Possible to see WDW with no plans?


DIS Veteran
Mar 20, 2001
Going in January: Myself & DH, 3 adult kids (one will be 6 months pregnant) and son-in-law.
Staying at OKW. Kids all have been numerous times when they were younger, with the exception of pregnant daughter and SIL who went last year on their honeymoon! Do not want to commando this visit as we did when kids were small. We would love to just see what we can and relax when we want. Staying 5 nites. Does everyone think we can achieve this? We don't have anything that we absolutely must see or do, but we want to explore all the parks. We would like to stick together as much as possible, but pregnant daughter may need to go back to OKW for a nap. Advice? Thank you!
I don't make written plans - just ones in my head - that are always option to change.

so yes you can do it!!!

remember though your DIL might want to rest more than the anyone else in the group.

if you want to stay together this might be a problem

don't ask for the impossible.
I seem to plan and plan and plan...until I get there, and then I just take it as it comes. When I am at WDW,we really go with the flow, the weather,how the kids are feeling, etc.

Having gone on vaca with groups we have found what works best is that if some people want to do one thing they should, if others want to do another then they should. We usually meet later in the day at some predetermined meeting point. Cell phone contact w/ changes helped.

Re: group planning, that is more difficult if there are a few who have certain things they want to do. You may want to do a few-Who wants to go here, if so lets go if not, we'll meet you later at such and such.

Re: Pregnant DIL-that shouldn't stop her and there are plenty of places to take a break at the parks. She may also consider bringing a change of clothes, bathing suit, if she wants to go to a local pool, (assuming you are staying DVC,) close to a certain park to take a break for herself during the day.

Have fun-go with the flow.
We went with my inlaws (about 15 ) people. We don't do comando anymore and they do. What we did was make a PS for dinner and vowed to meet up atleast for dinner (usually at a resort restaurant so if some didn't do parks they didn't have to pay to get in) We went in September and it wasn't busy (like January) and made the seating that morning for that night. We mostly stayed together but seperated sometimes. It worked well.
It's absolutely possible to do this... My wife & I have been going for the past five years with no prior planning. Just go with the flow. Since it's January, you'll probably be able to see more becuase there may be less crowds.

The only thing I would suggest is if there is a restaurant that you ABSOLUTELY want to go to, pick a night and make a reservation. You can always cancel it if you need to.

Since we have DVC, we know we'll be back again soon, so there's no need to go commando style!
That's the way I go every single time. And I have a great time. But I do realize that some people enjoy the planning/being scheduled. Just not me.

Sometimes we/I wait for a bus and get on whatever one pulls up first.

Have a great trip.
WE don't plan much anymore either. I did make a couple of ADRs for our upcoming January trip, but we like winging it better. As for staying together... We have found that to be difficult with larger groups. What works best is to pick an area that everyone wants to see and do and do that together. Then let the group decide what happens next. Some may go one way and some another. Last year in October with 12 of us, we did a few things together and split up into 3-4 groups for other things.
I agree, with a large group don't try to all stay together, at all the times. It will eventually wear thin and become anything but relaxing. We travel a lot with groups to WDW and stay in DVC resorts, it is wonderful. Everyone can easily come and go as they please and you have a nice home base to catch up with everyone. We usually will plan 1-2 things per day. We make the schedule very flexible and subject to change. We usually have a meal per day all together. Parks, we split up a lot because we have our riders and our shows & parades people. Pool time is another time, we tend to all hang out together. The rest of the time, we wing it. Different people hook up at different times, to do different things. I would make ADR's, just to be safe. A large group without ADR's could have a long wait.
Nothing really different to add...other than...Isn't is great to have DVC and know there will always be more stays to enjoy what you miss on the current one. We just came back from our first stay on our own points (and with an annual pass) and the luxury of knowing you will 'catch it next time' is the best !!! Too bad that every new thing we tried seemed like a good thing to add to the 'must do everytime' list !!

Enjoy and don't plan too much. Just the slow walk down Main Street after the fireworks when everyone else is rushing around, can make the whole vacation !
I appreciate all of your comments/advice. We totally understand that we will split up sometimes as pregnant daughter will want to rest more often. Agree on meeting up for dinners will give us together time. First time in several years all of us will be back to our favorite family vacation place and continue our tradition. Then, the next time will be with our new grandbaby! Won't that be special!
..and when you have your new grandbaby, it will be your daughters time to go commando!

Enjoy the time w/ your family. Just being together will be great. Best wishes for a healthy grandchild.
For our family, the hardest moment comes at about 2 PM when we realize that it would be smart to go back to the room and swim or nap, but "just one more ride" beckons. Whenever we give into that temptation, we wind up exhausted and cranky by evening. If you can resist, you'll do just fine!
I don't make plans either. Sometimes DW and I decide to go to one park and when we get to bus stop and it's a long wait we just take the first bus to another park. We have AP's so we can always hit that 1st park later :cool1: :cool1:


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