Positive thoughts please-ups and downs p.42

Merry Christmas!

So happy to see the news continuing to be positive.

Is this something that brings some Christmas cheer? :rotfl:

lol I wouldn’t laugh at another’s misfortune. I don’t want to run into him or his family and it’s not a huge hospital.
Merry Christmas! That first year is the hardest and it even sounds like improvement is coming quickly now. Great news!
Well, I’m glad that’s over with. I love Christmas, but this year was tougher than I even thought it would be. I had a stomach bug that just wouldn’t go away so I ended up missing bowling with my family and game night with them. Not to mention all the time I missed with Richard.

I saw him for an hour on Christmas Day and that was nice, but he now is sharing his room so it was a little cramped. Plus, I didn’t want to give him any germs so I just sat at the foot of his bed. It was nice seeing him but it was too short and with too many people.

After that, I went with my parents to my sisters house to do our gift exchange. I also was able to see my youngest brother who was in from Toronto. My sister FaceTimed Richard and I FaceTimed Grace so they could watch too. It was nice to talk to Grace but it was so loud and hectic that it was hard to hear her. I passed her around so everyone got a chance to say hi. My bil held my phone up to my sisters so Grace and Richard got to FaceTime for a bit lol

I didn’t eat dinner because I still wasn’t feeling great so I just sat on a couch right by the table. I was doing ok until they had a toast for Grace and Richard..then I got teary. I was able to keep it together through dinner. After, my dad excused himself early to take me home. I was so tired and just wanted to get out of my fancy clothes.

Sorry this is a novel.

As I was getting ready my mom said she would call me the next day to arrange a time for me to see Richard for our anniversary (Boxing Day). My sisters mil was at the door too so she said happy anniversary and I lost it. I cried for a minute or two and then again was able to compose myself but I could feel a deep cry inside. I was in the van with my dad and the one Christmas song that I can’t handle this year came on, I’ll be home for Christmas. Ugh, I started crying again. I was able to calm down a bit but tears were still rolling down my cheeks as I was talking to my dad who, bless him, tried to change the subject to anything else.

I made it into my house and then the floodgates burst. Richard called me and he listened to me sob for 20 minutes. After that, I was ok and we talked about his day.

I went and saw him yesterday and was able to spend around 3 hours with him. He was sitting in a chair and that’s the first time I’d seen him do that. If it wasn’t for the walking, I’m sure he’d be home by now. He is now able to walk for 50 meters, assisted, but that’s amazing considering where we were even a week ago. He can feed himself without the extra grips on his utensils. He’s still had jerky movements, but I’m sure it will get smoother as time goes on.

Today I declared a pyjama day and binging Seinfeld since I got the complete series for Christmas.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and is now recovering.

Sorry for the super long post.
No apologies needed. I need good news in my life. :hug: So glad he is doing better and you were able to be with him while he was sitting in the chair. Tears and good and healthy. I hope the sickies stay away from you!!!
:hug: Kim. Feeling sad here and there is all part of it and if you have to write a novel as you just mentioned go for it.......I've been looking for reading material anyway! ;)

As far as the stomach bug........I'm dealing with that right now. I call it too much Christmas! :crazy2:
I'm glad Richard called you at the right moment. It probably did him some good to be able to take care of you by listening.

It definitely did. When he’s home, he does all the ‘man’ jobs like taking out the garbage and shovelling the snow. He feels very guilty that I’m having to do it now. So, for him, being able to comfort and console me is something he can still do.
Sorry you were ill.....that makes everything seem even worse.
Sounds like things are coming along with Richard.....best to you both and hope this is leading into a very Happy New Year!
Hope that you are recovering from the bug. Wishing you and Richard the VERY BEST OF HEALTH in the New Year!pixiedust: Positive thoughts for steady progress!:grouphug:
Been thinking about you and Richard

Do pray you both are much better

He will be home sooner than later

Wishing you and your family a special nye today!

Sending hugs
Happy New Year to you and Richard. Here’s hoping that Richard is home soon. Wishing you a better 2019. (((HUGS)))
Happy New Year to everyone.

One last BIG bit of news before the new year. Richard is now able to get out of a chair on his own!!!!! He still needs a walker to walk, but is cruising the hallways. He’s still slow and clumsy with a lot of work to go but this is such a huge accomplishment. I’m going to the hospital after work and I’m bringing him a few treats. I’m also bringing cards and maybe scrabble to pass the time. The fact that these activities will work on fine motor is totall besides the point :p

I hope everyone has a warm and safe night tonight. Thanks for letting this be a place for me to cry and also smile.
That is fantastic news, Kim, thank you, as always for letting us cheer you and Richard on! Prayers to you both for a healthy and happy 2019. God Bless You.


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