, and still got dragged into them. This issue is also a big part of my decision whether to continue with the game or not. Was Moo Shoo this bad too?
Frankly, my horrible lag in Marleybone plus those impossible streets were the ultimate factors for me deciding not to subscribe. I regret that I did not get around to posting about it in their forums before the launch, because now as a non-subscriber I cannot, and I think they need to be aware just how much this can affect the attractiveness of the game.

I came very close to being tempted by the half-off subscription price, and would have enjoyed going through Mooshu, but having to go through Marleybone to get there was a show-stopper.
So you will find me in the dueling area / or window shopping doing nothing tonight with little pixie fairdust tears running down her face :(
So sorry, Belle! Hopefully they will remedy the problem soon.
Belle, this was just posted on the Wizard Forums in the Headmaster Tower forum.

International players are now able to successfully enter their region information and subscribe and/or buy crowns!

Thank you to all our international players who messaged us.

See you in Wizard City!"
i subscribed and took the Year Special, [buy 6 get 6 is the way i look at it] crowns seem a bit high but if ya wanna be a sharp dressed wizard ya gotta pay.
I just wanted to mention that W101 is a *very* open-ended game. It is not the kind of game that you can "finish."

I know from "reliable sources" that there are many new lands and features currently in development and in planning stages.:thumbsup2
I assumed that was the case based on their forum discussion about ideas for new worlds. Keep in mind that Everquest, the old online Ultima, WoW, add content as the games are developed.

Our disadvantage is that we're at the kick off so that there will be some wait times as the content rolls out. I'll use that time to play POTC or work up another wizard in a different school.

The quality of the game and the staff's willingness to communicate convinced me to subscribe at least for now. I think they have the potential to have a terrific, long-term game and am willing to take the gamble.
Hmm... been reading through everyone's thoughts on the official forum on the Wizard 101 site.

I now know for sure I am going to subscribe, but I think I'm going to do it at the monthly price for the moment. I think they have done a great job with the discounted rate for the full year, but the decision goes down to this for me:

1) Is there enough content for the full six months and will Wizard last that long? I'm hoping there will be, but the decision to pay the full $60 is based on risk.

2) Will there be subscription deals/sales later? Again, always a possibility, and again a risk.

3) Where will I be timewise in the next year? I'm starting my teaching on Saturdays again this week, which cuts off my time I can play.

4) Will I know anyone online, particularly Dis people I have grown to enjoy the company of through VMK and now Wizards?

5) How much time will I play per month? Though I heavily enjoy the game now, I do admit it is a bit repetitive in terms of its quests (as any RPG is). Will the story and challenge keep me interested? (the true test of any role playing game)

So I will see some of you around on Wizard 101, but for now on a month to month basis until I'm ready to commit. I do know that I will get my money's worth in the next month or two (only 20 dollars! that's not bad at all), but if they add in more, then they will keep my interest and I may commit to a longer plan.
I really hate posting twice in a row, but I've just spent a lot of time reading reports from others and trying to make a decision of whether or not to go forward with Wizard 101. I've also seen a lot of less moderated boards go crazy with complaints, flame wars, etc. over the whole thing.

Maybe these thoughts will help:

To sum up, the discussion for many is based on these two factors:

1) value - is the game right now worth the money at the current price structure?
2) risk - will the game be worthwhile in the future? will they add enough content, higher levels, more worlds? Will the game be sustainable?

For those who have issues with the value and risk, I offer these recommendations:

1) If it isn't worth your time at any cost, then find something else. Vote with your voice once on the boards and then vote with your pocketbook and leave.

2) For those of you who like the game and think it is worth some of your money, but are worried about what the game might turn into, then decide on a value of what you played in beta. In other words, if the game never continued adding content and only had what it did in beta, how much are you willing to spend to play it through to the end of the beta version in MooShu? If that's ten dollars to replay, then play for a month and decide then whether you want to continue. If it's $20 and it will take you that long to get there, then play for two months. If your level is $30, then give it three months on a monthly plan. Make the decision based on what you think the value is worth for what you KNOW you will get based on beta. This way, you get your money's worth no matter what and then you can see if you want to invest further if the new worlds and content are worth it. You are out nothing.

3) For those of you who like the game and believe it has a future, and you want to support that future being possible, then save some money on a great deal and go for the yearly special they are offering this week. You get six months for free after paying the six month, month by month price.

Now what I do agree on the most is the need for a multiple user per household discount... it's just good business sense.

Really, the entire decision to play the game at this point for individuals is based on the decisions I listed above. Find your price point/value cost for what you've seen already in beta and then figure out your level of risk/belief in the future of the game. The value decision can be made by a lot of things (comparisons to other games, comparisons to other time you could spend doing other things, budget). The risk decision basically helps you figure out which plan, if any, you want to be put on.

I'm going to give it two months. My price point is $20 to replay the game to the level i was at in beta. If I see further value beyond that, I will continue. If not, I got my money's worth out of the whole thing.

See you guys in Wizard 101. :)
I pretty much evaluated in the same manner as sundowner76

I went with the annual

At the pace I play the game the $60 value was to good for me to pass up

I even bought $10 in crowns (impulse buy last minute, see this is why I am not allowed to food shop :rotfl: )


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