Kelli....can you post everyone who ended up coming to the Glow Party at some point from the original list? :goodvibes

I would love to know how many people came! It was a great turn-out and I wish I could have met more people!

We booked the bounceback for next year....we're really hoping we can make it. Not sure about our dates yet but we have some time to figure it out! My dh and I came home from WDW with colds too. I think we're still recovering from the trip ;)
Hi everyone~
We got home yesterday after a very LONG 2 weeks...I'll start working on my trip report so that you can hear all about it. Let me just say that traveling with 10 family members can be very stressful and ANNOYING!!!

It was so great to meet all of you. Wish we could've made it to the party a little earlier so that we would've had more time to talk to everyone.

We didn't do the bounceback just because we figured that we don't know what our schedules look like for next year or where we will be. There is a good chance we will be back in Alaska permanently after the new year due to jobs.

Anyway, I've come down with a horrible cold and feel like crap! I'm in the process of downloading all of our pictures. We took over 2000 pictures...I couldn't believe it when I saw how many we took. We also used photopass a lot & have 300 photos on there. In otherwords, we will post tons of pictures on our trip report when we get it started. In the meantime, I have photos posted on my Myspace account if anyone has myspace, I know there are a few of you.

I've gotta run, but I will be back this afternoon to tell more about our trip & get caught up on all the recent posts.

:) Becky
Kelli....can you post everyone who ended up coming to the Glow Party at some point from the original list? :goodvibes

I would love to know how many people came! It was a great turn-out and I wish I could have met more people!

We booked the bounceback for next year....we're really hoping we can make it. Not sure about our dates yet but we have some time to figure it out! My dh and I came home from WDW with colds too. I think we're still recovering from the trip ;)

I sure will, I have the list at home so I will get started on it first thing in the a.m :yay:
Man, I do not know what is up. Some of us got sick when we got to Florida and are now doing better (Me, especially) and others of us got sick when we went home. Hopefully everyone will be back to their own original and wonderful selves soon!! Life is too short to be sick. :banana:

Minnieandme, are the one whom I might have insulted? I cannot hear well and think I misunderstood you when you said who you were and called you by a wrong name. It was not my intent, I am just a flawed person. Please forgive??:confused:

If anyone that took pictures that night would care to PM me I would love to have copies and plan to add them to the DVD commenerating the parties to send to those who are interested. (Hopefully before we leave for DW in December) I am starting on my Christmas cards next week as all holiday things have to be done before we leave as we will be home a couple of days before the big day. (if bad weather does not strand us at DW) :confused3

Utah, I am going to save your TR for when I get back from teaching my classes. It will be my reward although spending time with those kids is a reward in its own. I bought new wheeled carts to make it easier on me this year. At my age I need every advantage. :woohoo:

Kellie, you were just as I had imagined you to be. Hopefully you did not get too worn out with all the party preparations and clean up. I felt badly that I was not up to doing much more than just being there and I had such a wonderful time. Thank you!!:love:

Slightly Goofy/Linda
Kellie, you were just as I had imagined you to be. Hopefully you did not get too worn out with all the party preparations and clean up. I felt badly that I was not up to doing much more than just being there and I had such a wonderful time. Thank you!!:love:

Slightly Goofy/Linda

Ahhhhhhhh Linda, your are just the sweetest thing :hug: I knew you the moment I saw you.. and couldn't give you enough hugs.. Good new is, I will see you in December too :thumbsup2 Dec. 11-16 for me :goodvibes

Everyone was great about the clean up, looked like we were never there :rotfl:
I was just wondering what's the deal w/ all the sickness... DH and I caught the same stuff... babies just have a cough....

Utahmama.... link didn't work for me... but I'll check the TR board....

Kelli... I'd love to see that list too.... I know I met quite a few ppl but only a few names really sunk in for me.... you being one of course... awesome chick that you are .... ;)
I was just wondering what's the deal w/ all the sickness... DH and I caught the same stuff... babies just have a cough....

Utahmama.... link didn't work for me... but I'll check the TR board....

Kelli... I'd love to see that list too.... I know I met quite a few ppl but only a few names really sunk in for me.... you being one of course... awesome chick that you are .... ;)

I love you to T..:goodvibes

So let's see if I can start this by memory then check my list at home...BRB:idea:
I love you to T..:goodvibes

So let's see if I can start this by memory then check my list at home...BRB:idea:

Nope, I'm not going to go there, I am so afraid that I will leave someone out:scared: I'll wait till I get my list:coffee:
keliblue, gee, I sure got YOU fooled!! :rotfl2: Sweet??? Semi Sweet, possibly. There is a bite to my humor. :laughing:

Tanya90210, I wonder if the unexpected weather did not bring out the worst in all of us?? Just a thought. We got sick when we were there last Summer as well though. It was worse as we were actually bedbound for several days. Ugh!!:confused3

Utah, your link was missing, sort of like my husband. :lmao: I will check the TR thread and see if I can track it down. Worth the trouble, I am sure. :cheer2:

I used to ruminate on the fact that most folks seem to remember me while I sometimes cannot remember them. I put it down to the fact that I give a lot of talks and it is easier to remember the speaker rather than the audience but I am coming to terms with the fact that it might just be cause I AM A CHARACTER. Truth will out. :dance3: The awful thing is that I just am too darned old to change nor do I want to. I yam what I yam!!

Slightly Goofy/Linda

(You all best look at yourselves cause I seem to remember MOST of you this trip and you KNOW what that means~~):flower3:
When is the next Glow party???

My votes for Sept 30 2008... a mid week party... so we are all comfortable in our surroundings .... this time alot of us had just gotten there....

If Keliblue isn't doing bounceback I'd be happy to organize Glow II but if she is.... more power to her ;)
Oh My Gosh!! That would be awesome! I was so late getting to the Glow Party that I didn't really get to chat with many of you.
Utha the link isnt working still:confused3

Kelli- you better come visit my TR- atleast to say hi:goodvibes

Slightlygoofy- Thank you for the gift you gave me at the Glow party-- Im sooooo glad I got to meet you!!! You truely are a sweetheart!!!

Im in for the glow party--just wonder if I can get in without tickets to any parks cause I cant get Dane to commit to going agin next year- BOOO!
Utha the link isnt working still:confused3

Kelli- you better come visit my TR- atleast to say hi:goodvibes

Slightlygoofy- Thank you for the gift you gave me at the Glow party-- Im sooooo glad I got to meet you!!! You truely are a sweetheart!!!

Im in for the glow party--just wonder if I can get in without tickets to any parks cause I cant get Dane to commit to going agin next year- BOOO!

We'll work on him ;) :rolleyes1
Welcome home, everyone! As I predicted, we couldn't make the GLOW party, but I was thrilled to run into several of you around the parks/resorts. It just goes to show you that you never can have too many LGMHPC's on your bags, strollers and bodies. I met so many DIS-ers this trip, and was even focked (thanks SlightlyGoofy) and chased down (thanks aksunshine). Glad to hear the party was such a success, and I can't wait to start reading all the TR's and seeing all the pictures!

Booked the bounce back for 9/13 - 9/20 at POFQ.

Hopefully we'll see you there, as we booked for 9/6-9/20 at POFQ. Gotta squeeze the trip in before the AP's expire (even though it means I'll likely have to miss the glow party, part 2 :mad:).

10 days of walking, eating, boating, eating, playing, eating took it's toll. Oh, and did I mention eating. Which is why I missed the Glo Party! I had been looking forward to it so much. My suitcase was packed with Glow goodies! We stayed to see Wishes after SpectroMagic, and after getting off the bus at POP swung past the pool to see where you all were. I had been feeling a little queasy, but by the time we got to the room to pickup the Glo stuff I was sick. Up until that night, my DH and I had been sharing appetizers and desserts. But that night, I had my own, Lobster Bisque, Filet Mignon and Triple Chocolate Cake! Way too much food for me! I was so mad :mad: at myself, because it was my own fault. So disappointed to have missed the event!!!! Hope you all had a great time.

I had the same problem the following night (9/23). Apparently, in my case, an English Rose (adult beverage) + fruit and cheese plate + half of my dh's stewed mushrooms + vegetable curry + sticky toffee pudding = :crazy2: :sick: at 2 am. Who knew?

We also were struck by the curse of the colds. Ds started sniffling the day before we left, but it cleared up within a couple of days. Dd was congested the second day of the trip, but it also only lasted a couple of days. I was the last to get it, but fortunately Sudafed was enough to keep me going. Sorry to hear a few of you weren't as lucky.

Good night all!
Minnieandme, are the one whom I might have insulted? I cannot hear well and think I misunderstood you when you said who you were and called you by a wrong name. It was not my intent, I am just a flawed person. Please forgive??:confused:

Slightly Goofy/Linda

No insults taken here. BTW, hope you enjoyed your nice and loooooooooong trip. Are you gonna do a trip report too? I'll get around to reading everyone else's sooner or later.
My votes for Sept 30 2008... a mid week party... so we are all comfortable in our surroundings .... this time alot of us had just gotten there....

If Keliblue isn't doing bounceback I'd be happy to organize Glow II but if she is.... more power to her ;)

"If" I go (which I probably will;) ) I would have to go before my AP expires, so the 30th would not work for me :guilty: . But please feel free to organize away.

Oh My Gosh!! That would be awesome! I was so late getting to the Glow Party that I didn't really get to chat with many of you.

Ahhhhh Yaaaaaaaaaa... you were :rolleyes: but we sure had fun once you got there :rotfl: Aren"t you the one with 300 naked bears in your closet :rotfl2:

Utha the link isnt working still:confused3

Kelli- you better come visit my TR- atleast to say hi:goodvibes

I sure will, plan on reading it today sister :woohoo:

Slightlygoofy- Thank you for the gift you gave me at the Glow party-- Im sooooo glad I got to meet you!!! You truely are a sweetheart!!!

Im in for the glow party--just wonder if I can get in without tickets to any parks cause I cant get Dane to commit to going agin next year- BOOO!

So go without him :rolleyes1 I will be going solo or take my god daughter if I go:woohoo:

Welcome home, everyone! As I predicted, we couldn't make the GLOW party, but I was thrilled to run into several of you around the parks/resorts. It just goes to show you that you never can have too many LGMHPC's on your bags, strollers and bodies. I met so many DIS-ers this trip, and was even focked (thanks SlightlyGoofy) and chased down (thanks aksunshine). Glad to hear the party was such a success, and I can't wait to start reading all the TR's and seeing all the pictures!

Hopefully we'll see you there, as we booked for 9/6-9/20 at POFQ. Gotta squeeze the trip in before the AP's expire (even though it means I'll likely have to miss the glow party, part 2 :mad:).

I'm in the same boat, my AP expires on 9/21 so I would have to go prior to that too. I am thinking maybe Sept 4 -13 for me.
Just a idea for next year..... (a little too late now, I know:sad2: ) But whenever we travel we always pack the Claritin. I have noticed when we go different places my sinuses ALWAYS go nutz!!!!! :confused3 , so Claritin to the rescue. I have also noticed that the generic works just as well but at half the price!!!! Just a little tidbit for next year.
P.S. it was great to meet everyone there, we had a blast!!!!!!! (I was the one with the missing DH and DD as they were too busy running around the steps leading to the lobby :lmao: )


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